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12946835 No.12946835[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am I crazy to think the goal of humanity is to use genetic and cybernetic engineering to transcend into a perfect state of being?

>> No.12946858

Yes. It implies there is a perfect state that can be rationally calculated in advance as a target. It also implies that perfection is a material possibility

>> No.12946866

No but you're brainlet.

>> No.12946877

I think in the grand scheme of things in the short term yes and i think already that has been going on at least naturally since humans knew attributes could be passed on through mating though id like to read more on the cybernetic aspect more. What made you come to this idea ?

>> No.12946888
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So what am I suppose to do?Just get laid as much as possible? Or just become a christian and wait for salvation in the after life?

>> No.12946897

Schopenhauer, Kant, Nietzsche and Spinoza. Schopenhauer and Nietzche convinced me that human life(as is) can have no intrinsic worth and Kant and Spinoza convinced me that there are higher states of consciousness.

>> No.12946904

perfection is subjective

also, you are going off the assumption that material genetics precede consciousness instead of the other way around

>> No.12946911

You're not "supposed" to do anything, other than what you suppose.

>> No.12946917
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develop artificial wombs to accelerate the progress.

>> No.12946921

What if I can't suppose anything?

>> No.12946922

Where do you think the 'overman' comes from?

>> No.12946926

You should aim for your own standard of perfection, realizing it will probably fail and collapse into dust.

>> No.12946930

Find eugenic circles and join them

>> No.12946964

how is the /lit/ related

>> No.12946972

I don't know what other boards are good for philosophical questions

>> No.12946982

Not with billions of people living in poverty.

>> No.12946998

>Muh compassion
>Muh Altruism

>> No.12947015
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Self determined evolution. No, that’s not crazy at all.

>> No.12947036

Any good books on the topic?

>> No.12947062

Genesis, the part about Babel

>> No.12947066

What do you think it means?

>> No.12947086

If humanity had no intrinsic worth, it wouldn't be able to transcend itself. Did you read TSZ? Do you remember the scene at the end, where he gets his "disciples" together in the cave?

>> No.12947261

also meat that cooks itself would be amazing

>> No.12947278

I doubt you can get perfect. But otherwise that's an ok short-term goal.

>> No.12947297

Yes, that's pure DeVo. The beginning of humanity was it's end.

>> No.12947904
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People like you are worse than crazy, OP: you're fucking catatonically stupid and you don't even realize it. Motherfuckers like you are going to inevitably lead to the entirety of the human race getting raped, tortured, and devoured by AI we created ourselves for like 100,000 years before becoming integrated into them as a passive component of their reproductive cycle.

>> No.12947926

Set by whom?

>> No.12947958 [DELETED] 

Right now the goal is to extract oil and make an elite class of any-heads very very rich. This humanity as diuretic mode will either kill us off or we switch gears. But in this mess we can already see the inevitable urge of humanity. We want out of the cradle. And this puny flesh can only go so far. So IF we survive, the goal will be set by us.
Plenty will opt out of course

Aren’t we AI already?
Nice shot. Is that your balcony/view?

>> No.12947968

Right now the goal is to extract oil and make an elite class of baby-heads very very rich. This humanity-as-diuretic mode will either kill us off or we switch gears. But in this mess we can already see the inevitable urge of humanity. We want out of the cradle. And this puny pink flesh can only go so far. So IF we survive, the goal has already been set by us.
Plenty will opt out of course

Aren’t we AI already?
Nice shot. Is that your balcony/view?

>> No.12947989

>perfect state of being
no such thing in an objective sense, so if you think this has to be the goal maybe
we need to engineer ourselves to become more than what we are today; anyone would come to this conclusion through focusing on and then looking past personal/genetic fears and inadequacies.

>> No.12948001

You didn't answer the question

>> No.12948008


>> No.12948011

Be Christian, find a good loving wife, have 12 kids with her.
It's that easy.

>> No.12948024

>muh fallacy "there are people being poor How dare I make children"
There have always been poor people. There will always be poor people Even If the standards of technology will change the perception of poverty just as It already changed It.
What You do is you work for a better world.

>> No.12948028
File: 522 KB, 1875x1875, 5C999E1C-49C0-4995-9E25-4DEEB307190E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is who, the answer is us, collectively. You can see we already want it

>> No.12948032

>anyone would come to this conclusion
I wouldn't.
I find it worrying that You just assume that everyone would.
I'm just fine. You're just fine. Buy a book on permaculture, find a Good loving wife.

>> No.12948037

There are multiple axes of perfection, some mutually exclusive.

op is not mad to think humans strive towards perfection as an abstract; it is mad to think we will arrive at a singularity, and then its sugar candy nirvana IRL.

>A perfect STATE of being
Explain yourself this instant young ham.

>> No.12948057

The billions in poverty breed like pigs to die like flies.

Meanwhile, (You) are not helping the firstworld bastions of half-sanity perpetuate because of hedonist selfishness dressed as antinatalism.

I don't mind if an antinatalist doesnt breed; by definition that's a shit parent.

But you not wanting to breed because of poor millions? You're the 5% of children that believed mommy when she said if you dont clear your plate a Sudanese child somehow dies of starvation.

I dont care that you are selfish but ffs at least be honest to yourself about it.

>> No.12948077

I didn't assume that everyone naturally would at all; you ignored the actual content of what I stated: only those that look past their genetic and environmental flaws would come to the conclusion that modifying ourselves is an inescapable necessity for advancement to an objectively higher being.
over-reliance on outmoded traditions, irrational self-conceptualizations, and uncontested fears are the blocks keeping most people from understanding the reality of what we can and have to become.

>> No.12948102

I dont wait it, so zip it with 'us' shit

>> No.12948164

>I'm not saying that everyone will agree with me I'm saying that everyone SMART will agree with me *wink wink*

>> No.12948374

>Self determined evolution.
You can (and likely should given the challenges human race faces and will face in the future) guide the evolution to some extent, but conceptually the evolution will always remain blind. Humans exist in a state of Becoming (that's more or less a tautology), and Becoming implies not knowing what you become, otherwise the temporality collapses and Becoming turns into Being i.e. not existing. You may say that the future can be calculated and we (i.e. the temporal present) are exactly the process of calculating it.

>> No.12948388

>no but you are brainlet
Well done

>> No.12948389

That's not a perfect state of being

>> No.12948598

oz was a pretty good show

>> No.12948600
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The 21st century is almost set. The only thing missing is for the great philosopher of transhumanism/post humanism to appear.
And the great philosopher of space travel and outer space to appear.

Then they can join nick land and ted kaznysnki as the great thinkers who will shape this century.

And for the catholic church to drop liberal modernism for cosmic futurism.

>> No.12948603

>for the catholic church to drop liberal modernism for cosmic futurism
God I want this so badly.

>> No.12949125


>> No.12949163


>> No.12949165

>Then they can join nick land and ted kaznysnki as the great thinkers who will shape this century.

you need to turn off the computer

>> No.12949276
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>> No.12949288

Wrong. This escape this dimension, not embrace it. Once you tinker with cybernetics youll eventually end up in the virtual hell of some illuminati snuff room simulator for the next 100000 years.

>> No.12949712

That’s something Ted would say.

>> No.12949775

How much of you remains with synthetic material replacing you? You're merely hoping for an advanced wheelchair.

>> No.12949790

> the goal of humanity
If you think that "humanity" is a single group in any sense other than the biological one then you are a brainlet. The people who may or may not create the sorts of things you mentioned are going to be a bunch of Americans or chinks and the only thing they'll be serving is their corporate overlords, not "humanity".

>> No.12949820
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It seems to be the only logical solution to our suffering

>> No.12949822

Good thing Im American and trying to start a biotech company

>> No.12949833

>Yes. It implies there is a perfect state that can be rationally calculated in advance as a target. It also implies that perfection is a material possibility
Does this goal not implicitly attempt to answer these questions?

>> No.12949839

Didnt Kant believe there was an objective reality driving everything towards it

>> No.12949855

i hate you

>> No.12949860
File: 334 KB, 1252x1022, IMG_4257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mu, parts 1 & 2

>Mu, part 3

>Mu, part 4

>Mu, part 5

>Mu, part 6

>Mu, part 7

>Mu, part 8

>Alchemical Diamond bodies

>Mathematics of Soma body mechanics

>Evidence for Holocene Soma

>Soma and Buddhism

>Quantum State Transfer

>The Oak as degenerate Soma

>Ideal TOPite Genome (Annointed:)

>TOPite grimoire

>Origin of Europoids




>> No.12949887

is this what's known as the "Californian ideology"?

>> No.12949895

An Idea for Universal History With a Cosmopolitan Intent addresses the likely "cosmopolitan end-state" of humanity where human history is defined as the development of rationality itself. I don't think it's too hard to identify rationality as technological development.

>> No.12950043

Pynchon's better