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12904832 No.12904832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ comics and manga?

>> No.12904848

death note, it's about a pseud who thinks he's hot shit

>> No.12904852

Based and kirapilled

>> No.12904881

> Only goes after people whom society deemed as likely to be criminals.
What a fucking brainlet.

>> No.12904888
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>> No.12904889

But society didn't do anything to punish them, or the punishment was too lenient in his opinion. We all know injustice when we see it, but nobody does shit about it.

That's besides the point anyway. Kira was a delusional narcissistic faggot who wanted to feel important for once in his life. Even though the moral of the story is that supposedly almost anyone would be corrupted by power if they ever gained it.

>> No.12904902
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not sure why everyone hates it or the character, I thought it was pretty good

>> No.12904905
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I second Watchmen.

>> No.12904908
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I'd suggest Berserk if you haven't read it.

>> No.12904916
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this and vagabond

>> No.12904919

What I was pointing at is that he can't be "justice" if he's just punishing people that existing institutions deem to be junust. He's an executioner at best.

>> No.12904931

I think the hate stems from it involving actual people and using real events. I haven't read it myself but from what I understand the author/main character is pretty selfish right? She does some supposedly(from what I heard) deplorable things for whatever the given reasons are and seems to be asking for sympathy or empathy or whatever. If it was just a fictional story, then people could see it as just that but, real people were involved and real consequences came about because of her actions.

>> No.12904965

>deplorable things for whatever the given reasons are and seems to be asking for sympathy or empathy or whatever
not sure what was deplorable about it
she went to a lesbian prostitute, then wrote about the experience and what led up to it
I think her parents figuring out it was her while she got famous from writing the comic was one thing that set off people against her
and really I don't remember any part where she begged or demanded sympathy, it was all a stream of conscious "I'm lonely, prison gay and my life sucks", it's just basically her being a flawed person
I mean read it and see yourself, the two volumes are pretty short and you can finish it up in a single day casually reading it

>> No.12904984
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the whole series is pretty good, but Plague Widow was my personal favorite.

>> No.12904993

oh and I forgot the whole her being a NEET and then becoming a successful (considering the comic got published) manga artist despite her parents who were taking care of her as she still lived with them were advising her against it, and to add to the injury the comic is pretty much "shameful display" by japanese standards
still to me didn't detract from it being a interesting comic

>> No.12905155

Alright you convinced me, I gave it a read so here are my short thoughts:
I actually liked the art style and feel like it would lend itself to being animated. The humor was about what I expected so nothing to write home about. I also believe I had this confused with the second book she made so this definitely changed my opinion on it.
While definitely no Kaiji or Fukumoto level of storytelling, it still had it's strong points. I don't really care for yuri or yaoi, or any of those genres but she speaks to a very unfortunate situation and upbringing that you cannot help but feel sorry for. Personally I see this as another story/piece of work that reflects the life and environment in Japan and what it brings about. It further cemented my interest in Japan as a country, it's history and it's people. I want to thank you for actually getting me to read something I wouldn't delve into because of my own pre-conceptions.

>> No.12905164

>comics and manga?
Gtfo you nigger.

>> No.12905172

Broski I’d argue that graphic novels are a perfectly legitimate genre if you avert your eyes from all the shit, just like every other genre.

>> No.12905200
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Aku no Hana (flowers of evil).

Some people hate the anime design because it's made in rotoscoping, but they usually like the manga.

>> No.12905205

Both good

>> No.12905222

I like the rotoscoping. It gives the anime a really unsettling kind of feel.

>> No.12905259

Oyasumi Punpun
the rotoscoping is good, but the manga is better due to the simple fact that it's complete. part two is a trip and a half, and if I could have any manga adapted into anime, it'd be those chapters

>> No.12905286

Freesia and other Jiro Matsumoto works.
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Both Hourou Musuko and Aoi Hana
Lone Wolf and Cub
Paranoia Agent


I think Aku no Hana tries too hard. I personally enjoyed the second part far more than the first.

>> No.12905299

>Paranoia Agent
dropped it after that prostitute character has an autistic breakdown and suddenly has the harlotry literally beaten out of her by rando kid in episode 3. all I wanted was to follow along with the schizo artist from the beginning. convince me to try again

>> No.12905321


I can't. This is not really an anime you watch for the characters, except maybe for the fat cop. I committed that mistake the first time. It's a rather boring anime, pretty different from all of Kon's work and definitely not one you watch for the plot, but I simply loved the way it presented its themes, especially towards the ending. The last three episodes are simply breathtaking.

>> No.12905342

REAL from the same author is also great

>> No.12905382

so it's more like Lain in its goals? huh. I felt like it was presenting itself more like a straightforward if unfocused thriller when I tried it; most abstract anime out themselves in minutes (Utena's rose frames and fairy tale backstory, Tatami's encyclopedic opening lines, Tutu's story within a story, Madoka's cut-out animation, literally everything about Lain episode 1, etc), and more oddities usually indicates more abstraction. the only tell in the first three episodes of Paranoia Agent is the artist's schizophrenia, and that wasn't enough to make me think "oh shit, this is going to be trippy and weird." I guess it's more in the Eva camp of "this is going to be weird, but you'll have no idea how weird until you're two thirds through." I'll try it again when I'm in the mood for more abstract storytelling

>> No.12905433


It doesn't have the hazy narrative of Lain or Tex and it is pretty straight forward in the way it presents itself for the most part, and the symbolism is pretty in your face if you know what it is about, but it definitely isn't an anime you can watch casually. It does get trippier over time (especially the last three episodes, again; the eleventh especially had me scratching my head constantly) but it's not very complex or difficult, especially if you're already familiar with Satoshi Kon and the themes he deals with. Even then, Paranoia Agent is his most abstract work and also his most incisive imo.

Also, differently from EVA, I think you might actually not understand it if you have no idea what it is about. More because the anime isn't preachy and presents its idea by showing rather than telling (though it gets very dialogue-oriented at times).

>> No.12905460

I'll keep this in mind when I eventually return to it, thanks

>> No.12905479


This is my favourite anime, don't tell anyone please.

>> No.12905489

sshhh, your secret is safe with me :)

>> No.12905686

Jiro Taniguchi. You can tell Urusawa was heavily influenced by his art and stories. Ito is great too and probably one of the only current living writers I say who truly captures the term Lovecraftian well. Jeff Lemire is also well worth a read. His indie books are great but he's really stifled creativity and he even admits this on his Capeshit books. Moon Knight is worth looking into.

>> No.12905717

I liked these


Asano Inio: Probably the most impressive mangaka I've come accross. His work is consistently stunning and pretty much sets the bar for how I consider all other visual media.
-Oyasumi Pun pun
-Dead Demons Dedededestruction
-City of Light

Furuya Usamaru: Someone I just came accross recently and so I've only had the chance to read a couple of his works. Maybe a bit inconsistent but at his worst he's interesting to read.
-Garden (a collection of vignettes. All of which are worth reading however The Origin of Nudity is the reason he's here.)

Jiro Matsumoto: edgy boi but holy shit he hit it out of the park with Freesia
(He's got some other works worth reading if you like him and his style but otherwise he wont appear anywhere else)

Hideo Yamamoto: I know nothing about this guy except his best known work


Shuuzou Oshimi: I'm told he recently published a new work that is supposed to be quite good but I haven't read it yet. Probably worth checking out if you like his work. The only reason he is not higher is because Oyasumi Punpun exists
-Aku no Hana

Asano Inio (again)
-Umibe no Onnanoko
-Ninjigahara Holograph

Junji Ito: mostly body horror and it is done soo well. Puts all other horror manga to shame
-Uzumaki (if you like his work, he has tons of short stories and collections available. The most popular 'other' long works of his are Gyo and Tomie. They're both good but I found myself enjoying The Black Paradox the most after Uzumaki)


Kentarou Miura: idk if he's published anything else. It seems impossible that he hasn't though.
-Berserk (everyone recommends this and for good reason. It's super enjoyable-and miserable- and the art style is stunning. It does often get overrated by people who haven't read much outside of shonen or action genres but it is fantastic and just about anyone will enjoy it)

Kenji Ooiwaa:
NHK ni Youkoso (I fucking hate this.)

Suehiro Maruo: pretty sure this guy has published a good body of worthwhile work but I've only read one thing by him
-Shoujo Tsubaki (has gotten some bad press for the subject matter but it seems misplaced to me. A lot of the works in here deal with difficult or unsettling topics and this one just does so lightheartedly. Also the art is amazing.)

Asano Inio (again 2x):
Subarashii Sekai (short vignettes)
Bakemono Recchan (one-shot)

Keiichi Koiki: pretty sure this guy does drugs for a living and draws manga on the side
Ultra Heaven: drugged out art showcase that almost turns into a shonen in the last chapter. Idek. There's some buddhist philosophy and quantum physics there for good measure 5/7)

Hitoshi Ahinano
Yokohoma Kaidashi Kikou
(That sort of comfortable, unsettled feeling you get when you're looking at a windswept field)


Tsutomo Nihei
-Blame! (Chances are you know of this. Super cool art style. Great feeling. Literary merit of the Time Machine. So pretty good if you like that stuff)

>> No.12905724

holy fuck

>> No.12905725
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Jojo is pretty cool

>> No.12905729

This scene wouldn't have been the same without the rotoscoping.


>> No.12905736
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>So pretty good if you like that stuff

why is it low-tire then

>> No.12905738


Nijigahara is by far Asano' best work.

>> No.12905774
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>I liked these
>I fucking hate this

>> No.12905827

Ran out of space. Anything that's on there is excellent. The ranking is relative to itself

>> No.12905834

If death note is considered good anime then holy shit cringe.

>> No.12905835

It wasn't for me but I enjoyed it quite a lot.

Pretty much

>> No.12905856

Oh, okay.

>> No.12905871

20th century boys and monster are some of the best storytelling to come out of the medium

>> No.12906057
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Explain yourself.

>> No.12906072

>That sort of comfortable, unsettled feeling you get when you're looking at a windswept field
I commend you for mentioning YKK at all but it's so much more than that.

>> No.12906080

It's a reverse Persona 5.

>> No.12906083

Watchmen is better than most science fiction novels desu

>> No.12906129

Not exactly a high standard to surpass

>> No.12906176
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Are there any good books like Haibane Renmei? About friendship, God, redemption, ect. Please don't say 'Hard Boiled Wonderland' because I already read that.

>> No.12906191
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It's a visual novel, but holy shit this was one of the best reading experiences I've ever had.
Robert Walser - Jakov von Gunten has exactly the same blend of weird, surrealistic bliss and sadness that I felt from Haibane Renmei. Demian by Hermann Hesse and Proust are also somewhat comparable

>> No.12906278

>prison gay lesbians

>> No.12906286

Tatami Galaxy

>> No.12906288

god i fucking love manhattan's chapters
re-reading right now

>> No.12906292

Thank you very much anon!

>> No.12906304

>Asano Inio: Probably the most impressive mangaka I've come accross. His work is consistently stunning and pretty much sets the bar for how I consider all other visual media.

Punpun is a masterpiece but the rest of his work is good/average.

>> No.12906367
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Seconding Subahibi.
Bear in mind however that it's not the type of the story you can finish and then read others' interpretations of it to fill your own gaps. You need to find your own answer from it and be happy with it first. Otherwise you'll go down the way of [spoilers]Ayana[/spoilers]

>> No.12906387
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based subahibi

>> No.12906512

Gravity's Rainbow is like a comic book for adults

>> No.12906724
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