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/lit/ - Literature

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12917419 No.12917419 [Reply] [Original]

He hasn't read anything from any other author, right?

>> No.12917426

Im sure he has

>> No.12917436


>> No.12917441

he read the bible too

>> No.12917444

His recommended reading is entry level lmao read fear and loathing gyiuise

>> No.12917659

He's read derrida and lacan, likely E. Michael Jones and Terence McKenna as well. He just doesn't advocate them.

>> No.12917672

stephen hicks and donald trumps twitter

>> No.12917673

>He's read derrida
Are you sure? He talks about Derrida like he only read about him from Steven Hicks

>> No.12917679

Books he recommends:

>> No.12917690

Proof that a man can be far less than the sum of his influences.

>> No.12918085

You talk about Peterson like you've only watched Cuck Philosophy videos. Read "The Ideology of Tyranny" for an erudite take on Postmodernism's ills. Yes Peterson and Hicks are inadequate critics but they happen to be right

>> No.12918111

>E. Michael Jones

>> No.12918131

He probably did 2decades ago, but now he's a self-help guru for the lost manchildren of the internet.

>> No.12918148


>> No.12918163
File: 56 KB, 331x402, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Ideology of Tyranny"
You're citing someone with no formal training in philosophy
whose main published work is promoting a conspiratorial interpretation of history which is accepted by no one respectable in even said field.

>> No.12918166

>formal training in philosophy
quite worthless desu

>> No.12918172

>A background in philosophy is worthless when trying to talk about philosophy

lol get out of here drumpflet

>> No.12918176

lol. I'll pray for you, faggot. See how that works out for ya

>> No.12918180

>You're citing someone with no formal training in philosophy
That makes him more credible, not less.
Being a teacher of Political Economy gets more respect from me, specially because he has had field experience in national banking.

>> No.12918185

it is, it's on par with "formal training" in tarot cards
>muh trump boogeyman
i'm on the other side of the globe, not an argument.

>> No.12918186

Not to say I agree with him, btw. He has Chomsky-tier rabbid anti-americanism.

>> No.12918187

Jean Piaget

>> No.12918191

he is the type of guy to read a book once and then not shut up about how it "changed his life" and whatever, you know the type

he is alright but annoying

>> No.12918192

well hey if you're writing a book on tarot cards.

stupidity knows no borders

>> No.12918198

didn't he drop him after learning that he was too redpilled?

>> No.12918272

So, do you care about postmodernism or not?

>> No.12918281

He can even comment on 200 years together.

>> No.12918288

If you read the book yourself it's quite clear he knows what he's talking about. Credentials are useful but why focus on that when you have direct measure of someone's ability?

>> No.12918289

Neither can the kikes on this board.

>> No.12918296

>stupidity knows no borders
Exactly, which is why we shouldn't have "open borders", aka. no borders. To separate ourselves from third world brainlets. We have too many in our countries already.

>> No.12918391

wow it's almost like the Arab Spring created a humanitarian crisis or something :)

>> No.12918406

No one cares about Jews, I'll be more interested how does he cope with his anti-liberal and anti-american views

>> No.12918451

thsts all you need

>> No.12918457

Do you people even read the book? It states that communism attacked jews as much as other and antisemitism in russia was born from dumb hicks. Moreover, an often shared quote of the book on /pol/ is actually from that KKK Duke guy.

>> No.12918468

>"foremost critique of postmodernism"
>hasn't read Foucault, Baudrillard, Bourdieu or Heidegger

>> No.12918470

he doesn't speak german or russian so no.

>> No.12918477

He was a PoliSci major in undergrad so he must've read Plato, Hobbes, and other notables in Political Philosophy courses.

>> No.12918478

But that can't be true, the USG's subversive terrorist activities in foreign countries have never created any type of crisis, civil war, massacre, terrorism or massive waves of migrants.

>> No.12918492

> Terence McKenna
You mean the pothead who was peddling some insane theory about December 21 2012? What book has he written? I thought his shtick was getting high and rambling in front of hippies. Very entertaining dude.

>> No.12918566

yes, but it's weird you know about him yet don't know that his main claim to fame is his books, the other shit is incidental

>> No.12918850

>i can't do it

>> No.12919455
File: 160 KB, 1077x727, Screenshot_20190411-200018_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when i thought he couldnt be any more jewish...

>> No.12919474

>cuck philosophy (?)
the world is pathetic. who the FUCK watches youtube videos on philosophical topic? What the FUCK??? What the actual fuck? I'm 23 and grew up around electronics yet it never occured to me that anything other than a book was an okay medium for philosophy. a youtube video???? what???

>> No.12919562

>/lit/fags thinking they are above Jordan Peterson because they have read more authors
>Yet the great majority of this board has never published any scientific research

You would also have read less if you had produced more.

>> No.12919570
File: 172 KB, 1024x599, other book solzhenitsyn peterson fadeout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12919572

There are lectures from professors online. What's wrong with watching those?

>> No.12919601

One isn't smart because one is a professor. The opposite, really. Academia has an IQ treshold.

The medium itself is fucked, you read at your own pace, go back and re-read whatever you want. You are actively participating whereas you submit to the video and take in the information at a directed pace. And I'm not even dwelving into hypnotism/attention span issues one will struggle against.

>> No.12919604
File: 217 KB, 889x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I question if he's grasped what he has read from the gentlemen you listed

>> No.12919619

> One isn't smart because one is a professor. The opposite, really. Academia has an IQ treshold.
t. college dropout
> . You are actively participating whereas you submit to the video
Nigger you can do both. Not at the same time obviously. That's how philosophy courses work. You read, then you come to class and have a professor explain, clarify, provide context, etc.

>> No.12919630

Welcome to the dark age of literature, where books are being replaced by videos, audiobooks and videogames as the more digestable media.

>> No.12919668

Wow! Like, you'd be really fucking stupid to watch youtube video in hope of it explaining some philosophical topic. It won't help you one bit to understand the subject better, amarite?
>books being replaced with audiobooks
This is whole new level of stupid here. Audiobooks are books. There are pros to listening to a book like being able to do jigsaw puzzle at the same time.

>> No.12919694


His entry level reading list is obviously for average people who have never read anything other than fiction or textbooks. Also note "entry level". Pompous twat.

>> No.12919710

>This is whole new level of stupid here. Audiobooks are books.
The experiences between the two may differ. It is much easier to overlook minutiae when listening to an audiobook. This isn't good.

>> No.12919748

For U

>> No.12919753

Yes, I'm a drop out. I also went to an actual elite school for geniuses when I was a kid, the ones you don't hear about. So who's in the right here? The dumb graduate or the genius drop-out? I'm asking in all seriousness.
t. 150iq

human trash

>> No.12919774

>Believing in IQ

>> No.12919827

hahahah I sincerely hope you're not >>12919619 because the irony would prove fatal

rip op

>> No.12919848

There is no irony whatsoever. It makes perfect sense for Academia to be filled with intelligent, studious, and dedicated people who are experts on their topic. The fact that you couldn't even graduate shows that you're not fit to condemn anyone for lacking in intellect.

>> No.12920054

>scientific research

>> No.12920088

>The State of the World: A 21st Century Update

Why am I getting a brainlet alert?

>> No.12920105

he's out of his depth. his cultists want him to spoonfeed them opinions on everything though, so he has to keep giving his opinions on subject in which his completely clueless

>> No.12920125

huh? I was talking about the books he's recomending in that section, not about him personally.

>> No.12920215

You can get by knowing less than ten authors really well

I myself only really know stuff about Joyce, Shakespeare, Dante, Homer, and Proust, but people think I’ve read practically everything.

>> No.12921553

A large share of the people who watch "YouTube Philosophy" don't actually read the source material, thus making it impossible to have their own deep understanding of said Philosophy.
The /lit/erati aren't like this, right?
Even the best supplementary material cannot replace reading the material by yourself. "YouTube thinkers" comment on "YouTube thinkers" who comment on other "Youtube thinkers".
Philosophy and Politics to "YouTubers" is what Tolkien is to modern fantasy writers; an endless cycle of derivation where new material is based on the latest derivative material. And so "thinking" on YouTube is reduced to the least nuanced and most shallow shallow understanding of Politics and Philosophy possible.
If YouTube is just a small side-project for a YouTuber, and that YouTuber does not involve himself with other YouTubers, then his videos will usually be better than that of larger YouTubers.
There is correlation between the size of the channel and the stupidity of the "content"—as ego increases and self-criticism decreases with popularity.
This is the real reason I dislike him.

>> No.12921562

You never know if he actually read it or if he just skimmed through the books.

>> No.12921569

>There is correlation between the size of the channel and the stupidity of the "content"—as ego increases and self-criticism decreases with popularity.
The absolute state of /lit/ contrarians.

>> No.12921570

Academia rewards intelligence in a very narrow sense. I have seen literal retards succeed because they were studious diligent and obedient

>> No.12921585

Though not as common, dropping out this early may not be related intellect as such, but other severe issues.

t. diagnosed ODD high school drop out

>> No.12921591

How is this incorrect? YouTubers are especially susceptible to yes-men.

>> No.12921623

The yes-men effect is real - in fact, humans are biologically adapted to this (hero worship instinct). A lot of people "higher" on the social status feel impostor syndrome because the system has inertia to keep em there even if they technically stop displaying the merit that elevated em, or never had one to begin with (ie dumb luck).

The issue with contrarianis is how naive their generalization is (popularity = badness). With celebs, you can easily tell who is a narcissist, who is not and who engages in yt faggtory for different reasons, and it's all unrelated to size of the channel. People who got "full of themselves" because of popularity were always narcissistic, the difference is that they're presented opportunity to act on it.

For instance - pewdiepie is a rando who got lucky, and charismatic enough to stay there. shoe0nhead? pure narcissism. millenial woes - clings to his yt as meaning of life, as he was an empty shell before that. slight covert narcissism.

>> No.12921649

>People who got "full of themselves" because of popularity were always narcissistic, the difference is that they're presented opportunity to act on it.
I'm not arguing this. I said that popularity correlates with "badness" but does not imply it. A small channel can either be good or bad right from the start.
Of those channels that are good, some will get worse with popularity due to yes-man and ego, and others will not.
Too many times have I experienced a channel simplifying or changing themselves in some way to appeal to a more general audience, while ignoring all criticism due to yes-men.
Generally, larger channels will have larger chance of being shit. That does not mean a larger channel is guaranteed to be shit, or that a smaller channel has to be good.

>> No.12921657

He;s mentioned Heidegger and Barth before.

>> No.12921662

>Generally, larger channels will have larger chance of being shit.
It is more likely to depart from tunnel vision. This generality is still dubious though. Counter-generalization: Niche channels are far more likely to stay niche, as opposed to selling out for mas market appeal.

>> No.12921674

His summary of Heidegger is so butchered, I'm not really conviced he read any of his material in a serious way. Like someone making up shit to cover the fact that they don't know anything about the auther.
I think JP is trying too hard to be a source on everything, because his audience expects him to be. He may have some intellectual ability, but he's also a corrupt media personality.

>> No.12921676

The "bigger is shit" effect is much more pronounced in communities. Larger subreddit will drift to common denominator. In populism, quantity always overtakes quality. When it comes to content creators, it applies only to those who are prone to appease the audience no matter what, thus exhibiting same populist effects.

>> No.12921712

He also appernetly is a fan of famous retard Stephen Hicks, he literally bases his entire critique of postmodernism on this book, the same book also claimed that Kant was anti reason.

>> No.12922232

>One isn't smart because one is a professor. The opposite, really. Academia has an IQ treshold.
and where do you think books come from? do you think they just sprout from the ground untouched by the filthy hands of academia?

>> No.12922235

but if they are studious and diligent they are better than you and will provide better results than you when approaching any area of study

>> No.12922239

Average ppl over the age of 21 should be more well read. Its the sorry state we're in

>> No.12922262

>any area of study
No they work well in a rule oriented environment. If you'd throw them anywhere where they would have to escape their programming they don't have a clue.

>> No.12922291

i thought this 2010 enlightened internet atheist garbage was gone by now, i guess there are still some surviving specimens

>> No.12922315

>enlightened internet atheist
These are the types that glorify the University system though.

>> No.12922329

not really, they all have some fanfic story about they youth and how they were totally smarter than their retarded teachers

>> No.12922331

What are you implying? That you have better research than him?

>> No.12922583

>Stephen Hicks
He hasn't read anything from any other author.

>> No.12922640

He also pushes diets on Dr. Oz.

>> No.12922685
File: 220 KB, 1195x741, lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that what you are supposed to do in academia? Pick one ideology and run it until you die. I would do it like that if I was in that situation. Pick one and bullshit my way my through, especially through the moments where I know I'm wrong.

>> No.12922708

>If YouTube is just a small side-project for a YouTuber, and that YouTuber does not involve himself with other YouTubers, then his videos will usually be better than that of larger YouTubers.

This is true. There are doctors in certain fields that make videos for the sake of it (around 300 to 1k views), the content is absolutely based.

>> No.12923041

Yes actually, my publications are superior.
Pick one.

>> No.12923110

lol jidf