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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 282 KB, 2048x996, D0XXB4aWoAAcqaF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12914251 No.12914251 [Reply] [Original]

Stop shitposting on /lit/ and read the trilogy

>> No.12914510

Fuck logo, other than that much based

>> No.12914518

Imagine being the pussy who put that image together lol

>> No.12914520

I've seen the BAPbook memed on frogtwitter, what's it all about?

>> No.12914528
File: 312 KB, 1379x689, BEF20AA3-27C6-445F-BFEF-DF1510AC0FAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop shitposting and read shitposts
If that’s what you want to do, I guess.

>> No.12914535

I'm familiar with the mantis.
Who are these Delicious Tacos and Swlfie man ?
What do they write about ?

>> No.12914537

NO I refuse to read. Nothing you fags do will meme me into reading a book.

>> No.12914543
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Thinking like a caveman. A reinforcement of the macho man meme.
Maybe funny, I donno. Certainly backward thinking

>> No.12914545

Why people decide to give themselves concussions like this is still a mistery to me.

>> No.12914550

You like it when I respond to you ;p

>> No.12914561

Daily reminder to filter tripfags

>> No.12914571

>no behead all satans
>no internet dreams


>> No.12914573

Is delicious tacos any good? The only guy I like out of that crowd is Zero HP Lovecraft.

>> No.12914622

>I spent money, please be friends with me
/Lit/ is not the Hallmark greeting cards company.

>> No.12914777
File: 84 KB, 370x370, californication409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like Hank Moody aka watered-down Bukowski, you'll like Delicious Tacos.

>> No.12914809

aesthetics as the highest morality. men really are in charge of everything whether they know it or not and the world is the way it currently is because men allow it to be so

>> No.12915239
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High quality post.

>> No.12915262

>watered-down Bukowski
Practically homeopathy.

>> No.12915270

Slut Walks for men.

>> No.12915299

He's profane and malicious in all the right places, has no moral compunction, is an unabashed womanizer and repressed beta. If you read him diligently enough you could probably figure out which city in California he's from. An enjoyable writer, like him but don't respect him. Shock schlock for smart jocks

>> No.12915324

say what you want about old /lit/, but at least back then when we posted meme books they were autochtonous meme books and not shit imported straight from reddit

>> No.12915517

>Shock schlock for smart jocks
That's exactly it. I know who he is (his web server gave it away in plaintext) but I won't publicly dox him because well good for him shilling cheap books to dummies. It's the followers of this 'trilogy' I don't like. And I live in Echo Park myself lol

>> No.12915543

Trilogy? What about the romepix book doesn't she count?

>> No.12915548
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Fuck I spilled my coffee all over the pc screen

>> No.12916269

this is the trivium
she's part of the quadrivium

>> No.12916289


>> No.12916301

The image that radiates the most insecurity - well, what can I say? It's this one...

>> No.12916364

Delicious Tacos is actually p good. My first exposure was "The Bitcoin" from a few years ago which captures the spirit of the crypto crowd p well. Liked his other stuff enough that I bought his new book and it's surprisingly decent. Probably the thirstiest dude on the web tho.

>> No.12916493

>Product Review: Tenga® Easy Beat Egg™ Artificial Vagina, “Silky”
fucking tragic

>> No.12917156


>> No.12917171

>the pussy
Wtf is this some PUA shit

>> No.12917179

Homeopathy seems generous if anything.

>> No.12917238

Logo > BAP > DT

Logo gets the most hate because he's a autist & looks like a dweeb but he's better read than 99.9% of /lit/

>> No.12917254

look bap i shilled it again, can i have my retweet

>> No.12917267

read half the BAP book and had to put it down...was so fucking unfunny.

>> No.12917327

BAP is unironically a closet-homo. He's obviously intelligent but the interest of his merry band of Phorum Phaggots in being edgy has led them to lots of retarded and contradictory beliefs that indicate his book is not worth reading. I say this not so much as a naysayer of the Phorum crowd, since on the whole I do think they are generally "good people," and it's possible I'm wrong, but I follow the core group on Twitter rather closely since they're very dialled into all the good right wing content there. I feel I have a relatively good handle on what they're about.

Still, let's look at BAP - he built his entire persona around being a good-guy Caesarian bro. His common refrain around the time I discovered him was something to the effect of "friendly naked wrestling," and the whole "submit" meme. He obviously aspires towards Caesarianism himself in addition to endorsing figures like Trump before that whole situation zogged out, but he also constantly laments the world we live in for being sociopathic and war-like (which I suspect is just him being a NazBol advancing Russian national interests while fronting as a Paleocon, but that's just a theory).

He complains about the process of life becoming subservient to other processes (hence his opposition to international finance and tacit socialism), but doesn't ever outline why this Caesarian process won't just become imperialism again. If the Federal Government suddenly became comprised of people who read Frog Twitter, would they not form the exact sort of clandestine structures that they complain about (the so-called "deep state")?

>> No.12917334

The entire movement is ostensibly Nietzchean but wrapped in Christian Identitarianism. BAP strikes me as being a former Catholic and often speaks in religious terms that he clearly doesn't take seriously (particularly with regards to the Catholic Church). @CityBureaucrat does this too, although seems slightly more devout. He's posted sermons from that Farrakhan guy a few times, which seems like a bit of a stretch for anyone seriously invested in theology (though maybe he knows something I don't).

The irony of all this is that because they're wrapped up in this Nietzchean Greco-Roman homoeroticism (which they often and emphatically claim is definitely not gay even though it's fairly obvious that it is), the language of righteousness ends up sounding kind of hollow. BAP and his followers are obsessed with sexual narratives that they seem to have drawn right from Pornhub. They're fond of tweeting pictures of half-naked men to people they don't like (notably Ben Shapiro) implying that a virile sexual force (Frog Twitter) is going to steal his wife away from him. The sexual act (especially heterosexual monogamy) holds little interest for even the most moral members of the core crowd because all sexuality is viewed through the lens of American pornography - that is, as an act of absolute narcissism, boning someone's wife because it proves that you're better than he is (which is gay because it implies women are good judges of character anyways, though again, possible that their sexual metaphysics are more elaborate and I just don't understand them).

It is also interesting that the group seems to be willing to overlook flaws of character and genetics whenever someone is on their side (Kantbot, who has compared bothering internet whores with doing the work of Jesus Christ, and whose physique vaguely resembles that of a Chinese Buddha). They've internalized the worst of the Anglophonic worldview - the worldview of crass materialists who believe transcendence can only come from reproduction, and who as a result remain disproportionately concerned with genetic fidelity as compared to ancient Greeks, who readily adopted children when the line had died out - but at the same time that they mock frail specimens like Shapiro, advocate in favor of a eugenic program which would see most males raising the children of "genetically superior" specimens. I don't know if he was joking about this, but he talks about it a lot, and it's easily one of the dumbest things that he posts about, because in the same day he'll be posting about the plight of the white working class being left behind by internationalism (shouldn't someone with such Darwinian ideas of fitness prefer whatever types evolve to survive under internationalism?).

So yeah, I wouldn't personally recommend bothering with this stuff as serious philosophy unless you're just trying to get a handle of where the movement is likely to be going in the next 10 years. It isn't likely to be rigorous.

>> No.12917339

Woman doesn't understand something, more at 11.

>> No.12917346

I tried reading that Zero guy's blog but found it pretentious. Story started out good and quickly turned into Landian LARP that doesn't make sense because it's most likely devoid of content. Also the pessimism is less than endearing.

>> No.12917349

Great posts, thank you anon
What about Faceberg tho? I like his brand of kaczynskism

>> No.12917355

hi logo

>> No.12917366

twitter is gay destroy all namefags

>> No.12917375


>> No.12917379

I don't follow him closely enough to say, but I will speak to Kacynzski as it is a topic I've given a fair amount of thought to. Kacynzski seems to have gotten memed shortly before I discovered these guys in the Summer of 2018. His polemics against leftists in ISAIF were what originally made the rounds on /pol/ but were always presented more or less without context. As a result, a lot of retards started to think he was just a right wing anarchist, or something. That seems to be where all the environmentalism (which is refreshing, don't get me wrong) comes from, but two schools of thought came out of it which were both sort of retarded.

First, the accelerationists claim that the only way off of Mr Bone's Wild Ride is to crash the plane with few survivors (ideally, themselves). They never actually explain how they will avoid the re-emergence of sophisticated technologies, since in order to repress such technologies from emerging at a global scale, you need a global enforcement apparatus, and that requires sophisticated technology. So these guys have nothing serious to offer, they're just AnPrims.

Next you have your ecofascists. These guys are usually not actual fascists, just kind-of-edgy racists who recognize the need for central planning when you deal with environmental systems with externalities present (i.e. that it is necessary to beat the tar out of PROUD PATRIOTS who pollute their groundwater to own the libs). These guys are a bit smarter in that their system can actually be enacted, but a minority, and ultimately don't really take after Ted.

It is important to keep in mind that Ted was subjected to some rather torturous forms of ridicule as a part of (IIRC) Project MKUltra. He might have correctly identified the problem of Industry as an ever-expanding cancer that destroys everything beautiful, and he might even have been right about it not being sustainable, although that seems less likely. So what does he decide to do? Kill a bunch of random nobodies who were tangentially related to industry at some of the lowest possible levels. People always forget to tell that part of the story.

>> No.12917382
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Pic related


>> No.12917383


>> No.12917388


>> No.12917390


>> No.12917397


>> No.12917403


>> No.12917430

bronze age mindset is unironically a good book

you must submit

>> No.12917455

all haters in this thread are either women, redditors, or sub-300 follower twitter fags

>> No.12917461

Why would I give a shit about what a bunch of Faggotfornian trust fund soiboi cocksuckers larping as hypertraditionalists have to say?

>> No.12917489

this, all the "frog-twitter" fags are metrosexuals in denial larping as naturalists

>> No.12917494

>being a clothmo faggot

>> No.12917500

Humanity outgrew the palaeo shit a long time ago, and this atavism is just boys who don't want to grow up. Look at Trump; they certainly do.

>> No.12917505

>bronze age

holy fucking shit lol

>> No.12917648

i just wrote a post so based i have to keep it for myself

you lot don't deserve it

>> No.12917840
File: 4 KB, 261x359, yoks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks ill pass

>> No.12917898 [DELETED] 


>> No.12917904
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>> No.12917911

The cartoon guy in the picture is right. What comes after the mass reply?

>> No.12917913


>> No.12918210
File: 629 KB, 850x944, 1554756317892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based /k//lit/.

>> No.12918231

DT is a national treasure desu, the logical endpoint for american letters

can't wait for his multi-volume collected works published by LOA

>> No.12918248


>> No.12918304
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>Religion and any form of supression or overcoming of desires, specially carnal ones is dumb. Social norms are dumb and any "unnecessary hierarchy" needs to be eliminated
>Wahh this book just makes you think like some cavemen since it makes men show some of their "desires".
The hypocrisy you cast on your posts is purely laughable. You only apply your shitty ideology on whatever justifies your sexual perversions and surpresses the behaviour you dont like which you mainly masculine.
>"Men who care who care about muh seed, being egoistical and not share their woman are purely decandent and primitive wahhh"
>"Fuck the state, marriage and monogamy we want to be free and do what is in our desires specially in the sexual field. You are fundamentalists and its going to cog you down!"
This is the mental state of your average lesbo anarchist woman. It would be much better then to break these social rules and make men follow their desires and place you back into some kitchen to pump kids and get clubbed the moment you break their rules.
This is just pathetic.

>> No.12918310
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>mfw second two are on my shelf and are the most recent books I've read

>> No.12918679

>"The Bitcoin"
Naval retweeted that. It's so depressing. This is total crap. For dudes who stopped reading in the 4th grade. Seriously, go read some Madeline D'Engle and make your life better. Why do people like this guy's stuff? It's worse than newspaper level. It's on par with Choose Your Own Adventure books. Are people that stupid?

>> No.12918686

Better read? Guy doesn't understand Celine, doesn't understand Kerouac, doesn't understand Fitzgerald, loves Nabokov more than he should. You know who is 100 times better? Marisha Pessl. Her first book is a better nod to Nabokov than anything coming out of shit frogtwitter. Fuck these dweebs.

>> No.12918710

Keep this up and I'll dox

>> No.12918749

The subtleties of my opinions seem lost on you. Do I need to go into details?

>> No.12918775

>Do I need to go into details?
You dont, i've already read enough of your posts and opinions to know where do you stand and what do you want.
Its just sad you have to hide it in this ideology

>> No.12918804

And yet you don't understand me at all.
I see where and how people are suffering and I see how that suffering can be alleviated.
Christfags and general "trads" want the past because they mistakenly think it was best. I want a future solution.
Christfags and general "trads" imagine what I want to be a weird grotesque place, regimented Stalinism, a Huxlian Kardashian world or some such delusions. They're fools.

>> No.12918878

>Everyone i dont like is a christfag and a "trad"
I already know you dont want any of that since i've seen you deny it from previous posts. My point still stands.
Its very obvious that you contradict yourself and the ideology you want is simply to favour your egoistical lesbo woman dreams.

>> No.12919535

Joke's on you, I've never even talked to a woman, have been on 4chan 7 years, and browse Twitter without an account.

>> No.12919543

Good post

>> No.12919553

What contradiction?

>> No.12919564

Bro it's a shitposting club
He tweets male models to Shapiro and Bruenig because it's funny it's funny to imagine milquetoast pundits reacting to gay fascist bodybuilding cult, not because there's any serious philosophy behind it.
Anyone on that side of twitter heavily involved in accelerationism/nazbol/ecofash or whatever meme ideology is popular quickly becomes cringeworthy. I love frogtwitter but it's still fucking twitter.

>> No.12919579

Butterfly say you’re sorry to me :3

>> No.12919613

These guys were organized for years on a forum and read through enormous sections of the Western Canon - they aren't morons, and they have goals in mind. Even if we want to pretend that they're just doing it ironically, that still reflects their character, and a ton of their followers AREN'T doing it ironically - they genuinely celebrate in the idea of wrecking homes. Bodybuilders in general tend to follow similar patterns - it starts with narcissism, builds to anabolic steroids, continues with homosexuality, and reaches its apex in an obsession with the body. This is why I don't take anything they say about morality seriously, because even if they genuinely believe in it, they seem perfectly OK with encouraging their followers to internalize immoral sentiments (which should be expected, given that their uniting ethos seems to be Nietzchean in origin).

>> No.12919621

I used to like it for same reasons, the lulz. Still have some feelings for BAP, but I recognize that it's stupid, that BAPBOOK is going to be a forgotten footnote of internet culture, and the rest of the self-published books in there will just be forgotten.

>> No.12919635

>people need to be free and follow their desires
>but if their desires are anything close to the "tradicional" ones or imply a domination of something then its objectively bad teehee.
Anyone can read the post and get where he's pointing at.
You are a lesbian woman who hates men and wants to support anything that gives you more power and pleases your dogmas.

>> No.12919678

Any man and woman want to pair up and have a family will be perfectly able to and probably remain the norm. Bu if any of them fall out of love, they ought to arrange how to raise their children. Homosexuals and bisexuals ought to be left to themselves to pair up or poly up however they see fit without an ancient priest class lookin down on them. As I though, you over react and project before you know a damn thing about me

>> No.12919745

>Homosexuals and bisexuals ought to be left to themselves to pair up or poly up however they see fit
Yet they are the ones who have shittier relationships, find less stability, have more abuse, kill themselves more and end up dying alone.
Its not like they make a really better example. Regardless if they have their priests or not.

>> No.12919761


>> No.12919766

Butterfly. Don’t have sex with any women. That was a lie right? :3

>> No.12919782

>muh lesbians fite more, so they gotta stop and get some reel dick
Just stop

>> No.12919805
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Have you ever tried sex with a man butterflu?
Please reply to me, i really want to know.

>> No.12919821

No and she doesn’t have sex with women either :3

>> No.12919834

When I was growing up I felt ashamed because I overheard my mother and sisters objections to lesbianism. Since I had no real access to boys my age I would just think it over. It was never appealing. Not once.

But will you ever take me seriously?

>> No.12919835

It’s fine it’s fine butterfly just tell me you didn’t have sex with a woman recently!!! :3

>> No.12919847

why u mad tho

>> No.12919863

Maybe he wasn't kind to me personally. Maybe I don't think this group is creating anything good. Maybe I'm disenchanted with many groups and things. Maybe I want to clean up our culture, one degenerate at a time.

>> No.12919875



>> No.12919909

that is NOT the trilogy

>> No.12919916

>But will you ever take me seriously?
I mean you where the one who started with the "lesbos need the reel dick" assumption memes tho.
Your ability to shout "christianity!" and "tradfags" at anything you dont like while promoting a ideology and philosophy that at the same time promotes some of these things and their values is why i dont take you that seriously.
Most people who like "tradicional" ideas dont want to put your head on a spike. So theres no need to create a christian boogey man to point at.


>> No.12919929

What are you even talking about?
Of course “trad” is about old subjugations and repression of freedom, women and the variety of human sexuality

>> No.12919968

When i talk about it, its more in the sense of the normal families today of monogamous relationships.
Either the father or the mother can take their times to raise the kid, but it would be more natural for the woman since she is the one that incubates the baby and gets nature's happy hormones from breast feeding the baby.

>> No.12920068

Not an argument.

>> No.12920107

Yeah, that can’t be changed. But family shouldn’t be a atomized. In this sense I support a traditional practice from longer ago. And I believe most people would just gravitate towards it once they were set free from the capitalist debaters prison world we have here

>> No.12920119

I think.... I agree...?


>> No.12920144


>> No.12920145

Yeah Rob and Cameron and you know who it's time to pay the piper.

Not a fag, btw.

>> No.12920174

Well im glad to see we found a common ground.
>But family shouldn’t be a atomized.
Also agree, but i think thats seems more of a USA issue. Where i live you see families being much closer together. Not living in the same house but always in less than 10 mins away. Maybe its just the result of living in a small country, idk. Major cities are always less than 2 hours from eachother.

>> No.12920218

Is there anything to be learned from these authors or do people like them for memes

>> No.12920251

Full throttled capitalism hasn’t hit there it seems.
Now imagine everyone who works at a place owns that place.

>> No.12920268

And magically nothing has changed :3

>> No.12920363

Bro just stop posting you're ruining what would otherwise be an interesting thread for your own faggot vanity. Get lost.

>> No.12920711

he seriousposted a new article about paganism, which he said he is and was since he was a boy, and it was basically just a vain attempt to unite the christians and the pagan right under one banner against the atheists, muslims, and jews. of course it won't work, modern catholics are puritans

>> No.12920811

I'm not too familiar on recent /lit/ memes, please explain why these books matter

>> No.12920864

they're books made by 4chaners who have twitters

>> No.12920896

I'm literally never reading them then. if I wanted to read the thoughts of 4channel, I would just go on 4channel for free

>> No.12920904

don't call it 4channel

>> No.12920916
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>> No.12920958

>They've internalized the worst of the Anglophonic worldview - the worldview of crass materialists who believe transcendence can only come from reproduction
At first I thought you just didn't "get it" but here I just don't think you read his book. One of the biggest reoccurring themes in the book is that a materialist Darwinian worldview of reproduction (I think he calls it a yeast mindset or something like that) is just as bad as a modern liberal "my dogs are my children" mindset.

>> No.12921006
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>no access to boys when growing up
Please elaborate on your view of men in general. How would you characterize the stereotypical man?

>> No.12921025

>Stop shitposting
This post itself is shitposting.
grow up
get a job
quit bitching
start making America great again

>> No.12921053
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>> No.12921055
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They’re okay I guess. They can be creeps, sweet, brilliant, polite, murderous, lunkheads, piteous, etc. a strange species I’ve been studying for some years.

>> No.12921060

What do you think of me? :3

(Say something nice)

>> No.12921122

modern catholics are clueless heretics who belong to a watered down country club

modern tradcaths (online variety) are clueless heretics who larp about gk chesterton and thatch roof cottages and farm life but know nothing about any of it (especially real catholicism)

modern genuine catholics are in the catacombs and know the score

puritans are and always were insane

>> No.12921147

memes, basically. none of them are part of the literary world and none of them ever will be. they don't have anything to say. they meme. it's dumb. i admit, i wasted time during the 2016 election, i admit, i laughed at memes. but something happened and i broke away from the computer and i stopped looking at memes and i have a life and i'm much happier. these nerds don't have a life, they have boring memes (yanggang sux), they can't stick with anything (maga, anybody? lol), they have no discipline, la la la. on one of these threads an anon invited cameron to do an ama and take part in the thread, he saw it but was too good for that. he'll stick with his 9500 zoomer dorks on twitter who follow him. but it's spring 2019. the takes are cold, the delivery is old, twitter is a couple years dead, i hate that whole world and want no part of it. in the end they're just 'kids having fun'. but it's a yawn.

>> No.12921194

Wait, that second sentence is true. Men have a near monopoly on violence. Whether within a government system or outside. So is that not a meme book?

>> No.12921232

>So is that not a meme book?
Listening to retarded /lit/ posters is not wise, go and read the book.

>> No.12921401

How to hide tripfags:
1. Copy the tripcode (!mxvabIoSIE)
2. Go to settings
3. Click to enable Filter and highlight...
4. Click edit
5. Add the trip in the pattern field and check the hide box
6. Never view butterfly posts again

>> No.12921414

>no Behead All Satans

>> No.12921422

It isn’t fair that I can’t do the same to you

>> No.12921434

if only there were a website that allowed for anonymous posting..

>> No.12921441

Yeah that would suck where is that place? :3

>> No.12921446

Have I got the place for you >>>/b/
This is what anonymity gets you

>> No.12921460

I think the argument could be made I could just as easily do this there :3 so not even then.

>> No.12921464

Read it. It is short.


>> No.12921608

The author is "bronze age pervert". I did not get the idea it was a joke just from /lit/.

>> No.12921620

What guns are those?

>> No.12921707
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>> No.12921869

Oh crumps

>> No.12922173

Who posted that, BAP or Citybureaucrat?

>> No.12922176

Absolutely based

Absolutely gay

Yeah, it's possible, but if he genuinely believed that I would expect him to be more careful in how he speaks. I realize that as Nietzscheans they don't buy into the autistic game of Factorio that modernists like to play, but he has definitely internalized the Anglo-American idea that the absolute worse thing a man can be is unfit to reproduce, and that any man who does fail to reproduce is a cosmic failure. No room for monastic life in that, no room for asceticism, and no consolation prize offered to men who simply aren't desirable enough to have children. Appreciate your input, I probably ought to look into it.

>> No.12922330


I kept hearing about The Book of the New Sun how great it was, so I read it and I was utterly disappointed
They compared it with The Dune, but it's nothing like Dune, its inconsistent and boring

>> No.12922612

If by womaniser you meant misogynist? He's a snoozefest is what he is. Not that you'd be able to tell him from the other two under a microscope, but that's the point, isn't it.

>> No.12922744


As usual per womanhood - no Reason, no categories, no Ethics, no Eschatology, just experiential hodgepodge.

>> No.12923346

These are all really subpar books. None of them could have been published by a real publisher, not even a small press. And yet.... they're thriving, all of them have all 5 star Amazon reviews. I'm so offended by this. These 'authors' are snake oil salespeople. They have an online cult, and capitalize on it, shill their stupid paperbacks, and have no end of geeks who want to be their little fanchildren. I don't get it. Seriously, these books are very poorly written. They're pretty stupid. And actually all three are very different, they don't have much in common aside from their shilliness. Why doesn't anyone call them out online? We all know the first one is a historic self-own.

>> No.12924050
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>They never actually explain how they will avoid the re-emergence of sophisticated technologies
Pic related, I don't know to which level this is an accurate reading (certainly it won't be like the 17th century, but rather something yet unseen), but it's true resources are running out and more difficult to collect.
I discovered pine tree Twitter about a month ago and this is pretty much what they're on about, Borzoi even specified that there's almost no true ecofascists, and that most of the people calling themselves that haven't really read much about the topic, just edgy wannabes like you say.

As much as I like conspiracy stuff, I don't know if I buy the story of MKUltra driving Ted mad. He even said himself in a letter that the experiments were a negative experience but nothing too bad, and I see no reason to believe he's lying (even being in jail wouldn't influence this reply), but of course I could be wrong.

>> No.12924153
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>> No.12924186

>modern tradcaths (online variety) are clueless heretics who larp about gk chesterton and thatch roof cottages and farm life but know nothing about any of it (especially real catholicism)
Not necessarily, maybe some do actually transition into farm life.

>> No.12924276

homopathy: for him

>> No.12924299

t. sex-starved disenfranchised twitter-addicted uggo with exactly 301 followers

>> No.12924305

that's just a part of being an american transcendentalist, anon

>> No.12925544


>> No.12925552

I've been in survivalist circles since 2008 and invariably none of them understand economics. Cheap fossil fuels can be replaced. Our capacity to generate electricity is only expanding. We could easily shift to nuclear in the span of two decades if it became necessary, and even if there was a collapse, there's nothing that would keep us perpetually stuck in the 17th century. Tell me a specific technology that we wouldn't be able to develop without fossil fuels - none of you have been able to so far.

>> No.12925663

has anyone actually read the moody book? like wtf?

>> No.12925769
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Such is nature.
The mysterious Man, he is forever sorry for being a part of it, he dreams himself other and makes enemies of us all.

>> No.12926017


>> No.12926056
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>> No.12926080

I would respond with ever more relevant vitriol, but giving it (you)s seems counter productive. (Even of your more indirect sort. ) Treat it as you would a troll and do not feed it.

>> No.12926162

But you’re all trolls. I’m the only non-troll

>> No.12926639


>> No.12926972

Holy shit shut the fuck up

>> No.12927452

These people's gimmicks and jokes run stale.

>> No.12927694
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joke: epicurus, stirner, nietzsche
WOKE: Plotinus, Schlegel, Novalis

>> No.12927892


>> No.12928524

>We could easily shift to nuclear in the span of two decades if it became necessary
Source? Not that I doubt you but even this would have a lot of obstacles: it would require actual global planning and in time, instead of just kicking it down the road, there would be opposition to nuclear, and also the demand in what, 10, 20 years time will be much greater than it is now.

>Tell me a specific technology that we wouldn't be able to develop without fossil fuels - none of you have been able to so far.
It's not just electricity, we derive much more from oil. Even if we changed all our transportation to electric vehicles and made it more efficient, that mean a much larger demand for energy and would generate other problems such as planes no longer being able to fly.
There's also a peak of other resources, plus we need oil itself to be able to access most of those resources at this point. Everything's connected.
Even if we only considered plastic itself, the disappearence of it would induce a heavy change to our system, because pretty much everything uses plastic and not all of it can be very easily replaced.


>> No.12928544

did you ever get molested by your sisters or mom

>> No.12928569

Also, you're admitting the capability of a collapse. I'm not saying it will happen with 100% certainty, or that we absolutely could never jumpstart another industrial revolution, but it definitely looks increasingly probable.
How can you develop a new industrial system from scratch without fossil fuels?

>> No.12929861

Yep. On the good side it was enough for me to finally unplug the twitter. Sick of em all

>> No.12930993

They were protestations not Catholics. Hyuck hyuck hyuck
No of course not