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/lit/ - Literature

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12979327 No.12979327 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get people to engage with your posts on /lit/. I rarely get replies even if I write long posts and threads I respond to usually die after me.

>> No.12979342

Antagonize them. Conflict always gets a rise out of them.

>> No.12979352

Wait. Its a really slow board my dude

>> No.12979384

Try not making a thread with a retarded frog pic

>> No.12979405
File: 88 KB, 1200x676, cy1hha2uwy411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they are so wholesome and cute

>> No.12979415

if you want to talk about non-epic poetry, genre fiction, plays outside of Shakespeare, any literature that's not from Europe, North America, or South America, short stories outside of Borges, contemporary literature that isn't a 1000 page postmodern meme book, then you're shit out of luck

>> No.12979436

You have to provoke.

>> No.12979441

treat /lit/ like is academia. say the most absurd contrarian thing imaginable or if you have nothing of value to say, launch a personal attack upon them in an effort to provoke a reply.

>> No.12979442
File: 185 KB, 1698x1140, 1513950984260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there no other way, I tend to be a very mild-mannered and agreeable person.

>> No.12979460

I like these frogs too. Was an interesting turn in the frog evolution

>> No.12979463

You don‘t have to brazen or uncultured, just not in line with prevailing opinions.

>> No.12979466

Baiting, you need to make someone feel like he should correct you. You want to make the other poster feel smart or better than you, though insults often work as well. Quality posts will just make people ignore you because they have nothing to add to them.

>> No.12979477

Try saying the opposite of what you mean.

One thing I like to do is to post a quote I want to discuss along with a picture of John Green, regardless of whether he is the subject or not, and ask "what did he mean by this?" Anons get triggered by the pic of John green and reply aggressively.

>> No.12979506

Add “I hate [black people/Jews/gays/Muslims/communists] btw” at the end of each post
At the very least you’ll get the script responding “based and redpilled”

>> No.12979580

Blued and Pillcringe

>> No.12979692

You can express unpopular opinions in a well-educated manner, don't listen to these retards

>> No.12979863

Because this board is shit and only responds to off topic garbage and posts with instagram sluts in the OP. It's not you, it's /lit/

>> No.12979903

This. This place is a cesspit but there's nowhere else to go because everywhere else is even worse.

>> No.12979945
