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/lit/ - Literature

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12918949 No.12918949 [Reply] [Original]

> "Brevity is a sister of talent." - A. Chekhov
if a book is over 600 pages, it is pseud trash.
exceptions are so bizzaringly rare they only prove the rule.

>> No.12918957

Depends of what you tell in those 600 + pages.

>> No.12918963

>counting by pages
You're the pseud trash

>> No.12918985

i'm sorry that an average american can't comprehend the approximate length of a standard-sized 600 page book.
too bad there aren't FAHRENPAGES that equal about ~1.42 of a normal A5 page in 34/45 of size 20 arial font, with around 40 grape seed lengths borders.

>> No.12918999

What's the ideal lenght of a book ?
I believe it does not matter as long as every word of it was either weighted or it follows the beautiful natural spontaniety of the human experience like in Homer.
I agree only when someone is vomiting words out of pure pretentiousness .

>> No.12919003

Imagine being this obsessed lmao stay mad europoor

>> No.12919012

>I dislike americans
>therefor everyone I dislike is american
o b s e s s e d

>> No.12919018

I think the problem is a lot of writers waste the reader's time with content that hardly matters or is treated as filler to make the work longer. Everything needs to have a purpose or it doesn't need to be there. Longer books tend to do this because of page count but shorter works do this as well.

>> No.12919027

Literature doesn't matter. Literature is useless. All literature is filler. If you want something useful, look elsewhere.

>> No.12919039
File: 166 KB, 393x957, bard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brevity is the soul of wit
>said by a rambling retard
>in a play that satirizes that retard very wittily
>but still uses rambling to express that wit
unironically what did the bard mean by this

>> No.12919046

good fucking post

>> No.12919047

This is just textbook pretense.

>> No.12919066

Chekhov implied that you need to put your thoughts together strictly and expose them without useless wankery that exists only for the sake of showing off your gay ass prose, not that books can't be long. Chekhov also was a very close friend of Tolstoy and deeply admired his works, so your interpretation doesn't make sense at all

>> No.12919084

>doesn't matter

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.12919085

For modern literature, maybe. Every long series or trilogy is garbage.

>> No.12919090

> ideal length
150-200p for a non-complex story with a couple of main characters, 1-3 plot archs and main ideas
250-350 for a well-built novel with multiple major plot lines, many major points, and a lot of acting first-plan characters.

>> No.12919097

I feel like a series of short books works better to get a complex point across than one long book. Anyone else agree?

>> No.12919107
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God, why is this board full of people like this?

>> No.12919109

he's absolutely right

>> No.12919113

Tolstoy is (un)arguably among the well-known exceptions.
If you hang a US high-school worth of rifles on the walls and never shoot a single nigger, then you're simply inflating the story.

>> No.12919214

based yurotard

>> No.12919223

you only say that because you are a lazy fuck and you want an excuse not to read

>> No.12919248

I want an excuse not to read some 1200 page shit that can be fit into 300 pages just fine.
Occam razor is meme that's true anyway, if you can't bring your point without spilling tons of irrelevant filling material, you're not a genius

>> No.12919294

Counting by anything but syllables is a sign of a pseud. Ideally, moras should be used.

>> No.12919307

> he doesn't count by kilobites of text
plebs i swear

>> No.12919316

>a book has a point
what a crude way to approach art desu

>> No.12919322

I used to think this until I read Moby-Dick. I wish that nigga made it twice as long, shit was hot.

>> No.12919323

I would love bashing your head with my Mondadori Three volumes edition of the Commedia .

>> No.12919330

He meant literally. Brevity is a sister of Talent. These were the hippy names in Chekov's time.

>> No.12919334
File: 83 KB, 680x490, 85e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he reads anything but 3000 part twitter threads
And here's why it's a pleb thing to do. So you see, (1/?)

>> No.12919368

I'd go so far as to say I have never read a piece of literature (I'm not talking just normal fiction) over ~300 pages that I thought was worth finishing.

>> No.12919429
File: 306 KB, 468x571, 34984802_2081623942078092_5619210424659476480_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don Quixote
>War and Peace
>Anna Karenina
>The Brothers Karamazov
>The Adventures of Augie March
>The Lord of the Rings
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Mason & Dixon
>Memefinite Jest
>Das Kapital
>Zizek's Less than Nothing
>50% of pop sci-fi and fantasy
>90% of textbooks

>> No.12919463

> pop sci-fi is good
> texbooks are literature
nigger what

>> No.12919504

but literally every book sold in the US is over 600 pages lmao. They can turn a camus novel into a 3 word-per-page bible.

>> No.12919616

I believe that Chekhov said that not out of praise to the shorter forms of literature, but instead because was in favour of the economy of space. It's not that you should say less, it's that you should say it better.

>> No.12919631

Its funny.