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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 265x376, The_Exorcist_1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12926980 No.12926980 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst book you've read?

>> No.12927129
File: 115 KB, 530x800, Scarlet-Letter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was so bad about it, OP.

I don't know what book I hate the most but here is one of them.

>> No.12927207

philosophy in the boudoir

>> No.12927208

Simulacra and Simulation

>> No.12927209
File: 19 KB, 203x300, Time_Enough_For_Love_73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time enough for love, that was some smut without sumt just terrible writing.

>> No.12927217

it's not the worst, but i dislike it for overuse of swearwords like cunt.
2bh the puritan-esque euphemisms suite his style much better.

>> No.12927221

>he doesn’t like Hawthorne

>> No.12927224

A Magic the Gathering novel and a Warhammer 40k novel. I didn't read all of them, just samples out of morbid curiosity.

>> No.12927242
File: 26 KB, 278x450, 9780553213423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this rag, what an absolute bore it is

>> No.12927252

One of those 2010s cheap short horror novellas for 11 year olds who don't typically read, you know, the ones where skim reading it and reading it at a normal pace produces the exact same feeling. Can't remember what it was called.

>> No.12927270

The Corrections

>> No.12927315

Yeah, Hawthorne was an amazing writer. I really love his short stories

>> No.12927979

Agreed-- The Birthmark and Wives of the Dead are two of my favorites.

The worst book I ever read is easily Naked Lunch

>> No.12928003

Just curious can you explain why you didn't like The Exorcist OP? I was considering reading it

>> No.12928722

Slaughter house 5 and Fahrenheit 451

>> No.12928777

Worst popular book
World War Z

>> No.12928794

The Exorcist isn't that bad OP. it's not high literature but it's entertaining enough and the conversation scenes between Karras and the Demon are pretty kino.

>> No.12928800

The ones I've written

>> No.12928804

Anthem by Ayn Rand

>> No.12928827

The Kite Runner
seriously a ginger nazi iranian who rapes little boys in afghanistan, that's your story?

>> No.12928828

Station Eleven

>> No.12928886

Sula by Toni Morrison

>> No.12928903

Walden. There's nothing momentously profound about transcribing intuition.

>> No.12929006

Unfortunately I like to hateread people I disagree with, so there are too many to pick just one.

Most recently 'The Surrendered Wife' & the Quiverfull book

>> No.12929589

The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry.

friend pretty much begged me to read it, read a couple chapters and thought it was total garbage.