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/lit/ - Literature

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12934307 No.12934307 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

Just got dumped by GF of a few years, and simultaneously finished The Sun Also Rises. Doesn't add anything to the convo, just needed somebody to tell because I have no friends.

Is Vanity Fair worth reading? Should I finish Don Quixote?

Tell me your thoughts on which one has more cultural value, and mostly why I should finish Don Quixote.

pic unrelated

>> No.12934323

>Don Quixote

Yes, read it. It's supra canonical, and you won't be able to understand many trends and tendencies of literature that came after it. Nevermind the onset of modernity and such, that came with it and from that period.

>> No.12934341

Hey man, my girlfriend just dumped me as well. She can't even give me a real reason.
I know it hurts, but we'll get through this my man. Life goes on and you'll find that this might actually be a good thing.
Goodspeed, brother.

>> No.12934412

The book is so big though, and I feel like I have already hit most of the points people talk about despite only being halfway through the book.

He attacks the procession of monks, attacks the windmills, his horse tries to get puss, and the gets thrown on a blanket. Do most people read the whole book? Why don't people talk about the rest of it?

Thank you friend. I am glad we have each other to tell. I don't know if you've read The Sun Also Rises but just in case you haven't, here's some nice little bits from the epigraph and the end of the book

>One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth forever… The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to the place where he arose… The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to its circuits… All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come thither they return again.

And this which I found a little therapeutic.

>"Oh, Jake," Brett said, "we could have had such a damned good time together."

>Ahead was a mounted policeman in khaki directing traffic. He raised his baton. The car slowed suddenly pressing Brett against me.

>"Yes," I said. "Isn't it pretty to think so?"

>> No.12934462

No, I haven't actually read any Hemingway, but I think I might go out and get it tomorrow. Right now I've been readin "The temple of the golden pavillion" by Mishima and Theodore Roosevelt's Autobiography. Roosevelt talks a lot about self-reliance and behaving in a way that befits a man, so that has been a bit helpful.

I don't know what lead up to your breakup, but you seem to be a good guy, anon, don't beat yourself up over it. You have a bright future ahead and you're deserving of real love. Try to see it with a sense of humour and spend some quality time with your badass self.


>> No.12934465

Hey anon.

My gf broke up with me out of nowhere after years. She was someone who brought genuine happiness and security to my life when I had none. I told her things that I never knew I needed to tell someone. But one day, she just didn't want to be together anymore and left me. All the talks and plans of marriage, children names, good times and getting through the hard times ultimately meant nothing. All the promises of I'll always love you were shocked away.

I don't think getting broken up is why you become sad, but because you know how difficult and fragile real love is. How effortlessly it can come and how effortlessly it can go. I think you cry because you know its not really real, and it can never be again.

Since my gf, I've been through 25+ women, and I haven't even began to feel a thing for any of them. I hope you're still able to love my dude.

>> No.12934541

At least you don't have OCD
Thackeray is a personal favourite,you should read it
Don Quixote is a masterpiece of course,read it no doubt

>> No.12934615

That does sound very useful. I think I will pick up some books to improve myself that should help me get over this.

> don't know what lead up to your breakup, but you seem to be a good guy, anon, don't beat yourself up over it. You have a bright future ahead and you're deserving of real love. Try to see it with a sense of humour and spend some quality time with your badass self.

Thank you for for your kind words anon. I've been trying to do so too, but I do have to beat myself up at the end of it all, it was my fault.

Make sure you take care of yourself too anon, you have a heart of gold.

You put it down in a way that feels like I wrote it myself. I'm not sad that I no longer have her, I'm sad that with almost all certainty, I will never meet someone I truly feel the same way about again. Every relationship following will be trying to live up to my expectations that I built from this one.

I hope I can love again too, but I have to work on myself first.

If any anons are wondering, I brought this upon myself and deserve no sympathy. I didn't treat her as an equal. She was so intelligent, so kind, but with a will that was unconquerable. I forced her to do sexual things when she didn't want to, to satisfy my weak, animal urges. I am no different from a rapist, and I deserve no kindness. She left me because she was strong, and I love her more for it. So please anons,
>how can I persuade you not to persecute me with your kindness?

>> No.12934626

>Thackeray is a personal favourite,you should read it
Okay anon, I will believe you. They will be big undertakings. Thank you

>> No.12934740 [DELETED] 

Wait no,this is way too much responsibility on my part,listen to other people too

>> No.12934764

Wait no,this is quite a big responsibility on my part,maybe listen to other people too.Vanity Fair is long and might not be the best for beginners.

>> No.12934864

we are all pieces of shit anon.
I've just started a new relationship after getting over one abysmal shit show.
Right now it all seems too amazing but sometimes I look at myself compared to her and wonder what is it she can see in me.
I place my base urges next to the happiness I feel when we are together or when i just think about her and I know I don't deserve what I'm getting.
I'm no stranger to beating myself up on matters. Finding the grace to lift yourself over these feelings and working to become a better person is not easy. Good Luck.
but we are all pieces of shit

>> No.12934911
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Same boat, old sport. The (good and bad) news is that you'll never love like that again; all loves are different, but not lesser. If/when you find it again it will be a completely different music.

Grieve, but don't wallow in self-loathing.