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12955920 No.12955920 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will help me unfuck my life? Thanks.

>> No.12956025

a book won't unfuck your life

only you can do that

but, "How to be an Adult" is a good start. and I'm not being facetious. It's actually a really good book, even for people well into adulthood.

here's to you anon

>> No.12956035

non-meme answer (you won't get many)

Getting Things Done

>> No.12956036

btw the way thats How to Be an Adult by David Richo specifically

pass it on to others once you have read it

>> No.12956053

>pass it on to others once you have read it
are you david richo

>> No.12956058

>a book won't unfuck your life

mars by fritz zorn unfucked my life

>> No.12956086


but really, no. I've read a lot of psychology/spirituality type self help books recently, and it condenses the shit in a lot of them into something simple and concise, 100 pages. pretty dense and rich.

>> No.12956094

can you go into this a little more

>> No.12956154

Why the fuck would I want to be an 'adult'? Sounds like misery
I'm cool just chilling and working on my projects

>> No.12956171

not "adult" in the way you think. not like, stfu get a job and abandon all your dreams and everything you enjoy type shit. it's more about emotional and spiritual maturity.

>> No.12956208

Clean ur room bucko

>> No.12956235

i realized that if i didn't change i'd end up like him

>> No.12956553

start with the greeks

>> No.12956630

i take no pleasure in saying this, but yikes

>> No.12956646


>> No.12956845

This book is shit, and will do nothing but outline a bunch of complicated systems you'll never use. In the end it really just translates to "prioritize stuff, and spend time thinking about what you need to do".

>> No.12956847

the bible

>> No.12956855

Just go off to sea - it’s a good substitute for pistol and ball.

>> No.12957639
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The Compound Effect. It doesn't contain any ground-breaking new information. In fact, the author even says so in the beginning of the book. The problem isn't that people lack information; we live in the age of information, but not in the age of fulfillment. The problem is that we make poor choices, especially the small choices that we think are insignificant. Start with a small, good decision and repeat it again and again. Try this. Read 10 pages of a book a day. In a year you would have read 10 books. But, inversely this same principle is also how people end up overweight by JUST having a couple of donuts every now and then at the office. The book basically takes the idea of compounding interest and applies it to personal habits instead of purely finances.
Small decisions, both good and bad. That's it. You should be relieved that you don't need to make monumental, heroic decisions all the time to become successful, it can be as simple as not hitting the snooze button when you wake up in the morning, or saving $25 a week by not buying Starbucks on your way to work each morning. Nothing particularly burdensome or challenging— just small, smart, choices repeated over time. The compound effect already affects your decisions in each and every moment. Let it work for you, not against you.

>> No.12957645

Not OP but this sounds good. Just bought it and ill give it a read.