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File: 695 KB, 638x570, Fourier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12946765 No.12946765 [Reply] [Original]

Is it immoral to steal a library book? I want this book and it costs like 70 bucks. No one has ever checked it out or would miss it probably, also I don't want to read the pdf I like physical books so don't say that

>> No.12946767

>Is it immoral to steal

>> No.12946773

College should be free so I consider it part of my tuition. I just don't want to prevent someone from having access to the book since it wont be in the library anymore

>> No.12946779

>Is it immoral to steal a library book?
Only if there’s a chance you will suffer. If you’re an atheist, then you should steal it if your chances of getting punished are guaranteed to be zero. But the existence of an afterlife means that you’re always held accountable, since every action you do could affect your future rewards or punishments.

Morality is completely derived from self-benefit.

>> No.12946789

the punishment could be secular and come in the form of someone I empathize with being denied access to the book because of my actions if they also prefer physical copies of books and aren't rich

>> No.12946807

I bought this from Amazon Marketplace for 3 bucks last month, lmao.

>> No.12946816

a physical copy??? damn I gotta check again rq

>> No.12946817
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If you have made up your mind already, why pose the question to us?

>> No.12946818
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It depends on whether you place the intellectual betterment of anyone over yourself; do you think that your inability to access information which may be necessary for the cultivation and manifestation of your potential is justified so long as the average person in your society has potential access to it, regardless of their desire for it, or capacity to comprehend and articulate wisdom from it?

What if no one wants it?

Isn't society better served giving someone no one wants to the one person who needs it?

>> No.12946820


Here's an idea - what if you stole it, read it, and then put it back

>> No.12946822

nah, libraries are book prisons

>> No.12946827

Yeah, physical copy, hardback.

>> No.12946828
File: 75 KB, 1300x866, 21643349-small-old-dirty-book-without-cover-isolated-on-white-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuinely got my noggin' joggin there. Problem is, most books have a chip on the cover. In order to steal successfully you'll probably need to remove the whole cover just to be safe.

>> No.12946829

just make a pdf and then print and bind it...

>> No.12946831

Why don't you just enjoy it then return it?

>> No.12946832

lol return to the scene of the crime?
looks like you can get a copy for 10 bucks but it looks sketchy theres no picture of it
the one in my university is totally neglected, I've never seen a book that was checked out anytime in the last several years

>> No.12946836

It would take me a while to read, actually hadn't considered just checking it out though desu lol

>> No.12946840

>muh heaven
>muh hell
How in the world are religious people even being taken seriously with this kind of infantile reasoning?
Morality hinges on "muh afterlife"?
Get real, buddy

>> No.12946841


Oof. Didn't see that plot twist coming. I was assuming you had a way to steal it without damaging it. ... What about dropping it out of a window in a comfy waterproof opaque bag? You could probably just hand it back to the returns desk and they'd assume someone forgot to check you out.

>> No.12946847

since it can be accessed online its a specific situation where someone at my uni would have to want to read it (already unlikely, I go to brainlet university) and they would have to want to only read the physical copy, its unlikely but still if they did exist and I denied them the experience I would be fucking over a 'fellow traveler'

>> No.12946849

Learn to use bookfinder.com and their "view all matches combined" function.

>> No.12946851

why do retards think this invalidates anything? it just makes you look like a moron who can't legitimately argue their point

>> No.12946852

How do you steal a book from the library successfully? You guys got any methods? How do I get past the library falcon?

>> No.12946854

The state isn’t a moral authority.

>> No.12946856

fucking GOD

>> No.12946871


But if there's a digital copy, that fellow traveler can just read it from a computer screen. You would be depriving a hypothetical person only the pleaure of holding the book in their hands.

>> No.12946875


Mice. Bring a cardboard box full of mice in with you. They won't even notice you're stealing a book

>> No.12946879
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I personally have zero qualms regarding pirating music or videos. And that is unequivocally stealing. It's simply that the potential for consequences from society or law enforcement is, demonstrably, for all purposes, practically zero.

Stealing from a library is more or less the same principle action in my estimation; because in each case, the same presuppositions would be used to justify the act morally and ethically. Being, I value my certain gain over a random person's uncertain potential gain.

>Perhaps I'm just an asshole.

>> No.12946889

>How do I get past the library falcon?
Impossible. Can't be done. In all my years of library theft I have never heard of even one case of someone managing to get past the falcon. Go to a library without a falcon. Some of the older neglected libraries can't afford to carry a falcon any longer, outside their allotted budget. Got to find one of those. Check inner city libraries.

>> No.12946894
File: 147 KB, 1270x502, BasedFourier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decry the lack of Fourier memes. Not just a foundational socialist thinker but also the originator of the term 'feminism', and he's everything we could wish for.

>> No.12946896


Actually, you're allowed to take whatever you want out with you during a fire drill. They turn off the alarms. You just need an accomplice to set it off

>> No.12946900
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>actually hadn't considered just checking it out

>> No.12946902
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>College should be free so

>> No.12946903

What do you do about the falcon?

>> No.12946907

I've found that inner city libraries have started letting in the library trolls from the surrounding dumsters to inspect the underpants of visitors in lieu of the falcon.

>> No.12946912

You are a fucking retard, anon.

>> No.12946915

Why don’t you just fucking loan it from the library, read it, and then return it

>> No.12946918

What an utter retard.

>> No.12946923
File: 64 KB, 803x803, 1554817907974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we really share a board with people like this?

>> No.12946927

Ah, the library trolls. That's an easy fix. They're very easy to bribe. Just carry some cheap candies in your pocket. They can't resist sweets, and the library staff don't allow them any. When they pat you down they'll feel the sweets in your pockets. They get the message fairly quickly, they'll let you carry anything out, but make sure to bring enough for all of them. Library trolls are very communitarian. They share everything.

>> No.12946933


Do library falcons not leave with the librarians during fire drills in Europe? In America we don't leave birds behind

>> No.12946940 [DELETED] 

My highschool constantly fucked me over because I refused to bend to their bullshit proto-SJW stances and I got detention often despite high marks. So I stole pretty much every astro-physics, vaguely-urban legend or conspiracy, or comic compendium they have. I guess I was just punishing then younger students but those zoomers have 4g internet and don't give a fuck about anything I took anyway so no harm no foul.

>> No.12946949

I'm afraid that working conditions for French falcons are not quite up to American standards. They don't even allow the falcons to organize any unions! Barbaric customs, really. I hope one day we'll make the sort of strides in civil rights that America has pioneered.

>> No.12946950

Great job at entirely missing the point and getting butthurt over stylistic choices.
Consider this: Why should kind of morality ultimately hing on some abstract cosmic standard of good and bad? That doesn’t help anyone except cause people to blindly follow some authority which claims to possess the knowledge of these "standards" out of fear that if they don’t little men in devil costumes will poke them with pitchforks for all eternity once the die.
Shouldn't morality rather be based off how our actions affect others?
You can make a case against stealing because having things stolen from you fucking sucks, it makes you paranoid and feel horrible, isn’t that reason enough to say stealing is "bad“?

>> No.12946951


Give us some smuggling advice senpai

>> No.12946957
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I don't believe you.

>> No.12946966
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Your tone with respect to theological moral archetypes is indicative of a low resolution comprehension of the metaphysics of morality.


>> No.12946977
File: 105 KB, 601x768, 08742730-9016-42C8-BE89-E48A6F5A6A2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably shouldn’t tell this story, but once I witnessed a man sneak past the library falcon with a stolen book. Now, this happened on tuna Wednesday and the falcon was being fed his tuna while my friend was in the philosophy section and was checking out The Ego and It’s Own. He slipped it under his arm and walked over the the library hotdog stand while another friend (we’ll call him Friend B) bumped into him and made Friend A drop the book. This drew the attention of the falcon away from his tuna as a third friend (Friend C) snuck a copy of Kant’s 2nd critique past the falcon desk and through the front door. Upon hearing the book alarm the falcon started to chase Friend C while we ran out the door with our stolen book.
When the falcon caught friend C, he showed the falcon the cameras and the falcon understood that it was just a prank. Or so he thought.

>> No.12946992 [DELETED] 

Pretend to read it and shove it in your bag? If you have some kind of electric tag idk, I didn't care that much
You don't believe some edge fag stole 30 books from a school in 2008? I was getting arrested for posting on 4chan on 2008, much less exacting retribution against the school library

>> No.12946995
File: 172 KB, 800x700, 6AA165BB-C5B8-40F8-A786-B3494AAD8A9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Career criminals. Savage. Nihilistic. And with a wicked sense of humor. You have a bright future ahead of you. Just remember to avoid the stool pidgeons.

>> No.12946996

So you have no argument and are just getting more assmad?
good job retard

>> No.12947000

Wow, that's a pretty elaborate scheme. That wouldn't work for me though, since I generally work solo. I hope your friend wasn't too badly injured by the falcon...those talons, man...sharper than a motherfucker.

>> No.12947014

Imagine if you said something retarded about physics to a physics professor and he responded "You sound like you don't even know the basics of what you're talking about." And your response was ...

>So you have no argument and are just getting more assmad?
>good job retard

>> No.12947022

You must be a euro. In America it’s really quite easy to sneak a book past the goblins who guard the exits to the library sulphur mines. Sometimes they will have a falcon down there though, it’s not common however

>> No.12947023


Maybe you could get a small flat iron (for straightening women's hair), take it and the book with you into a single person library bathrom, and gently heat up the tag beween the tongs and peel it off.

Actually, to liberate knowledge, you could just start doing that with every book in the library. Stick the tags on people you dislike and walk past all smug while they get searched by the falcon

>> No.12947024

no one cares, retard

>> No.12947039

>Shouldn't morality rather be based off how our actions affect others?
Why? Everything we do is based on self-benefit. Morality is the same. Those with power and influence can act “immoral” but still thrive. They will have their reward! But religion attempts to prevent this lifestyle. Why does this bother you so much?

>> No.12947041
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 2F1B0453-234D-4DFB-9C68-631C3B838058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, I care.

>> No.12947048

Are you dumb? Slow? An imbecile?
You’re a faceless nobody on here unless you can actually proof your "expertise"
Everything you said so far has amounted to
>no u

>> No.12947055

find it used. one time I found a book on morphosyntax going for over $50 on Amazon, and looking around other websites led me to a $15 used copy in good condition

>> No.12947057

>proof your "expertise"

>> No.12947059
File: 102 KB, 1984x962, 76ED88E3-1FB7-4378-ABD7-347D7F7F6F53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no, steal that shit, just pants the books, you’ll get dicky sweat but you can clean it off when you get home

>> No.12947073

My point was that the whole reward/punishment argument is not useful or insightful.

>> No.12947078

I'm a /lit/ celebrity; everytime you see an insightful and philosophically 100% correct statement in a post, it's me.

>> No.12947081
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>> No.12947084

>no u

>> No.12947099

But that’s what morality is derived from. The only reason people don’t do what is considered “immoral” is because of the consequences, not because of pure selflessness. The reason philosophers and politicians and laypeople alike all try to impose morality on society is because they believe their proposed systems will benefit society and therefore themselves and their species. If you view morality any other way, you’ll never have a clear grasp of anything and the debate will always be blurry.

>> No.12947143

Yeah, right because the moment religion vanishes we'll start stealing and killing each other indiscriminately.

>> No.12947171

kleptomania is a homosexual tendency.

>> No.12947175

b-butterfly! I trusted you!

>> No.12947176
File: 227 KB, 951x1280, SovietAntiRel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12947184

why not just borrow it tho??? it's a library????? borrowing them is literally what you do?????

>> No.12947186


Get a room, lovebirds

>> No.12947210

>moment religion vanishes we'll start stealing and killing each other indiscriminately.
Point is that's literally what happened but it's of course more complex than that.

>> No.12947217

No, obviously, because there are still punishments in this life. No one’s just gonna kill when prisons exist. But sexual immorality and other not-so “immoral” sins in this life would be committed far more often in the absence of religion. A Christian is far more likely to not be a drug using faggot who gossips and obsesses over his appearance and gets emotional too easily.

>> No.12947226

Trust no one my fine dude.

>> No.12947231

morality doesnt exist, besides if someone needs the book the libary will just order a new one

>> No.12947248



Well that’s interesting isn’t it

>> No.12947266

Why should the atrocities of an atheist state be counted as the product of irreligion?
Are the atrocities of a state which recognizes religious authority the product of religion?

>> No.12947271


We've been over this. There's a digital copy on the university servers, and we're trying to have a serious discussion here about birds

>> No.12947289

it costs money to check out library books? what?

>> No.12947295

>the capital G man in the sky said sex out of wedlock is bad
This is what I mean by what fucking standard is something immoral?
You could make an emotional argument or rely on reason to declare something immoral but simply pointing to hell is unconvincing, and again not helpful at all.

>> No.12947327

It’s very clear how sins are immoral. When you’re obsessed with pleasures at the expense of actually improving your life (what good is recreational sex?) then you just end up on a slippery slope, getting farther and farther from God. Because who cares about his soul when he has material pleasures? What’s interesting is that someone who lives a sinless lifestyle will benefit in this life! They will have a clear and honest conscience and positive and practical outlook on life. To think that we aren’t sinning is one main reason for disbelief. Why believe that what you do is wrong? No! I want to keep doing it! Therefore God doesn’t exist! I am using a human argument here, though no one dare say it aloud. We are full of sin and we know it on some level, but few are willing to openly admit it and repent.

>> No.12947332
File: 201 KB, 1100x840, christ-at-the-column-1607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really need to think deeper than the Dawkins types and I'm not in the mood for a discussion at this level - I'm sure you'll find a suitable antagonist on here. The actual reasons are very complex but there would be the simple point that there were targeted mass crimes against priests and believers in the name of 'scientific atheism'.

>In the years 1917–1935, 130,000 Russian Orthodox priests were arrested; 95,000 were put to death, executed by firing squad.


>> No.12947379

Society in the Soviet Union still didn’t break down just because they abolished religion.
Murder of dissidents is hardly an argument.

>> No.12947383

lmao, have a nice second death

>> No.12947387

If it's a public library or community college, then yes.

If it's some gate keeping university library, fuck them. Just donate it to a local library when you're done having it on your bookshelf.

>> No.12947389

but morality never existed its always been a social construct, and for every wolf there will be a million sheep, society doesnt need Christianity anymore to uphold morality giving breakthroughs in police work

>> No.12947396

The state didn't give a rat's ass about religion, it was an excuse to seize church property and send vast numbers of obedient Christians to the forced labor camps, which were considered indispensible to the socialist "economic development plans". They were convenient cannon fodder, they died of starvation and exposure and overwork without much protest, and their numbers were inexhaustible because faith springs eternal.

>> No.12947615

Pretty sure it was champagne not lemonade. There are lots of Fourierist memes but you might kill yourself if we put up clips from Metropolitan

>> No.12947731

This sounds dangerously close to Raskolnikov's theory

>> No.12947772

> steal from library
very immoral. just borrow it, scan for yourself, then return the book.
> steal from bookstore
go for it

>> No.12947775

It's out of print, anon. Where are you going to steal it from if the bookstores don't have it?

>> No.12947783


also, there's libgen.io

>> No.12948117
File: 104 KB, 480x640, Books010956_b18b6b920d1602843236d8143e871ad8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a criminal, I suggest you think about it for a week and then make a good plan on stealing it if you still want it
if it is on government property don't feel remorse

>> No.12948124

scan it, three hole punch, and put it in a binder. costs 4-5 bucks using low ink methods/efficient printing and someone else like you in the future can steal the actual book

>> No.12948127

No college shouldn't be free, it should be expensive enought to lock You entitled little shits out. It would even be good for the job market.

>> No.12948131

>Morality is completely derived from self-benefit
Fallacy upon fallacy upon fallacy in an endless stack. Please shot yourself in the head and plead self defense.

>> No.12948153

That's the point of a library anon, you take the book, read it, then you return it and because it is not a demanded book then you'll be able to take it whenever you want.

Hope this helped.

>> No.12948195

Utilitarianism: yes, it is immoral because you may get some joy from keeping it but in doing so you are depriving countless others from also getting joy from it

Kant: yes, it is immoral because if everyone did it library’s wouldn’t be able to exist and they are generally thought of as a good thing to have around

Nicomachian: yes, it is immoral because it isn’t virtuous to steel goods and thus does not aim at the overall good

>> No.12948264 [DELETED] 

It is immoral only if you do not borrow it, report lost, pay for the loss.

The library wasnt funded and stocked so that (You) can just come in and nick shit like a fucking nigger.

People like you are why i can never find Campbell at my local even though listed in inventory and "NOT ON LOAN"; why every /fit/ mag i see on the shelf right fucking now has the workout of the month ripped out the middle.

You godless barbarian asshole. Forget this book, read a book on manners first, you son of a shit.

Air should be free too; also restful nights. Therefore if i am your neighbor and you like to smoke and have mariachi mixes of linkinpark playing at 10pm, i am entitled to steal your morning paper as recompense?

Jews cheat; niggers steal. If you must, be a fucking jew, not a goddamnd nigger.

>> No.12948379

>Mariachi mixes of linkinpark
Who hurt you?

>> No.12948398

If it's from a uni library, i.e. Not open to the public anyway, go ahead and take that fucker, just don't be surprised if it gets tracked down to you at some point lol

>> No.12948452

Replace mariachi linkinpark with folk religion buddhist chanting at 9-11pm, replace cig smoke with bonfires of jossgoods one and a half months in the year.

I loathe it, lodge complaints, get the error resolved, not help myself to their shoes and potted bonzai using rationalization to cover up my coveteousness.

The chanter stops fucking howling for the gods, the bonfires stop being recreations of apocalypse.

>> No.12948459

Just checked ebay, and saw it available for as low as $27. Just buy it you fag.

>> No.12948473

Lol cheapass nigger cant afford 27 for a book he wants badly enough to steal.

That mean OP just wanna steal.

>> No.12948488
File: 26 KB, 563x425, 8d9ec1ed4061cee2561b6b9e0ebc8b57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>College should be free

>> No.12948571

Yes, and it's just viscerally gross for guy to do. Stealing is a very feminine type of behaviour.

>> No.12948590

cute hands

>> No.12948739

You're a bitter misanthrope and bigot, but a good and amusing writer.

>> No.12948814

>And that is unequivocally stealing
No, it actually is not similar to stealing in any way whatsoever, you fucking retard.

>> No.12948821

>poor people shouldn’t be allowed to go to the college
Kill yourself my dude

>> No.12948832

>i am entitled to steal your morning paper as recompense?
yes, absolutely, how is this even a question

>> No.12948854

>Implying Raskolnikov was wrong

>> No.12948875

It is unhelpful; now the neighborhood has a mariachi devilworshipper AND a shoe/newspaper thief.

The mariachis also have no idea their papers go missing directly because of their nightly blockparties; they will keep being a racket until they are told or compelled by authority.

I recognise the karmic weight might be similar (newspaper vs 'quilatime), but the problem remains unsolved. I dont want to hear Fred Durst crawling in my sleep any more i got work tomorrow cholo.

>> No.12948921

Very nice of you to say so.

Guilty on all counts.

>> No.12948943

Transcribe it and post to libgen if you want to atone for your sins.

>> No.12948947

Yes this.

>> No.12948954

Not an argument

>> No.12948980

>t. virgin neet
obeying laws and following orders for the sake of it is biologically female

>> No.12949011

>pdf is available
>wants to be a nigger anyway
Fuck you, OP.

>> No.12949117

Just pirate it lmao quit being a nigger.

>> No.12949126

Yes it's immortal even more so if it's from the library because you are stealing from the community.

>> No.12949132

>all the idiots ITT saying it’s immoral without explaining why

>> No.12949150

>reading all those posts and not one registered
You've already decided.

Just steal it and pat yourself on the back.

Have a (You).

>> No.12949241

print out the pdf?

>> No.12949310

You genuinely should be excluded from having access to bourgeois society because of your mindset. Poor people shouldn't go to college unless they have deemed themselves worthy via meritorious acts which would incentivize someone to sponsor them through the process. The very debasement of higher learning to being an act of the common people rather than those who are truly capable has reduced its utility to the point of absurdity.

>> No.12949326


Literally just steal it and don't look back.

t. Library technician.

>> No.12949361

Or you could go fuck yourself and wait for the angry masses to knock on your door and make anon on a stick

>> No.12949411

The angry masses should be angry at the people pulling the strings economically to make college an essential requirement for the vast majority of professional positions which otherwise shouldn't need them. If there should be any revolt it shouldn't be against the people wish to preserve college as a functional institution, it should be against the people who wish to make it easily available through guaranteed loans/government reimbursement and thus a requirement for entering into the professional class.

>> No.12949419

Also, the angry masses aren't going to come knocking on my door. They're too busy using Uber eats to get Buffalo wild wings delivered and getting Chinese made Amazon prime sex toys they can use after they smoke pot. They've effectively been pacified from meaningful action (or even understanding who is truly lording over them) by the very vices leftists push to normalize.

>> No.12949423

This thread reminds me of my last year of high school when I borrowed "How to read a book" from my pseud lit teacher's shelf (she never touched it) and came extremely close to slipping a $20 where the book was to make up for snatching it. In the end I put it back before graduation though, so I never finished the book. It's good though, I recommend it.

>> No.12949437

>rich people can get into college by virtue of just being rich even though they didn't earn it
Die prole

>> No.12949568
File: 105 KB, 600x496, 1409416318653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually hadn't considered just checking it out though desu lol

>> No.12949777

You could see if the library would lend it to you for a few days to read?

>> No.12950124

>steal a book from a library
>from a libary
>a place where you can read the book for free
come on

>> No.12950143

High IQ is strongly correlated with wealth. IQ is also strongly hereditary. Rich and smart people breed rich and smart people.

>> No.12950149

>all rich people are smart

>> No.12950150

Nigga, go on the staples website, upload the pdf and they will print it out and spiral bind it for you for like 20 bucks.

>> No.12950155

most are

>> No.12950158

Maybe higher education isn't for you. Have you considered a janitorial job?

>> No.12950165

You don't look black OP.
Just borrow it.
What's with this need to posses everything, I swear I only own like 5 books but I've read hundreds borrowed and in digital form

>> No.12950192

Why do you want to steal/buy the book?
If you have a library card you can just check it out. If not, try telling the librarian that you just don’t have the money to buy it and want to borrow it for a while, and maybe they’ll be sympathetic.

>> No.12950604

They're certainly smarter than you, that's pretty apparent.

>> No.12950632

You seem like a totally intelligent person worthy of spending educational resources on. I'd highly recommend actually trying to experience the world beyond the boundaries of your own vanity, though you don't seem to be the type to actually learn from your experiences.

>> No.12950701

Yes it is immortal.
That's why you should do it.

>> No.12950711
File: 66 KB, 295x323, aaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>college shouldn't be free

>> No.12950753

Not him but what limited educational resources are there besides
>paywalled textbooks
>lecture seats
>office hours
Every educational text may as well be online with all the online-integrated assignments nowadays. Then every third-worlder can elevate themselves to a post-secondary westerner's level of knowledge without excuses. Standards of living soar across the world. That's what I thought the information age was going to spearhead. Instead we have aforementioned moodle quiz bank garbage and new editions of Textbook every other year barring Professor's own 400-page copypasta he stapled together himself and is selling at 3,500% markup.

No, no, no. That's all wrong. Alas, we must go into five figures of denbt to get the full college experience of Marxist indoctrination and STIs. Anti-intellectualism is just a phase you will ride out.

>> No.12950828

Do it. I stole many books from my college lirbary. they were still on the old stamp card in the back method so I could see they hadnt been checked out for their entire 9 year stay in the system, now they live where someone appreciates them.

>> No.12950835

this is not how ethics and morality works, start with the greeks you retard

>> No.12951067

Not an argument. Would the ancient Greeks not agree to the idea of being a moral person in order to be more virtuous, which benefits you, which aligns with my position? Why would anyone want to be moral if it didn’t benefit him in some way?

>> No.12951786

you may only steal from goyim libraries

>> No.12952093

>should I steal this book from the library if I can't buy it?

They will let you take it home for free dipshit.

>> No.12952097

You should feel bad anon

>> No.12952434

Yeah, because we all know how it's always the mogoloids oppressing and exploiting the geniuses.

>> No.12952493

Educational institutions use a massive amount of power and are generally very expensive to upkeep, let alone actually improve as is generally required to stay up to date technologically for the fields requiring that.

Also, your utopian ideal of the information age is a pipe dream. Most "first" world Hispanics who were born and raised here will likely never actually read a book voluntarily, and the idea that they will get anything meaningful out of your idealized automated "education" system is just as laughable as the idea that standards of living increase as the population becomes more educated.

This idea that standards of living follow education rather than the other way around (that improved standards of living allow for more space that education can occupy) is precisely the backwards reasoning that got us into the mess we're in today where we have a "knowledge based economy" where many post college professional careers provide less economic stability than working a labor position at a grocery store 40 years ago.

While your complaints about the unnecessary nonsense that has accompanied modern "higher" education are certainly valid, they entirely misunderstand how these circumstances came to be in the first place. The bottleneck on an educated population is first and foremost students who are capable and genuinely interested in higher learning rather than simply a higher economic status. Most universities have become a cargo cult in which professors who don't know how to teach go through the motions for a massive body of students who have no interest in learning, and the only way they can even attempt to weed out the students who will not perform well professionally is by making things logistically difficult because they cannot directly test for aptitude in any meaningful sense. A well educated general population is a pipe dream, and that we have even achieved the abysmal rates of literacy and academic engagement we have today is a reflection on how truly bourgeois and economically privileged things have been the last 80 or so years.

>> No.12952501

Most people aren't autistic like you and they feel a compulsion to not want to be ostracized from society. Yes, you could frame acting upon responsibilities to the group as being tangentially related to self interest, but that fundamentally misses the point. Your group is just as critical to you surviving as you are to your group, and just because at the moment we have a society that is luxurious beyond imagination which has allowed people to bask in alienation and hyperconsumerism, that doesn't mean these instincts towards group preservation that you have had evolved into you don't hold water.

>> No.12953883

>college should be free
this is something i dont understand, outside the context of state schools, which yes, should be state funded

>> No.12953905

boy the book goes for 12 euros ffs

>> No.12953934

Teens comparing political situations to Harry Potter-tier opinion