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12916055 No.12916055 [Reply] [Original]

Did I fuck up? Is this version acceptable?

>> No.12916116

honestly all translations are garbage. Learn italian pleb

>> No.12916130
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> Learn 1300's era Italian

>> No.12916134

Don't learn Italian, just read the poem in its original language alongside the translation

>> No.12916143

Henry Wasdworth Longfellow's translation is the best one.
Also did you buy this online? Gimme a link cause I've been trying to find a good copy of Longfellow's translation but the only ones I can find are the big gay deluxe barnes and noble special editions with the fancy hardcovers and I dont want that cause I like to carry my books around with me

>> No.12916148

No. It's been long enough and the work is famous enough that there's many high quality translations out there that capture the essence of the original, making learning italian and reading it as it was originally written more work and effort than it's worth.

>> No.12916155

might as well read the sparknotes version, plebs.

>> No.12916201

Actually bought these at a local Barnes & Noble

>> No.12916214

Translation is dogshit...

>> No.12916231

Deluded and stupid.

>> No.12916241

Ask b4 you buy faggot

>> No.12916255

ad hominem

>> No.12916395

The Barnes and Noble classics always use old public-domain translations. I bought Dead Souls on a whim a few months back while perusing a B&N in some suburban hellhole and I was pissed when I realized it was Constance Garnett and not literally anyone else. But the Longfellow should be pretty good. Insert Melville quote about translators of poetry being the rivals of original authors

>> No.12917861

Ty anon

>> No.12918327

i have cary translation

do i an hero?

>> No.12919484

It's also true, faggot

>> No.12919490

For Christmas I was given the overpriced flashy hardcover version Barnes and Noble likes to shit out

>> No.12919824

You can't understand the book by learning modern italian and there's no way you'll be able to learn volgare fiorentino

>> No.12921688

>not leather bound