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1298056 No.1298056 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else in your immediate family read? If so, what?

>> No.1298060

My mum reads a lot of crime/thriller novels. She doesn't read very much literature, although she is a very intelligent woman. I bought her Anna Karrenina for her birthday, which is tomorrow, so hopefully she will enjoy that.

>> No.1298059

My Dad used to read a shit ton of science fiction and my Mom used to read a lot of Stephen King, but neither of them read anyone. Sad, really, I've tried to get them into books again but they're just not interested.

>> No.1298062

My mom is reading 100 Years of Solitude right now :3

>> No.1298066

My mom often reads the books I've bought after I read them. She read Lolita and the stranger thanks to me, loved them.

>> No.1298069

They read my mind all of the time. Like I'll be sitting watching Channel 4, and then mum will come home from Tesco with groceries, and just when I decide I'd like some Weetabix, I'll see she just bought some.

>> No.1298072

Not too much. my dad's listened to pretty much every ttc lecture though.

he can talk for hours

>> No.1298081

My dad reads for an hour every night from eleven till twelve and has been doing this for as long as I can remember. He predominantly reads histories and books about naturalism. My mom doesn't read for shit.

>> No.1298083

My sister and my bro
My sister reads alot
I like my sister
I hope I can have sex with her

>> No.1298084

My mom seems to be into American Civil War history and ghost story type books, but I did get her into Lovecraft and she's always loved Tolstoy.

My brother I guess marathoned through Twilight.

>> No.1298085

My ma reads everything. She's sickly and housebound most of the time, so when she can get out she just goes the library and loads up.

>> No.1298086

My Dad reads Stephen King and biographies of wrestlers; my Mom reads Nora Roberts and the occasional feel good book from my aunt's book club. Sister reads chick lit, Bro doesn't read.

>> No.1298089

The only books I have any memory of my mom reading, ever, are the Millennium Trilogy books, and it was a shock to see her even picking up one of those. It was even more shocking when I found out she read Portnoy's Complaint and Rabbit, Run at some point.

My dad reads David Sedaris, Michael Chabon, and other things dads ask for at Christmas and work their way through over a month's worth of sitting on the toilet. Also snappy non-fiction about dad stuff he's interested in.

My older sister is a big reader. When I was younger she tried to get me into David Foster Wallace and comic books and I proclaimed them both gay.

My younger brother reads Harry Potter and Michael Lewis. On his Facebook profile he says he likes A People's History of the United States but I can't imagine him reading a book that long unless they actually put out Hogwarts: A History

>> No.1298102

my younger cousin, he's in middle school so he's into harry potter and the wimpy kid and stuff like that..

>> No.1298105
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>> No.1298108

My father's a heavy reader. He reads news websites religiously. Finance journals, medical journals, and some of the classier periodicals. He's also a fan of history and some sci-fi. His favorite authors are Mark Twain, Dashiel Hammett, Patrick O'Brien, Tolstoy, Kazantzakis, Churchill, Zelazny, and Philip K. Dick. I'm getting him Twain's autobiography as a Christmas gift.

I found a tattered and annotated copy of "How to Beat Dyslexia" in his library once, next to a Patton biography. Makes you wonder.

Mom reads a lot of pop fiction. Mary Higgins Clark, Eat Love Pray, Robin Cook, all that stuff.

My little brother doesn't read. A shame.

>> No.1298109

I'm the only book worm that I know of in my family.

>> No.1298139

I have two brothers and three sisters. One of my brothers reads, probably more than I do. My two older sisters read, but usually only bullshit. My younger sister reads books that make me ashamed of her.

>> No.1298146

My father.

He's pretty well read. He's most of the essential lit, but he's biggest reads are in the sci-fi world. Shelves and Shelves of the stuff, nothing I'm interested in. Though he stopped reading alot of scifi in the early 90's. Now a days he read biographies. I don't know if he's looking for answers or what. He's really into FDR for some reason. He's read two very long and detailed biographies and a good number of FDR related things.

>> No.1298492
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Just the Bible...

>> No.1298522

Dad likes SF/F but has good taste in that stuff. He turned me on to LotR, Dune, Hyperion, etc.

Mom has more similar taste in lit to me. Too much overlap in taste to put shortly but we e-mail each other short stories we read and liked and such.

>> No.1298598

My dad reads usually anything I give him. He read most of Cormac McCarthy's catalog and loves it. His favorite book is Les Mesribeles (not sure I spelled that right)
My mom doesn't read much because the school she went to was extremely racist so they taught black kids nearly nothing. She usually just reads stupid biographies on Micheal Jackson and stuff like that.
My brother he nearly never reads. He only reads stuff on Massage Therapy. Thing I hate about him he wants to become a writer ,but he doesn't read. I tried to make him read Siddhartha ,but he refused to ,because he wants to play video games. (by the way he is 21 and I am 18 really is annoying that he is so childish) He spelled "now" as know before.

>> No.1298600

All of my immediate family read. My little sister tends to read pulp (she genuinely likes Twilight), my dad goes for crime dramas and such-like and I basically inherited my taste in books from my mum - fantasy, sci-fi and horror.

If both me and my mum reccommend a particular book, odds are dad will check it out.

>> No.1298772

Just Agatha Christie, kid's books, supermarket "celebrity" "autobiographies".
No-one reads in my family.

>> No.1298786

they are all fucking phillistines
the only educated person in my family is my mums dad
hes a smart fucker
two published books
history professor

>> No.1298791
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Neither of my parents or brothers read books. ;_;

>> No.1298798

My mother has a whole bookshelf dedicated to Georgette Heyer, Agatha Christie and the likes. She reads more than I do, except she only reads crime and romance novels. Dad's a high school dropout who hates reading.

>> No.1298808

Mom used to be a librarian when I was a kid (vast portion of my childhood was in a library - fucking awesome), she's also a member of the Jane Austen Society and reenacts as her at schools and shit.

Dad's a fucking history encyclopedia, mainly reads WWI books. Decent comic buff for an old dude.

Sister 1 reads the usual contemporary pop lit, nothing really exciting. Husband is shamelessly addicted to Twilight series.

Sister 2 reads hipster/Christian books and posts Facebook statuses about them all the time.

>> No.1298809

Sure they read.


>> No.1298816

My mom reads shitty self-help books.

I keep trying to get her to read good stuff, but so far it hasn't worked.

>> No.1298817

My mom reads crime/thrillers by the truckload. One dreary week where I had no access to anything better I burned through three of them--one was decent, two were dreadful.

A fourth that I started actually earned a spontaneous hurl-across-the-room when the protagonist put a grinding halt to the immediately pending fulfillment of his carnal desire for his life-long girl-next-door / best friend (who already lives in his palacial apartment because she just moved to Manhattan to become a model) -- again, stops in the middle of what is very quickly turning into turgid thriller sex -- to tell her that a strange man has just told him that his long-lost father was a delta force operative.

>> No.1298821

My mother has every Agathe Christie story ever written. Other than that she mostly reads other sorts of crime novels. Mostly the scandinavian kind.
My sister reads fantasy and nothing else. She also read Twilight but apparently hated it (gasp)
Haven't seen my father read in a very long time, but we have a wall of Sartre, Asimov, Umberto Eco, Woody Allen and all other kinds of high literature. Which is my fathers or my mothers I dunno.

The most traumatizing thing I ever found on our bookcase was a book from 1965 entitled "Sexual Adventure in Marriage". They aren't married and they didn't meet each other untill 1985 or something. So who does it belong to? :O

>> No.1300485

I think I am going to save this from page 15

>> No.1302093

My Mom has read practically everything. Recently she finally read Ulysses, said she had been putting it off too long. She read Remembrence of Times Past or whatever they are calling it now a few years ago. Basically she just goes to the new acquisitions shelf of the library to make her pics every week, cause she's read just about everything else. My Dad has some classics on his shelf, mixed with non-fiction, mostly leadership stuff for his job. My brother was into comics big time, never has read books much. His girlfriend does not read... except she reads Twilight to my nephew, who was 5 at the time the first book came out. Blugh!!! She of course edited it due to his age, but stilll!!! I thought my Dad's Dad only read Louis L'amour, that's all I remember seeing at his house, but I recently mentioned that too my Mom, and she said he had a whole wall full of books, all different authors. My Aunt loves Steven King and liked Davinci Code (gah!) but did not care for Twilight, and my cousin has similiar taste as her Mom.

>> No.1302108

My mom has much better taste in literature than me.

She doesn't read as much as she used to though. Also she reads self help books =/

>> No.1302136

My entire family is illiterate. I'm a bit of a black sheep.

>> No.1302148
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>mfw my mother's favorite book is L’Éducation sentimentale by Flaubert

>> No.1302152

Dad reads crime novels.
Mom reads self help books, chick lit, all this crappy stuff, and calls what I read "weird books or books written by authors with weird names". Dammit.