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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 904x794, tobias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1292844 No.1292844 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. I have been here before with the gift of awesome poems that some kid I am friends with on facebook writes. Today he just released part 2 of his "epic." I thought it was a great opportunity to yet again show that this kid has not progressed at all. I actually think he is getting worse. Will post part 1 in next post.

>> No.1292847

"And All They did is Laugh
Until the Fun was Over,
We all Cried on His Behalf
Until They Burned his Clover.

All He Did was Take It
'Twas not Justified
He Took all the Hits
Their Ego Gratified

He Survived Just Barely
Almost Crossing the Line
Showing Real Emotions Rarely
He Said He was Just Fine

Alas, He is Scarred
From Happiness, He is Barred
Until He Finds the Key
The Sun, He shan't See."

He then decided to put "(This isn't referring to Drug Abuse. It's more over Mental Abuse/Bullying.)" because it was so deep that I can see how it would be mixed up >_> part 2 in next post.

>> No.1292849

He Suffered in the Abyss
No One Noticed What was Amiss
Suicide He Thought
A Thought He Fought

Endless Onslaught of Uselessness
Feeling Oh So Helpless
His Sorrow Oh So Sensless
Until One Day, He Found It

There He Found the Key,
The Key for The Sun to See
His Happiness Unlocked
His Mind Unblocked

He Denounced Who He Was
For Love and Whatever It Does
Bliss For Him in Infinity
To Usher Him in with Brevity

He No Longer Cares
For what He Hears
He Listens to His Heart
His Life a New Start

>> No.1292857

All in all he really outdid himself this time...Here is some of his critics: "this is for sure the best work u have done man".. This isn't saying much compared to the rest of what he has done.

"REALY good. I like it" .. notice how the caps show how good it actually was?

>> No.1292863

We're all aware some people are shitty poets. Why shit up the board more with something only you, as an acquaintance of this person, could possibly find funny?

Fucking sage. He's an immature, foolish dreamer and you're an immature, foolish critic.

>> No.1292867

So what? Some emo sonofabitch is writing bad poetry. Why do you care? People are stupid and always will be.

>> No.1292869

It actually pisses me off more than anything. Thanks for your input though.

>> No.1292889

"Sooo gooooddd. Your the reason I try to write songs anon. Stuff like this. From the heart too. Good stuuff. More please"
I think his "fans" piss me off more than the actual poems.

>> No.1292904


That is perfectly resonable, anon

>> No.1292985

so some angst-ridden high school kid is writing bad poems, who gives a shit? if nothing else, he is exercising his creativity -- if you don't like it then stop reading it. Maybe one day he will be decent, everyone has to start somewhere.

>> No.1292989

haters gonna hate. Here OP, you might fit in with this group of people better.


>> No.1293007
File: 2 KB, 125x99, 1290130074247s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is now about tobias funke

>> No.1293011
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>> No.1293013
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>> No.1293031

Wait for it...

>> No.1293033
File: 2.97 MB, 1390x1975, Louis XIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The French are coming!

>> No.1293034
File: 13 KB, 208x199, JohnMcclainKickingYurAss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.1293041
File: 79 KB, 394x480, Marie Antoinette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat guillotine