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/lit/ - Literature

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12922859 No.12922859 [Reply] [Original]

Make predictions about the future of literature

>> No.12922877

>the future of literature
There isn't one

>> No.12922879

Just started reading "The Future of Literature" by Arther S. Trace. Early 70s. Hauntingly prescient. His predictions are all coming true.

>> No.12922889

I think picture books about cute girls doing cute things are gonna be very lucrative

>> No.12922891

It will be devoured by the market. Modern society will allow no free thought. All anxietes will be treated by super effective neuromedication. There will be no art.

>> No.12922893

Literature is over. (((Publishers))) are hyping everything nonwhite and nonmale.

>> No.12922939

I'm purposefully not letting my daughter learn how to read because it's a useless skill now that can only lead to mind control and it's cute.

>> No.12922944

Cyberpunk will be the next genre milked by YA

>> No.12922950
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In an attempt to free ourselves of the screen, at least in part, our computers/smart-phones will be more voice operated. You speak to it and it speaks to you. This melds with the already existing books-on-tape industry and their production quality increases.
Traditional literature will continue to be printed, but increasingly by smaller or personal presses. Fine quality but rare physical books will be treated with more reverence by their owners.

Though this is all a pipe dream, because no one wants to stop global warming

Manga is already a thing. Not really literature.

>> No.12922963

By picture book I meant like a pop up picture book. maybe you read it in VR

>> No.12922974
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Holograms instead of paper cutouts?
Still I don't see this as a trend to replace literature

>> No.12922973 [DELETED] 

You lied about the sex :3

You’re not allowed to have it.

And btw that prediction is probably extremely wrong. Technology hits a wall with the brain. You can’t materialize the brain.

>> No.12922980 [DELETED] 

Stop breaking time please :3

>> No.12922982

Its going to be heavily political to the point that it wont matter what you write as long as author is the flawor of the month.

>> No.12922985

Just further decline of only social narratives and barely any just genuinely good stories

>> No.12922991

reminder that there isn't any literature written in the 21st century. it's already a dead medium that's been replaced with podcasts.

>> No.12923061

god I wish that were me
god I wish that were me

>> No.12923203

Nobody is gonna read a full book

>> No.12923328
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This? Never heard of it

>> No.12923336

like for example? don't make me pull it out of your anonymous nose

>> No.12923344
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What’s it say, anon?

>> No.12923352 [DELETED] 

:3 haha you are a little psychopath yourself. STOP IGNORING MEEE

>> No.12923601

a great work of literature will come out in
>the twenties

>> No.12923691

>Min kamp
>Lincoln in the Bardo
>Book of Numbers
>Against the Day
>The Pale King

>> No.12923709

Why bother posting some stupid teen magazine photo?

>> No.12923718

Cringey photo.

>> No.12923725

These pics are not good.

>> No.12923873

Is this Elsa Jean?

>> No.12923887

You're greatly hampering her intellectual development. Way to go.

>> No.12923913

Increasingly ironic. We're already past the ironic event horizon so at this point we're just going to pick up speed as the spaghettification of modern literature accelerates, leaving nothing but thin strands of pop culture references and self-aware '''humor'''.

>> No.12923947 [DELETED] 

she looks like she fucks black guys

>> No.12924454

Paper will disappear. Books will only exist in a digital space. In turn, a multimedia movement will happen in literature.

>> No.12924467
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Hmm, well, you know, no great writes have emerged for like what 20+ years

>> No.12924520

You’re using the word "cringe" are you 15 years old anon?

>> No.12924526

My posts were deleted?

>> No.12924530

Butterfly I made some posts at the same time as you did. God as my witness please reply: did you see them :3

>> No.12924536
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Good job, you imbecile. She'll fit right in with the rest of the smartphone generation.

>> No.12924545

How would you know? Bloom himself says judging what contemporary works will last is a fools game

>> No.12924548


>> No.12924549

The decline of heroic fiction - romanticism was a wrong turn away from classical art, and then modernism helped finish it off. Postmodernism is the carcass. The decline is mapped out in fiction, poetry, and the theater. All of these literary forms tanked in the 20th century. Concerning literature, novels in the 20th century began to have antiheroes instead of heroes. A hero is instructive. Antiheroes are the antithesis of what literature is supposed to do. If was that you could read a good novel and expect the experience to make you a better person. By the 1960s, that wasn't the case. Today it's even more empty than American Psycho. It's a really good book and it's a shame it's so forgotten.

>> No.12924553

They're out there but they're kept down by the power elite status quo that Bloom himself is very much a part of. It's all part of the plan.

>> No.12924566

What elaborate plan do you speak of Monsieur?

>> No.12924574

You have a point monsieur, how do I know?, I don’t Monsieur

>> No.12924581

Obliterate Christian civilization and European man

>> No.12924595

I just wanted you to say it haha

>> No.12924602

And also the last good writer to die was David Foster Wallace, DoNt @ mE

>> No.12924613

Fuck off buttershit

>> No.12924616

There hasn’t been a good writer since David Foster Wallace, based

>> No.12924627

I want to eat her snatch box so bad, when I’m done with her, she’ll never browse 4chan ever again and commit to a life without technology

>> No.12924666

Who cares about the future of literature? There is a great past behind with thousands of good books.
Read Nostromo.

>> No.12924675

Dave Eggers checking in

>> No.12924681

I’m sorry Butterfly ;_; I started all of this... but it’s because I loved you remember that :3

>> No.12924693

Poems about space phenomena >>12924601

>> No.12924716

I rest my case

>> No.12924751


Sounds about right. Case in point >>12923691
None of that appeals to me. And I like Saunders.

I’d kill you before you could get that far

>> No.12924762

Such a powerful woman :3

Are you protecting your pussy for me or not? Please don’t lie

>> No.12924768


>> No.12924785 [DELETED] 

Please note: her absence of a reply is unbelievably remarkable considering there is a thread up. I know I’m digging deep on this one, it might even hurt Butterfly, but I know you like me :3

>> No.12924790

What’s your favourite George Saunders book

>> No.12924797

Very Persistent Gapper of Fripp

>> No.12924826

I’m starting with In Persausion Natio,n, what am I in for?

>> No.12924848

Surrealism, often lightly humorous, seems to be his thing

>> No.12924860

And your rating?, out of 5

>> No.12924872 [DELETED] 

because they look like they fuck black guys

>> No.12924877

Meh. Like beauty; on or off. A solid on

>> No.12924901

You watch too much Blacked.

>> No.12924921

im reading as i write it amazing

>> No.12925477

Going to look into this

>> No.12926089

It's not going to be good -
unless someone does something

>> No.12926142

Sincerity back to irony and on and on.

>> No.12926928

Libraries will start selling ipads and coffee due to new regulations on paper production. Everybody is wearing gas masks, leather and fake limbs. The streets are lit by lamp posts and bike headlights 24hs. Also everybody is male

>> No.12927051
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>In an attempt to free ourselves of the screen, at least in part, our computers/smart-phones will be more voice operated. You speak to it and it speaks to you.

Absolutely not the case. As the synergy between man and tech grows, we will not rely on voice commands both due to the time taken to speak, its lack of privacy and the time taken for the software to reply. A connection directly to the synapses or inner voice of the brain would be more of a step in the right direction.

>> No.12927109

Yep. Always funny to me that no one ever reflects on the fact that contemporary literature is totally dominated by largely talentless Jews. Where did all the European literary talent go? Europeans went from being the greatest writers by far to nearly irrelevant in their own countries just like that? Where are the Shakespeares, Austens, Dickenses, Tolstoys, Joyces, so on? They’ve literally been shut out by Jewish nepotism. The more you think on this the angrier you get, if you love literature. Think of all the great classics we’re missing out on, rejected in favor of Joyce Carol Oates, Jonathon Safran Foer, Neil Gaiman, etc.

>> No.12927121

It was funny to me when Philip Roth died there was an article I think by Slate listing the contemporary writers mourning him on twitter. It was a long ass list. Every single one of them was Jewish. What sort of psyop shit is that lmao

>> No.12927894

They're out there and driven underground. Self published. Unpublished manuscripts. Depression treatments. Wondering why their work isn't getting an audience. It sucks, how do we break through?

>> No.12927926

Hu? If you want that you write it
>Time it takes
No one need rush so much. Comfort would come first. The software for AI will be humanized more than the human softwared.

"Synergy" later though. Space pioneers will want it, but plenty will want to stay more human and mortal

>> No.12928012

>The Future of Literature" by Arther S. Trace

i can´t find it

>> No.12928025

>>"The Future of Literature" by Arther S. Trace

>> No.12928041


>> No.12928225

>If was that you could read a good novel and expect the experience to make you a better person
sure thing lel

>> No.12928317

zoomer dork go find a catechism

>> No.12928626

>something happens
>many people are opposed to it, on a very emotional level
>writer writes book about event where the conclusion is already in the title: the Thing was bad.
>massive marketing campaign
>lots of people buy it
>author and publisher cash out
>doesn't matter if it is written well, people bought it because they were told to.

This is basically all political books since the 2016 election (right and left) but it is also touching other genres like that immensely bad (and successful) poetry book which was basically trendy phrases and reddit-spacing with some Instagram-friendly art next to it written by a PoC female.

This will probably continue because emotion and marketing are the only things left in our economy.

>> No.12928655
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>> No.12928657

you know

what I

mean though

>> No.12928662

The future is short stories and essays about things that can be linked to current events. Or at least pretending to be related to get the marketing started.

>> No.12928665

The future of literature is just running ancestor simulations in which famous authors wrote different things to see how it would have effected history.

>> No.12928671

If you want to publish make sure you have a few completed stories ready to go so when something big happens you can, within like a few days of fine-tuning, send it to the publisher where it will seem relevant and marketable and get it published asap to make sure your book can ride the wave set in motion by the big event.

>> No.12928878

The English language will be banned because of its association with colonial oppression.
I wish I was joking.

>> No.12928900

I did not know he was Jewish. I wouldn't say he is untalented though.

In the UK the unwritten rule is that you had to attend Oxford. US is more Jew-dominated.

>> No.12928983

Most people already admit that most of the shit that they read is bad in terms of quality. They see anything old and they get intimidated because of how challenging it is compared to YA lit. The last ten years have seen increasingly bland books for mass consumption. There's a bubble in the intellectual and literary world right now. It's going to pop.

Because of this, I foresee a counterculture where people rebel against the mediocre trash and seek out edifying, challenging, and beautiful works. People are going to look at the 2010's and be ashamed at mass culture. They're going to be ashamed of their attempts to exercise virtue vicariously through different causes. There's already an incredibly jaded youth base that is sick of how the media and the political systems keep jerking them around, and while there will always be a subset of youth who will stay liberal forever, most of the smart kids are shifting away from all that and towards the fact that the behemoths of media and entertainment don't give a flying fuck about them. Their reaction will be a new wave of romanticism, where things like emotion, virtue, and personal development will be the focus of all this; as in people will actually seek to live and to grow as people, and their art will reflect that. Not all of them, of course, but enough, to where it'll be an art movement where more moderate/conservative and grounded individuals contribute to beauty instead of just academics and jobless libs. Christian values will make somewhat of a comeback, but the churches won't. I see a couple decades where the intelligent and hard working people won't really seek high paying jobs, but freedom and expression instead, and so there will be a slight political shift in literature as well. It's just the pendulum of culture and counterculture.

There's going to be some big wars, or some more disasters. People are going to die, and be displaced. Just like the first and second world wars helped to shape an entire generation of writers, similar things will happen to force the next generation to build some iota of character, and give them some experience of suffering, apart from the sad and traumatizing content on television. And this will make art beautiful again. Real personal experience. Real people. Real.

>> No.12929051

So in lamens terms time will repeat itself as usual

>> No.12929056

I miss the enlightened mass culture of the 00s.

>> No.12929135

He's also openly anti-white. He's part of the plan. Working to emasculate white males, destroy Christian patriarchy, eliminate the name of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, he's a complete loser. All his fame and money are for nought. He's on the losing side and needs to repent.

>> No.12929137

In favour of... Hindi? Spic hybrid language? Ebonics? Chinese? Esperanto?

>> No.12929138

Great post. I'm part of this counterculture. I wish we had a board just for THIS.

>> No.12929880

Thumbs up

>> No.12930094

I will never be published, let alone influential.

>> No.12930117

milk & honey

oof, tho

>> No.12930202

>people bought it because they were told to & because it helped them virtue-sginal to themselves and their peers and family

fixed it for you

>> No.12930758
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Same, I spent the better part of this decade trying to break into music and art. I would obsess over performances and recordings. Now, I barely even care to show my friends. I just want to create and to think and not worry how it sells or if people like it.

>> No.12930776

Retards using female pronouns everywhere to be "inclusive", whole works being retconned for the sake of social justice, etc...

oh wait you said future?

>> No.12931143

What got you away? Was it the difficulty in trying to break through while producing work that fought against the prevailing anti-culture? Or just a change in thought?
I made a name for myself as a journalist and kept getting minor successes as a writer and artist, but kept hitting the wall. I also realized that the work I have to do, and that I'm doing, is not going to be what the New Yorker or Tin House or whatever is looking for. I have a hard drive full of books that no one knows about. I don't care about being liked anymore, I just want to create the thing I need to. Ironically I'm turning towards music - I've wondered if breaking into music will be easier than books.

>> No.12931292
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Do I need to be well versed in the Literary Canon to appreciate this or can any old chap get into it?

>> No.12931490

Intellectuals with the literary skills to create a decent work will create esoteric tripe meant only for a handful of their peers
The masses, being historically, culturally, and intellectually enfeebled will never produce anything great again. Same with "modern nobility".
Maybe some Eastern European or East Asian will create something worthwhile. Presumably, it would be in their own language though. On the bright side, there are enough classics to last a lifetime and with the internet, you can get a hold of most of them for free.

>> No.12932168

>The English language will be banned
No, but mark my words, it will be renamed International Standard or some bullshit like that in the next twenty years

>> No.12932205

All literature will be downloaded into our brains. AI will write new stuff.

>> No.12932340

Neon Genesis Evangelion is going to be a major influence on a lot of authors

>> No.12932706

Do you really believe so? Do you think that there will be a branch of writers called "Evangelion-y" by the critics?

because I can already feel that Eva-esque imagery is sneaking into my writing whenever I'm drifting away from realism

>> No.12932743

Everyone who understands Jewish power structures reflects on it.
Overwhelming majority of people are oblivious to Jewish power structures for good reason.

>> No.12932824

Look at how many posts this board gets on 'What is the Evangelion of literature

>> No.12932848

>because it helped them virtue-sginal to themselves and their peers and family

Yes, but this is also a two way street: because of marketing people think buying it will allow them to virtue-signal. It's an endless cycle much like a virus where eventually the hosts (consumers) will take over the marketing by virtue-signalling, which is basically marketing itself.

People used to market the way a product was better than the competition, now they market the consumer as better than the non-consumer. It's very smart from a marketing-standpoint but also very destructive because it is basically igniting class-warfare.
>I can afford X so I am Good

The very best example of this is the musical Hamilton.

>> No.12933477

This is what I am hoping for as well. If you look in the right spaces, you will see the seeds of this future in place.

To add to this, I think we will see a rebellion against social media in the future generations.

>> No.12933519

One day someone will make a book about an incestuous relationship and incest will be the new freedom movement

>> No.12933532


>> No.12933609

confirmed: butters is a literal retard

>> No.12933622

The self-publish shit-tier market will be absolutely flooded with neural-net generated prose that’s lightly edited for comprehensibility; zero effort will be made for zero effort subgenres like smut.

As ML gets a better grasp of dramatic structure, beyond just word embeddings, automation will replace ghostwriting; Tom Clancy will be the name of the anonymous neural nets trained on Reddit data that pump out content for boomers.

>> No.12933623

The crushing reality is this won’t happen at all. This is nostalgia, plain and simple. We need to learn to live with what we have at current with zero expectation of anything better. History is over. The simulacra won.

>> No.12933633

This is a board full of weebs dumbass, not indicative of greater cultural influences.

>> No.12933648

adding onto that:
its well known that each successive generation of social media users move away from the platform of the former gen:
(in aggregate, compared to other user demographics) kids used to be on facebook; then they moved to snapchat; now theyre on tik tok.
at some point things can only get so absurd, and there’s going to be a bottoming out, when the content so ephemeral that people reject tying their identity to it. kids will look for more wholesome social engagements

example: more interest in DnD because of stranger things; catan also being a college meme

>> No.12933660

ye fuck tin house they didnt like my shit

think ill just have to start a journal

>> No.12933700

This is definitely true

>> No.12934713
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Go back to your containment board.

>> No.12934849

This. Itll always exist as painting and sculpting have, but like the latter two literature will become tertiary to electronic media. Video and its future forms has and will continue to replace literature.

>> No.12934934

3 dimensional books

>> No.12935435

Nice excuse you bored neet

>> No.12935438

Interesting, but does he explain the decline of literature dealing with abstract qualities like love or representing and celebrating nature?

>> No.12935904

This can be said for every piece of modern media. I'm no fan of Star Wars, but I read The Hero with a Thousand Faces randomly before watching The Last Jedi, and it generally annoyed me due its snarky and horrible approach to a heroic figure.

>> No.12935953

Yes. Romanticism was the love of nature and that led to the love of man. Everything wrong was falling away from God, and from love of God. It's at the point now (when he wrote in the early 70s) that there are no truths, no love, nothing. Anything goes. And, in terms of art, it did. To the detriment of art.

>> No.12935963

I think all modern media is affected, yes.

>> No.12936283

If you are going to write music, try composing. It's way more comfy. No struggle with bandmate's schedules and what not. Also, the classical form is practically dead and it desperately needs revival.

>> No.12936513
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My last significant who offed themselves looks exactly like the girl in the photo. I have the first letter of her first name tattooed under my arm. I haven't been with anyone since. I miss her.

>> No.12936691

Sad story. How/why did she do it

>> No.12936745


>> No.12936770

Where can I buy your book?

>> No.12936836
File: 35 KB, 701x700, 1538354224125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was in an awful car wreck and she was driving. Killed her younger brother in the process, It legitimately wasn't her fault (other driver). But her family blamed her for it. Not to mention she struggled with mental health issues even before that. Her brother being killed was the straw that broke the proverbial camels back. She Killed herself by a gunshot to the head. I remember her friend (who found her) calling me after she called 911. I remember becoming tensed up, almost paralyzed from what I had just heard. Then the ringing in my ears started, that may have been the loudest noise I have ever heard. I didn't move for about 2-3 minutes but It felt like years had gone best with me sitting at the foot of my bed hearing nothing but ringing.

>> No.12936896

It seems like video games are the least affected despite video game heroes being born in this antihero era. Any ideas on this? Mario is a classic hero. Link is a classic hero; a lot of Nintendo heroes come to mind.

>> No.12937466

Vidya is still produced by niche enough people to be partially sheltered from the mass zeitgeist. This might change as the people in charge are still weirdos in their 40s-50s (the Gen X nerds) that will be replaced by the resetera crowd in the next decade if things go wrong.
Another point is that due to its nature, vidya is less influenced by its official critics that no one takes seriously and distribution platforms are easily accessible, so the barrier of entry is smaller than in literature or movies or art galleries.
Last but not least, the medium is still dominated by male goyim, let's not pretend it doesn't have an impact.

>> No.12938217

Post pic of her

>> No.12938279

That bitch don't read

>> No.12938299
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why would pretty people read?

>> No.12938302
File: 247 KB, 1000x1462, C8ABFEED-C74E-4C69-952A-E82478A2DB28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s been like two days, and now I’m wondering what her panties smell like

>> No.12938318

>Nathan Drake
>Joel and Ellie

>> No.12938322


They are all probably infinitely more interesting than your average pretty person.

>> No.12938339

sorry to hear this

>> No.12938347

wasnt Shakespeare part of the masses? so there's still some hope

>> No.12938486

why is noone (You)ing me on this

>> No.12938494
File: 128 KB, 961x826, 3C708A50-178E-4410-98D3-3B621EEBCDDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The attention you seek you shall never receive you vile vile vile man,

>> No.12939546

A killer app will be released that will allow you to chat with other people who are currently reading live, and will also support forums so you're not stuck reading with one other person.
The app will also have an Alexa/Siri/Google Assistant-like AI voice that will read any text you upload to the app to you.

>> No.12939885

Hmm, looks like speech and violence really are different things.

Just in that picture each one is telling a story. Otoh, imagine the smell.

Instabookclub, insert footage of peedeepie reading you bedtime stories.

>> No.12939896

That's not a killer app, that's a group of people on one social media platform gathering to talk about their hobby.

>> No.12939986

I was naming your app, not referring to some other thing that already (apparently?) exists. Also making fun of it, since I doubt books are the future.

>> No.12940965

I see, my bad. I was surprised it was an actual thing, too.
I think literature has staying potential as a form of entertainment/study for times you can either only listen or only read, such as while commuting or working, in comparison to music and film which requires the necessity of sound, and in film's case both sound and a visual. Literature only needs one or the other and thus has more opportunity for use. Kindle and Google Play Books (especially Google, since it has a text-to-speech feature baked into the app) are good starting points. I like Kindle's Frequently Highlighted feature and wish it had the ability to publicly share and view notes as well.

>> No.12941732

I’m still unsure of its value. But just go make it yourself, if you believe in it. You could learn to make an app from “swift playgrounds” right now. Get rich and spend all day shitposting on /lit/.

>> No.12941775

So what? It's still English.

>> No.12941856

Is the proportion of English-speaking peoples on the planet even increasing anymore? Given the low birthrates of European and Anglosphere countries where its most commonly spoken I'm not convinced it's gaining market share, even with India doing all the work; it's certainly not going to reach some preferred status over Spanish and Mandarin.

>> No.12941888

>It legitimately wasn't her fault
yes it was

>> No.12942062

Mostly I got sick of the SJW's and I wanted to stop drinking and taking hard drugs. I realized I'd rather have a family then trying to make it in a music genre that is going the way of jazz. I still plan to write and record, but mostly because I have to, not to get signed or go on tour, I just have the need to create. If you feel drawn to music I say do it. It may not get massively recognized, but it very likely could change a dozen people's lives. I know my shitty hardcore band did at least.

>> No.12942093


>> No.12942180

Books will become entirely digital, there will be government buybacks of books to trade in for e-readers, leading to the degeneration of written text. Once most physical writings and physical writing material is gone, and the majority of literature that is written is available on government subsidized e-readers, there will slowly be changes to grammar and text done in the background to groom people into their books changing. They will all be connected to the internet constantly, and the words will slowly change revision after revision until everything is pure propaganda and no original thought is left and the common man will have no way of knowing this.

>> No.12942344

whats her insta

>> No.12942392
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The books I release will be included into the literary cannon. I will force the literary world and society as a whole to stare at itself and come to terms with the decomposing standards of art, literature, philosophy; to condemn the consumer and the producer for the decline of serious art. I'd be content with causing a couple suicides within the writing world (plebeian novels,series. poetry, journalism etc). Don't think I can do it? Don't care.

>> No.12942418

There was a paranoia in the last decade about certain important writers being removed from reading lists in schools for being inapropriate for our political age. While this has worked in simpler schools, it has been (widely) largely rejected and ridiculed. I think the next move is to introduce "No Fear Shakespeare" style translations and 'reimaginings' that distort the meanings of the original texts to fit modern politics.

>> No.12943748

We need to instill fear. I like that. I like being thought of as a 'dangerous' writer. Only problem is, literary journals won't publish me so now what

>> No.12945024

just think about Notre-dame, in this age is no longer possible to create that of architecture, not because we can't but we don't want anymore, taste and art have been degraded to just be another product and commodification. the same thing is happening to literature, anyone can write books because there isn't a standard to which we can classify what is good and what isn't a good piece of literature, mass people destroyed culture.

>> No.12946221

Civilizations wear out. Maybe ours has. Maybe it can be saved, maybe it can't. Maybe a new civilization is waiting in the wings. In any event, I'm really depressed abou the state of things.

>> No.12946246

how is that any different from realist novels such as tolstoy?

>> No.12946264

great writers come after the generation dies not during

>> No.12946353

schools will teach you to be more opinionated. the curriculum will stop having you read books that stand the test of time, and will stop allowing you to come together to create worthwhile anecdotes of what you read. it will become a version of what it is now, you will be encouraged to create the opinions of what you were born with and has no substance, what you "feel" is right and you blurt out during a second interval in a social interaction, some thought you hadn't thought about before the conversation.

noone will know the true nature of human emotion or humanity itself, anything that comes genuine from yourself or was once popular in a romantic culture will seem weird or out of place. anything that can't be described and in all seriousness something that is not a displayable emotion like an "emoji" will label you as creepy. if your whole self isn't displayed on a plate or a digital screen you seem mysterious. in short you actually will start to look like a robot and is way to common on young people, i wish i can go more into words on that

>> No.12946369


>> No.12946384

Except for Book of Numbers

>> No.12946387

Any ol chap