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/lit/ - Literature

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12984442 No.12984442 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12984454


>> No.12984469


>> No.12984501


>> No.12984529

seen better


>> No.12984531

>everyone always says start with the greeks

so he DOES browse /lit/

>> No.12984537

We need at least one more thread before I can comment.
I would not waste 50 minutes of my life on a novice commentary of the Republic even if I liked the novice in question.

>> No.12984557

He should make a review of The World As Will and Representation for mass suicide of kids. :)

>> No.12984570

He actually started with the Greeks the absolute mad lad

>> No.12984579

Hi Pewds I know you're reading this :)

>> No.12984580

a love letter to /lit/
based felix

>> No.12984581


>> No.12984587

But he read Kierkegaard before that

>> No.12984593

>famous person reads book


>> No.12984599

He didn't even understand him either.

>> No.12984602

ok if your reading this
next do a review of all jojo parts, first anime than manga

>> No.12984620

Pewds please read Herodotus.

>> No.12984622

>start with the Greeks


>> No.12984626

he definitely comes to this shithole right?

>> No.12984638
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>> No.12984639

That he's very fortunate to conduct a lifestyle which demands him to upload a video a day giggling over memes with reading philosophy while also gaining millions.

>> No.12984642

He's just another clown, gaining money in the circus that is modern western society.

>> No.12984644

Read Deleuze next pewds

>> No.12984649

>non-esoteric reading of plato
start again
with the presocratics

>> No.12984650
File: 19 KB, 316x499, Plato-Apology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Felix, since I know you're reading this:
>read pic related, which relates to Socrates' trial and death
>there's a Swedish translation of the Iliad that's supposed to be really, really good, if you're worried about what to tell your viewers to read just say Fagles or something
>as for Greece vs Greek, Socrates was an Ancient Greek philosopher who came from Ancient Greece like Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher from Denmark and you are a Swedish YouTuber from Sweden

>> No.12984651

Only if he asks someone to explain it to him or he'll fucking kill them

>> No.12984652

we truly are living in a society

>> No.12984654

It's a refreshing sort of discovery to realise that some fragmentary shard of dignity still prevents me from doing something as idiotic as spending 50 minutes on a Pewdiepie video.

>> No.12984658

cmon bro all the cool kids are doing it

>> No.12984663

yet you are wasting your time on a pewdiepie thread lmao

>> No.12984666

Well, at least he's self aware about it. he's an intelligent clown, I'll give him that

>> No.12984672

>there's a Swedish translation of the Iliad that's supposed to be really, really good, if you're worried about what to tell your viewers to read just say Fagles or something
I see you've paid attention to some of my (and other anons') shilling.

It really is fantastic.

>> No.12984681

Someone bring this to his attention

>> No.12984689

Whose translation is it? Can't remember the name so I can't recommend it specifically

>> No.12984696

just play it in the background as you are taking a shit or something

>> No.12984698

Erland Lagerlöf. He was a humble teacher who struggled with alcoholism, and allegedly finished his translation on a windy loft he rented, often sitting in bed with his clothes on because it was so cold. Died a year after the Iliad was published.

A god damn rockstar (not that people generally know who he is)

>> No.12984708
File: 975 KB, 1200x627, bigbrother1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2+2 will always be 4
hold my beer

>> No.12984838

socrates was a nigger

>> No.12984852

pewd don't talk shit about saddam hussein, he was a good boy

>> No.12984855

Pewds, the Republic is the last Plato dialogue you should read. It is very easy to misinterpret its content (like people saying that Plato was some kind of revolutionary or bullshit like that). You should pick one tetralogy and read it.


>> No.12984868



>> No.12984875

I wonder if he read it in swedish or in english. I read the foundational texts (Apology, Crito, Euthyphro, Symposium, Phaedo, Gorgias etc) in a modern swedish translation that was really solid. I wouldn't read a book in english, unless it was originally written in that language, if I could avoid it (ie, if there was no swedish translation, or if there were, but they were lacking)

>> No.12984892

I follow the same idea, and I want to learn greek and latin to read in the original language + understand even more my mother language (portuguese)

>> No.12984899

C'mon, mate, "book review" has been going on for a while, he's at leas an "Apprentice".

>> No.12984908

He makes some mistakes with the historical summary like all the greek polises coming together and peloponessian war being a civil war

>> No.12984918

I bet he was the faggot that kept asking /tv/ if it's get better when at part 1, he just finished part 2 apparently.
Pewds, you faggot, Part 3 introduces the series main gimmick (Stands), Part 4 is when the author learns how to use it.

>> No.12984926
File: 23 KB, 400x388, smiling-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that conclusion at the end where he talked about how glad he is that he got into literature and that he is alive to read books like The Republic

>> No.12984955
File: 267 KB, 1583x1178, 1555279772725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Felix
I would like to talk to you about philosophy
I have some ideas I think you might find insightful and I can point you in the way of some other good literature.
I also want to talk to you about Christianity if you would be fine with that
Add me on discord if you are interested
Clement Atlee#8424

>> No.12984956

Not him lol but which translation would you recommend?

>> No.12984959

So funny how he pronounces Socrates and Plato.

>> No.12984961
File: 35 KB, 630x630, 1555693015155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based.

>> No.12984962

>this is the number one most subscribed person on fucking YouTube with tons of zoomers at his command
Just think about the difference between Pewdiepie and KSI and appreciate how lucky we are lmao

>> No.12984970

>taking a shit for 50 minutes
Eat some fiber before you get colon cancer.

>> No.12984972

feels a bit like a greek class presentation in high school. eh, it's alright, and maybe it'll get some people interested

but still, 4chan is basically reddit at this point. no intelligent discussion going on here

>> No.12984976

Stop posting this racist anti-Semite here. He said the n-word and constantly jokes about Jews.

>> No.12984981

i would argue certain corners of reddit have a much higher standard than /lit/ for actual decent, accurate info and civil discussion you shouldn't be on 4chan

>> No.12984987

Penseés confirmed for next book review

>> No.12985006

Have sex.

>> No.12985015

Which corners of reddit

>> No.12985016

go read some books if you want "actual decent, accurate info"
civil discussion? it's just semen slurping, fuck off

did you come here from /pol/ because of the debate, and you came to /pol/ from r/donald because of the election? embarrassing

>> No.12985023


>> No.12985046

jfc anglo, that error should be a crime right there

>> No.12985047

Nah looking to read more or plato next.

>> No.12985078


>> No.12985087

Robin Waterfield

>> No.12985102

>explicitly says in the video to leave comments on Reddit
>still thinks he post here

>> No.12985113

Wow dumbfuck you realized this finalyl as well.
Next you will say Ocasio Cortez and Pynchon might browse here.

>> No.12985120

Heh, he just doesn't want to reveal to the normies our secret club.

Don't worry Felix we got you covered.

>> No.12985123


>> No.12985138

start with the Greeks is taught everywhere from reading lists in the internet, to Reddit, to college & uni, and 4chan

>> No.12985148

he has videos of him browsing /wsg/

>> No.12985149
File: 31 KB, 500x449, 793FB0EA-63A6-4742-AA71-FFD915EA8588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people with this level of intelligence exist and post on 4channel

>> No.12985154

wasn't it YLYL?

>> No.12985158

Is starting with the greeks a meme?

>> No.12985162


>> No.12985163

>Gallileo was censored because he challenged the christian view
This fucking meme has to die already

>> No.12985167
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>> No.12985186

>this delusion
you're both sad

>> No.12985199

Enlighten me, I'm not very well-read on the topic outside of what we heard in school.

>> No.12985201

Not a burger but I've seen AOC mentioned around, fill me in on why she's a meme and apparently browses 4chan

>> No.12985216

Its not a bad thing he is introducing philosophy to zoomers, stop being elitists. Knowledge doesn't belong to the universities alone.

>> No.12985221


>> No.12985250


>> No.12985337
File: 36 KB, 371x398, zizek smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feelsrealgood that Felix is appreciating The Republic and has actually worked with the book properly. What a lad, cheers!

>> No.12985452

Don't stop by calling it pseud and move on, he brings up valid reasons to assume Galileo was actually on the less rational side in the debate and it was more about politics than religon and science

>> No.12985456

he still hasn't read Culture of Critique?

>> No.12985468

Nicomachean ethics next?

>> No.12985496


>> No.12985514

not her, but why

>> No.12985520

Luke Savage, Noah Smith

>> No.12985528


>> No.12985551

this is awesome tbqh, good shit

>> No.12985559

Glad to hear how he saw Plato as the brainlet he is on some topics, and not pretend he agrees with them for /lit/ points.

>> No.12985582

as you can't understand Plato without gnosis, you're just intellectually and spiritually impoverished

>> No.12985586

Now Pewd is more /lit/ than half of you retards

>> No.12985605

I feel like most of his objections were him cucking to the advertisers by not going against the grain and saying something controversial like "not everybody is born equal."

>> No.12985607

when will he tackle the meme trilogy?
if you're reading this pewdiepie it's infinite jest, gravitys rainbow, and ulysses

>> No.12985616

>wasting time on plato when you could read Herodotus

>> No.12985627

>overrated white male racist sexist Youtuber reads overrated white male racist sexist Philosopher

Wow, how profound and intellectually stimulating

>> No.12985630

who are some underrated white male racist sexists?

>> No.12985645


virtual friend experience

antithesis to literature and western culture

>being spoonfed half-digested knowledge by a glorified kids TV presenter

Promotes infantilism, manchild/"basedboy" culture.
Nobody likes to grow up but one day you're going to have to.
Your parents are probably worried about you

>> No.12985651
File: 15 KB, 220x258, 220px-OttoWeiningerspring1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otto Weininger

>> No.12985653

post-2016 /lit/ doesn't read

>> No.12985659

Based. This thread is cringe. Shows how young most the people on this board are.

>> No.12985667

there's no western culture

>> No.12985700

whats the video he talks about baudrillard in? he just said my other video about the simulacrum

>> No.12985707

based only oldfags here are still reading, now it is just all about the memes desu

>> No.12985746

>famous person


>> No.12985761


you need to be over 18 to post on /lit/

>> No.12985784

its not an age thing. Its a cultural thing.

in 2016 4chin basically got flooded by reddit/T_d refugees.

You get plenty of smart young guys but they have been dissuaded from posting here by the culture that has developed, and been allowed to develop,since 2016

>> No.12985795

what the fuck is this thread lmao

>> No.12985807

I would say over 22 :3

>> No.12985818

A novice in what exactly

>> No.12985841
File: 269 KB, 1080x938, sampaio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool he does this

>> No.12985862

That Taipei guy too

>> No.12985875




>> No.12986353

AOC most certainly browses here, but Pynchon probably doesn't (at least not regularly).

>> No.12986369


>> No.12986430

I was waiting for him to say this but I’m not sure he ever got it. Based anyway though just for trying

>> No.12986470

Well he goes on /gif/ and /wsg/ so it’s not that far fetched

>> No.12986482

Felix if you're reading this randomly namedrop Weininger in your next book review

>> No.12986497

Dead board. Dead site.

>> No.12986537

if your reading this mention my cock

>> No.12986730

That's not entirely true. There are some things in the Republic that Plato almost certainly believed, at least for part of his life. Like the Forms, and the immortality of the soul.

I also think he genuinely thought of wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice we important virtues for a person to posses, and that not all people posses them in equal proportion.

For most of the stuff that's actually about how the state should be run, though, you're right.

>> No.12986751
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>> No.12986777

what use does this thread have- why not talk about some worthwhile commentary on plato... you guys put down people like bertrand russell constantly but he is at least 10^2 times more insightful than this guy.

It's not a funny meme either, the past few days have turned this board into a trash can where threads about this stupid debate are dumped. Every time there has been a worthwhile thread I have always taken what users say with a grain of salt, but after seeing how many of you actually watched that idiotic debate I can't help but feel like disregarding any opinion anyone has on this board. Entertaining shitposts are fine, Griffithfag was amusing, but grow up from unironically wasting your time discussing these idiots' thoughts.

>> No.12986811

Why are all interesting black people either gay or schizophrenic?

>> No.12986896

>Next you will say Ocasio Cortez and Pynchon might browse here.
No they don't.

>> No.12986907

because you're a gay schizo racist

>> No.12987025

You just know he jerks it to trannies then

>> No.12987076
File: 77 KB, 399x600, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>civil discussion
what a fucking faggot. BACK TO R*DDIT NIGGER

>> No.12987084

This video was kinda bad desu.

>> No.12987103


>> No.12987120

I'd bet he unironically bought all three together (if he does lurk here). Probably wont finish IJ.

>> No.12987230

this is really comfy

>> No.12987238

and he fundamentally misunderstood him like the retard he is

>> No.12987250


>> No.12987265

W-why is he so perfect guys?

>> No.12987281

Felix here, thanks for the suggestions. I'll add those to my massive reading list hahaha. *brofist*

>> No.12987314
File: 62 KB, 400x300, 1523902368567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I will never be a rich Aryan online millionaire who can do LITERALLY anything he wants and people will love him

>> No.12987326

This. Do it pewds

>> No.12987345
File: 21 KB, 303x475, 449407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12987347

This faggot single handedly destroyed /lit/. Even MAGAboomers didn’t do this much of damage

>> No.12987466

>Literally does penance every other episode because he said nigger last year

>> No.12987537

>all these pewdiefags
This whole site has really gone to shit. Oh wow a shitty youtuber has read The Republic, was an accomplishment! Watch better channels, retard zoomer fucks.

>> No.12987549


If I remember correctly, theres an entire chapter/book (book 5) devoted to explaining the communal system used by the auxiliary class. Why put all that detail if it isnt supposed to be a sort of practical guide?

It seems a stretch to claim all of that is analogy.

>> No.12987564

He's outright admitted to browsing this site before so it's not that odd that he would visit this board.

>> No.12987594
File: 172 KB, 599x338, 7ff94660-6094-11e9-a8ff-3f5fb1f91cc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>civil discussion
Fuck off

>> No.12987598

She mentioned an ancient 4chan meme once

>> No.12987608

Pewdiepie is ironically the least cancerous booktuber, but that says more about how booktubers are fucking faggots rather than anything good about Pewdiepie
Regardless, getting kids interested in reading is always a good thing

>> No.12987644

>immanuel can't

>> No.12987649

he's literally made lazy videos browsing wsg or gif for ylyl

>> No.12987697

Hi Felix, I like that you're doing book review, but this was a lot. I saw your subreddit, and I know you want to make this more interactive, but I can't imagine many people who like books or even philosophy are watching the whole thing.

You're better of doing your old format of talking a little bit about books you want to, and just listing books for your audience to read that aren't 1984.

>> No.12987702

i'll do what i want on my channel bitch.

>> No.12987710

His content is so fucking lazy, literally a millionaire who does nothing but poach content that other people have both created and compiled, whine about ad revenue and make brand deals. He seems obsessed with money and with image.
And then he does a livestream and he has hundreds of people fucking DONATING money to him. It's so fucked.

>> No.12987717

>who does nothing but poach content that other people have both created and compiled
>nothing but
literally have you seen the 50 minute video of him talking about the republic that this thread is about

>> No.12987718

You fags are so embarrassing. I hope you're underage.

>> No.12987722

>One time he very poorly explained a book

>> No.12987736 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 200x300, Wakanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi felix what do u think about this book??? :D

>> No.12987783

that's more you being a self conscious nerd faggot

none of the truly intelligent people I've met went out of their way to avoid popular or "low brow" art or entertainment. every insecure tryhard midwit has though.

>> No.12987786

If anyone has a problem with either Pewdiepies analysis of Republic of this board's posting his analysis, why not discuss Republic here directly? Provide for us what you feel is lacking.

This critisism is strange, especially when there has been no real discussion of the book in the first place. If we, in having a substantial thread, had been interrupted by a shallow account of Plato, Id understand the reaction. But there was nothing to be interrupted in the first place...

>> No.12987978

why would anyone sit and watch a literal brainlet provide a shallow 50 minute analysis of an entry level philosophical work

>> No.12988013

because gay and schizophrenic people are interesting and you're a racist for liking bland white heterosexuals and neurotypicals.

>> No.12988019

people new to philosophy

>> No.12988086

>It's something I mentioned in my Simulacra and Simulation video
Alright, this guy is alright in my book

>> No.12988100

is the republic just a fanfic or what

>> No.12989077

I have masturbated to every single one of her videos. I found her relatively late in her youtube career, but I began as soon as I watched the first one. Within the next 3-4 weeks, I noticed that I have came to all her newly released videos and a few of her older ones I went back and watched. I then set a goal for myself to do all of them. I'm not gonna lie, it took me quite a while to complete the task, maybe a month or so. And again, not all of these were "relatively" sexy. However, I always found something about her that just begged for cum... of course her brapper, her strong strong features, her bitties, and her face. But to be honest, it's not even these common features themselves that set me off - but rather her metaphysical bredability.

Keep in mind, megsquats has over 400 videos. That means I've came to the idea of breeding with her over 400 times. At this point, I believe I've formed a cosmic connection with megsquats in which mulitiverses are formed from pure thought. In each multiverse, I've bred her another child. And in one multiverse in particular, we've started an army. Meg is hooked up to a machine that keeps her legs spread and there are various tubes jammed in all over her, like one in her mouth that force feeds her and one in her ass that is an extension of her digestive system, and a couple connected to her tits that continuously milk her, and various machines keep her washed and shaved. I simply walk up to her once per day, sometimes twice, and activate the machine by saying "Hello my strong strong friends" and the mechanics bring her to my erect cock and the whole thing vibrates until I orgasm. Then when she becomes pregnant, the machines manipulate her onto an "accelerator" of sorts, which removes the fetus and places it within an artificial womb to grow. In this way, the beauty and youth of meg's body is preserved. Also, she is released from the apparatus once per day to powerlift.

>> No.12989216

don't resent a man for escaping the trap anon

that being said I hope all the pewdiepie loving zoomers who spam him on this board would just go away

>> No.12989220


>> No.12989222

this proves that anon's point

>> No.12989225

socialist who says retarded shit to get limelight in the media

>> No.12989227

there is literally no proof AOC visits 4chan

>> No.12989233

>it's totally fine that he's dumbing down and misinterpreting these major texts

kys zoomerfaggot, now we'll have more pseuds like you on this board pretending they've read the Greeks

>> No.12989248

show some proof that he's dumbing down the content or gtfo

>> No.12989251


and I thought /lit/ couldn't get any worse

>> No.12989261

his fans will take everything he says at face value and not bother to actually read these books, just becoming pseuds who post on /lit/ like you

but it doesn't matter what I say, keep sucking pewdiepie's dick

what a fucking world where young people's only role model is an e-celeb

>> No.12989276

Why does everything he reviews seem taken straight out of a /lit/ meme chart, why not review something obscure he enjoys like most booktubers do? because right now his entire list is a "praise my taste, i'm smart" starter pack

>> No.12989298

>Plato is a meme author

>> No.12989304

Individually he isn't, but when his entire playlist consists of the top 10 /lit/ picks you start wondering if the man has personal any taste or is just looking for validation

>> No.12989347
File: 102 KB, 364x270, life now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many might have read The Republic or a bunch of Plato's other texts, but it never really seems like dialectic got anywhere.
What's more, most people still make value judgments and use words without 1) defining them or 2) staying consistent to whatever definition they offered up.
That makes me wonder what people are really getting out of these things.

>> No.12989364

Yeah, that was a weird example

>> No.12989367

>reading the classics is bad

>> No.12989460

Why would you not read things people recommend to you? Do you just pick up random shit?

>> No.12989466

/lit/ meme chart are surprisingly good, booktubers tastes are unsurprisingly terrible

>> No.12989472

It's surprising you don't get tired of samefagging. Let me guess, you are an Indian shitskin, that's why you hate him so much

>> No.12989474

damn u jelly

>> No.12989530

Anyhow, I'm really happy that he uses his platform for something as productive as his book reviews.
Felix, you really have my respect for this.

>> No.12989589

all plato's work is fanfic

>> No.12989621

"Better than food" is quite good, and "bookchemist" is alright - but the rest is just bullcrap.