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File: 6 KB, 249x250, I'm not turning into a fanatic, am I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12972945 No.12972945 [Reply] [Original]

When will I grow up out of the Nietzschean phase? Because... it is a phase... right guys?

>> No.12972957

Bump would like to know the answer to this question too. Im finding it hard to exhaust his texts but they seem to be relevant to a lot of interesting opinions

>> No.12972962

Once you become übermensch.

>> No.12972966
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As soon as you grow into it.

>> No.12972980

Yes it is, just read some Good old greek guy. As soon as You'll get back to actual philosophy Nienie will be boring to You.

>> No.12972993

the opposite happened to me, though.

>> No.12973001

when you learn how to love

>> No.12973025

Postmodernism is just applied Nietzscheanism

>> No.12973051

If your philosophy is entirely copied from Nietzsche, you're either a hypocrite or you're misinterpreting the most important aspects of Nietzsche's writings.

>> No.12973085
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Isn't it impossible to create our own values out of nothing? The best we can do as indivuals is to choose the ones we think will improve ourselves. That's why he was obsessed with the involvement of the human race on it.
It was Nietzsche who taught me how to overcome Nihilism in the first place and to truly live life. I have never loved and hated as much in my life as now. For me it was an awakening.
Reading this makes me feel I'm part of a cult and that's cringe, tho.
Please, explain how. I see many contradictions in both.
It's not that I copied my philosophy from him, it's that I started thinking and searching for answers and when I found him I saw he developed most of my thoughts in a coherent way and even better.

>> No.12973153

Do you believe the world will return? Forever? Moron

>> No.12973195

I don't believe that. The Big Bounce could be possible, and in that case even though we have free will (proven by quantum fluctuations), because of infinity and its properties, our lifes would be repeated for ever. I think the eternal return is just a helpful concept to make our lifes meaningful even if you don't actually believe in it.

>> No.12973206
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Embrace inequality, op

>> No.12973237

Idk but I just started reading Beyond Good and Evil so I'll figure it out if I go through it

>> No.12973240
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>mfw people clam Nietzsche was left wing
I dont get it. I can see why he absolutely would've hated the Nazis, but what's left-wing about him? He despises democracy, is pro-aristocracy, and he also resents grand metanarratives such as the ones that Marx claimed to have discovered with historical materialism.
Can someone enlighten me?

>> No.12973258

>we have free will (proven by quantum fluctuations)

>> No.12973277

Where should I start with Nietzche?

>> No.12973278


As soon as you get promoted or assigned to a position in which you have to manage other people.

>> No.12973293


You have no control over quantum fluctuations as a means of diverting causality from its set path. Quantum fluctuations may, at best, simply create new circumstances which could not have been predicted by preceding ones.

This randomness lends absolutely no credence to free will, that is choice free of causality.

You are literally parroting a meme from the biggest fucking moron on the earth, Deepak Chopra.

>> No.12973337

Quantum fluctuations cannot be responsible for free will, only for the random mechanics behind our actions. What this does is just shifting the the origin of our actions, not give agency over it.

>> No.12973338

Nietzsche is a phase that will last for the rest of your life
Two headed boy
She is all you could need

>> No.12973344

Actual answer: read Camus or Sartre, begin the journey to the whitepill that ends with faith.

>> No.12973356
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>> No.12973357

Camus does not lead to faith, assuming you mean faith in the supernatural i.e. Gods.

>> No.12973359

>have free will (proven by quantum fluctuations)
What a fucking cop out this argument is, if you can even call it an argument

>> No.12973361

Stop deviating from OP's point >>12972945

>> No.12973380

whew Move along then, you get the gist

>> No.12973389

You haven't even read Nietzsche you pathetic faggot, stop posting.

>> No.12973393

>read Camus
>read Sartre

>> No.12973396

OP's point is to specific. Personal growth and development is not a set path.

>> No.12973423

Why dislike Camus?

>> No.12973448

It's a self-generated problem. You want to (pretend to) be trapped in a Nietzschean phase because you like the idea of it, it's an intellectual check-mark for you, which is evidenced by the fact you made this thread; you're practically giddy about this """""problem""""". It's in the same family as the so called 'humble brag'.

>> No.12973469

Read some actual philosophy not this german Angst.

>> No.12973480

Why would you want it to be?

>> No.12973496

And here we have the brainlet, completely socialized into the left-right dichotomy.

>> No.12973498
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I don't know what my next 'intellectual check-mark' will be because I'm trapped and that's why I asked a genuine question, you faggot. Also pic related.

>> No.12973505

just let it stiffen into academicism

>> No.12973513

Worst one.

>> No.12973516

Zarathustra, like I did. And now look at me, did it harm me in any way?

>> No.12973518

You lost everyone at quantum fluctuations. You have no idea what you're talking about or you're just a bad troll.

>> No.12973529

Hehe he be talking about me.

>> No.12973539

Try some Kant and you will soon realise that you know nothing about philosophy.

Very humbling, Nietzsches text are not hard and have no "Systematik".

>> No.12973548

You are still so incredibly young... I envy you.

>> No.12973555
File: 66 KB, 666x369, gilles-deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will grow out of your Nietzschean phase when you'll enter your Deleuzeguattarian phase. It will be glorious, don't worry

>> No.12973556

Gay science.
You arrogantly /thread your own post, yet it is garbage. Nietzsche advises that the strong give back more than they take. He also advises that the strong give purpose to others. He thought violence resorted out of a lack of power.
Is it even possible to become a christcuck after reading genealogy of morality? All I know is whoever read Nietzsche, was convinced by him, then is converted into a man of religion is an idiot who will fall for anything and will immediately absorb views when reading. Starting out a man of religion and growing your understanding of it using theology I understand. Growing your understanding of Nietzsche and believing in it I understand. But growing from one to the other? Unless you were a child while obsessed with one, and then switched to the other, I do not understand it.

>> No.12973561

Early scientific thought often portrayed the universe as deterministic – for example in the thought of Democritus or the Cārvākans – and some thinkers claimed that the simple process of gathering sufficient information would allow them to predict future events with perfect accuracy. Modern science, on the other hand, is a mixture of deterministic and stochastic theories.[156] Quantum mechanics predicts events only in terms of probabilities, casting doubt on whether the universe is deterministic at all, although evolution of the universal state vector is completely deterministic. Current physical theories cannot resolve the question of whether determinism is true of the world, being very far from a potential Theory of Everything, and open to many different interpretations.[157][158]

Assuming that an indeterministic interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct, one may still object that such indeterminism is for all practical purposes confined to microscopic phenomena.[159] This is not always the case: many macroscopic phenomena are based on quantum effects. For instance, some hardware random number generators work by amplifying quantum effects into practically usable signals. A more significant question is whether the indeterminism of quantum mechanics allows for the traditional idea of free will (based on a perception of free will). If a person's action is, however, only a result of complete quantum randomness, and mental processes as experienced have no influence on the probabilistic outcomes (such as volition),[27] According to many interpretations, non-determinism enables free will to exist,[160] while others assert the opposite (because the action was not controllable by the physical being who claims to possess the free will).

>> No.12973566

>we have free will (proven by quantum fluctuations)
you utter fucking moron

>> No.12973568


>> No.12973570

even if you try to regress into judeo-christianity, nietzsche will still be there alongside you

>> No.12973576

First, Kaufmann's "Basic Writings of Nietzsche"
(contains The Birth of Tragedy, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, The Case of Wagner, and Ecce Homo in their entirety, along with other works)

Then, Kaufmann's "The Portable Nietzsche"
(contains Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Nietzsche Contra Wagner and Thus Spoke Zarathustra in their entirety, along with other works)

>> No.12973577
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>We take for granted the traditional conception of man as a rational being, in society and under God: the Christian tradition and a secular heritage, which is simply there like the air we breathe. This functions as an almost unnoticed resource, and as a standard of commonsense, as an adult view of existence, in comparison with which the utopian or vitalist notions tend to show up as rather childish and wilful—looking suspiciously like cases of arrested adolescence—the more purely and unmitigatedly they are presented.

>> No.12973598

>All I know is whoever read Nietzsche, was convinced by him, then is converted into a man of religion is an idiot who will fall for anything and will immediately absorb views when reading.
Like you did with Nietzsche? No true scholar is seduced by something as trivial as logic.

If you don't understand my post don't reply.

>> No.12973624

At least reference copied work and explain what parts are relevant.

>> No.12973637

>If you don't understand my post don't reply.
Not the guy, but what a line.

>> No.12973766
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>> No.12973809

Was möchtest du mir sagen?

>> No.12973927


>> No.12973956

You'll grow out of it when you realize there is more to life than philosophy, but you'll always take the lessons with you. I read Nietzsche when I was 14 because I wanted to look cool (Beyond good and Evil) I had forgotten I was lowest in the pecking order in a shitty public school...no clue what I was thinking...Likely go the shit kicked of me more for quoting it. But it opened my eyes to lot, but over time you find other things and people and you take what you feel is right with you step by step and build your own outlook.

>> No.12973968

Heh thats why you read 'beyond'.

>> No.12973983

>threadly reminder that he literally was an incel

>> No.12974005

Yeah because his younger sister sexually abused the poor Nietzsch.

>> No.12975597


>> No.12975624
File: 200 KB, 400x534, 1486321468967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a cycle not a phase. you're in for it now bub

>> No.12975635

Pretty sure plebbit wasn't around in Neech's time, so he can't be an incel.

>> No.12975872

You will grow out of it, don't worry.

But later you will grow into it again.

>> No.12975875

After your early 20's

>> No.12975909

Nietzsche would've been a social democrat today. He strongly disliked authority and thought all people should be free, and only social democracy can give them that freedom.

>> No.12976517

didn't he criticize equality and democratic movements?

>> No.12976521

yeah i was baiting

>> No.12976526


>> No.12976564
File: 65 KB, 517x768, 1555780391496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche aligning himself with any major movement in a fully serious way
Bait but I still laughed

>> No.12976579

if you've really understood Nietzsche you'll eventually "overcome" him.

>> No.12976600
File: 76 KB, 400x600, Agorism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and only social democracy can give them that freedom
Ignoring that delightful bit of nonsense, Nietzsche wrote an entire chapter of Zarathustra dedicated solely to mocking egalitarians. He despised those who sought to make unequal things equal by means of coercion. If anything, today, he'd be an agorist today, an ideology entirely driven by individualism and actively bypassing the state through counter-economics.

>> No.12976611

>He'd be an agorist
He never had much sympathy for movements that seek to emancipate everyone, it's the core of his aristocratic views.

>> No.12976800

Once you pick up Kierkegaard

>> No.12976821
File: 29 KB, 522x419, Lou_Andreas_Salome-Paul_Ree-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure about that?

>> No.12976834

He copy pasted the quantum physics blurb from the free will page on wikipedia