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File: 583 KB, 840x741, EvolaQuote1 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12907339 No.12907339 [Reply] [Original]

Can this man be refuted

>> No.12907360

suicide rates prove him correct

>> No.12907375

I think Baudrillard says something similar

>> No.12907381


>> No.12907522

how was he so smart? who is on his level today?

>> No.12907559

ok but then how should human progress be measured? What if communism provides an ideal society for culture to flourish rather than what we get under profit based capitalism?

>> No.12907570

This is the dude who thought taking walks during air raids was a good idea.

>> No.12907577

I read most of his books in Italian. He is not that smart. Sadly, the rest of the world is so dumb and fucked he manages to be right even while being wrong. He is 100% right on the kali yuga

>> No.12907584

There should not be human progress. Every ancient society had the myth of regression, we have the myth of progress while coincidentally we are regressinf

>> No.12907586
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Progress toward accepting natural and cosmic order/truth that necessitates an understanding of the metaphysical. A return to theocracy basically. Capitalists/commies just care about subhuman animal feel-goodsies, not about true, absolute 'happiness' in the Greek definition (not the silly ephemeral English type). Long term satisfaction and union with God. Most people can never do this, so it's up to a caste of divinely-attuned clergy to order society upon metaphysical principles, which will better the lives of everyone.

In Time everything is in decay and arresting the decay requires Men Against Time to enshrine cosmic truth through overwhelming violence against the enemies of Life (Men in Time, like commies, capitalists, etc). There was one of the last century that tried to do this, but the eternal agents of death triumphed.

>> No.12907606

>tfw you realize what truly is essential is combat with your fellow man

>> No.12907614

I kind of want to live in a healthy society that enjoys life

>> No.12907634

Tfw anticapital, anticommunism, antiaccumulation is the true Way, the opposite of everything I’ve learned
Is the only option to truly “ride the tiger?”

>> No.12907765

jordan peterson

>> No.12908262

Did this man ever smile

>> No.12908288

Eudaimonia is a meme, it's impossible to define.

>> No.12908292

From Evola's letters to Guenon:

>The negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal european women lusting after the african male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to community.

Why was Steve Bannon's name associated with this guy?

>> No.12908302

A month ago I would have laughed. Today I cry.

>> No.12908359

This guy. It seems all the traditionalists were right

>> No.12908395

But you know it when you feel it. Evola's society leaves men who need to define something to be allowed to feel it in the dust

>> No.12908844

Not him but for Evola enjoyment and life are "small things" that both capitalism and communism take as their ultimate object, so the two apparently opposite systems are (to a Traditionalist) only in quibbling disagreement with one another. The idea that final or absolute progress can occur within the physical plane, with all its confusion, reversals, and its distance from Being/Divine/God (according to Traditionalists) is also defined as absurd. Though to be honest I don't have a fantastic understanding of what Evola means by Tradition, probably because "understanding" would be defined by him as an inferior mode of cognition insofar as it is rooted in "mere" rationalistic thought. Btw can any Evolabros help me with this one?

>> No.12908863

>talks like authority on Marx without reading Marx

>> No.12908885

Any statement with semantic content can be refuted.

>> No.12908956

based and redpilled
highly intelligent post

>> No.12908965

You don't even do his writing style correctly

>> No.12909029

this is an old pasta that people used to spam on (against?) pol

>> No.12909060

It's consistent with Kaczynski even thought the latter is a non-spiritual autist

>> No.12909081


Jesus, I'm 'leftwing' and I fucking agree with this spaghetti flavoured fascist.

>> No.12909120

Keep in mind that Fascism isn't quite so incompatible with a lot of left/post-left ideas and goals. Mussolini iirc had a communist or two on his Cabinet. Similarly to the red scare, the Nazi atrocities were weaponized in the Western Hemisphere to discredit any form of "right-wing" beliefs which didn't advance neoliberal capitalism.

Granted I used to be fasch and have more leftist sympathies now, but still there's more commonality in goals than the elite want us to recognize.

>> No.12909195

What Evola book do I read first. The chart says his book on the Grail but that's not his first work chronologically, nor is it the one I see read the most on here.

>> No.12909234

Read guenons intro to Hindu doctrines (up to page 118), crisis of the modern world and reign if quantity and sign of the times. You need to be familiar with traditionalism to properly understand him.

After that start with his introduction to magic, doctrine of awakening, yoga of power, metaphysics of sex, hermetic tradition and then into revolt against the modern world and then ride the tiger.

>> No.12909250

I've read all those books of Guenon you listed.
So is the Mystery of the Grail just not important?I don't think you listed it. I just wanted to understand what he thought of it and then read some comfy Parzival desu

>> No.12909262

Yeah man, nothing more appealing to me than worshipping gods and practicing ancient traditions while I starve!
>Don't worry about the ruling classes, goy. Just worship your god and starve!

>> No.12909287

It is a misconception that the traditionalists are against technological advancement. Plenty of ancient traditional societies like the Hindus and the Arabs were at the forefront of technology while still remaining heavily religious. The issue comes when technology, as in the west, becomes to be seen as an end in of itself. Either way, you don't need modern governmental perversions like capitalism or communism that force mass amounts of overconsumption just to get food on the table.

>> No.12909302

Guenon explains it in his books, Evola uses the word in the exact same way

>> No.12909303

When I work for another's gain I am being starved of what could be mine. In this case feudal lords cut no better shape than factory-owners. I am not content with the minimum while others gain from my misfortune.

>> No.12909359

I'm not entirely sure who you're trying to combat, or even just impress, here, Evola (in Orientamenti) is the first man to tell you that a craftsman doing his own job excellently is doubtless superior to a king who is not cut for the job - so it's far more likely than the man would have bowed to the former than the latter.
Such a sorry excuse for leadership is the norm in the age of Kali-Yuga.

>> No.12909518
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Monarchy, like class-rule, is based on nothing but birthright. If traditionalists were at all interested in deserving leadership they would at once jettison their notions of traditional monarchy and adopt something like Plato's philosopher-kings instead.
I am wholly uninterested in amusing myself with fanciful teleological tales that do nothing but divert my gaze while some feudal lord reaches into my pocket to take what I have earned. My goal is the overthrowing of all such despotic systems, whether they take the form of the guild or of the bourgeoisie. This is not, as Evola claims, because I measure human progress by the degree of wealth or indigence it manifests; rather I believe freedom from indigence and oppression is instrumental to personal -- and therefore cultural -- edification.

>> No.12909550

If you are interested in the grail book by all means go ahead and read it but it's by no means essential, I would recommend you read that one before you read the hermetic tradition as it served to be a good introduction to that subject matter.

>> No.12909564
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Mass man. It is the kali yuga so it's understandable you're among those Men in Time who can't help but further disorder for your own selfish materialist ends. Just don't cry when the Men Against Time dab all over your gay man-made pseudo-religion.

>> No.12909612

We need to transcend the classical economic systems. We need to achieve a utopian state where classical economics as we know it is redundant.

>> No.12909626

yeah it's all a bunch of gibberish

>> No.12909641

>Granted I used to be fasch and have more leftist sympathies now
Elaborate on this? That transformation seems pretty curious.

>> No.12909656

Good and evil are but a subset of well-being. Capital unleashing something much more powerful than the old values, and an all-new form of freedom becomes possible.

>> No.12909662

And cringe

>> No.12909676

What's Evola tax policy? I mean it literally

>> No.12909692

getting your ass served to your types on a plate during ww2 was a pretty big refute

>> No.12909726

Can someone explain to me why Evola constantly loves talking about the warrior class and heroes? I thought the Brahmins or the priestly class was superior in traditional social strata? I am new to reading Evola

>> No.12909822

Guenon and Evola have different views when it comes to tradition. I highly recommend reading Rene Guenon's Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power just to know how different those viewpoints are.

>> No.12909824

Don't listen to that guy. If you're just interested in Evola's main thought read Revolt Against The Modern World, The Bow and The Club, Recognitions or Men Among The Ruins. You can understand all of that without a background.

>> No.12909838


>> No.12909845

How can you have an opinion on the caste system? Seems like a fairly straightforward hierarchy.

>> No.12909868


Is there anyone who holds these views without the extreme racism?

>> No.12909891

He doesn't know what materialism means. He think Marxist materialism is used in the same way someone would say "oh, you're materialistic" to mean greedy and obsessed with material goods: it doesn't. Marxist materialism means that matter is primary and ideas are secondary. Ideas don't make the world, physical matter makes ideas. I doubt he ever read Marx.

>> No.12909892

No problem bro just let met produce infinite resources and we're set.

>> No.12909902

If he was so great, and if people with great souls are born into bodies befitting them then why was his immortal soul incarnated into a body susceptible to liver disease?
Checkmate super fascists.

>> No.12909910

Yes, if you limit yourself to only the quote in the OP this applies to a lot of communists as long as you bar the part where he admits he hasn't read Marx.

>> No.12909920

>The problem with non-neoclassical economic systems is that they didn't take into account that resources are finite.
Jezus fuck this guy's got it figured out, centuries of economics backed the fuck of by this one simple trick.
How are you this fucking retarded.

>> No.12909943

Didn't Evola reach his intellectual progress solely through the amount of wealth running in his family?

>> No.12909947

>Limited resources

>> No.12909950

Rene Guenon, but then you also lose the western paganism, crypto-occultism, and kshatriya>brahmin stuff.

>> No.12909965

>A utopia is defined as a place with unlimited resources because I hit my head against a wall once as a kid.

>> No.12909981

Evola believed that 'good souls' automatically incarnate into good situations and bodies. So a male, good willed soul would incarnate into a rich family like his own.
This idea, however, is btfo'd when we consider the fact that Evola's body was shit tier and he died due to liver disease like the untermensch he really was.

>> No.12909982

How do you definte it then?

>> No.12909984


>> No.12909997

Like anybody with a triple digit IQ does, as an idealistic society with very good to near perfect conditions for all of its inhabitants with little to no problems (at least on the systemic level).
This idea/metaphor for the society towards which to strive obviously does not require infinite resources.

>> No.12910007

I have no idea where you even got this idea that a utopia must somehow be like the garden of Eden, which I guess is the idea you're operating from.
Must be the power of the US educational system.

>> No.12910012

Evola and Guenon are interesting thinkers but their complete absence to discuss anything concerning the practical realm is rather unfortunate. Not everyone can live off familial inheritance and do nothing but intellectualize all day. What is a spiritual path that I can learn a living from?

>> No.12910015

And Mohammed died from a fever. What's your point?

>> No.12910029

If you'd have actually read Evola you'd know: >>12909981. If you're following his philosophy you have to take with it the fact that you're a bad person. Or you could enter the real world and realise that he was a moronic fascist with few to little of interest to say.
The idea of tying your spiritual experience to capitalistic waging is pretty perverse btw. Just read the dao de jing and accept your wage slavery as yet another part of your existence, you can work against it, around it or with it, but you should never make yourself subservient to it.

>> No.12910034

My point is exactly what I have written out, Evola said all his privilige in life was due to his great soul incarnating into a worthy body, yet he was betrayed by exactly that same body. So at the very least he was not a great man, more than likely his theory of spirits was probably just some hack shit.

>> No.12910036

>a utopia must somehow be like the garden of Eden
That's the common definition, yes.
Even the practical, more realistic definition requires a large enough abundance of resources, and indefinitely if it's to be sustainable. Or of course you can pretend a much lower level of consumption and a less technological society overall, but that goes against the materialistic part of "near perfect conditions". You have to give something or other

>> No.12910055

>but their complete absence to discuss anything concerning the practical realm

Have you even read Evola? He has a number of essays and almost an entire book about practical politics.

>> No.12910072

>That's the common definition, yes.
Even if it was then it still wouldn't be correct since when political writers use it they are talking about it as the idea that I wrote out.
Also: this idea that a utopic society would require infinite resources, whether in reality or seeming as such, is idiotic since this can be applied to any society if we extend the scale by enough. Also: You are operating from a very specific idea of a utopia instead of a utopia as a concept here, going by this statement:"Or of course you can pretend a much lower level of consumption and a less technological society overall, but that goes against the materialistic part of "near perfect conditions"." which is either due to bad faith or because you are simply a moron. Considering where we are I'm guessing it's a bit of both.

>> No.12910078

Why do I even argue with people on this shithole site, it's nothing but retard burgers larping as smart people. It's become some sort of bizarro reddit.

>> No.12910094

>, is idiotic since this can be applied to any society if we extend the scale by enough
That's true, but comparing two equally sized populations, those in utopia will need comparatively more resources.

>very specific idea of a utopia instead of a utopia as a concept here
I'm just going off of your own definition, which is the same I had and the same everyone has, even if you deny it for some reason. And it's hardly a very specific idea if I just proposed an alternative.

I'm not a Burgeristan.

>> No.12910095

t. seething Eurotard unable to provide an argument besides muh burgers

>> No.12910097


Thank you for the tip, anon.

>> No.12910099

>t. 16 year old marxists

>> No.12910130

>this idea that a utopic society would require infinite resources, whether in reality or seeming as such, is idiotic
the idea that a utopia could exist is idiotic

>since this can be applied to any society
most of those don't claim they can provide everyone with perfect happiness

>> No.12910153

He'd read Marx extensively, he is opposed to any system of thought which places the material world beyond the higher realm of ideas.

>> No.12910338

Because you read them in Italian, that gives authority to your opinion?

>> No.12910382
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You need to drop the modernist conformism to the untruth of egalitarianism. Why are you interested in philosophy if you're so close minded? Wait, why are you on this tungustic pillow fluffing forum if you don't like 'racism'?

>> No.12910447

That, and the fact of him being a contrarian faggot.

>> No.12910454

Richard spencer or Jared Taylor maybe

>> No.12910520

Just calling it out as I see it, the majority of this site's users are burgers, the majority of this site's users are retards. Ergo?

>> No.12910523

Don't dishonour Evola like that.

>> No.12910553

>the idea that a utopia could exist is idiotic
Which is why I point out that a utopia is an idea or metaphor towards which to strive and not an actual 'goal' in and of itself.
>since this can be applied to any society
>Most of those don't claim they can provide everyone with perfect happines.
Good job on not even reading the context in which that sentence (or part of a sentence really) was found you absolute and utter mong.

>That's true, but comparing two equally sized populations, those in utopia will need comparatively more resources.
Again, you are not dealing from the concept of 'a' utopia, you are arguing from the idea of a specific sort of utopia that you have already constructed. A lot of visions of 'a' utopia would need a lot of resources, yes. But that does not mean that all utopias are that way. Again I say: a utopia is not a real thing, it's merely an idea towards which to strive but which can never be achieved.

>I'm just going off of your own definition, which is the same I had and the same everyone has, even if you deny it for some reason. And it's hardly a very specific idea if I just proposed an alternative.
As already said, what you have in mind is a specific instance of a utopia, in this case one modelled on the garden of Eden, while I am dealing from 'a' utopia as a concept. I don't know how much clearer I could make this.
Maybe by giving the example that a Chinese anon with intelligence equal to yours would be arguing a different case due to his personal conception about what a utopia entails?
>I'm not a Burgeristan.
Honorary burger then, sure have the brain activity for it.

>> No.12910568

>a utopia is not a real thing, it's merely an idea towards which to strive but which can never be achieved.
That's much better then, thanks for the clarification.

>> No.12910651

In Revolt he traces the origin of egalitarianism/corruption of pure monarchy to the moment that the King no longer crowns himself (letting the priesthood do it) because he is implicitly relinquishing his mastery over the divine...not exactly warrior class and heroes but its something I thought might be useful

>> No.12910671

Evola wasn't an extreme racist at all, he explicitly denounces NSDAP style racism in Revolt Against the Modern World where he distinguishes between racism of spirit and racism of blood, though this won't be enough for an egalitarian

>> No.12910709

the second point wasn't an extension of the first you down syndrome hypocrite.

a) your claims about what a 'realistic utopia' would entail are meaningless because there is no realistic conception of utopia

b) your claim that all societies would require infinite resources when scaled up are also wrong because societies in general do not require everyone to be taken care of and may even include mechanisms to curtail expansion

>> No.12911347

>they would at once jettison their notions of traditional monarchy
La monarchia nello Stato moderno is a short essay, but Evola can't repeat enough times there that you can't simply install Ye_olden_monarchy.exe and expect it to work in the current year. The feudal organization that you (for some reason you yourself wouldn't know) think he proposes, he calls already degenerate as per: >>12910651
>adopt something like Plato's philosopher-kings instead
That's quite close to his position as both Plato and him seek a division of castes - hence they are not egalitarian in the slightest - and of course a king working as advertised is expected to pursue a greater good that is greater than himself, a concept deeper than his pockets.
>I believe freedom from indigence and oppression is instrumental to personal -- and therefore cultural -- edification.
And who is going to achieve any of that? A vanguard party? Uninstalling a worldview and installing another? A new man, liberated from desire?
>Marxist materialism means that matter is primary and ideas are secondary.
That's what he's attacking, yes.
>he was betrayed by exactly that same body. So at the very least he was not a great man
He never claimed to be the messiah - the solution. He's the first to tell you there is a need for a new man because he knows the problem is within.

>> No.12911914

back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.12911926

Thats some high test shit man
Balls of steel

>> No.12912016

Yes since I'm italian myself and many things are difficult to understand due to translation. After rereading in english literature that was translated in italian I noticed many things get mistranslated.
I still admire Evola, I simply don't think he was a genius who connected the dots, like Spengler. One example? Spengler understoond Nietzsche way better than Nietzsche understood himself, while Evola made big mistakes in Ride the tiger while talking about Nietzsche.
You can admire someone and think he generally gets things right without worshipping the ground he walks one. If anything Evola is very relatable due to his mistakes. Sometimes reading him reminds me of times I discusses with dear friends while we drinked

>> No.12912026
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>> No.12912028

that was a myth, he was studying inside when he got bombed

>> No.12912039

not sure if smiling but i think he has a nice story about climbing mountains, getting drunk and ice-skatting with his friends somewhere, maybe it's in meditation on the peaks

>> No.12912044

nice fanfic but you are terrible at imitating his style

>> No.12912048

It's from the path of cinnabar. He was way more relatable than most anons think. A real human bean, despite his efforts

>> No.12912059


>> No.12912060

>How would you implement
Workers unions, protests, assassinations, government reforms, revolution, demanding high wages

>> No.12912079
File: 210 KB, 750x683, 1546094858279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mystery of the Grail
it's a very nice book, but it's basically Evola abstracting a myth of regeneration of the kingdom/empire out of the Grail myth and how that fits with the Ghibelline vision of catholicism and how that vision died in favor of the Guelph vision which was more sacerdotal rather than warrior-like

also the influences on the myth which were more of a pagan origin rather than purely christian and some manifestations of the myth through history like the templars or the rosicrucians

i really prefer Evola's books where he goes in depth into a tradition/myth rather than his political stuff, so i'd say this is nice read if you like that part of history and want an alternative reading on it

it also shows his Traditionalist approach on myths and history, where you try to read texts on their own terms (even if Evola has an obvious warrior-bias) rather than superimpose on them modern visions of religion

>> No.12912098

Evola clashes with other Traditionalists in placing the warrior class at the top, Guenon criticized him for that at points but they kept in contact and had a cordial relationship

>> No.12912139

Why do you assume that he is not attacking marxist materialism? The quote reads to me as if that is exactly what he is attcking.

>> No.12912143

Not him but your second point is good. I considered him to be btfoing you before that.
Just because all utopias are unrealistic doesn't mean you can't fiddle with idealistic conceptions of society in relation to certain metrics

>> No.12912149

A. The majority of people are retards
B. The common factor in all your experiences in life= you. Perhaps you are the retard and are failing to elevate the discourse

>> No.12912163

Nice reading comprehension, Arthur from Brazil

>> No.12912192
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A literal brainlet. In a system that has taken care of what he considers """non-essential""" (i.e. food, household, healthcare) people can actually approach the essential faster, for they have less time to spend on materialistic. Almost every scientist and writer was an upper class lucker who didn't have to dedicate enormous amounts of time to making money to feed himself. Also Marxism is a spook.

>> No.12912204

I instantly disregard anyone who uses the term "spook".

>> No.12912210

I instantly disregard anyone who is spooked by spooks as much as you are.

>> No.12912215

>A literal brainlet. In a system that has taken care of what he considers """non-essential""" (i.e. food, household, healthcare) people can actually approach the essential faster, for they have less time to spend on materialistic
Empirically wrong. It seems logic at first, but it isn't true in the real world.
>Almost every scientist and writer was an upper class lucker who didn't have to dedicate enormous amounts of time to making money to feed himself.
Correlation doesn't equal causation.
The aristocrats were free of work because their work was the development of society. They didn't want to develop the inward life because they were free of work.
Also, the majority of philosophers and writers had precise administative jobs which took a lot of time
>Also Marxism is a spook
Underage incel

>> No.12912218

Engineers and entrepreneurs

>> No.12912233

Evola literally believed in magic, like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings magic

>> No.12912239

So society shouldn't dedicate time to organizing a wealth redistribution system that will save lives and increase prosperity? It is indeed non-essential in your opinion to provide for all?
>Empirically wrong. It seems logic at first, but it isn't true in the real world
And yet scientific advancements are almost always unique to prosperous societies.
>Correlation doesn't equal causation

>> No.12912270

>So society shouldn't dedicate time to organizing a wealth redistribution system that will save lives and increase prosperity? It is indeed non-essential in your opinion to provide for all?
It depends!
>And yet scientific advancements are almost always unique to prosperous societies.
It could be that they made an advancement and were prosperous simply because they were smarter.
Expecially in the beginning, before the inbreeding and the degeneration, the members of the aristocracy were smarter

>> No.12912468

Sargon of Akkad

>> No.12912491

Can you tell me how Marx did that?

>> No.12912588

I was trying to reformulate your question in the most charitable way possible. "Who would achieve any of that" is too easy a question: the workers, obviously.

>> No.12912621

> Marxist materialism means that matter is primary and ideas are secondary.
That’s just philosophical materialism in general. What separates it from Marxist materialism is the lack of an historical understanding.

That being said, that exact sentiment is what Evola was attacking.