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File: 28 KB, 1200x800, eventhorizon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12915383 No.12915383 [Reply] [Original]

How would Lovecraft react?

>> No.12915459

He'd be like daaaaaaamn dude Haha that's wowee

>> No.12915476

writhing mass of 10000 tentacles ready to rape young female orifices

>> No.12915483

he would log on to his reddit account

>> No.12915490

Do you think Lovecraft would have been a skinhead if he was still alive?

>> No.12915491

I am absolutely positive Lovecraft was autistic enough he would post on 4chan if he were alive now.

>> No.12915497

He would not be able to fathom the niggardly hole.

>> No.12915614

it'd be eldritch or gibbous or summat

>> No.12915640

R*ddit wouldn't have accepted Lovecraft. They don't accept him now.

>> No.12915643
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>> No.12915662


>> No.12915688

Ew no. He'd be whatver type of retarded varg is

>> No.12915773

He would call it a nigger hole

>> No.12915787


>> No.12915821
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Please, this is all Hodgson.

>> No.12916632

It really saddens me that the average lit user doesnt know the author they talk about, only its memes
Someone said that Lovecraft would be a skinhead or a varg nowadays when Lovecraft himself spent his last years regretting his "bigotry"
Also, not a single accurate representation of what Lovecraft would have said had he seen this photo. All you people can muster is
>lol tentacles
>lol nigger hole
Stop lurking and read more faggots

>> No.12916640

shut the fuck up, derleth

>> No.12916661

probably the same way he would have reacted to the nuclear bomb.
losing his goddamn mind and writing some creepy shit about it.

>> No.12916700

Confirms Azathoth. This is merely a cousin of the great central chaos, lulled into dormancy by incomprehensible forces (the ring of fire). This image is barely a furtive glimpse of something akin to the idiot god at the focal point of creation, whose immensity is not fathomable. When he awakens in some untold epoch the Lovecraftian eschaton arrives, apotheosis through oblivion; subsumation into that mad, black night after the expiration of the final flame

>> No.12916719
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>actually reads and knows about the author

>> No.12916744

imagine giving a shit about a hole in the fucking sky whoop dee doo, how's that help me live a better or more meaningful life? that's right it's meaningless bug worship of materialism "oh it's a natural event YIPEE!!" with no questioning of relevance or conception of meaning given to such an object. disgusting shit, makes me sick to my stomach. basically if the masses enjoy it (le science) chances are it's the mental and moral equivalent of cheetos

>> No.12916757


>Someone said that Lovecraft would be a skinhead or a varg nowadays when Lovecraft himself spent his last years regretting his "bigotry"

That. I actually jsut discovered that recently. People are so eager to criticise him and try to erase his name from history that they completely ignore that he regretted his views.

>> No.12916766

But dude, lmao niggerman and tentacles lol
I love you guys but sometimes you make me wish God didn't made rainbows

>> No.12916771

do people care about this? i made that blob on photoshop when i was 10

>> No.12916870

it's part of your reality now

>> No.12916887

i dont give a fuck it's absolutely nothing to look at

how am i supposed to be impressed by this?

>> No.12916932
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or or or..... it's interesting
Also, only brainlets equalize appreciation of material realm with materialism. You're a dumb fucking tourist fag who should kill himself. Reread your post and ponder if it is similar to your irl speech, if it is you now have your answer to why nobody wants to hang out with you at school. Newage fedora tippers

>> No.12916947

Jesus Christ imagine thinking people care about the actual quality of the photo and that's why it's a big deal. The fact that we have a fucking photo of a black hole is amazing, not that the photo is amazing.The first photograph was taken 150 years ago. We may be the first sentiant beings to have gazed upon a black hole even in it's most basic form. This thread is filled with the worst type of 14 year old autist contrariaism

>> No.12916951

>hurr how dus dis effec me huhhh??? Who cares
Literally nigger teir levels of brainpower

>> No.12916956
File: 20 KB, 570x556, BfWqUJKRdUCEqRMdmgdNtgxz_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My niggerman, that's literally the Red Ice TV logo."

>> No.12916972

Mountains of Madness- what is hidden in Antarctica? Look south, not up.

>> No.12917001
File: 37 KB, 387x437, C8F9B03E-6F09-49F2-A7AF-0BF2C8C57112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12917070

Are people nowadays unable to distinguish the quality of an event from it's forced place in midwit culture wars or has it always been like this? What turn of events now leads young people away from experiencing awe in new images of the cosmos? We are literally talking about a fucking black hole and you are unable to see it without your lenses of image board rhetoric. Turn off the monitor and go to sleep. Tomorrow think about the picture again without giving in to the urge to shitpost and waste time online. See how you feel about it itself, disconnected from it's immediate circumstances. Maybe you'll feel better

>> No.12917088

... and even if he hadn't regretted, I still wouldn't have given a shit.

>> No.12917095

uh yeah good job, now how about actually doing something with that knowledge like bringing people to outerspace instead of gawking at it for the next five fucking decades.

>> No.12917202

i don't give a fuck it's a hole in space. wow big deal. i'm not complaining about the quality of the photo i'm saying it's a boring photo it tells me nothing, shows me nothing.

>> No.12917227
File: 33 KB, 352x245, 353px-View_from_the_Window_at_Le_Gras,_Joseph_Nicéphore_Niépce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm not complaining about the quality of the photo
>it's a boring photo
brainlet you're proving my point you literally cannot process anything without filtering it through what you experience on a computer screen. Pic related, boring and low quality, compositionally and your (ironic) materialist barometer of pixels. I cannot wrap my head around somebody being this needlessly thick

>> No.12917243
File: 278 KB, 3200x2562, 2012_NYR_02596_0388_000(giorgio_de_chirico_piazza_ditalia_con_arianna).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a cool picture. it's a landscape of ambiguous forms, civilization on the edge of the desert, on the edge of some abyss, or is it a prison courtyard? it reminds me of Giorgio Di Chirico. it's a picture you can dream in.

that orange blob is nothing. am i supposed to be marvelling at the technical feat? i don't know shit about photography or black holes. i'm not at all surprised scientists have figured out to make the two work together given all the fucking money our governments give them. what do i care? it's a sphere with light around it. it looks exactly like every other outer space phenomenon.

>> No.12917256


>> No.12917265

You are so cringy lmfao
I couldnt give less of a fuck about that shitty photo and so does the rest of the world.
Remember the photos of Neil on the moon? THAT was something. People was amazed by it and no one needed to go around saying "h-hey guys it really is something important"
Now go back to r/science you fucking faggot.

>> No.12917411

G-go on

>> No.12917499

He would probably go with the crowd and act like they knew what was going on while pretending that blurry picture is significant.

>> No.12917737


>> No.12917738
File: 265 KB, 1000x1000, ElIDQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Rats in the Walls" was written in August–September 1923.
Lovecraft dies on March 15th 1937.
All those years in poverty really changed his mind .
Also he loved cats, why would he call a cat with something he hates.
>tentacles lol
What's wrong with tentacles?

>> No.12917746

His writing sucks, faggot. Why would I read him? Could read only a few of his short stories. They were such a drag.

>> No.12917910

Calling an animal nigger or something similar was pretty common as far as the 50s, similar to how you might call one max or rover or something

>> No.12917971
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HPL was an amateur astronomer, he would have dug it. Also tentacles, unnameable, eldritch horror, muh racism, yadda yadda.

>> No.12917987

>lmao why should i be impressed i mean i admittedly don’t know shit but im sure this was super easy
you’re literally a 13-year-old

>> No.12918001

this book is mind blowing

>> No.12918012

>People was amazed by it and no one needed to go around saying "h-hey guys it really is something important"
Yeah, except the whole american government

>> No.12918042

desu it's understandable. The theoretical discovery of a black hole is what's interesting, and that happened long ago. The visual photo of a black hole isn't necessarily interesting, it would be if the photo in itself had any actual aesthetic value, but it's a pretty bare and basic picture, aesthetically speaking.
Evan human pupils look better.

(Or maybe spending too much time on books and too little time outside stunted my capacity for visual imagination.)

>> No.12918052

"Frickin' Obama!"

>> No.12918061

This post could be the lyrics to a Fields of the Nephilim song. Not a bad thing, really.

>> No.12918068

Do you think that's why his wife left him and left him to ponder just what it takes to get pussy after he got a taste of it? Or what it does NOT take, I should say. Not that pussy was high on his list but the sentiment still holds, I think. I don't know...

Event horizon (not that shitty movie, but OP's pic).

>> No.12918074

>Millions of gigabytes of data for THIS.

>> No.12918082

Niggerman was named so because he was black. Tentacles in Lovecraft are not the same as in hentai. I named my cat Qwerty because he likes pushing keyboard keys. It just makes sense he'd call his cat Niggerman. Providing it was a "he". You know, gender recognition and all...

>> No.12918084

Imagine being this deluded
The fucking stream where they announced was literally titled: "THIS NEW SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING!"
Well? Is the world any different?

>> No.12918365
File: 39 KB, 562x562, faunjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the third time this year my writing has been compared to an obscure occult metal band

>> No.12918796

I read it when I was ten or eleven years old, knocked my socks off... A classic!

>> No.12918802

how does contradict anything I said

>> No.12918829

Maybe you should take up music... I used to have literary pretensions, but now I am a musician and play in a comedy metal band. I get a lot more exposure, and although I still don't make much money at it I actually get paid to perform, and have even signed autographs! About ten autographs, but still, once in a while people are impressed enough to ask! Also we have an album out on iTunes, didn't sell well but at least it is out there! Also you sometimes get free drinks and can meet girls, although as a married man "girls" are more of a theoretical exercise at this point... Anyway, try becoming a musician. remember, if playing music was difficult, musicians wouldn't be able to do it!

>> No.12918833

hey man nice to know keep it up

>> No.12918882

>Someone said that Lovecraft would be a skinhead or a varg nowadays when Lovecraft himself spent his last years regretting his "bigotry"

Is this really true? I know he softened some of his views with age and even married a Jew, which is hardly uncommon among the nerdier, autistic sort reactionaries, who always seem to be married to Jews or Asians for some reason, but this isn't the same as "regretting his bigotry". The only evidence for this I've ever seen put forward are pro-New Deal quotes, but as far as I'm aware, this is largely a result of his enthusiasm for Spengler (who endorsed a "conservative socialism" like many far-rightists), not of a general swift towards the political left.

>> No.12919646

why do i have to understand the technology to pass judgement on whether it interests me? i never suggested it was easy. just because something is difficult does not mean it is impressive - this is perhaps even exemplified by the trivial findings of the natural sciences. great effort towards rendering a small orange ball.

>> No.12920094

project harder twinkboy

>> No.12920134

>just because something is difficult does not mean it is impressive
soγ overload

>> No.12920136

How's Bill Nye's cock taste?

>> No.12920143

How would Nick Land react?

>> No.12920148


>> No.12920198

Space-related ideas from H.P. commonplace book
>2 Inhabitants of Zinge, over whom the star Canopus rises every night, are always gay and without sorrow. [x]
>34 Moving away from earth more swiftly than light—past gradually unfolded—horrible revelation.
>35 Special beings with special senses from remote universes. Advent of an external universe to view.
>36 Disintegration of all matter to electrons and finally empty space assured, just as devolution of energy to radiant heat is known. Case of acceleration—man passes into space.
>156 Adventures of a disembodied spirit—thro’ dim, half-familiar cities and over strange moors—thro’ space and time—other planets and universes in the end.
157 Vague lights, geometrical figures, etc., seen on retina when eyes are closed. Caus’d by rays from other dimensions acting on optick nerve? From other planets? Connected with a life or phase of being in which person could live if he only knew how to get there? Man afraid to shut eyes—he has been somewhere on a terrible pilgrimage and this fearsome seeing faculty remains.
>221 Insects or other entities from space attack and penetrate a man’s head and cause him to remember alien and exotic things—possible displacement of personality

>> No.12920227

I think Lovecraft's issue is that the man was kind of scared of everything that wasn't his hometown of Providence. It's kind of reflected throughout his works.

>> No.12920276

what's the name of his cat

>> No.12920301

This tbqh. His concepts were neat but as an author he was hella gay and kinda doodoo.

>> No.12920309
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>> No.12920468

Slit your fucking throat

>> No.12920476

>Insinuating Lovecraft wouldn't be a basedboy.

>> No.12920748

For fuck sakes guys, every family in south America names their dog "negro"

>> No.12921285

black holes could eat us any minute, how is that not meaningful

>> No.12921317

the black hole would still be there without Neil degrees Tyson and Carl Sagan. the black hole existed long before you were born. the black hole will exist after youre gone too

>> No.12921323

Probably by being mad that it was discovered by a woman, a sexist and racist can only write with as much depth as their beliefs

>> No.12921375
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, 61952B1C-3585-48A7-B651-9051125E9166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sexist and racist can only write with as much depth as their beliefs

>> No.12921382

>fake butterfly writing something a stereotypical woman would say

Stop :3 just stop

>> No.12921385

He acted like opposite of one by the standards of his day so yes

>> No.12921387

He and his cat would go into a bunker

>> No.12921394

Lovecraft wasn't sexist and was actually supportive of many young female writers. He just hated immigrants --- an opinion held by 99% of people throughout human history.

>> No.12921467
File: 628 KB, 1199x531, D33xMpDWkAAjPcf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would Lovecraft react to woman taking all the credits?

>> No.12921487

Why would that make a difference? It may be an interesting historical footnote, but this isn't Christianity where all that matters is what you believe on your deathbed. People care about the Lovecraft who wrote his most famous works, whose attitudes inform those works.

>> No.12921488

based South Americans

>> No.12921528
File: 31 KB, 480x360, 1537152540775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly lmao it matters little, his work is what has survived.

>> No.12921568

I can't wait to tell me children about the time the government tried to convince everyone they had seen a black hole

>> No.12921645

>Spends 46 years saying "fuck niggers and fuck jannies"
>3 minutes before dying he says "sorry guys that wasn't cool"
Best Redemption arc

>> No.12921668


>> No.12922101


>> No.12922114

Why are contrarians like >>12916744 insufferable? It's good to have some doubt or skepticism but just because more and more people are interested in science and therefore curious about something that predates everything that exists in the universe does not mean they are materialistic drones.

>> No.12922126

It’s a momentus occasion because it is more evidence for the physics that our entire modern system relies on. It also broadens our technological capabilities by creating and testing algorithms and machines. Sure it’s sensational, but it’s probably one of the biggest single recent indicators of humanity’s progress in a time where most people think it’s all going down the shitter (on every part lf the political spectrum).

>> No.12922172
File: 28 KB, 324x356, negativee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked that story from Norm Macdonald's book about how no one was saying the correct height of a fencepost or something even though they were looking right at it and he ends it by saying

>it takes a powerful imagination to see a thing for what it really is.

It was reminiscent of the Emperor's new clothes in a way. I've been thinking about that after watching the adoration people have for a very stupid photograph. It's a fucking retarded photo, and if I showed it to someone who didn't know what it was, they would say just that.

>> No.12922185

Scientifically it's an important breakthrough, I assume, but I am pretty tired of people sharing it on social media because they think it makes them look like they know astronomy and gave a shit about it a week ago when it's obvious that they did not.
It's just an extension of the whole "I fucking love science" thing I suppose.

By the way; how much did that image cost?

>> No.12922195


They look like lying dumbasses. It would take years for me to learn enough about they profession before knowing whether they were full of shit or being real. Even then, they deliberately picked some cunt to represent them, and their group picture makes them look look like a group of lying steal-yo-shit cunts. Even if the pic was real—aside from it looking like a flaming butthole (grow up fags)—who gives a fuck.

>> No.12922207

>I fucking love science
Better people share it even if they are not genuinely interested in astronomy than be anti vaxers or climate change denialists

>> No.12922489

Yeah you could die any minute faggot get used to it

>> No.12923746


>> No.12923879
File: 740 KB, 840x1171, doorofperception.com-moebius-color-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

denying everything, same thing he did with mary shelleys frankenstein

>> No.12924255

If he were alive now he would be the biggest NEET sperg and never write anything other than shitposts about niggers and jews

>> No.12924468

Believing she did most of the work is sexist, defending this véhément l'y the opposite sex comes from the same roots of patronizing them.

>> No.12924980

I can't remember which letter it was, but he did comment in one of his correspondences that he regretted ever being so i'll informed or something like that.

>> No.12925100

science can't save us

>> No.12925143

This. There are so many stories to tell.

>> No.12925154

Ironically it's not even a photo in the sense that it was captured, but merely a rendering of telescopic data.

>> No.12925155

dumbass this was fake

>> No.12925168

Speaking of which whens the last time you took your booster shots? Better go take them to maintain your immunity.

>> No.12925285
File: 62 KB, 960x406, Lovecraft's letters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12925620

this gif is trippy man

>> No.12925959

by being a racist incel faggot