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12911740 No.12911740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many young men's lives has he saved?

>> No.12911741

probably genuinely saved a few. Still an annoying boomer

>> No.12911744

"I need help"

- he said what most of us can't or won't

>> No.12911747

Jordan Peterson is a modern day hero. He is a living legend. He's what the word MAN is. Not to sound sexist or anything. Just talking about the true sense of the word MAN.

>> No.12911751
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Define "saved" please. Under certain circumstances, is suicide really such an awful thing? As King wrote, is dead not sometimes better?

>> No.12911761

How so?

>> No.12911775

He's a quack, whose only (admittedly admirable) claim to fame is being able to connect with alienated young men.

The ball is still out on whether he is a positive influence overall

>> No.12911780

Will his followers learn how to live in a society? Yes.
Will they ever soar above eternal midwittism? God no, have you seen the Peterson subreddit?

Also, reminder to read your theologists and Robert Alter, defending the Bible stories on the basis, "eh whun yu thunk about it its kinduh basic adice rilly" is pleb af.

>> No.12911799

wait what? that's my University in Canada, when was he here? And why is someone wearing a MAGA hat in Ontario?

>> No.12911817
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How many young men's lives has he saved?

>> No.12911822

I’d be more impressed if he stopped wasting his time saving incels and spent more time talking trannies into an heroing

>> No.12911839


a million, maybe a billion

>> No.12911842

Does he have any advice for not young men, say 30yo wizards?

>> No.12911848


>> No.12911854

I thought he said they were lost causes at that point?

>> No.12911855


>> No.12911858

he says something about if you haven't been socialized properly by the age of 12 you're gonna have a bad time for the rest of your life.

>> No.12911860
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Too many, I'm afraid

>> No.12911862

well uh technically none

>> No.12911881

is this real? lmao

>> No.12911885


Unironically Zizek has helped me a bit.

>> No.12911889


>> No.12911892
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It's actually a shoop; pic related is the original.
Suuuuuure Ben, kek.

>> No.12911894
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>> No.12911898

>how many sad isolated fools has he sent down the altright pipeline

>> No.12911903


>> No.12911904

does shapiro always do that with his eyes

>> No.12911908


Please have sex

>> No.12911938
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Peterson first came to wider attention at Rebel Media

1) Rebel Medias founder Ezra Levant did his college internship at the Charles G. Koch Foundation, later he worked at the Fraser Institute - the Kochs principal think tank in Canada. I have heard he had some sort of involvement with the Institute for Humane Studies as well but I'm not certain on that - but if true well then Charles Koch has been the chairman of the board of IHS since the 1970s and between 2005-2017 has given it 34 million dollar.
2) Rebel Media has received funding from Daniel Pipes racist 'think tank' the Middle East Forum - MEF has received funding from Donors Capital Fund - Donors Capital Fund is a blind trust that the Kochs and a few other ultra rich use to make anonymous donations to their causes, racist groups like MEF and climate change denial. It is a river of untraceable Dark Money.
3) Jordan Peterson has cited the Institute for Humane Studies on his twitter

Ben Shapiro is sponsored for his college lecture tours by Young America's Foundation

1) YAF is sponsored by the Kochs, Mercers, and Devos
2) YAF also sponsors the likes of Charles Murray, David Horowitz, Robert Spencer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Anne Coulter, Ted Nugent
3) YAF board member James B. Young is the former director of the National Policy Institute - now run by Richard Spencer
4) Trumps immigration advisor Stephen Miller is a YAF alumni, he also founded his colleges chapter of Horowitzs Students for Academic Freedom, and was a college friend of... Richard Spencer

Both Shapiro and Peterson have attended Turning Point USA events
TPUSA is sponsored by 4 different groups that receive funding from the Kochs

>> No.12911939
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>Don't clap

>> No.12911946

What's his remedy? Living like monk or suicide or...?

>> No.12911949

Curious, how?

>> No.12911952

wash your penis

>> No.12911954

try harder

>> No.12911986


Who knew neoliberal fascists would be backed by neoliberal, capitalist, and fascist groups? I'm pretty shocked here.

>> No.12911990

So nothing basically?

>> No.12911995

Unironically start by cleaning your room

>> No.12912003

Is muh kochs basically the lefts muh soros?

>> No.12912006

why don't you fucking try listening to him to find out for yourself what his philosophy is you fuckin faggot

>> No.12912011

the fascists are going to turn on their capitalist backers eventually, thank god

>> No.12912014

>soros soros soros they're all just the same lets not discuss this anymore

>> No.12912020
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>neoliberal fascists

>> No.12912160

Hard to say whether trannies are really audacious or just plain retarded.

>> No.12912307

Take the most amount of responsibility into your life.

>> No.12912316

what does that actually mean?