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12909379 No.12909379 [Reply] [Original]

What's the appeal to occultism? You won't actually accomplish anything like astral projection. It's seems like pure bullshit so why do people waste time reading it?

>> No.12909393

What's the appeal to religion? You won't actually accomplish anything like eternal life. It's seems like pure bullshit so why do people waste time reading it?

>> No.12909405

beliefs are things that people happen to like the idea of nowadays. I can see the appeal of magick and so I can understand people liking the idea of it and therefore believing in it.

Of course beliefs are very superficial nowadays. Nobody believes in god like they did 70 years ago

>> No.12909415

What's the appeal in astronomy? You won't actually go to another galaxy. It's seems like pure bullshit so why do people waste time reading it?

>> No.12909422
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>Implying we won't
Just hit the gas nigga

>> No.12909449

land is the zoomers crowley

>> No.12909456

Not within your lifetime.

>> No.12909459

Are you joking? Astral projection is probably one of the easiest things to do in occultism.

>> No.12909467

Ones own pride

>> No.12909468
File: 604 KB, 2048x1152, 2b9d0cf8-edac-11e6-930f-061b01e23655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heh, you said something, kid?

>> No.12909479

>What's the appeal to occultism?
Getting fucked up the ass by the Royal Order of Jesters for fame and influence that is not your own

>> No.12909532

Occultists like crowley are similar to nietzsche. It’s all about finding who you are and what your “true will” is. A big difference is that occultism promises paranormal results (usually only observable by the practitioner), and some sort of spiritual attainment. Even if a person isn’t interested in joining an order or partaking in rituals, occultism teaches the nature of the universe in a way that science overlooks. The classical elements are an excellent example, because they sum up the mechanisms of nature and human behavior. If nothing else, there’s magic in that.

>> No.12910896

It's fun to pretend.

>> No.12910910

Really this is all there is to say. People like to pretend and some people genuinely have mild psychosis and will actually experience the things they talk about via mental illness.

>> No.12910932

The point of occultism is to push your desire into the hivemind of humanity in order to change reality.

The best occultists are actually artists and marketers

I will let alan explain it


>> No.12910980

I like the aesthetic desu

>> No.12910990

psychosis sucks balls
but It made me christian


>> No.12911019

>asking what value something has while also demanding the conversation start with the premise that the thing in question is inherently worthless
>following this up with saying you think it's bullshit and a waste of time

Literally what is the point in this thread? It seems like you wanted to make a thread against occultism, but had to do so in /lit/ terminology in order to not get the free-doing janny on your tail.

>> No.12911034

How do you know you can't accomplish anything with occultism? Have you ever tried it?

>> No.12911057

>Occultists like crowley are similar to nietzsche
edgy larping incels?

>> No.12911086

brainlet, hes baiting the dumber practitioners to defend it against him

>> No.12911091

Very often, yes. They both tend to appeal to those types because they’re kind of fringe and promise power. Their philosophies are legitimate and are worth familiarizing yourself with, but not following completely. Basically edginess, ignorance, and extremely valuable insight all mashed together.

>> No.12911111

No. Occultism is a way more dangerous than simple Nihilistic Philosophy.

>> No.12911117
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>> No.12911129

Great digits, but you forgot where I mentioned that you shouldn’t follow either. Are you saying it’s not valuable to learn about occultism? Why is it a dangerous thing to learn about? Crowley’s philosophy is quite similar to nietzsche’s and both can be incredibly harmful if taken too seriously.

>> No.12911140

Isn't astral projection subjective? What makes it impossible?

>> No.12911141

>Occultism is a way more dangerous than simple Nihilistic Philosophy.
how so?

>> No.12911251

You create a whole fabricated metanarrative which exalts the acausal, sacrifice and terrorism etc

>> No.12911285

And the only thing also also it's not magic

>> No.12911298

Astral projection is indeed magick anon.

>> No.12911319

Correct answer

>> No.12911417

Anything genuinely 'occult' lives up to it's name and is not in the public sphere. Western esotericism is indeed one big LARP, but it has little bearing on actual magic.

>> No.12911476

Care to explain?

>> No.12911506

Astral projection is just occultist for having crazy and vivid dreams, which you can totally accomplish, although there is nothing paranormális about it. You can reach other types of altered states of consciousness with enough self-suggestion too, basically that's the appeal of occult practices.

>> No.12911592

astral projection = lucid dreaming.

>> No.12911643

its the opposite of asceticism but shares same goal.

virgin asceticist: hates himself, hopes reaching a higher state of consciousness by destroying his bio-cage and liberating his soul.

chad magus: understands the limitations of his bio-cage but uses its bugs as features. goethian faust.

rogue magus: mistakes the means for the goals, traditional faust.

virgin magus: scientist who forgot his origins, begins to resemble asceticist and loses all his power.

>> No.12911652

based life extensionist.

>> No.12911846

excellent video anon

>> No.12911871

What's there to explain? Magic is real (meaning, you can bring about tangible change in the physical world using supramundane means) but how to go about this is extremely poorly documented. Not that there is anything particular to it; it just takes a lot of practice -much like learning to play the piano or learning to sculpt, etc. Once the practice has been realized and you're able to do these things there's nothing to talk about.
That's a mistake a lot of neophytes make, they think their success is contingent on some short of secret 'thing' or ritual, when it is contingent on their own mental faculties. If you can't deadlift 400lbs, it's not because you lack some secret deadlifting method, you simply need to cultivate the raw strength over a long period of practice -the same principle applies to magic.

>> No.12911895

What is the lifting weights equivalent of magic? Meditation for example?

>> No.12911897

How do you know this? And is fornication with children an important part of magic?

>> No.12911900

The same as religion, spirituality, etc. the performance of rituals for the sake of performance art and the illusion of control and meaning in an existence devoid of both.

>> No.12911921

Money and all things associated with it wouldn't exist if people didn't believe in them. Otherwise people would just perceive money for what it is.
If you don't believe in afterlife >>12909393 or astral projection, how can you hope to have any of it?

Belief is the main currency in the world, and money is a black hole of it.

>> No.12911958

As if nihilism doesn't. Every school shooter has been an edgy atheist nihilist.

>> No.12911981

that's one suggestion that is commonly made, yes

>> No.12912100

The same as for buddhism/taoism, only more schizophrenic

>> No.12912166

Meditation is a very general and nebulous term, but generally speaking it is agreeable to say that some sort of practice involving the regulation of attention is fundamental. It is necessary to be able to get into what you might call a 'trance' state, specifically a state in which there is diminished surface level mental activity while simultaneously there is an increase in lucidity and 'sharpness' (one-pointedness you might say). Good to note, if you ever find yourself in a state of drowsiness, sleepiness, lethargy, and so forth, you're going in the wrong direction. It's a common beginner trap. Remember that these trance states should always be characterized by 'lucidity, wakefulness, sharpness, luminosity, clearness', etc. But I digress.
Take something like astral projection for example, a quick review of the general resources will give you all sorts of convoluted methods where you visualize various things or have to awake in the middle of the night and go back to sleep, and so on. If could simply arrive at the state previously mentioned, none of that is necessary. You simply leave your body and that's it. You just 'do it'. No method, but a cultivated ability. Of course, being able to arrive at this 'trance' state consistently and on command is not easy and takes some practice. That's where most people quit, and the LARPing begins.
So, essentially yes, 'meditation' (not only when seated, but also in daily life).
>How do you know this?
A couple of half decent books pointed me in the right direction, after that it's simply a matter of practice.
>And is fornication with children an important part of magic?
I don't know, I gladly concede that that's beyond my area of (already quite limited) knowledge. If you're talking about the 'pop-esotericist' idea that the elites are diddling kids, I'd say that if they are they probably do so because of the change in cognition a transgressive act can induce. Have you ever done something naughty as a child? You get that rush to your head and that 'oh shit' feeling and that does produce a certain one-pointedness; I can imagine diddling kids is like that but x1000, so I certainly could see how that might relate to magical practice. There's also perhaps some reason related to energetic phenomena, or perhaps they're trying to appease a non-physical entity. Could be any number of reasons I suppose, but truthfully I don't know.

>> No.12912186

Thanks for the reply.
1)How does astral projection differ from lucid dreaming? By googling I see people say that LD realm is just personal while AP realm is shared by all people but that's probably wrong.

2)Can you point me material to study this further? At this point I can't really determine what is LARP and what is not.

>> No.12912207

Thanks for the reply. Mind listing the half-decent books you mentioned?

>> No.12912520

>How does astral projection differ from lucid dreaming?
I have found it helpful to think of it in terms of 'levels'. Lets say the reality you are currently inhabiting is the ground floor, level 0. There's nothing really here, you can't see any non-physical entities or other non-physical 'energetic' phenomena. Then you go up a level or two, and here you're still close to level 0, but open to the non-physical. Then lets say you go up to level 3-4 and here's where you're off in fantasy land; it's like you're in a Frank Frazetta painting. This is were all the astral projection stories involving aliens and strange worlds and planets take place. And then there's level 5, let's say (arbitrary number), where you get experiences that are very much divorced from your regular experience of reality -like feeling you're in an endless void, or being in a field of bliss, or what have you; abstract experiences. It's nonsensical of course to categorize these experiences into levels -and they're largely arbitrary- but hopefully you get the point.
Robert Monroe for example has classified his experiences in various 'locales'. Locale I to him is the material world, but with the presence of some non-physical places and entities. In this 'locale' you could verify actual information like guessing the numbers written on a piece of paper in a room you've physically not been, but it's also where non-physical entities reside.
'Locale II' he describes as being boundless and where all the fantastical things happen.
'Locale III' is a parallel world similar to Earth, but we're all still using steam engines or something nonsensical like that.
I would switch Locale II and three around in order, but you get the idea.
You can in a sense progressively move away from your current experience of reality, until the resemblance to your life on planet earth is almost negligible. I would say that dreams are on the higher end of this spectrum, whereas astral projection would ideally be as close as possible to the 'ground floor'.
If you can't corroborate your experiences in the astral with the physical, then of course you're doing little more than dreaming. People have been known to attempt experiments with random numbers on pieces of paper they have no access to, and so on, and fail. This is because they stray too far from the 'ground floor'. People are in the habit of instantly going off into fantasy land if they get to the point where they can achieve astral projection, but they would be far better off spending the first 30th attempts walking around the block.

>> No.12912557

I hit the character limit, so see my reply below for the second question. As for determining LARP, magic is tangible and 'physical'. It is not psychological or just 'altering your consciousness'. If it doesn't anything concrete, you might as well be playing pretend.
The books I have found to be the most useful are by an author called Draja Mickaharic. In particular his book, 'Magic Simplified', but some of his other books are worth reading as well. They're very pragmatic and without the slightest sense of obscurantism, so much so that sometimes they lack details.
There is also a book called 'Forbidden Parapsychology' which is somewhat silly (it talks about magically molesting people for example), but again -it's very practical and the principles are sound.
Alternatively, pick up a proven book on meditation and a proven book on astral projection. Ideally do all of the above, and then piece the material together yourself.