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12942213 No.12942213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12942219

I'm pretty sure it's not okay to be gay in Buddhism too. Enjoy your Naraka.

>> No.12942222

It’s not okay to be gay period

>> No.12942230

Aristotle proved that being gay is a sin 2300 years ago

If you go to Hell, it's your own fault, man. You've had enough time to catch up

>> No.12942359

Seriously though, why wouldn't God let this guy out? He has a point; he was ignorant and now is willing to repent. If God doesn't will anyone to go to hell, there is no reason not to offer this guy any assistance. This idea that you have one lifetime (however long or short it may be) to figure out the nature of the universe and then if you fail, that's it, you're in hell forever with no hope of redemption, is so ridiculous.

>> No.12942363

can i follow taoism and still go to heaven

>> No.12942365
File: 81 KB, 800x704, Asmus_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristotle was into femdom

>> No.12942369

p based that people who spend their lives trying to uproot all hatred and greed go to hell but Catholic Italian mobsters get to go to heaven because they're Catholic and they pay their churches

>> No.12942370
File: 194 KB, 1050x1050, bib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to figure out the nature of the universe
you don't have to, it's all laiid out in a handy-dandy book for you

>> No.12942374

I've never met a fag who hasn't been explicitly anti-theist, specifically anti-Christian
>t. San Franciscian

>> No.12942412

Hell doesn't exist. Only the material is real.

>> No.12942413


>> No.12942422

I'd be certain that God would know who would be truly repentant and those that would refuse Him, and that He wouldn't leave the truly repentant to suffer. But the nature of purgatory is mysterious, it's unclear what would be necessary to purify a sinner.

>> No.12942427
File: 1.41 MB, 750x1334, 06128924-AA23-432C-9B7C-3C66018086D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you convert to a spooked mortal as the Cosmos

>> No.12942454

You're certain of fuck all. There is nothing more outrageously presumptuous than to assume you could understand the thought patters of an omnipotent being who would be to you as you are to a microscopic unicellular organism, because some people in the desert had hallucinations a couple of thousand years ago and wrote a book about it.

>> No.12942457

yes, but which book is the correct one? how can we be sure its the Bible that should be followed rather than the Torah or Quran?

>> No.12942464

He has given us his commands through time.
For a convenient listing of his word, if albeit a bit snarkily given

>> No.12942474

ITT: implicit anthropomorphism

>> No.12942487
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>Catholic Italian mobsters get to go to heaven because they're Catholic and they pay their churches

>> No.12942499
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>Trying to uproot all hatred and greed
I'm going to guess that your conversion to Buddhism was in college, had something to do with a woman, and that you occasionally use the phrase "decent human being".

>> No.12942509

None of these things match

>> No.12942524

If you don't think that they do, then you are in a very healthy place in your life and should be proud.

>> No.12942549

Hellfire isn't even comparable to physical suffering and burning. It would take a notoriously lazy reading of the Gospels to conflate the physical world and hence physical pain with the spiritual, when every word of Christ kept them separate. If it is physical pain that scares you into submission, you don't have spiritual faith.

>> No.12942566

Is there anything more laughable than comfortable middle-class christlarpers reading Crime and Punishment and pretending muh lack of religiosity is a real problem, when there are actual ongoing catastrophes like the global insect population vertiginously declining and the consequent ecosystem collapse within the century.

>> No.12942573

Theology is generally more real to them than scientific data, anon. What else would you expect?

>> No.12942584

>global insect population vertiginously declining and the consequent ecosystem collapse within the century.
Isn't climate change irreversible?

>> No.12942586

Though 4chan christlapers vex me too, you do realise that those environmental effects, being products of human activity, are intimately entwined with the characteristics of human social life and particularly the politics and values of human societies, of which religiosity is a major part?

>> No.12942606

When I see a christlarper talk about preserving biodiversity (presumably, God's creation) instead of crying about abortion or getting into hissy fits over protestantism or whatever rival denomination, I might care.

>> No.12942620

Not Christian, but can you redpill me on the insect crisis? Why are they dying, and will our environment and ourselves die because of it too?

>> No.12942622

Aristotle was redpilled enough to know that getting assfucked is the most patrician sex, but he knew it was still a sin, so he had women do it. Dude was a smart nigga.

>> No.12942639

Bees are dying everywhere in the world. Speculated causes are pesticides, GMO's, or cell tower frequencies causing them to wander away from the hive and die. The reason why this is a problem is because bees are the primary natural pollinators, and without them to pollinate our crops, the human race will die in months.

>> No.12942668

So what you're saying is the next big trend is ecotraditionalism?

>> No.12942672

Has anyone else noticed that fireflies have vanished? As a kid growing up in the Mid-Atlantic they were a common sight throughout the summer and for the past few years I've rarely seen them.

>> No.12942690

That's not where I was going, but yes. Btw, it's called eco-fascism.

>> No.12942696

I thought that was only like 3 species, and none of the most prominent pollinating species?

>> No.12942703

Um, sweetie, that's debunked.

>> No.12942704

That book is tainted by man's interpretation of the Lord's word.