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12987708 No.12987708 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder to all you lonely anons there wanting to be more likeable and charismatic: all it takes is about 8 intelligent jokes and 4 good stories to make you the life of a party.

Pic related has recycled the same set of gags for years, and he literally fills auditoriums with people paying to see him. You don't have to invent them yourself, but just find an arsenal of clever jokes and practice the delivery a lot. Don't worry about repeating yourself, because it just adds an air of consistency and dependability to your persona.

Next time you're at a party, or talking to a girl on the bus, or asked a question in class, whip out a joke. Even if you contribute nothing else, you've now gone from "that guy who sat in the corner and didn't say anything" to "that quiet guy who told a really funny and intelligent story and made everyone laugh".

It will literally take a weekend to memorize a few good zingers, and will pay off exponentially in your social life.

Also share good jokes and stories you've heard

>> No.12987751

women's rights

>> No.12987772

It’s pretty easy making people laugh but then they’ll think you’re funny so they’ll just have higher expectations when they talk to you one on one and you’re like ‘um nothing much, reading mostly’
How do we remedy this?

>> No.12987819

Actually studies show that people's first impression of you basically doesn't change no matter what you do later on. Or to put it another way, all your subsequent behaviors are put in the context of that first meeting.

As for the remedy, it's universal love for beings.

I never thought about it this way OP, but actually I think you're right. The stories don't even have to be about yourself. I think history is a particularly good source for interesting anecdotes.

Here's one I read about recently which is quite sensational and which I doubt many people know about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sada_Abe

You could even systemize this to some degree, using software like Anki to memorize the pertinent details (names, dates, places) and then try to figure out a few "morals" that the story can address.

I wish knew some good jokes though. Ones that most people might not have heard. How does one come up with a joke anyway?

>> No.12987838

Those studies are wrong about that, aren’t they? We all have first impressions of things that change. Probably Zizek has the same problem, he’s boring to talk to once you catch him off guard.

>> No.12987864
File: 121 KB, 700x935, 49351509_10217604630084226_6363805462835494912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish knew some good jokes though
It’s prom season for Holldale High School and Tommy wants to find a date. He says to his friends, “I will ask Tiffany to the prom, she’s the prettiest girl in school. However, there’s probably gonna be a HUGE line of guys waiting to ask her. I’ll try anyways”. So he goes up to her and luckily enough there was no line of dudes waiting to ask her out. He asks her and to his surprise she says yes. So a couple weeks later they arrive at the prom. They go to get their prom picture taken. “There’s probably gonna be a huge line of kids trying to get photographed” they think. They go up and luckily there is no picture line. They are very pleased and then go to their table for the meal. “I can go dish us up” Tommy says. “However, there’s probably going to be a huge food line.” To his surprise, there wasn’t, and he dished both of them up. Then they start to get thirsty, so he offers to go get them some fruit punch. “There’s probably going to be a huge line” he thinks. However, he walks to the counter and there is no punchline.

>> No.12987868

It's not so much that our first impression changes, but that new information is always perceived in the context of that first impression.

It's basic bayesian reasoning. The prior is the first meeting and everything thereafter is the likelihood but in our case we tend to bias heavily toward the prior.

>> No.12987883

That's great though. You demonstrate charm, wit, intelligence, and social dominance; but also you're aloof and bookish.

Like I said, 8 and 4. You tell two good jokes and one good story to a group of people, that's more than most people offer at a social gathering. You've still got plenty of material to fall back on when you need to in private. Just don't be too eager to please and exhaust your material too quickly.

>> No.12987895

That wasn’t a joke because it was just a stupid story about some stupid fucks prom.

How fucking retarded can you be?

>> No.12987898
File: 390 KB, 1711x2040, XVM145a832c-83ae-11e5-b6e9-921db69b0265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man comes home and finds his friend sleeping with his wife, then kills his friend, wife says "idiot, idiot, idiot! this way you will lose all your friends"

>> No.12987914
File: 230 KB, 1200x800, 1536374291124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French man asks a belgian to check if his blinkers are working, so he puts on the hazard lights

The belgian looks and say yes they work, wait they don't ! oh yes they work, oh wait no they don't ! oh but yes they work !

>> No.12987942


fuck that.

>> No.12988648
File: 2.93 MB, 1266x1226, coolpostdude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
