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12927471 No.12927471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are women so articulate?

>> No.12927481

Women are fucking stupid.

>> No.12927485

Natural selection has bred them to specialize at disingenuously smooth talking their way out of trouble, because they lack the strength and intelligence to otherwise ensure their own survival and that of their offspring.

>> No.12927494

What a stupid hypothesis

>> No.12927496

There are no good female novelists.
There are no good female short story writers.
There are no good female playwrights.
There are no good female poets.
There are no good female translators.
There are no good female writers.

>> No.12927516

Describe a better one faggot. Also explain why neoteny is far more prevalent in females than men.

>> No.12927519


>> No.12927523

Fucking based

>> No.12927524

Shut the fuck up

>> No.12927527 [SPOILER] 
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>There are no good female poets.

>> No.12927587

>literal who pic related
>vine humour
what's next

>> No.12927589

Emily Bronte was not a good poet sorry

>> No.12927632

>Taking cheap shots at Emily Dickinson, easily one of the least shitty females to ever grace this planet
Christ you incels are sad

>> No.12927640

Articulate in what way? I'd say that most women are more verbally articulate than men. I think the reason is that they simply have more practice talking.

Women constantly gossip with their friends and/or boyfriends about the minutiae of their days, and as a result they often have a greater ability to express their feelings. They've been doing it since they were small, so naturally, they are better at articulating their thought compared to the average man.

I think they are also generally better at arguing their positions because they do not have to deal with the possibility (generally) that they could end up getting punched in the face if the argument goes south and turns in to a full blown physical confrontation. Additionally, because they generally don't resort to violence to solve their conflicts and because they have more bitchy/catty conflict with one another they will also have more experience verbally tearing each other to shreds.

>> No.12927681

Read Ilse Aichinger.

The only english translation I found freely available: https://www.asymptotejournal.com/fiction/ilse-aichinger-dover/

>> No.12927682

I like Emily Dickinson just as much as you but I'm not going to let that get in the way of talking shit about women.

>> No.12927959

Even if all the best ones are men (debatable, maybe), it doesn't mean there are no good ones who are women.
With standards like that you are garbage as well, you know...

>> No.12927995
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the odyssey was written by a woman

>> No.12928173


>> No.12928178


>> No.12928214

The woman you love is always the greatest poet. You've clearly never been in love.

>> No.12928391

At least you're willing to admit that the only reason men say women are talented is that they want pussy.

>> No.12928399

shhh honey

>> No.12928488

It's not all sexual, Freud. Give it a rest.

>> No.12928495

that's the only reason men do anything

>> No.12928530

I call women stupid on an anonymous anime forum so I can get pussy

>> No.12928532

maybe you're not a man?

>> No.12928539


>> No.12928545

Maybe I'm content with virginity

>> No.12928549

everyone ends up having sex at some point

>> No.12928561

Nah I'm not really interested. It seems kind of gross and I have fetishes I'd rather act out than copulate.

>> No.12928573

then you're still interested primarily in the body

>> No.12928586
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anime pussy

>> No.12928613
File: 70 KB, 440x683, 440px-Julian_of_Norwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“In my folly, before this time I often wondered why, by the great foreseeing wisdom of God, the onset of sin was not prevented: for then, I thought, all should have been well. This impulse [of thought] was much to be avoided, but nevertheless I mourned and sorrowed because of it, without reason and discretion.
“But Jesus, who in this vision informed me of all that is needed by me, answered with these words and said: ‘It was necessary that there should be sin; but all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.'
“These words were said most tenderly, showing no manner of blame to me nor to any who shall be saved.”