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12937827 No.12937827 [Reply] [Original]

What other good cosmic horror stories are there besides the ones Lovecraft wrote ? I love the genre and having spooky stuff that we can't comprehend fuck with us but finding more seems impossible.

>> No.12937849

"A Walk In the Dark", "Nightfall", "The Parasite" and "The Nine Billion Names of God" by Arthur C. Clarke. "Crouch End" and "Jerusalem's Lot" by Stephen King. "Sticks" by Karl Edward Wagner. Pretty much everything by Clark Ashton Smith and August Derleth, and many stories by Robert Howard and Robert Bloch.

>> No.12937871

Thank you for the suggestions anon

>> No.12937886
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I'll do you one better, actually.
Enjoy nigger

>> No.12937890

Thanks again anon

>> No.12937907


>> No.12938873

Intredasting. I felt like it was teetering on the edge of comedy throughout

>> No.12938894

(not OP btw)

I like the idea of Nine Billion Names of God as cosmic horror. My brain didn't really make that connection when I read it

>> No.12938913

Occultation and Other Stories (Laird Barron)
Best served while camping in the woods, thank me later

>> No.12938917

Most definitely "The King in Yellow" by Robert W. Chambers. Also "The Great God Pan" by Arthur Machen. Consider Lord Dunsany's works if you enjoyed stories like "The Dream-Quest to unknown Kadath"

>> No.12939112

OP here
I didn't expect more posts with things I'd enjoy after I left.
Thank you all you lovely people.

>> No.12941648
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>> No.12941785

>pre-Lovecraft cosmic horror
William Hope Hodgson - The House on the Borderland
Algernon Blackwood - The Willows
Arthur Machen - The Great God Pan
Robert W. Chambers - The King in Yellow (warning: only 3 of the stories of horror, and 1 of those 3 is more psychological than cosmic)
>Lovecraft's contemporaries
Clark Ashton Smith, Robert Bloch, and Robert E. Howard all wrote some cosmic horror short stories.
>post-Lovecraft cosmic horror
Thomas Ligotti - Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe
Ramsey Campbell - Cold Print (grab the expanded 1993 edition)
T.E.D. Klein - The Ceremonies
Ligotti has a dark sense of humor.

>> No.12941799

Unironically Conrad. Realist of semi-realist story with horrifying circumstance and an underlying cosmic sense of helplessness lurking below it all.

>> No.12944105

The Priest's Tale from Hyperion has that kind of thing going on, too bad the book kind of sucks on the whole.