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12921418 No.12921418 [Reply] [Original]

I had work today so I was only able to read 16 pages from one book :/. Tomorrow night will be better.

How did the rest of you all fare?

>> No.12921423

I have to read like 2 pages for school but I'm too lazy and unmotivated

>> No.12921430

Finished the last 20 or so pages of Fear a Loathing on my lunch break and got through the first 30ish pages of a Hunter S. Thompson bio before bed

>> No.12921454

Got a solid 40 in on the Beautiful and the Damned. Glad I gave Fitzgerald another chance after not liking him in high school. Not usually one for the prose meme, but he just churns out killer line after killer line.

>> No.12921465

Woke up at six am and laid in bed staring at my phone for an hour. At the time I had vague thoughts regarding the path of life I've chosen for myself. I ate over sweetened cereal from some conglomerate before getting dressed in the standard business casual. I did side things up with a colorful polo and sock combination and a spritz of bourbon cologne in honor of the teeing off of the Masters. At work I did little. Some time was wasted on listening to golf running on a background window. The rest was spent looking busy in case one of the partners walked by looking for some shmuck to put a load of work on. The rest spent looking busy to keep my coworkers thinking I gave as much of a shit about the rat race as they did. At the end of the day I spent thirty minutes in traffic ok my way to meet a friend on leave from the Air Force. We drank, reminisced, and shared updates. I drank maybe too much since my buzz has carried to this point making me wish I was still drinking too numb the pain brought on from my poor life choices and the sad lot in life I've cordoned off for myself. Might be a bad night for reading but I'm almost done my current read. Maybe I'll power through. Maybe I'll give in to my spectres and drink some more. In either case, tomorrow I'll be waking up at six am.

>> No.12921475

I said too when I meant to at one point in this blogwall of text. Sorry. Phoneposting.

>> No.12921681

blogpost incoming. i need to get this off my chest.
decided to bring my copy of tao te ching to kill some time during my lunch break. got a few verses in but supervisor seemed interested so i let her borrow it. somehow i've picked up this reputation of being "the guy who's always smiling" and she seems to attribute it to the book. i'm just being polite. a smile invites another.
it seems as though i've subconsciously crafted this persona as a happy-go-lucky eccentric artistic weirdo driven by a fountain of endless joy. the shift in my tone on the way home from work is crushing. the contrast is miserably stark.
i don't feel comfortable expressing negative emotions to others, all it does is invite naive concern packed with the usual normie advice that's always lost on me. unfortunately i have no outlet for that negativity other than the internet (like most of the denizens of this site i guess), hence the blogpost.
i'm not sure which of these people i really am. there are moments when i'm comfortable around others, shooting the shit and having some genuine moments, that i'm so convinced everything is going to be alright, that this "persona" i've crafted is the real genuine me just begging for its chance to manifest. as soon as i'm alone with my thoughts it all seems so distant.
they also stopped giving me sunday shifts, which jams a real cactus up my arsehole cus the girl i get along with only works sundays. when i'm around her i feel like this goofy light-hearted persona is the real me and the miserable loner kid is just an uninvited guest in my head. i wanna ask her out so fucking bad but i don't think i'll ever get the chance.

>> No.12921946

where do you work anon?

>> No.12922013

34 pages in the argonautica, 3 and a half in Herodotus.

>> No.12923166

a little cafe near my place.

>> No.12923180

They probably stopped giving you Sunday shifts so you could ask her out.
No one wants to work with a person they are dating and no employer wants people that are seeing eachother to work together.

>> No.12923377

Only 2 pages in an hour, but it was in latin

>> No.12923447
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44 pages of this book

>> No.12923522

Well I don't have her number or anything so the only appropriate chance to ask her is on our way home from work, in person. I doubt they noticed anything between us other than the fact that we got along. The schedule change is probably just business, they wouldn't need me on Sundays anyway. I think I'll just come in during a quiet moment this Sunday, grab a bagel and ask for her number/Snapchat/whatever so we have a line of communication

>> No.12923540

Ask her out in person you autist

>> No.12923543

On your day off? Think of something else going on in your life that’s not a particularly stressing obligation at that point in time, something she may be able to relate to :3

>> No.12923549
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>tfw work as security guard
>tfw get paid to read all day
yesterday i read a play by sophocles, the metamorphosis by kafka, and half of in the penal colony also by kafka. additionally i wrote about four more pages in my spiral notebook to the short story im currently working on

>> No.12923550

i read about 80 pages of berlin alexanderplatz last night
i won't read anything but 4chan tonight because it's friday and it's getting drunk night
i like you op
you're ok
i like your positive book reading threads. you have a good attitude and i hope a good influence on this board

>> No.12923561

>no coworkers

>> No.12923577

there are other guards that work in my area, they come and hang out with me. one of them is an avid reader himself so we have a lot of interesting conversations

>> No.12923591

112 pages of Grapes of Wrath today

>> No.12924161

it wouldn't be appropriate to do so while she's busy at work. or maybe I'm just being a pussy

elaborate? I don't see how that relates. I don't have much else going on in my life. I wake up, go to work, come home, work on some music, maybe read a few chapters, get lost in thought, sleep, repeat. I've been looking at meetups in my city so I can actually meet some like-minded people, maybe I'll make a few friends there. haven't really been social since I moved here

>> No.12924477

Yesterday I read 85 pages in total of three books

>> No.12924758

How do you wagies do it? When i was NEET i read loads, now i just don't have the energy after work.

>> No.12924804

finished the Iliad, about 240 pages which is more than i usually read
> reading many books at the same time
do you do this on regular basis? desu i can't switch or reader several books parallelly