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/lit/ - Literature

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12906240 No.12906240 [Reply] [Original]

Is this total shite or actually worth a read /lit?

>> No.12906248

no spengler isnt taken seriously today. read deleuze and become a rhizomatic thinker.

>> No.12906251

Worth it. He provides a more accurate assesment of the progress of history than Marx ever could.

>> No.12906257

Deleuze is retarded. Hierarchy is a property of all systems.

>> No.12906259

>isnt taken seriously today.
That is a prerequisite to be worth reading now, get with the times

>> No.12906269

maybe by poltards

>> No.12906275

you seem to have gotten lost on your way to leddit tbqh, this is the literature section of pol.org

>> No.12906276

Read in German or not at all

>> No.12906279

It is interesting but highly flawed.

>> No.12906280

Why? Is this just 'le untranslatable german word' meme again?

>> No.12906283
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no this is 4channel

>> No.12906285

No, I just like the prose

>> No.12906298

total shite and worth a read, big man

>> No.12906299


>> No.12906306

It's actually the most important book you will read in your whole life. Despite the title, it talks very little about the west, and is in fact an attempt to create a theory of everything.
Spengler was a genius, the last good philosopher

>> No.12906311

It's a Copernican model of history, as he said himself.

>> No.12906952


What does 'Einsteinian' history look like?

>> No.12908932

based meposter

>> No.12909071

>spengler isn't taken seriously so read an author that is also not taken seriously
perfect advice anon

>> No.12909079

the abridged is not worth it, but leave it to /lit/ academics to read children's adaptations

>> No.12909110

he is taken very seriously that is if you don't study anglo "philosophy"

>> No.12909516

the math stuff in the first volume was a pretty wild. and i dig the idea that only late-stage civilizations understand money, hence why the greeks/romans were so puzzled by why the phoenicians were obsessed with getting it

>> No.12909527


>> No.12909531

You're living in it.

>> No.12909913

Now explain it in your own words

>> No.12909931


>> No.12911002

Is it fine if I read the abridged version? I know that there's going to be a knee-jerk reaction telling me to "read both volumes", but that only makes sense when isolated from the fact that there are other books to read. Will I only get the most out of it by reading the whole thing, or will I understand his ideas from the abridged version?

Sounds interesting.

>> No.12911206

i read the two-volume version and it was a slog but worth it. i feel like the abridged version probably omits some of the more abstruse discussions but that's also a big part of the charm

>> No.12911337

My lesbian professor told me not to writeabout spengler. Did anyway. Got a shit mark.

>> No.12911369

I'm reading it right now, it's not what I've expected but in a good way. All the memes about it are wrong, whether they come from brainlet right wingers or smug "read a book" leftie retards
all the talk on mathematics and arts is fascinating, nothing fascist and racist about it so far either

>> No.12911372

alright, where are the flaws?

>> No.12911380

Banned this nazi alt right literature right now. The people a chapochaphouse told me this man is a radical racist right winger

>> No.12911495

University lecturers are probably some of the most pathetic people on earth.

My university once organised a lecture on Spengler, it was just an hour long rant by 2 leftist boomers about how awful Spengler was and that we shouldn't read him. The fact they both hadn't even read Spengler because "it is nonsense" made it even worse.

>> No.12911515
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>> No.12911525

It's cool but I'm too much a brainlet. I think you should really have strong foundation in history of all sorts of societies before you can really get anything out of it.

>> No.12911639

Probably the other way around.
First read this and then see the patterns when learning more history

>> No.12911656

>Implying the split between 4chan and 4channel means anything

>> No.12912474

There was a small smudge on my version, ruined the entire book desu

>> No.12912513
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Remember when leftists took Spengler seriously and saw his merit despite his flaws?

>> No.12912563

As a history book I think its very brave and novel for its time, despite some problems. But people who read it often get enamored by it even though they forget the context in which it was written. Its a very speciffic type of German historiography, very romantic and belonging squarely in the Herderian tradition of history. For those more interested in the theoretical background of this book and Spengler they should look up the anthropological Kulturkreis school.

>> No.12912599

Bye bye little pol man! Back to your containment shed!

>> No.12912729
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Read Imperium

>> No.12912778

Is it actually good?

>> No.12912802


>> No.12912835

Unironically one of the best books I've read.
The wikipedia synopsis of it being about justifying some kind of fascistic totalitarian aryan empire is complete bs.
It's basically a huge critique of materialism, rationalism and liberalism, and because of it's breadth it touches on so many different topics.
Would highly recommend.

>> No.12912849

>No Spengler is taken seriously today.
There are more Spenglers?

>> No.12912871
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For future reference, if you want to quote something in greentext, highlight it, then click the post number. It will automatically copy into your post as greentext. No need to type it out longhand and mess it all up.

>> No.12912876

Egon Spengler, from Ghostbusters

>> No.12913007


Unfortunately we live in a different age now.
Content doesn't matter, only noise.

>> No.12913294

It's pretty shocking that Heidegger and Schmitt were so influential (and still are) when both of them were unapologetic nazis, but Spengler is seen as a big no-no even though he told the nazis to fuck off.

>> No.12913332

I'll suggest it to my book club

>> No.12913340

Bruno Spengler (born August 23, 1983) is an Alsatian-born Canadian racing driver, currently racing for the BMW factory/works team. Nicknamed 'The Secret Canadian', he won the 2012 DTM Drivers' Championship.