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12978778 No.12978778 [Reply] [Original]

when the FUCK am i going to stabilize with my views, my mind a constant mix of various ideas and thoughts that its not giving me rest. how do i unfuck myself and become clear on many topics? i think im getting closer to myself and the truth everyday, but the new thoughts keep coming and i dont know when will it stop

>> No.12978785

Stop reading and get laid

>> No.12978911

Write essays, if you can't express an idea in 5000 words or so it's probably just nonsense

>> No.12979094

Based & RedPilled

Don't ever think that the mental state you are in is incomplete or wrong. The moment you adhere to a specific ideology, you've lost. Being ready to "give your life for an ideal" is the worst thing someone could do. To have irregular and inconsistent thoughts is a fundamental consequence of actual, deep thought. If anything, you should be proud of you inability to condense your views into one single metaphysical point, if it where any other way, it'd be only because you've thought what they've told you to think. If anything. try to become even more confused and lost, make your mind an anarchich territory where every single idea is involved in a constant war.

I honestly believe that if more people were like this debates would be actually useful.

>> No.12979111

You need to read more and a lot. Absorb as many ideas as you can. Pick through them but don't skim. You must be broad and deep.

>> No.12979123

Yourself is not the thoughts, they will keep coming indefinitely and you will never find yourself in them

>> No.12979452

ye but i dont want to seems a hypocrite or a man with no self-confidence, the stuff like morality should be wise and rather followed strictly

>> No.12979680


Honestly it really helped me when I just bit the bullet and decided to become religious. Most things sort of just fell into place after that (and often in kind of unexpected ways)

>> No.12979724
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>> No.12979738

Stop reading 4chan, this website is in a constantly accelerating contrarian political evolution where the only constant is blaming Jews

>> No.12979770

at least for me, writing is the best way to solidify views while creating more that follow the same narrative.

>> No.12979787

>You're not doing anything wrong. What's happening is that, when a philosopher's position is being presented sympathetically, you find yourself sympathetic to it, and when you read criticism of a philosopher's views, you find yourself agreeing with the criticism. That's fine and normal, as long as the reason you find yourself sympathetic to each is that you find the arguments for them at least somewhat compelling. The key is to train yourself to pay more attention to arguments than to conclusions.
>What you're going through is normal for a beginner to philosophy. It can be a useful period to you if you ask yourself: why do I find myself agreeing with this philosopher? As a rough rule of thumb: if you find that the answer to that question is typically some fact about how interesting you find the conclusion of the philosopher's arguments, that's not ideal. If you find that the answer to that question is typically some fact about how well the argument for the conclusion works, that's better. Same for when you're reading criticisms of the philosopher. If you find yourself thinking turns out that philosopher believes something I find myself disliking, that's not a great reason to disagree with the philosopher. If instead you find yourself thinking turns out the philosopher's argument doesn't work as well as I thought it did, then you're on the right track.
>Practicing reading in this way will help you, over time, come to be able to anticipate criticisms of a philosopher by finding flaws in their arguments before they are pointed out to you.
From /r/askphilosophy, just a few hours ado

>> No.12979789


>> No.12979812
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>> No.12979935

I disagree, acceleration implies a vector, and the chans are as fickle as new slang--i give it 2 years before whyte n*tionalism falls out of vogue and we can stop having /pol/ios asking race war when

>> No.12980071
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Be the beast you worship, that’s normal what’s occurring inward your psyche OP, just relax and logically differentiate absurdity, idiocy for what is pure, truth can also seem absurd, what is truth OP huh huh, MY WHOLE LIFE, I’ve been wondering, anyway, happy sailing, love you

>> No.12980622
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>> No.12980644

then you must be a newfag because the race shit has definitely been a constant and probably will be forever