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/lit/ - Literature

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12922159 No.12922159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

shitposters and id-pol adherents please go back to your boards and leave /lit/ alone

>> No.12922978

red flag, that's not even a real thing.

>> No.12923008

/pol/acks gonna /pol/, unfortunately - filtering helps somewhat, though.

>> No.12923017

I hate /pol/ so much does that make me a platinum club member too? where's the discord server invite?

>> No.12923228

don't worry, reading is a natural inoculation to the pol virus

>> No.12923436

Unless you read people like Kant, Hegel, Hume, Schopenahuer, Nietzsche etc. and see all their racism and sexism

then you do a big think

>> No.12923464

it was a different time.

>> No.12923467

cope harder

>> No.12923477

>lol they don't agree with my political opinions they must not read
>complaining about the decline of /lit/

As if some of the greatest literary figures in history weren't right wing.

Honestly have some fucking self awareness

>> No.12923478

lol okay keep being led around by the media you consume like a pet :)

>> No.12923479

wtf are you talking about you sodomite

>> No.12923484

lol mad. No great literary figure spouted polshit

>> No.12923489

I know it's hard for the likes of you but try to think for yourself at least

>> No.12923492


>> No.12923495

Yeah a more functional time

>> No.12923498

You're literally doing what you accuse me of doing (which I don't). You look at all these racist and sexist philosophers and instead of considering their beliefs in earnest and thinking for yourself you resort to the "it was a different time" meme that the media you consume instilled in your mind.

>> No.12923499

Thanks for demonstrating my point :)

>> No.12923503

What are you talking about? I'm able to contextualize what they're saying within the zeitgeist of their time and you're just sitting with your hands in your ass going "muh rong generation"

>> No.12923508

you have no reasons for thinking their racist and sexist beliefs were wrong, you just know that's what you're supposed to say

You think these brilliant men were all just deluded(in exactly the same way, funnily enough all races on earth happen to have the same delusion where Africans are concerned)

>> No.12923511

Also good job on being such a passive aggressive beta faggot. At least have the balls to insult me directly instead of your sodomite little smiley faces and your le ironic lol xddd. Fucking sick of people like you.

>> No.12923516

>n-no you're just as racist as me!!

lol back the fuck off?!?!??

>> No.12923521

I didn't accuse you of being racist, you don,t have the intellectual integrity or courage to even consider being racist

>> No.12923523
File: 936 KB, 644x644, where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big man, insulting me on an anonymous weeb imageboard

>Fucking sick of people like you.
You're free to fuck off back to redd*t anytime :))

>> No.12923527

you said I had no reason to think their racial views were wrong tho, pls keep up ;)

If you don't at least think that schopy was at least a little deluded in his views on women then you're never gonna make it

>> No.12923532

Why would I want to go to a place full of people like you, idiot?

>> No.12923534

So you do have reasons to think racism is wrong? you have some kind of evidence that the races are the same? please list it

>> No.12923541
File: 1.42 MB, 250x400, tumblr_inline_p11cm6rCXr1tn9ty2_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoo shoo little nazi

>> No.12923544

That's what I thought, you have nothing

>> No.12923552

I have nothing that confirms your own prejudices, that's true, but just so you know, racism is more than simply acknowledging differences among race.

>> No.12923554

>newfag makes a worthless post to bitch about how much he hates using 4chan
Lucky for you you're about to recieve a 3 day vacation you big dumb faggot

>> No.12923555

Peak r*ddit. God this place has gone downhill...

>> No.12923557

you admit races are different?

>> No.12923559

since the electionfags, i agree

>> No.12923562

uh duh.

>> No.12923564

You're agreeing with pol then, good talk

>> No.12923566

Commence genital proclivities

>> No.12923568
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>that post

>> No.12923571
File: 210 KB, 512x512, veemu!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical slipshod polcuck reasoning lmao. There's a reason nobody sane takes that place seriously.

>> No.12923573

Just stop engaging with them, they're a brainwashed catamite, if it wasn't already obvious from their posts. You won't achieve anything with this.

>> No.12923575
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>> No.12923579
File: 98 KB, 1000x1000, steve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this A. Wyatt Mann comic from stormfront will surely show that I am not a racist degenerate!


>> No.12923582

I'm not interested in convincing them, it's just another example for anybody reading of the complete and total lack of arguments that antiracists have

>> No.12923587

typical, when confronted with even the slightest resistance to your brainwashing you just make up an ad-hom and move on. The bots really got to you lmao

>> No.12923588
File: 253 KB, 517x635, 1555063624493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh stormfront bogeyman
never been on there

>> No.12923595

>typing like this
>calling anyone else new
why do you insufferable faggots insist on lying? It never works.

>> No.12923602

>some niggerloving retard talking about brainwashing
My sides

>> No.12923610

>haha lucky for me I'm ignorant!

already knew that lol

>> No.12923615


>> No.12923616

>reddit spacing
>posting from a literal script
Give it up dude its beyond pathetic

>> No.12923621

that's not redd*t spacing, dood

>> No.12923623

Whatever media parrot. Why don't you go suck off your HR department and tip a cop lmao

>> No.12923628

says the /pol/smoker, lmao

>> No.12923638
File: 149 KB, 590x639, 1543978057063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ur ignorant
you really need to practice your pilpul

>> No.12923645
File: 42 KB, 600x703, Promotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't proudly announce your ignorance if you don't want to be called out on it? lol

>> No.12923653
File: 33 KB, 508x343, 1541477453324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no YOU'RE the ignorant one, goy
just fuck off kike

>> No.12923654


>no great literary figure ever had fascist leanings


>> No.12923656

You didn't call out on anything, just sperged out when others pointed out how what you're saying is hypocritical and makes no sense. Offer actual arguments.

>> No.12923664

go back /pol/tard, nobody other than your fellow retards likes you

>> No.12923665

What's wrong with diversity of opinion? I agree that shitposters need to go

>> No.12923669

that's not what polshit is, kiddo.

>others pointed out how what you're saying is hypocritical
lol where? I admit differences between races, that's the entire point, but I don't declare fatwa on everyone different from me.

>> No.12923670

Good to know you retards are so insecure you always have to be the last one to reply. Here's a hint, it's fucking bait. I used to download images from Tumblr just to troll with their filenames on /v/

>> No.12923681

That's actually pathetic, your lies crumble under the slightest inquiry. You don't belong here.

>> No.12923684

>I admit differences between races,
literally hitler desu

>> No.12923695

no, unfortunately impressionable teens and manchildren have hypnotised themselves into believing this is actually majority opinion while securing themselves further and further into their digital cave.

>> No.12923699

Nothing. but these /pol/tards bring /pol/s idpol talking points into fucking everything

>> No.12923700
File: 82 KB, 398x350, 1552058889366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that's irony

>> No.12923704

gl publicly saying you think the races are different and not being called a nazi in 2019

>> No.12923715

>ugh all people act like my pol strawmans!!!

seek help

>> No.12923723

no really, post it on your twitter, im sure theyll understand the nuance

>> No.12923737

yet another youth lost within the darkness able only to behold mere shadows upon his cell

>> No.12923742

you know damn well you'd get in shit for posting that, and youre not fooling anyone

>> No.12923754

no, you fucking goof, that's literally the point of race to begin with.

>> No.12923770

are you a literal excon boomer?

>> No.12923777

>post it on your twitter
Twitter isn't real life, bro...

>> No.12923780

say it at work then, should go over really well

>> No.12923785

cope :)

>> No.12923791

>wtf my boss just fired me because I called him a nigger

>> No.12923792

Just did, my boss gave me a promotion and showed me nudes of his wife

>> No.12923823

Just did, my boss just said go back to work.

>> No.12923831

my favourite meme is characterising anyone who complains about the /pol/ infestation as being a foreign invader to the board when in reality they're more likely to be older and to remember a time when /lit/ was extremely left wing

>> No.12923832

my boss asked me to say it again lmao

>> No.12923863

I like how most thread brely make an attempt to discuss books anymore. I love watching this place turn into the /v/eddit hellhole it's rapidly becoming. I told people years ago /lit/ would become like /tv/

Now /tv/ is just a shit as ever but /lit/ is catching up!

>> No.12923876

4chan is dead comrade we should all leave

>> No.12923886

my favorite meme is anyone who doesn't agree with me is a tranny on discord plotting to humiliate and dom white bois like me.

I want to get pegged by the discord tranny lmao

>> No.12923888

we did

>> No.12923905

youre here why then?

>> No.12923915

oof, uh, newfag, look at the URL...