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File: 1.28 MB, 2560x1536, William-Burroughs-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12939168 No.12939168 [Reply] [Original]

This man has way too much influence on my work. I'm not looking to erase him from inspiring me; just trying to diversify my tastes, and expand my horizons a bit.

>> No.12939172

Well i hav

>> No.12939173

no one did Burroughs better than Burroughs

>> No.12939182

Bill the Bull is unmatched. But try with Nick Land. He was influenced a lot by Old Bill.

>> No.12939251

Ballard and Philip K Dick

>> No.12939275

Well, then. Give me a taste
This is partly why I've deemed it a "problem". I'm finding Bill is an unmatched author; at least in terms of what I also want to accomplish. I just ordered some of Land's works from the library; I've only read Meltdown. Expecting good things. Might not fully comprehend it because I haven't done much of the preliminary reading.
I'm just now getting into Ballard. Unlimited Dream Company was a trip. Probably gonna tackle his more commemorated material soon.

>> No.12939323

What's your work? Is it writing or something else? Can we read/see it?

Since Burroughs, a few are in the same vein/influence: Ballard, PKD, Arthur Halsey, Kathy Acker.

>> No.12939341

Land is a good suggestion actually. Neuromancer would probably work for you too. PKD is hit or miss, some of his late work approaches a similar level of schizo

>> No.12939348

OP check out Artaud

>> No.12939350

I like to write and make music; what I've been working on for the last few years is kind of hard to explain, because I don't think I know what I'm actually doing. I'm a bit too self conscious to post my stuff on /lit/ at the moment, but I'm hoping to have something presentable soon.
>Arthur Halsey, Kathy Acker
I'm not familiar with these two; although I have heard Acker's name thrown around. I'll have to look into them.

>> No.12939407

I've been meaning to read Neuromancer mainly because its influence. Books like that seem important to me due to their cultural impact, even if it's not an absolute winner for me. And, Land almost seems inevitable for me to read at this point.
>check out Artaud
Can't say I'm familiar, I'll have to check some stuff out.

>> No.12939453
File: 10 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as you like prose-poetry written by arse bandits, I suggest this faggot.

>> No.12939467

Jean Genet is kind of reminiscent of Burroughs sometimes (not the surrealism angle so much as the "gay criminals doing weird shit on the fringes of society" angle) but Burroughs remains the GOAT

>> No.12939494
File: 12 KB, 178x284, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi, friend, if you know about Land then you probably know about Gibson and his take on WSB. I recommend you Richard Calder, as WSB + Gibson. Search for his trilogy, Dead Girls Dead Boys Dead Things. It's possibly even crazier than WSB.

>> No.12939498

>Seeing as you like prose-poetry written by arse bandits
I can't argue with that...

>> No.12939504

What is the best book by Ballard ?
Crash ?

>> No.12939508

Drowned and Crystal World. Crash, Atrocity and Concrete Island. Short stories.

>> No.12939519

Is there a way to get in touch with you outside of 4c? We are working the same path.

>> No.12939534

OP, here. Sidenote: I'll also accept any recommended visuals, audio, etc.. We don't gotta restrict it to just literature. Although, I appreciate what everyone has contributed so far. Lots of stuff for me to pursue, already.

>> No.12939542

Try Visions of Heaven and Hell

>> No.12939607

I'd be down to figure something out. What do you suggest?

>> No.12939610

Check out Hogg by Samuel R. Delany.

>> No.12939639

I fuckin tried, man. It was a bit too much for me. When I went to check it out from the library (you can request anything at my library) the woman who checked me out gave me a startling look of disgust when she stuck the return slip in. When I left, I opened the book to see what she read, and all I saw was 'nigger, rape, fuck, pedo cum, fuck' on repeat.....

>> No.12939654

yep, that's pretty much the whole book. pretty good though.

>> No.12939663

Good to see WSB getting /lit/ love. He deserves it*

*more than Pinecone or Dedvid Foster Wallace.

>> No.12939727

Might give it another shot sometime. With my first attempt, I don't think I was in the right mental place for that level of depravity.

>> No.12939816

I know it’s a graphic novel but try „The Return of the Dark Knight“ by Alan Moore

>> No.12939865

maybe a disposable email to make initial contact

>> No.12939933

Okay, cool. Let me know the email when you get a chance, and I'll send you something to verify that it's me.

>> No.12939962

William Tell

>> No.12940291

Are you guys just memeing me? I read Soft Machine and it was a joke. Someone on /b/ made a compilation and got some retard to publish it, right?

>> No.12940302
File: 194 KB, 500x667, james-joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the first in his cutup trilogy, it's like starting Joyce with Finnegan's Wake. you should start with Junky or Queer, and if you make it through Naked Lunch you can start on the Nova series

>> No.12940317


>> No.12940341

Is there anything actually in it to make it worthwhile? I have better books to read than wading through the open sewer of endless disgusting gay orgies in drug houses. Is there a diamond at the end of the sewer or isn't there?

>> No.12940385

this is a really strange way to approach reading. can you give me an example of a diamond at the end of a sewer?

>> No.12940390

read the first 30 or so pages of death on the installment plan, then read the rest of it, burroughs was a celine wannabe

>> No.12940415

the swan feather at the end of 'in the miso soup'

>> No.12940674

I didn't forget about you. I got carried away at work.

>> No.12940722

How do you recommend reading Naked Lunch?

>> No.12940728

Ok this would be a good time if you can

>> No.12940750

Kenneth Anger

>> No.12940757

Just sent it, bud.

>> No.12940760

Cities of the Red night is objectively his best, right?

>> No.12940769

Haven't watched anything of his in so long. Used to be really into that style of filming, though. Kind of gives me El Topo vibes; another one I haven't watched in forever.

>> No.12940775

Thanks. I got your name, but the dumb throwaway mail service won't show the header with your address - can you send in the body of the mail? Then I can reply.

>> No.12940778

YES! That trilogy ruined me. It's everything I've ever wanted to do except a lot better than what I can currently pull off.

>> No.12940790

Haha, yeah dude; just sent another one.

>> No.12940796

Got it.

>> No.12940832

does anyone want to read my book bros? I just finished it, my first one. it's about a gay homeless man who is into sucking dick and drinking piss. He's also in contact with supernatural entities. I will be sending it to beta readers I have found online who are into this sort of thing, once IM done with editing and proof-reading (which I know nothing about). 60k words. 3 different countries

>> No.12940964

sounds like you read about 10 pages of hogg and wanna play smart-aleck, nazis like you are ruining the world you know

>> No.12940988

Ive never read hogg bro. Id say maybe parts of it are sarcastic but others are chidlike idealistic. Obviously nothing is 100% original but I dont know anything to compare it to. Maybe its just a rambling of a lowlife with serious issues or something. So far one person has read it, a complete stranger, and has commented that its interesting and captivating.

Ive shown it to some IRL normies and they said its graphic and shocking and I should be careful who I show it to. They also dont sell me coffee anymore

>> No.12941419

Did you read the entire trilogy? If so, which one was your favorite? Kim Carson is one of my favorite characters of all time.

>> No.12942492

I both really enjoyed and really disliked this book. I think the big problem for me was the very limited vocabulary.