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12962958 No.12962958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Beautiful story from First Things

>Growing up in twenty-first-century Britain, I was often struck by a feeling of anomie. Around the time I was born, John Major tried to evoke a vanished past by conjuring “long shadows on county grounds” and “old maids bicycling to Holy Communion through the morning mist.” As for my generation, it had only the faintest notion of our once-great national religion. The Anglican Church had become a shadow of itself, reduced to the picturesque, empty buildings that adorned our lanes and streets. It was a shadow we noticed when we shuffled into the parish church’s cold, echoing interior for the Harvest Festival and sang the cheery modern hymns that church bureaucrats imagined we would like.

>Anomie was one thing; the ferocious renunciation of tradition I encountered at university was quite another. I had hoped that the spiritual emptiness of wider society was a result of ignorance, and that the academy—especially the ancient, venerable, Gothic academy of Oxford—had preserved what I vaguely imagined was my country’s noble heritage. Studying philosophy did provide some engagement with an intellectual inheritance, but for anyone moderately interested in public life, the campus movements for “social justice” were impossible to ignore. All of these—whether their goal was the liberation of women, of LGBT persons, or of ethnic minorities—seemed to have the same vision of man: a deracinated, protean aggregate of desires.


>> No.12962971
File: 21 KB, 600x337, bazooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity was the beta version. Judaism, merely an alpha. Islam is the final release, Leonard.

>> No.12963039

islam was always the only choice, no matter how much I hated it

>> No.12963045
File: 128 KB, 500x652, huff-post-ad-choices-the-blog-muslims-are-the-true-5336341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>True liberation for women cannot be achieved by rejecting religious or moral dictates, Islam claims. Wearing skimpy clothing, being promiscuous, and abusing addictive substances as much as men do does not make one equal nor is it healthy. Many Muslim women have taken on this issue and have asserted that it is modern Western woman who needs liberating from the sexual control of men. In America and elsewhere, women are presented as objects with no value beyond their physical attributes. Popular movies, music, books, and advertising messages force women to compete with each other in dressing up for the attention of men. Rape, pornography, wife abuse, and other forms of violence against women have been called epidemic in official U.S. government reports. Islam, these Muslim women say, would end all of that.


>> No.12963046

why are all the muslim countries still full of bugs?

>> No.12963143

Why are they unstable?

Because of the Eternal Anglo followed by America under the Boomers

>> No.12963261

>by Jacob Williams

>> No.12963262

i have a big dick and when i fart big it vibrates nicely.

>> No.12963284

>wife abuse,
>Islam, these Muslim women say, would end all of that.

I can't believe she actually fucking published this

>> No.12963364
File: 93 KB, 600x763, Bv_xCnYCIAAqOHV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this hand-wringing long-winded rationalizing when she could have just written "I want to get fucked by barbaric foreigners on my weakass white father's corpse". Brevity is the soul of wit.

>> No.12963416

The first article is by a man, genius

>> No.12963462

>All of this hand-wringing long-winded rationalizing when she could have just written "I want to watch my wife get fucked by barbaric foreigners on my weakass white father's corpse". Brevity is the soul of wit
Is that better, Nigel?