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/lit/ - Literature

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12925316 No.12925316 [Reply] [Original]

currently reading, last song you listened to, and your favorite visual artist

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

sad song about a girl i no longer know by charles irwin

van Gogh

>> No.12925340

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (reread)

Hop Along - Prior Things

Claude Monet

>> No.12925353

I'm reading Thomas Bernhard's "The Lime Works".
The other things are irrelevant.

>> No.12925367

Bros K, Anna K, Decisive Moments in History.

Nosferatu - Blue Oister Cult

Alex Alemany

>> No.12925378

Distant Star
can't remember
El Greco

>> No.12925383

The Leopard by Giuseppe di Lampedusa
Quelque chose tient mon coeur by Herbert Leonard

>> No.12925394

What does /lit folk know about fine art?

A. Wyeth

>> No.12925403
File: 39 KB, 682x468, manet_dejeuner-sur-herbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Pastoral
Dont trip by Zacari
Manet or Courbet.

>> No.12925412
File: 60 KB, 529x580, Lippi, Filippino - The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Dominic (c.1485).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

berlin alexanderplatz, daughters of the soho riots, this lippi painting that i always end up in front of in the national gallery

>> No.12925423
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My Past & Thoughts, Herzen
Durkio - No Auto Durk, Lil Durk

>> No.12925442
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Asimov Foundation
Camel Long Goodbyes
Michael Pacher

>> No.12925450
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reading the collection of american noir, thanks whatever anon here recommended it. im having a good time with it. i last listened to a black grape song in my car before switching it to a podcast. and cor artist, i dont have a few i love enough but monet is comfy. really blew me away the first time i saw some of those pieces in person.

>> No.12925505

The Recognitions by William Gaddis

A Case of You by Joni Mitchell

and Picasso

how u liking them?

>> No.12925509

The Book of Disquiet
Die Walküre Act III (Wotan's Farewell and Magic Fire Music if you want to make it a 'song')

>> No.12925515
File: 2.20 MB, 3001x1780, mont_saint-victoire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either/Or (Hong translation)
>Nothing - Eaten by Worms
>I'm always torn between Cezanne's views of Mont Saint-Victoire and Monet's series of the Rouen Cathedral

>> No.12925523

Book of Judges
Jeepster - Trex
Max Ernst

>> No.12925529

Very based artistic taste. Extremely based, actually.

>> No.12925541


Difficult Loves - Calvino
Grief of New Desire - Jute Gyte
I have no clue, I don't remember visual artists' names

>> No.12925553

The carbon swordsman by Affonso Sollano

Fairies wear boots by Black Sabbath


>> No.12925569
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Anna Karenina it's just not up to scratch as of the 60% i'm in. Rereading Brothers K, always a 10/10. And history is always fun to read.

>> No.12925594

wind up bird chronicle by haruki murakami
tong poo by yellow magic orchestra
don't have one but i like aivazovsky and impressionists

>> No.12925955
File: 338 KB, 800x1244, 2E0AE506-16E1-41D6-958F-5534D671549E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two most recent
Democracy at Work, Wolff. Level headed important work you all should read
Inseparable, Donoghue. Desire between women in literature

Oh Yeah, Yello. I now see this song as a depiction of Porto-man’s first psychotropic experience after eating some mushrooms which send his mind into the next evolutionary phase.
Saudade, Love and Rockets. Neat instrumental piece. Calm and inspirational.

... damn. All of it.

>> No.12926116

relax mandingo we all fellate at some point or another

>> No.12926118
File: 44 KB, 364x348, aUdsT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism and Schizophrenia vol 1. by D&G

Crystal Castles - Courtship dating

Don't really look into visual arts too much but the instagram users @jordykerwick @hiro_kurata and @lsdworldpeace standout from the rest

>> No.12926138
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@lsdworldpeace and that technomusic along with (your) pic related is nothing but what I expect in a Deleuzian

>> No.12926141

The Beautiful and the Damned- Fitzgerald
Hard to Find- The National
Da Vinci
Not sure what the last two have to do with lit though

>> No.12926153

Sounds pretty rad desu

>> No.12926155

Le Père Goriot by Balzac

I have no idea, the last band name I remember is "Hatebreed" but only because my 5 year old insists on the metal radio station.

My favorite visual artist is myself.

>> No.12926175
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>the Castle
>Celebration - Kanye
>dont know shit about the visual arts but recently learned about a russian artist named Vasily Surikov and he's pretty cool

>> No.12926178

The Catcher in the Rye
Some choir singing Soul of my Saviour
Arthur Hacker

>> No.12926189

How far are you? Does it get any better after chapter 7 because thats when id had enough

>> No.12926195

minima moralia
power for power - swans

>> No.12926422

Night of the iguana- tennesee Williams

Cool water- hank williams

Who ever did that christ Christ in the wilderness painting.

>> No.12926432
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Mythology - Hamilton
No favorite

>> No.12926457
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Genealogy of Morals
Forever Summer Holiday - Kero Kero Bonito
I'm not that into art, but I like this painting

>> No.12926535

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology Vol. 2. The World: Creation and Deification - Dimutru Staniloae
Wicca Phase Springs Eternal - Corinthiax
haven't thought about it

>> No.12926564

discharge - the blood runs red
odilon redon

>> No.12926568

>I'm not that into art, but I like this painting
Inspired by one of the greatest literary shitposts of all time.

>> No.12926581

If on a winters night a traveler by Calvino (I made a thread a two days back)

Crystal Blue Persuasion

Van Gogh