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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 106 KB, 412x842, your.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1295215 No.1295215 [Reply] [Original]

Book Club starts again this sunday.



>your such a faggot

>> No.1295216

Crying of lot 49

Do it. Only like 175 pages.

>> No.1295219
File: 3 KB, 130x98, TyBrax19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome back.

neckbeard: The Sirens of Titan or SlaughterHouse Five or The Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut

hipster: The Castle or Amerika by Kafka

misc thing: Hamlet

>> No.1295221

is that pic related?

>> No.1295222

Taras Bulba.

>> No.1295227

I say we read don quixote
start with part one
then part two
then the fake part two written by avellaneda

>> No.1295229

Wait, I'm having trouble figuring out what the hell they're arguing about. Seem like a bunch of Holden Caulfields.

>> No.1295230

actually the fake part two before the real part two
in order to keep it chronological

>> No.1295232


>> No.1295233

guys dont make me samefag like someone obviously did to get that one sci-fi novel last time.

if you like something already posted it would be a safe bet to choose that to accumulate votes.

>> No.1295235

Its Sarah Palins daughter. She flipped out on a bunch of people on facebook because they didnt like her families shitty reality show.

>> No.1295236

100 years of solitude

>> No.1295237

'jesus christ'

>> No.1295238


Shutup, Tybrax.

Though I wouldn't mind reading Hamlet

>> No.1295240

>100 years of solitude
I would be happy with this for hipster mode. Is there like a definitive translation though?

>> No.1295241

I suggest we read a shorter story.

I can't help but think that if you suggest a book like Don Quixote, the club will fail.

Pick something short everyone should have read but most still haven't. Like say, the stranger, the old man and the sea, or something more original.

>> No.1295243

I like this idea I have never read the fake quixote, though I heard it is pretty ridiculous

>> No.1295246

I am down with the stranger!
I have been meaning to read that for ages

>> No.1295247

Short story:
Grail by Harlan Ellison
"Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman

>> No.1295248
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>> No.1295249

I agree with this guy (I swear to God on my grandfather's grave I'm not the same guy). Something short but not the stranger or the old man and the sea. Something less widely read.

>> No.1295250
File: 23 KB, 330x357, feels-bad-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I'm the only person who wants The Crying of Lot 49.

>> No.1295253

underage b&

>> No.1295254

I wouldn't mind that either actually. I haven't had the pleasure yet.

>> No.1295255

Walter Benjamin's essay on the storyteller

>> No.1295257

guys why do we have to read frenchy & peon book? english is the god tier so we dont have to worry about poor translators.

Gravity's Rainbow would be a safer bet & something I could get behind. Also Infinite Jest.

>> No.1295258


>> No.1295259

I'd get behind Gravity's Rainbow. But Infinite Jest is too long.

>> No.1295260
File: 17 KB, 256x353, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes vote
>wouldnt join in with these subhumans anyway

>> No.1295261

>gravity's rainbow
Paperback: 784 pages
>infinite jest
Paperback: 1104 pages

>implying you aren't the jester

>> No.1295262


>> No.1295263

We tried Gravity's Rainbow because I suggested it lol. 2deep4me.

I might actually read Crying of Lot 49 since I happen to have it and it is so short.

>> No.1295264

trout fishing in america ?

>> No.1295268

i love braughtigan
you have my vote

>> No.1295270

Is it really that long. nevermind then.

>> No.1295273
File: 56 KB, 457x563, hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but lets have Moby Dick

>> No.1295274

>thinks suggestion is vote

>> No.1295283

(not same fag) you have my vote

>> No.1295296

From the title it sounds boring, but I just read a wiki on it. I wouldn't mind.

>> No.1295302



>> No.1295305
File: 185 KB, 628x814, dostoevsky..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we could also do Notes From Underground for the misc :)

>> No.1295351

Ah, ok. Ausfag here, not too in tune with the Palin family or its affairs.

>> No.1295378

I think we should start out with something really short, just to hit the ground running. Maybe not something as short as some Lovecraft stories, but I don't think we should go much past 75 pages.

>> No.1295379

Hi, I'm new to /lit/ in the last couple weeks.

I've read everything in this thread but Trout Fishing in America and Moby Dick. I'd do Moby Dick because I've been wanting to read it for a while. I'd also do something short like TCL49 again because I've been wanting to re-read it.

The shit that gets mentioned a lot on these boards that I haven't read is genre stuff (esp. sci-fi) like Hyperion and Snow Crash, so I'd actually really like to read one of those if I got to pick.

In the past, how fast does /lit/ go through the book? A month?

>> No.1295382 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 250x285, eddiemurphyreactionimage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the past, how fast does /lit/ go through the book? A month?

Just beyond the point where they agreed on the book.

>> No.1295384

I'd be down for every book you listed except Snow Crash and Trout Fishing in America because I don't have them.

>> No.1295385
File: 10 KB, 180x184, eddiemurphyreactionimage28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the past, how fast does /lit/ go through the book? A month?

No bookclub has ever gotten past the stage of simply agreeing on a book.

>> No.1295387

It's always been weekly. hence the page limit.

>> No.1295405

I've only been on lit a week, so not sure if these have been tried before... these are some shorter works that I have handy (cause I'm lazy.)
Steinbeck- The Moon is Down
Beckett- Waiting for Godot
Hesse- Siddhartha
Gibran- The Prophet

>> No.1295409


A week? Ty u trollin me? After I told you I'd take you on a hike and out for coffees and burgers...

>> No.1295418

no the book club is weekly, for reals.

but you can see /lit/ speeds here >>1294595

not tht you meant your offer anywayz ;_____;

>> No.1295421

actually he's not trolling

>> No.1295422

>wasnt here for the original book club

>> No.1295423

So far Im thinking about "The Stranger" for hipster mode.

Any objections?

>> No.1295432
File: 36 KB, 594x409, 85363085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p.s. who said i troll because i never, WHO SAID I TROLL BECAUSE I NEVAR

>> No.1295433

I'm okay with "The Stranger," mostly because I already have it...

>> No.1295435

That is true, though I've seen many a book club and my statement is true for every bookclub created in the last 5 or so months

>> No.1295436

>Any objections?
I object to the fact that it's french & no one cared to give the translation.

>> No.1295440


I guess that's cool, but I don't think I have enough time after job/other books I'm reading to add one novel a week. I'll try to join if people do a short book or hop on and talk about it if it's one I've already read.

>> No.1295444

well the misc choice is always really short.

>> No.1295446


I take it all back Ty. And post if you're ever in L.A., you'll see if we go on a hike (we will)

>> No.1295456

Hope my library has Stranger but it prob wont be the modern one or it could be, not sure.

>> No.1295460

I've read The Stranger many many times. Needs somethin' knew! Trout Fishing in America

>> No.1295461



>> No.1295467

there are two other tiers. hopefully he picks something well known like Vonnegut or Fahrenheit 451 for neckbeard.

also misc tier.

>> No.1295478

For Hipster Mode how about "Flow My Tears the Policeman Said"

>> No.1295484


>> No.1295486

Club Starts on Sunday.

I also need suggestions for the wildcard.

>> No.1295501

no do Twilight

>> No.1295503
File: 47 KB, 416x680, poster_1984_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one.

>> No.1295512

Derp. I meant neckbeard mode.

>> No.1295516
File: 39 KB, 394x600, inherent_vice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and, let the shistorm cometh. srlsy- found a used copy yest fro $7. bought that shit. been reading that shit. sure, it is no Against the Day (which. i will reiterate, true to fashion, is my favorite p book) but i am still finding it to be jaunty romp in a lebowskiesque way.

>> No.1295519

How about no?

>> No.1295596


I'd do that one, have a copy of it I never got more than 20 p through.

Also someone ironically suggested Twilight, but I'd do that, too, I wouldn't expect much but it's a cultural force and I feel ignorant not having read it.

>> No.1295601

If we're going to do Pynchon, we should do The Crying of Lot 49 or maybe V. since they are considered the most accessible.

>> No.1295613


I think this one is supposed to be accessibility-level of TCL49. Having read both TCL and V., I don't think they're on the same level as each other at all--TCL is much more accessible (but both more than GR).

Also obv. I'd rather read Inherent Vice because I haven't read it and I've read those others

>> No.1295719

>implying V. isn't the best introduction to Pynchon


>> No.1296087
File: 3 KB, 300x57, captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you believe it, just got back from B&N and they didn't have Trout Fishing in America in stock. WTF

Also, check out my captcha: organism naving

>> No.1296183

we are doing trout fishing in america!

>> No.1296188

so what did we decide on?

the stranger?
trout fishing in america?

I am confused

>> No.1296194

I have read the stranger a few times so I am going to read trout fishing in america.
just picked it up earlier from the BMV and it seems interesting.

>> No.1296208

Hope neighter, I dont have em and my bookstores are trash

>> No.1296218

> Hope neighter
> neighter


>> No.1296231

Yeah im high, watching Seinfeld and interwebbing with half my focus.

So what are the nominees?

>> No.1296406

well im all for trout fishing in america

>> No.1296419

>Also someone ironically suggested Twilight, but I'd do that, too, I wouldn't expect much but it's a cultural force and I feel ignorant not having read it.
It wasn't an ironic suggestion, this is exactly why I want to read it.

Classic: The Stranger
then make Twilight one of the other two.

Also CW, ANOTHER Phillip K Dick novel? Not to mention the fact no one else even suggested it before you. This is pure fanboyism. I would start my own club due to this misuse of power but nobody would want to join I guess....

>> No.1296430

>misuse of power
Rule # 1 of book club. The book club is not a democracy it is a dictatorship.

Rule # 2 of book club. NO DEEP&EDGY

So far Im thinking The Stranger and Flow My Tears

>> No.1296432

>Rule # 1 of book club. The book club is not a democracy it is a dictatorship
You implied beforehand you were having more of Queen's role in things.

Not that anon will mind about this since they are nothing but a fucking hivemind

>> No.1296525


>> No.1296546

I'm seconding V/Crying of Lot 49 and 100 years of solitude.

Also putting for Disgrace by Coetzee.

>> No.1296547

I would join. From what I have gathered, it seems as though you have good taste.

>> No.1296557
File: 190 KB, 345x298, leiacat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets just do 100 Years of Solitude, i'm already 50 pages in.

All in favor say aye...or just respond to this post.

>> No.1296559

IF PKD, Ubik or nothing.

>> No.1296563

I wouldn't mind it but more people have already suggested the stranger.

>> No.1296567
File: 322 KB, 1024x768, gcr+pewter+homestarrunner.com+sbemail57.swf_stinko-man_01.1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1296570

NO. We have already done two PKD pieces in CW's book club it's ridiculous.

The scifi choice should at least be something well known by the author like Fahrenheit 451 or Slaughterhouse Five

i wouldnt mind it although i do prefer english books.

>> No.1296571

I am in no hurry, personally, to read a book where the title cannot be translated into English without losing something. But then, Camus... ok I'm not so bothered...

>> No.1296577

What about Heinlein's the Puppet Masters?

>> No.1296582

w/e dont tell me about it. i am in no good standing with /lit/ to start another successful club.

>> No.1296646

well, I literally just finished 100 years of solitude, for the second time. if that is what you are reading, I will not join, but you guys should have fun. it is a fucking masterpiece! my favorite book of all time by a good long shot as of now. also being a fluent spanish speaker, and having read this in both spanish and english I can assure you the english translation is more than satisfactory, of course it is better in its original language but hey. I think I am going to read either the stranger or trout fishing in america. I am going to go pick them both up at one of the bookstores near me and then arbitrarily pick, unless you guys come to a consensus.

>> No.1296658


I vote trout fishing in america

>> No.1296664
File: 215 KB, 491x704, brautigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vote anything braughtigan

>> No.1296772



>> No.1296907

lol neckbeards

>> No.1296937

Please can we do Twilight?

>> No.1297518


>> No.1297557

my copy of trout fishing in america is in the mail.

i have not heard anybody talk about braughtigan on here until this thread. pleasantly surprised /lit/

>> No.1297564

I worked in a used bookstore for over 3 years. No one ever even picked up one of his books off the shelf to look at it. You people are insufferable hipsters.

>> No.1297579

yeah, but then the author killed himself.

>> No.1297609


>sci-fi neckbeard detected

>> No.1297658

I don't want to be the killjoy who calls samefagging, but I'm pretty well-read and I had literally never even heard of Brautigan before this thread. On the other hand, I have no fucking clue why someone would want to samefag for an online book club choice, because the result would be only one or two other people reading along with you on a book you've presumably already read.

Books that have been mentioned that I'd join in for:

Moby Dick
Disgrace (already own an unread copy)
Inherent Vice (already own, unread)
100YOS (2nd time)
TCL49 (2nd time)
1984 (2nd time)
V. (2nd time)
The Stranger (3rd time)

Can everyone else do this same thing? Just list the books you'd join in for? Then we can pick whichever book will have the most people reading, which should be the goal, right?

>> No.1297765

For everyone claiming that we're all a bunch of hipsters because we want to read trout fishing in america, read the OPs comments in this tread:

That's why we should read trout fishing in america.

>> No.1297783

>no fucking clue why someone would want to samefag for an online book club choice

Tybrax is a fat whale that channels all of her sexual frustration into trolling this board and Deep and Edgy is another really shitty troll. Its always very obvious whenever theyre posting so I find it best to just ignore them.

>> No.1297796

Holy Shit! since when were you mad with me?

>implying I -ever- samefag
you really think i care what you fucks think of me or want to get a book chosen no one else reads?

>> No.1297798

or that i troll

>> No.1297799

The Crying of Lot 49
Moby Dick

>> No.1297802

I'm really interested to read Trout Fishing in America, however, we need a link to somewhere we can download it online. I'm having no luck so far...

>> No.1297850

Well, here's the link to Trout Frishing in America in case we decide to read it. It's in Word format so everyone can read it.

I hope it's accurate. . .it looks okay, I think. . .


>> No.1297872

I was the person who originally recommended trout fishing in america. simply because I have read a few other of his short novels and loved them. trout fishing in america is supposed to be his opus so I would love to read it with other people. also I have not same fagged at all regarding this so I think there seems to be genuine interest.

>> No.1297878
File: 36 KB, 271x400, Mockingbirdfirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already suggested a book, but I like this one too.

>> No.1297881


Well, I had no idea about this until this thread, but reading the short wiki page I became quite interested. The link I just posted took a bit of effort to find, but the book seems fine (although I have nothing to compare it to).

Reading a bit of it, it seems very strange. I'm going to read it anyway, whether it's for the book club or not. It's caught my attention. I've also downloaded In Watermelon Sugar and The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster from the same site.

What Brautigan have you read so far? How was it?

>> No.1297883


>> No.1297888


alright cool, skepticalbro is convinced. especially now that I have it in a word doc on my hard drive. start tomorrow and finish in a week? not sure if I can read it that fast but we'll see

>> No.1297904


lol no problem.

I'm going to read Trout Fishing...as soon as I finish the book I'm on. I'll definitely be ready for a discussion next week. Looking forward to it.

>> No.1297908

I really liked watermelon sugar, it was very strange and surrealistic.
I hear trout fishing in america is even more surrealistic and better so I am excited. my copy should arrive by monday. I like the idea of reading something that is not typical /lit/ cannon, and discuss it on here. be fun!

>> No.1297935
File: 24 KB, 264x413, brautigan-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I miss this thread?

>> No.1297984

I vote for Moby Dick.

>> No.1297989

The stranger has been translated into English by Matthew Ward btard

>> No.1298217

Bump for wildcard suggestions.

>> No.1298508

THE SCARLATTI TILT by Richard Brautigan

"IT'S very hard to live in a studio apartment in San Jose with a man who's learning to play the violin." That's what she told the police when she handed them the empty revolver.

From Revenge of the Lawn

>> No.1299267

wildcard suggestion:

The Undiscovered Self - Jung

>> No.1299361
File: 60 KB, 328x518, projgress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys thinking of starting my own book club only it won't be called book club because that is an idiotically vague term it will be called 'literary discourse circle' and to join it you must have a body that is a "work of art", be capable of formulating an argument on a text couched in one of the positions available in 20th century literary theory and have a comprehensive knowledge of critical theory, and you must be a tripfag. But no Courage Wolfs allowed.

>> No.1299394

I meet a couple of those requirements. I'll be there.

>> No.1299395

Well, i just picked up a copy of naked lunch today so i'm putting that forward.
not too long either.

>> No.1299421


Is that really you, Edgy? Nice pecs, dude. Even better than mine. I bet my dicks bigger though.

>> No.1299424
File: 8 KB, 211x211, TyBrax(flip).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to dig out some spark notes guise...

>> No.1299643

>my dicks bigger though.
That will not be a determining factor for membership in the Literary Discourse Cycle.

>> No.1299652


Why don't you start the thread, you fucking cunt?

>> No.1299663

151 posts. Have we decided on a book?

>> No.1299668
File: 363 KB, 608x761, 956125186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question

why is there so much shit threads on lit ?

why haven't you people thought earlier of creating some kind of relevantly elitist club where only tripfags could enter ? No matter how EXTREMEGAYEXTREME it sounds, it would undeniably solve a lot of issues.

also, I officially am an eligible bear.

>> No.1299670

but he's prob too scared since we'd become aware that his interpretation skills are shit & he was just bluffing all the time.

>> No.1299684

hawwwwwwt, would love more
vagina here, can timestamp, serious, mail me

>> No.1299865

>why is there

Stopped reading.

This is why women aren't to be taken seriously, their utter lack of devotion to good grammar.

>> No.1299991

>relevantly elitist club where only tripfags could enter

>> No.1300009

point is

/lit/ fails at /lit/, it's a joke, at least /b/ is random.

Why is it so hard to read and talk about reading.

>> No.1300019


just curious