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/lit/ - Literature

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12927227 No.12927227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you holding up /lit/, what’s on your mind?

>> No.12927235

butterfly, usually :3

>> No.12927240



>> No.12927243

Some of us enjoy these threads as a chance to do a bit of creative writing about what’s going on in our lives.

I’m so sorry to hear that.

>> No.12927244


I have an exam in 14 hours and don't feel prepared at all. I am depressed and have difficulty concentrating. I just wanna fuckin die

>> No.12927247

>I’m so sorry to hear that.
I mean, I'm the only one who has a genuine relationship with her. Luckily, it is because I have taken off the disgusting guise of anonymity to do so. :3

Yesterday, she said to someone they would die before they got even close to fucking her.

For me, she said that I wasn't 'letting her' do anything.

You see the difference? It looks like she's rewarding me for not being anonymous.

>> No.12927250

You are mentally ill and need to seek help, or you’re ironically behaving as a strange internet character for attention. Either way it’s not looking good for you chief.

Are you getting enough sleep anon? What’s the exam for / about?

>> No.12927253

She literally said I wasn't letting her do anything.

That is a fucking quote verbatim, retard. I'm not even stretching the truth. How is that being mentally ill? Sorry I can't screencap the thread, virgin, I'm on another cpu that isn't mine. Some of us have lives to live.

:3 later, fucking loser. Sucks to suck

>> No.12927260

My mom is dying of cancer and my therapist is in love with me. My therapist constantly eyes my biceps and this brings me great distress because I pay her to listen to my problems and recommend antidepressants - not ogle the attractive raskolnikov-like rogue in front of her. Life in a drag, but at least I have my pet dog, Floofy, to guide me through the storm.

>> No.12927264
File: 75 KB, 530x700, 283A465E-E7B0-472F-87E2-D44EBFC957BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the fatal error of starting this thread when Americans are still awake

>> No.12927267

have sex

>> No.12927269

I have and will continue to do so, thank you?

>> No.12927273


No I can barely sleep to save my own life. Have had insomnia for many years. The exam focuses on conservation. It's just an elective course but I need to get a minimum of an A in the course so if I screw this up I will hate myself so much

>> No.12927287
File: 116 KB, 1121x630, 1522092C-DB2B-49CE-89C2-7F451CA7F876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excercise, water, melatonin for sleep?
Nevertheless, try find a way to calm down, give your studies a glance over and do the best you can in there anon.

>> No.12927294
File: 247 KB, 1000x667, ojmjakon-poljus-holoda-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started walking more recently, out of slumberous state, feels pretty good.
discovering new aesthetics for my joy

>> No.12927295


Cheers anon. I might just go to a 24 hour cafe and study if I can't fall asleep shortly. It's 3am. Have a good day/night

>> No.12927299

How does one approach publishers?

>> No.12927302
File: 44 KB, 790x395, 70D8A0FB-AE19-49D7-BCCB-4CF34BDCFF7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to hear it anon, what do you mean by “new aesthetics” for your joy?

Best of luck to you, try not to hit the caffeine to hard as if may assist with any anxiety and lack of focus. Cheers!

Sorry, my knowledge in regards to publishing is rather non existent, however my guess would just call some places up. Even if you only get through to a receptionist, have a conversation and find out something, make notes, become more effective with your submissions (I’m guessing this is relating to submitting work?)

>> No.12927305

shit like edgy 2012 pictures, quite aesthetic and brings nostalgia

>> No.12927310

I'm listening to the vines 2018 album, didn't know they had something out past 2014. It's pretty good. All of Craig Nicholls' previous songwriting memes are present, his style is so weirdly consistent over 15 years it borders on stagnant. I still like it though. Unsurprisingly, he's a fucking sperg.
In my Left in Ruins: The Poetics and Politics of Decay class yesterday, we thought about the carnivalesque as a realm for transgressing boundaries socially and politically, in relation to this pretty grim 70s film 'Pink Flamingos' (at the end of it, a drag queen eats dogshit while proclaiming herself the Filthiest Woman Alive). This got me thinking of the internet and places like 4chan in particular as examples of the carnivalesque, and I brought it up to my seminar tutor after class was over, citing the banter and making of memes out of the christchurch shooting as a recent example of a carnivalesque madness/boundary transgression. My aim was not to make things political, although the carnivalesque can be quite political anyway. In response she said she understood where I was coming from, but the carnivalesque's transgression is specifically to attack those above the transgressors in society. It was here that my example was not a good one, so I tried a different angle, bringing up Elliot Rodger. In hindsight I can be a fucking retard in argument.
What I really want to wrap my head around, an idea I'm sure has validity, is the transgressional nature of places like 4chan in terms of the constant insanity manifesting as a product of rejecting normie... norms. I do genuinely believe that the majority of 4chan posters suffer mental illnesses and childhood-rooted parasocial deficiencies which place them at the bottom of a power-privilege social hierarchy dominated by neurotypical women, in modern society at least (yeah yeah, r9k get out, I know). And that the typical behaviour of 4chanons can thusly be seen as a carnivalesque transgression of the societal norms and esoteric ins and outs of social interaction which profoundly disadvantage them (and anyone like them who doesn't post on 4chan obviously), propagated and legitimised by those who are privileged by this system, in a manner critically identical to modern humanities' insistence that women and minorities are disadvantaged by the straight white male patriarchy.
Is there any merit to my ideas or am I a faggot and retard? Please give me your thoughts.

>> No.12927320

I've been planning to read a longer book for a while now but I keep picking up shorter books that are too similar to be read alongside it instead. Patience and time will solve this but it still weighs upon my mind.

>> No.12927321

>the delusion has gone so far that he's not even aware what the delusion actually is

>> No.12927340

look man, something is going on. You can't just brush this off as delusion. She posts here so much more than she ever used to. It's a daily occurrence with her.

And that's a good thing. Every single time you call me out on this shit btw is a chance to expand and develop the situation. Any negativity serves to push us still forward.

Think about this: I'll say this stuff and she'll read it, look over it, and not respond. Then later on, she'll say stuff like I'm not 'letting her' do things. Yeah she said to fuck off, but does she really mean that when she keeps on responding to me and defending me?

I mean honestly, just some food for thought. :3 women can be pretty complicated, anon. There is no code to crack though, they are just people like the rest of us, but definitely different than men. Once we break down these walls you will not be having the same tone, I guarantee it

>> No.12927346

Why do you faggots always have to inject some forced meaning into your over analytical approaches to life.

There are so many things wrong with your post that I’ve actually given up trying to pinpoint any validity. It’s an anonymous forum to shitpost, laugh, be honest, discuss and communicate on, not some grand political rebellion, not some semblance of carnivalesque boundary transgression, not some delicate morsel of inner truth.

>> No.12927350

>mental illnesses and childhood-rooted parasocial deficiencies

You definitely have self diagnosed depression don’t you anon. Unless you manage to maintain a cloister of pseudo-intellectuals, life after college is going to hit you hard, buckle up.