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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 282 KB, 1242x801, dasracist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12907490 No.12907490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder: you are all white supremacists.

>> No.12907491


>> No.12907492

who cares?

>> No.12907495

> he doesn't EXCLUSIVELY undulge in spoken folklore
fucking pseud

>> No.12907504

Not so. I'm an IQ realist, but I think there are more dimensions to human value than just IQ, even though IQ is strongly correlated with most of them. Malcolm X pointed out that white degeneracy is much higher than in black communities, for instance. Just because some races are statistically smarter than others doesn't mean others can't be culturally superior or superior along other axes.

>> No.12907513

What does this even mean? Is this implying non-white people don't have literary traditions?

>> No.12907514
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>> No.12907520


If you think about it, what she says is actually more racist than what a white supremacist would say. She implies nonwhites cannot create and cannot understand a literary tradition.

>> No.12907527

I mean, she's not wrong. Becoming well-read typically leads one to the adoption of authoritarian values.

>> No.12907529

Kek based fuck niggrrs

>> No.12907531
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Women in any professional field was a mistake. All the post modernist crap comes from histrionic homosexuals, pedophiles and perverts. Women followed suit after said histrionic/bipolar subhumans gained power and now are cheerleaders of this creed of decay.

>> No.12907539
File: 118 KB, 960x1280, 1181210-mark-fisher-die-zeit-germany-august-3-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making everything about identity politics

Ignore these literal whos from twitter

>> No.12907542

I mean she can have her students write in retarded ebonics or whatever if she wants.

>> No.12907548

There is no such thing as 'identity politics'.

>> No.12907549


>> No.12907563

>Devout Jews are white supremacists

Good luck with that one

>> No.12907572

Too true for this board

>> No.12907578

Giving women freedom was the first crucial mistake
Giving them education was the second misfire
Giving them equal rights was the straw that broke the camel's back

>> No.12907579

then stop obsessing about identities like race, gender etc

>> No.12907591

please record more rants

>> No.12907595

>Women in any professional field was a mistake. All the (((post modernist crap))) comes from (((histrionic homosexuals, pedophiles and perverts))). Women followed suit after said((( histrionic/bipolar subhumans gained power))) and now are cheerleaders of (((this creed of decay))).

>> No.12907601

Class is an identity, a worthless and empty one. Class is identity politics, I was wrong. Only class though.

>> No.12907605

Class is an identity

>> No.12907607
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mhm, yes, quite, based,

>> No.12907613

I like me some collection of african oral tales from time to time, I really like the one with the hyena that makes a huge fart. It went away, ashamed, hoping that people will forget about him and his fart, but years later, as he decided to enter a village unknown to him, he realized everybody there was talking about his huge fart.
>shit was cash

>> No.12907626

>some twat with credentials to authority (being a teacher) tries to demonize literature as a whole, a thing I very much would love to see popularized instead
>2800 retards love it
>636 spread her words like a virus


>> No.12907632

Anon, now that you've committed that fine tale passed down through centuries of African oral tradition into the written word it has become yet another example of white supremacy!

>> No.12907663

Oh I'm sorry for besmirching your favorite pastime. I didn't realize this you had the noble cause of saving the world from the Jews by greentexting on 4chan.

>> No.12907666


>> No.12907716
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>> No.12907720

was derrida, cultural marxist destroyer of western civilization, a white supremacist?

>> No.12907735

You're fucking amazing dude. Love your stuff.

>> No.12907738

Why do retards like you even come here? You don't even like it. Stop being a deranged masochistic retard you dumb niggerlover.

>> No.12907830

Kek I saved a vocaroo you made for my thread once
You get funnier every time I see you. You've got a comedian's cadence but without the craft. Would probably do alright if you decided to try it

>> No.12907863

Writers and philosophers have been histrionic homosexuals, pedophiles and perverts since the Greeks mate

>> No.12907875

I'll say it in every thread - starting a thread with a twitter screenshot should get you banned on all boards except /b/
Fuck off

>> No.12907884

Denying the usage of Twitter screenshots in threads is another tenet of white supremacy.

>> No.12907893

I like his writings but I just can't bear his whole physical being. This dirty brit face, all this fat, even his nickname. "K-punk", wasn't he an adult? And this haircut, mother of God...

>> No.12907907

he cute

>> No.12907912

based Bill Burr
based Dan Deacon

>> No.12907984
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The blue checkmarks on twitter all have positions in media, as teachers and professors, widely published authors for shitty books that the former teachers and professors teach to people to propagate this faggotry.
>j-just bury your head in the sand bro like, like let them bolster their ranks through the dissemination of their ideas without meeting any challenge or rebuke man

Now stop posting your attention whoring vocaroos you cowardly amerinigger.

>> No.12908063

You are retarded if you think things like that don't matter. Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of black people vote Democrat? Because they are voting to benefit their race. White people are the only race that don't put their own race first when voting.

>> No.12908078

>White people are the only race that don't put their own race first when voting.
Who is the president of the United States

>> No.12908087

Irish people aren't white, wtf is she talking about?

>> No.12908102

that is indeed an unpopular opinion

>> No.12908109

>black man bad, white man good

Stop obsessing over identity politics

>> No.12908118


>> No.12908120

A cuck for Isreal. How is Trump pro white at all? He has raised legal immigration, he hasn't built the wall, and he is pro big business which is killing us. Neither Republicans or Democrats are pro-white parties.
I would advise you to stop watching Jordan Peterson videos on youtube.

>> No.12908136

love this meme, brings back /scv/ vibes

>> No.12908139

who do you sound like?

>> No.12908167



>> No.12908195
File: 51 KB, 436x536, 1546068238403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally fucking nobody shouts "reading makes you racist" into an empty void
>Nothing happens
>Anon begins shitting his pants in fear from witnessing first hand the power of the globalist (((Merchant))) cabal looking to destroy the white race and western culture

Dumb people think dumb things. Sometimes they're even dumb enough to think people care about those dumb things they think, so they shit them out by the dozens on social media every day. Right now it's "reading is for racists" but in four hours it'll be "omg a new starbucks just opened up like 5 minutes from my house #yasss #queen" and all of those incredibly powerful words you're worried about are forgotten almost instantly. Some nameless, faceless staffer at Twitter thinking it fit to give her a verification check mark doesn't change shit.

Nobody's "ranks" are getting "bolstered" you fucking moron. Moreover, you sifting through your multi-gigabyte folder of jew caricatures and angrily greentexting anonymously at people is neither "challenge" nor "rebuke". Her tweet didn't cause any problems, and even if it did, nothing you are doing here is fixing anything. This thread will 404 and you will immediately forget her name, you will move onto another activity and proceed to forget the comment entirely as it's never brought up or thought relevant ever again. You're going to wake up tomorrow and forget this exchange ever happened because of how obviously god fucking damn irrelevant it all is.

I'm so sick of you faggot running around screaming that the sky is falling every time something like this happens. Newsflash, underinformed woman makes ignorant comment for social approval, in other important news fire is still hot. Wow.

>> No.12908218

I've tried to say this every time someone makes one of these fucking twitter screenshot threads. She's a fucking english teacher. Every middle school english teacher has some absolutely fucking retarded opinions because no smart people end up with that job.

>> No.12908223

>Some random university
>Feminist is giving a speech on transgender issues and the existence of the "feminine penis"
Well, you know the rest. Keep convincing yourself that shit like this doesn't snowball.

>> No.12908230

Robert Frost was an English teacher.

>> No.12908244
File: 59 KB, 680x680, really activates the almonds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>written traditions
white people
>oral traditions
sub-saharan Africans
Native Americans
Polynesians/Oceanic people

How is worship of the written word equivalent to white supremacy?

>> No.12908246

It's a hell of a lot easier to legitimize an opinion by viciously attacking it and making it a debate with sides than by just saying "wow, that's pretty retarded" and going on with your day
This literal who doesn't deserve a fraction of the attention she's getting

>> No.12908265

>worship of the written word is a tenet of white supremacy.
does this mean they won't force students to read non-white literature in school anymore?

>> No.12908269

>p-pls just ignore it
That's worked so well so far eh? Fuck off commie.

>> No.12908273



To troll little shits like you and watch you explode. It's hilarious how serious you take your stupid shit and even more hilarious the kind of tantrum you throw when anyone calls you on it.

>> No.12908274

> It's a hell of a lot easier to legitimize an opinion by viciously attacking it and making it a debate with sides than by just saying "wow, that's pretty retarded" and going on with your day
Isn't that precisely how everyone handled all this tranny madness the past several decades? Not with vicious attacks but with jokes and dismissiveness. Now look at where we are. So no, it's not that simple.

>> No.12908277


The same reason I got called a Nazi because I work at the post office and told someone we didn't accept shipments over a certain number of pounds.

>> No.12908279


>past several decades

You realize at least one Transgender person fought in the war of independence, right?

>> No.12908284

lmao are you crying?

>> No.12908289
File: 312 KB, 680x665, 1554395946778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you even talking about? The world isn't your fucking college. Universities were explicitly designed to get people to share unorthodox thoughts and ideas in an environment free from the social pressures put on people in polite society, so fucking obviously you're going to find a higher concentration of people openly disagreeing with commonly shared views there than in other places. The exact same thing could be said for the internet.

You know what happens when you finally get out of your college or get off the internet? All of this shit you're talking about disappears instantly. Go outside and find one of these anti-white, anti-west race traitor SJW fucking whatevers. Go ahead, find one, just one. Find a single one of these degenerates trying to undermine the values you hold so dear.

You're really quickly going to realize that there aren't any. You know how people on the right complain about modern news media because it drags freak anomalous and statistically insignificant events into the public eye for extended periods of time, making the issue seem a lot worse than it really is? That's what is happening right now. One cop shoots one black kid, CNN portrays it like there's rampant government sanctioned anti-black violence committed by law enforcement regularly. One dumb white lady says some dumb shit on Twitter about race, 4chan portrays it like there's some sort of invisible white genocide being committed in the west by a cabal of jews and women.

Get some fucking perspective, fuck.

>> No.12908293

They probably meant you were being beurocratically unreasonable, not that you want to gas the jews.

>> No.12908296

what is that video that screengrab is from called again? i've been looking for it for months but i can't remember what it was called.

>> No.12908303

>being this dishonest
wew laddie

>> No.12908306

Christ don't come in here with this shit
Nobody cares that you can cherrypick a single person per century that might almost kinda sorta line up with your retarded ideology, and I'm saying this as a leftist
Gender nonsense has made the left an absolute fucking absurdity and it's your fault

>> No.12908331

>You know what happens when you finally get out of your college or get off the internet? All of this shit you're talking about disappears instantly.
What the fuck are YOU talking about? None of that shit just stays confined to the university walls. It always escapes. Whatever wacky shit you hear about in universities is simply a glimpse into the future of mainstream public policy. Witness: gay marriage, tranny acceptance, "fuck wypipo." All dismissed as college nonsense perpetuated by navel-gazing professors decades ago and today Bruce Jenner in a wig is fucking Woman of the Year. The slippery slope is real.

>> No.12908342

No today an 8 year old kid who strips in gay bars has his face in times square with the pedophile spiral on his forehead and CPS seems to think that's all fine

>> No.12908376

And that's a good thing

>> No.12908385

What are you talking about?

>> No.12908399

Based vocaroo anon

>> No.12908406
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>he doesn't know
the kid is called "Desmond is amazing". Educate urself honey

>> No.12908443
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>Nobody's "ranks" are getting "bolstered" you fucking moron.
Forums and online communities have a form of social procreation that can be seen even on 4channel: newfag comes, is met with hot opinions/ideas he hasn't seen before, joins the consensus in his new in-group and maybe becomes one of the woke pharisees with some divergent opinions here and there, but generally continuing to adhere to the aesthetic/morals/ideas. Every circle jerky post by a blue checkmark that gets updooted draws gradually and more gradually in to the fold another impressionable one, the same process happens in a variety of different ways on every board and every general on 4channel.

>This thread will 404 and you will immediately forget her name, you will move onto another activity and proceed to forget the comment entirely as it's never brought up or thought relevant ever again.
Wrong, it's just another mote of fuel funneling my hatred of faggots. Such anger explodes eventually in mass shootings,political action etc. depending on a persons temperament and context, for example I'm a member of a national party in my country so I can in some minute way combat the spread of globo homo in my nation, and I contribute on the chon by shitposting every day to set in motion the processes described above.

Now enough of this disingenuous shite and gaslighting from yourself please, faggot.

>> No.12908470

word supremacy

>> No.12908472
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Coughing is a symptom of having the flu, but people cough for a myriad of reasons. The flu could be completely cured and eradicated, but there are always going to be people coughing somewhere for some reason. If you, by chance, happened to encounter an abnormally high number of people coughing one day, would you think that there is a flu epidemic?

Dumb virtue-signalling comments are a symptom of growing radical leftism, but they're also a symptom of simple and harmless ignorant thottery. Fuck, man, you're on 4chan right now, where people go out of their way to aggregate dumb comments like the one posted. If you go out into the real world for a bit you can get a sense of scale. Yeah, average people on the street might call Jenner a woman, but average people on the street have trouble pointing out their own country on a globe too. People are fucking stupid and will act fucking stupid if you give them a chance, this isn't new just because you find this particular flavor of stupid extra-distasteful.

>> No.12908480

wait hang on so am i supposed to be able to read this tweet or not

>> No.12908484

who the fuck cares?

like seriously, why are you putting weight in what this person says? you don't have to and you shouldn't

stop getting mad over extreme opinions that you actively seek out in the jungle of retards that is the internet

>> No.12908500

>non-whites can't venerate writing
That's kinda racist

>> No.12908513

what the fuck is that metaphor meant to be?
>but people cough for a myriad of reasons

>> No.12908517


>> No.12908532

>Forums and online communities have a form of social procreation that can be seen even on 4channel
Is that what "bolstering ranks" is supposed to mean? Someone you share a website with kind-of agreeing with you on something? /pol/ says 'gas the kikes, race war now' with infographics and memes that get tons of young people behind the ideas of ethnostates and racial supremacy, and yet nothing happens. There are no new foot soldiers in the right wing death squads, just yet another anonymous person replying 'based and redpilled'. In the same way, there are no new foot soldiers in the left wing death squads, just yet another mostly anonymous person hitting the 'like and retweet' buttons.

>Wrong, it's just another mote of fuel funneling my hatred of faggots.
By tomorrow morning, we're both going to forget each other. I keep hearing about how much the world is changing for the worst but every time I actually look at it it's eerily the same. It's like hearing people shout "Fire! There's a fire! Run!" only to see nothing's wrong, I go out of my way to explore the direction these shouting people are running from and maybe find a burnt out match or smoldering cigarette butt, but no fire.

>> No.12908539

>someone virtue-signals on social media
>someone coughs

I hope that made it easier on you.

>> No.12908572

Certain people really want to feel like they worked hard for and earned everything that they have in their lives without any help or advantage. These are people who have been told that they have to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps" their whole lives. So, they get really triggered by being told that they may have some innate advantage in life based solely on their gender or race that give them an unearned advantage. Some have chosen to deal with the stress of being constantly triggered by attempting to convince themselves and others that they are truly the ones at a disadvantage.

It is pretty ridiculous but you gotta be amazed at the mental gymnastics it takes to arrive at such conclusions.

>> No.12908585

>white privilege exists
So you're a white supremacist? Do your friends know this?

>> No.12908586

>Knowing how to read and write
Stop being such pretentions fucks.

>> No.12908610

I think the idea is that in her mind non-whites (and non-asians I suppose) typically emphasize oral traditions over written works, which means that focusing on the written word to the exclusion of all else is one of the pillars of white supremacy - "niggers don't have culture because they don't write anything".

>> No.12908616



>> No.12908620

This. While it's true that "white" ie European Christian civilization is among the greatest of civilizations to ever exist, there are plenty of great non-European civilizations who had (or still have) a great literary tradition.

What the mainstream means by "white supremacy" is a cartoon white hood KKK, underneath which lies European Christian civilization, which they want to destroy.

They want other civilizations, destroyed, too, as you point out this virulently racist statement obviously means all non-European peoples are illiterate savages, but they have to destroy Christendom first. That's the bulwark against their entropic anarchy.

Wow, these bluechecks are stupid.

>> No.12908621


>> No.12908624

I know you're just explaining her retarded point but two of the most influential western poets of all time were fucking blind and muslims, many of whom live in Africa, quite literally worship the written word.

>> No.12908648
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The fun part (note: it's not fun at all) of reading garbage like this while living in the third world is that it's so transparent and cynical.
Maybe you can deceive Amerilards who have been slow boiling for decades in all this progressive shit so they can't really see it, but living in a more culturally isolated shithole where five years ago nobody knew what a feminist even was, and now we're almost keeping up with the US by having the topic of trannies installed in the public debate, I can practically trace the dates of how quickly this evolved and how clearly contrived it is, one issue following the next one like clockwork.

>> No.12908656

That's why you don't take twitter-twats seriously. That website doesn't lend itself to any serious discussion of anything. It rewards inflammatory nonsense. What you just said literally would not fit into a tweet.

>> No.12908674
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oh ok so you were strawmanning and constructed your goofy metaphor around that

> /pol/ says 'gas the kikes, race war now' with infographics and memes that get tons of young people behind the ideas of ethnostates and racial supremacy, and yet nothing happens. There are no new foot soldiers in the right wing death squads
but that's literally what's happening you blind delusional retard, 4chan maymays have been influencing youth and normalfags for a decade now, that NZ shooter came from here/2x2x2chan and his actions have influenced their government policy and stimulated the discourse, /pol/ gets Trump elected by riling up a bunch of boomers and zoomers, /pol/ or /pol/-affiliate ideas are huge in vogue among the zoomers of today across the west

> I keep hearing about how much the world is changing for the worst but every time I actually look at it it's eerily the same.
In my country in the 90's my ethnic group was 95% of the population, now in 20 years time we will be a minority because of globo homo priming people with cancerous anglo-franco-judaic ideas of tolerance and diversity and so on

In the same time frame we went from not caring about fags/treating them as social pariahs and perverts to trannies with HIV blood in their wigs marching through our main thoroughfares every year with their flags flying over our government buildings and our leader being a foreigner and a homo

There are massive social/demographic changes happening all across the west in a very short amount of time and I know you aren't oblivious to them, you're just a disingenuous tranny probably, so I address all of my posts to anyone with the potential to be gaslighted by you.

>> No.12908676

Bro just nuke nyc already