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File: 111 KB, 1129x936, zizek peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12968951 No.12968951 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously though, could this have been any easier for Zizek?

>> No.12968981

why JP crying?

>> No.12969011

he wants to be a real boy

>> No.12969043

this debate really did go as chad vs virgin as possible in that zizek showed up, did his usual lecture, and was so untouchable that everyone went straight past apologeticism for peterson to feeling bad for the guy

>> No.12969071

Thought their little talk about christ on the cross was quite neat

>> No.12969074

I'm not gonna watch this shit

>> No.12969109

You would be surprised

>> No.12969114

by what

>> No.12969137

>their little talk
You mean Zizek saying something interesting about Christianity while Peterson nodded along..

>> No.12969185

by how not shit it is.

Sometimes it is fun to see someone so wrong be so obviously an idiot

>> No.12969198

I admit, I felt a bit sorry for Memerson. It was clear he was somewhat out of his depth at times and he's not used to having opposite fans in the audience so he was quite nervous at the beginning.
He did well towards the end, though.

But then Žižek is a bit of a sneaky faggot too. Basically he larps as a commie, but when you press him he's all "but I'm not really a commie, tee hee".

>> No.12969205

Except Peterson is the one who challenged Zizek to a debate and should have known exactly what he was in for. I have no sympathy for him.

>> No.12969265

>Žižek is a bit of a sneaky faggot too
only someone as dumb as peterson could enter debate without knowing this

>> No.12971078

didnt that thot dump zizek?