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12914156 No.12914156 [Reply] [Original]

was nietzsche right about scientists? are they the theologians of the modern world?

>> No.12914160

Where does he say that?

>> No.12914173

second essay of the geneology

>> No.12914189

Yes, scientism is the religion of the modern world. Technocrats are the new kings and scientists are their priests.

>> No.12914421


>> No.12914426

I can't find it. Are you sure that's the quote?

>> No.12914533

He says that in BGAE somewhere, but I don't remember. Maybe when he makes fun of the objective man.

>> No.12914588
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Yes in the sense that that's what people believe in these days. Science is a set of rules by which reality can be interpreted and so are religions. That doesn't mean science is less objective, but it doesn't make science better either, as chasing truth is ultimately a futile endeavor.

>> No.12914852

Yes it's just a true worldism. Nietzsche argues that knowledge amounts to an imposing of schemata on reality.

>> No.12914905

Yes, because anyone convinced by the lie that is "the absolute truth" that they're peddling is essentially a theologian. In contrast to this is the philosopher, who is someone who recognizes that it is a lie, but still peddles his because he knows that that is all he can do; his operation in the world will lead to the propagation of his lie despite his wishes.The philosopher's work then is to refine the lie in order to create people in his image.

>> No.12914977

Would also like the quote and passage.

>> No.12915019

I'm probably getting confused with the third essay of the genealogy. In one of those essays Nietzsche claims that the modern practice of science is but an extension of the christian ascetic ideal. More broadly, however, Nietzsche's epistemological perspectivism makes him suspicious of anyone attempting to provide a single 'objective' model of knowledge and reality. To do so, in Nietzsche's view, would be to lapse into religious fantasy. Given that many scientists believe that they are building this objective model, it is not surprising that Nietzsche derides them as theologians.

>> No.12915033

In Schopenhauer as Educator Nietzsche talks about how academics will become gatekeepers for those in power. Essay 2 from Genealogy of Morals is the one one guilt, I can't remember Nietzsche discussing academia or science there.

Maybe that's what OP means?

>> No.12915065

BGE part one sections 5, 6, and 11-20

He initially talks about philosophers, though later on implies certain fields of science also fall into this category. He's mostly warning about the dogmatic dead-materialism of philosophers who try to convince themselves and others that their theories describe the world as-is, rather than interpreting said theories as merely frameworks for attempting to observe the real world.

Biological species don't actually exist the way the framework of biology describes them, and Newton's law of gravity isn't consistent throughout the universe.

>> No.12915173

Okay, will look at these later. Thanks.

>> No.12915191
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There are very good arguments supporting that perspective but I don't remember them. Just do some reading on the philosophy of science and Kuhn and Popper and you'll find good critique on the elevated status of scientists.

>> No.12915945
