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/lit/ - Literature

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12901488 No.12901488[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you find yourselves better writers while high?
Is it a crutch or a legit improvement on oneself?

>> No.12901517

Cannabis induces apathy in me so I don't smoke it anymore. Reading while baked is pleasant but I don't remember any of it. Maybe tiny amounts of sativa could help produce something but to be really good at art it needs to be a deepset habit anyway, and you don't want substance use to be a deepset habit, so you should be capable of writing sober. I do still drink, though. Reading philosophy over whiskey and coffee is lovely.

>> No.12901563

>legit improvement

>> No.12901590

Used to smoke 5-6 joints everyday last year.
Salvini closed harbors so in my city it's no more possible to find decent hashish (yes i live in italy).
Since I stopped smoking that crap I feel better I didn't think that half of my problems (apathy, disinterest) were caused by that shit.

>> No.12901599

The overwhelming majority of people who think weed makes them a better writer are in fact shitty and boring writers.

This is coming from someone who smoked every day for most of my twenties. I still get sad thinking about all the time I lost because I would get baked and lose any and all critical writing faculties. It just turned into lazy stream-of-consciousness garbage.

Basically if you think marijuana will improve your writing, it will almost certainly prove to be a crutch.

>> No.12901604

>he doesn't meditate on the Logos while high

>> No.12901605

this is the post
>legit improvement
OP you need to reel in your hubris fucking fast, don't know what has you parading this idea around

>> No.12901615

next thing you'll ask is whether self-performing lobotomy a legit improvement.
Maybe for you it would be :DDDDD

>> No.12901620

I've smoked weed twice, with the second time involving quite a lot both in a bong and a blunt. I didn't get high either time.

>> No.12901631

Bing bang :DDD that was not weed my friend :DDDDD

>> No.12901647

try edibles

>> No.12901686

It started giving me insane paranoia so I stopped. But it's good for consuming media filled with emotion.

>> No.12901702

THC is like salt but for mindless recreation. it makes everything dumb just a little more fun

>> No.12901735

So, reading?

>> No.12901806
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Based Salvini

I get ideas while high and I write sober

>> No.12901807

No used to smoke daily for 5 years and it made me only lazy and made writing shite, reading while high is comfy but its not good if you want to remember stuff. Quiting was the best thing in my life ive gained more in one year sober then in those 5 stoner years

>> No.12901827

It is a disease. All intoxication is a detractor from that which distinguishes us in the animal kingdom: rationality.

>> No.12901839

I could see use if you follow a hemmingway "write drunk edit sober" mentality, but honestly weed is better for some stupid recreational fun
smoke a load of it and listen to some music, most of what you write will be trashy nonsense

>> No.12901840
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Cannabis is the nigger drug. Makes you lazy and depresses cognition.

Tobacco is the white man's drug. Revs up the brain and gets it thinking.

>> No.12901871

weed doesn't hinder writing/reading for me but using anything (weed/alcohol/cigs/coffee) as an instrumental tool for writing seems like a cheap trick. I write stoned often, but I don't smoke weed specifically to write.

>> No.12901914

dope loses your ability to memory retention. makes you dumb basically

>> No.12901917

Why do we have to distinguish ourself from the animal kingdom? Should we stop eating as well?

>> No.12901924
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>tfw he was fucked up on every drug he could get his hands on and didn't even remember half the shit he wrote and it's still better than anything you will ever produce

>> No.12901982
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Any consciousness expanding drug will bring you into contact, prepared and mature enough or not, with the unconscious and everything which dwells there; the truth doesn't care what you love, or how you suffer so.

Marijuana is potent enough in this regard that it will certainly draw out the poison beneath the surface of your cognizance. In that respect, one need be careful and cautious.

We're complicated enough, as minds and bodies, that success as a man is dictated by an infinite graduation of perceptions and interpretations in contrast to that of lower animals. We need to be careful.

>> No.12901987

>Tobacco is the white man's drug. Revs up the brain and gets it thinking
Also kills your boner

>> No.12902062

I'd consider brainstorming ideas while high. For me executing anything that requires skill and attention while high turns out poorly.

>> No.12902069

>Cannabis is the nigger drug
When used like a nigger

>> No.12902095

good for you for knowing yourself but you were smoking kind of a shit ton. who smokes 5 joints a day and doesn't expect to have problems

>> No.12902102

I'm glad that "dude weed lmao" memes are dying out.
Finally I can smoke a joint and listen to Haydn without feeling silly.

>> No.12902105

inhale chief

>> No.12902114

>Marijuana is potent enough in this regard that it will certainly draw out the poison beneath the surface of your cognizance.

two joints later...

>laugh watchin' teletubbies

>> No.12902129

Weed is for fucking idiots

>> No.12902136

I prefer to drink. Getting high make me dumb. You should try mushrooms, in my case it boots my energy, is like an antidepressant, so it motivates me to write in a better mood.

>> No.12902140

at least they're fucking unlike you lmaooooooooo

>> No.12902188


>> No.12902205

>5 joints a day
that's not a whole lot desu. my brother kills 15grams a day.

>> No.12902212

does he even function

>> No.12902228

no, he watches netflix, eats and goes to the toilet

>> No.12902233


>> No.12902242


I don't know how you managed to get a hold of old boomer anti-cannabis propaganda, unless you're all boomers.

>> No.12902254

Cannabis is used by boomers you stupid nigger. In fact, most support its legalization.
Ironic that weed has rotted your mind so much that you mass reply like, wait for it, yes, yes, a BOOMER. Weed smokers. Niggers. Boomers. Three sides of the same fucking coin.

>> No.12902255

he's living a more literary life than all of /lit/ combined

>> No.12902263

Coins only have two sides, boomer.

>> No.12902269
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>> No.12902277

They have three if you include the ridge, ultra-nigger-boomer-toker.

>> No.12902279
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>> No.12902283

lol did you make this?

>> No.12902292

Ridges aren't sides. If they were sides we would refer to 'ridges' as 'sides.' That's how words work, my boom boom.

>> No.12902313

I smoked weed from age 15 until 27, with frequencies ranging from once a month to daily.

Its a waste of time and money. It puts you in a general stupor, increases social anxiety, decreases confidence-of-voice, disrupts your Circadian rhythm, promotes deviant sexuality, diminishes focus, generates an all encompassing laziness, replaces the simple and wholesome passtimes with consumption of media and pleasure questing, decreases a person's ability to engage more productive hobbies, and encourages slothful habits.

>b-b-but I play guitar high! I actually find weed helps me with bla bla

Those are exceptions that prove the rule, you know damn well what Im saying is true and you dont want to give up your adolescent escapism.

>> No.12902333

I drank alcohol from age 15 until 27, with frequencies ranging from once a month to daily.

Its a waste of time and money. It puts you in a general stupor, decreases social anxiety, decreases confidence-of-voice, disrupts your Circadian rhythm, promotes deviant sexuality, diminishes focus, generates an all encompassing laziness, replaces the simple and wholesome passtimes with consumption of media and pleasure questing, decreases a person's ability to engage more productive hobbies, and encourages slothful habits.

>b-b-but I play guitar high! I actually find weed helps me with bla bla

Those are exceptions that prove the rule, you know damn well what Im saying is true and you dont want to give up your adolescent escapism.

>> No.12902342

Yeah, I call it a meme face :P

I've never had a wank when high, thanks for the idea bro

>> No.12902347

I dont drink.

>> No.12902349

that's nice

>> No.12902360

I'd give up weed if I smoked it, but you still sound like a puritanical boomer larper with shit like
>decreases confidence-of-voice
>promotes deviant sexuality
>generates an all encompassing laziness

The boomer shines through even more when you start strawmanning me as a guitarist or something. It's like you're trapped in the 70's or something.

As I was saying weed brings out the boomer in /lit/

>> No.12902361

If you're a moron I suppose that's all your subconscious has to tell you.

"Teletubbies are funny lol"

Most men have demons inside them they do not wish to seek out. Psychedelic and psychoactive substances draw them closer to the focal point of the mind.

>> No.12902373
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A jungian explanation would be these are all latent aspects of your psyche which you have projected ownership and responsibility of onto the drug.

>> No.12902376

Cannabis is nothing compared to synthetic pills.

>> No.12902382

psychedelic yes
marijuana no

>> No.12902395

I disagree, the literature supports my analysis.

>> No.12902408

Im 28. People my age could certainly use a heavy dose of prude moralism.

I dont want to be part of this decadent and depraved hedonism pretends the only evil thing is declaring things evil.

Its all filth and nonsense with you lot. You smell like filth. Go take a shower.

>> No.12902435
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>this ad hom will surely prove my point

>> No.12902450

>>12902395 ((You)) #
Well maybe it's just me. Weed doesn't let me contact my subconscious and used to made my afternoon useless.
Magic Shrooms sure blown the fuck out of my mind

>> No.12902451

In my experience it depends how much you smoke, if I smoke a lot I can definitely start hallucinating etc. Happened sort of recently when I smoked a spliff after not smoking for years.

>> No.12902458

I space out whenever I smoke marijuana and get overly critical of myself as if everything I do is wrong. Then I remember moments with autistic levels of detail and from many visual perspectives (this is with eyes closed) and I feel so aware of everything being in my memory and how so much is lost in just one day to another. It feels like I remember 30% of what happened yesterday and 15% of the day before that, and even some of the things I do remember are distilled to an abstract and they aren’t even images or sounds but just ideas of what happened and how it happened.

>> No.12902465

You stink. Cut your hair. Shave. Have a little self respect.

>> No.12902468

drugs certainly help with music regardless of what you think of them. they help with writing too if you can utilize them properly

>> No.12902481

have sex

>> No.12902496

from the last weed shilling thread:
Weed is a drug that makes you apathetic, dumb and can induce schizophrenia. thats why it is being pushed so much everywhere, and artificially being associated with revolutionary leftism and other transgressive ideologies - they want idealistic young people to be neutralized politically.
For the schizo stuff read: Alex Berenson - Tell Your Children The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence - free on libgen.
THC stays in the brain's fat storages for ~2 months, so even if you smoke once a month you are suffering from the negative consequences uninterruptedly. It binds to cannabinoid receptors, which are ubiquitous in the brain, resulting in structural changes.
Cannabis use is correlated with reduced grey matter volume of the orbitofrontal cortex (decision making, emotional control, learning), probably because of accelerated synaptic pruning, and the brain compensates for these changes by increasing connectivity (with chronic use the brain stops compensating). I'm not sure if these effects still exist if you are over 25 though.
The lower IQ causation is hard to establish but there definitely is correlation, in multiple studies, and i wouldn't risk lowering my IQ for hedonistic pleasure.

>> No.12902499

I used to smoke a lot and I also grow a plant myself (gorilla zkilletz 24%) to have the best weed I could have (the one in the street here is terrible) and believe me I haven't a single hallucination just tachycardia some times

>> No.12902504

Im not married, no thank you. I had sex when I was younger. It was misguided, immature and extremely selfish.

>> No.12902509

Lowing IQ? Like losing some points of it makes you a flesh-eating ignorant demon

>> No.12902513
File: 401 KB, 815x611, A+fine+collection+of+meems+u+got+there+friend+_c5be8bd0fe38e600a9a0532b5ae1d4a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your mother would be proud :)

>> No.12902532

Well, it certainly isn't mushrooms. That much is true. But weed isnt to be underestimated. It definitely has psychedelic properties in the right doses and right states of mind.

It is a consciousness expanding substance, that much is irrefutable to any who have imbibed it. And those are to be cautious of.

>> No.12902536
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Stop having sex.

>> No.12902558
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Based as fuck.

>> No.12902567

One of my friends went batshit crazy smoking weed.
He started thinking he was possessed by demons.
He is currently hospitalized and is a burden on his parents.

Legal drugs could have the same effect but at least you don't have to see "dealers" and other shady fucks who can mix whatever they want into your weed or whatever.

>> No.12902580

My grandmother died from a pot-needle laced with Fentanyl

>> No.12902583

That's pretty obviously latent schizophrenia, my man. Taking a psychotic when you are psychotic is going to fuck you up no matter what.

>> No.12902584


So legalize it fool

>> No.12902600

From someone who used to be a daily smoker this couldn't be more true.

Its easy to justify it by saying it helps you be creative with certain things but the negative aspects you mentioned overwhelm any gains to be had.

It is better enjoyed with friends if at all.

>> No.12902611

No... dmt and acid really help with the psychosis, for me. You dont exactly understand what youre talking.

>> No.12902618

Easier said than done
Point is. It is not legalized in 99% of countries. If you start using illegal drugs they will fuck you up.

>> No.12902620

Are you legitimately fucking retarded or is this your idea of socratic sarcasm.

>> No.12902627

What are you talking about? I'm pretty sure I have more access to my own experience than you do.

>> No.12902706


Couldn't agree more, weed is literally a control mechanism used by the state to pacify people into non-action. That is the reason why it is being legalized. They want a complicit unthinking populous that can sit around and stare at cartoons all day and feel comfy about their monotonous shit wagie jobs.

>> No.12902751

I don't think smoking it with friends even occasionally is very productive either, most drugs dampen conversation and comradery instead of enhancing anything about hanging out.

>> No.12902765

no, but having schizophrenia does

>> No.12902773

If you willingly reduce your IQ for hedonism you are a worthless human being, maybe you should go post on reddit bud, you might be more at home there.

>> No.12902777

For eating edibles no, it's just too much. Smoking, yeah sure for things like outlining a story or scenes and characters. It's probably best to be sober when editing grammar and rewriting sections but it's fine if you're writing a first draft. So for the most part yes it's fine to be high while writing and outlining but not for 2nd or later drafts since you may miss things like plot holes or just better ways to say things.

>> No.12902817

I've written decently while drunk before, but never high.

>> No.12902823

It isn't possible to write anything of merit while high. It is possible to write garbage while high I suppose.

>> No.12902947

I would have thought much better of some of you here, the fact that even a single one of you is advocating smoking weed is disgusting me. I thought /lit/ was a place of refined intelligence, not some fucking trash heap.

>> No.12902951


>> No.12903096

I smoke pot daily helps me with body pain and general depression.

>> No.12903099

Smoking for years and fucking regretting it

>> No.12903104

You can keep on telling yourself that kid, you know what else would help with your body pain? Being healthy and not using drugs you moron.

>> No.12903105

Lsd ruined weed for me, now all it does its make me feel dumb

>> No.12903111

There is no liquid with thc the market, only cbd. Which doesn’t cause a high.

>> No.12903115

All it ever did was make you feel dumb, nothing changed.

>> No.12903124

Maybe, but i used to enjoy it

>> No.12903171

>dumbass drunk person on the street annoys you
>"haha that guy sure needs to learn how to handle his liqour! now how about a round of beers guys?"
>dumbass stoner on the street annoys you
>"wow this stuff rots your brain, even just one puff must make you a retard lol DUDE WEED XDD"

Anybody care to explain this phenomenon?

>> No.12903190

The same reason we have age of consent or "natural rights", people are stupid

>> No.12903195

Both are nearly equally bad. You should explain that to anyone who tries to make that claim and tell them they should do neither.

>> No.12903242

>wow this stuff rots your brain, even just one puff must make you a retard lol
are you looking at how many responses to this thread are from previous stoners? You really think they are all lying? No one is even arguing this, people are saying that weed isn't worth continued use for long periods (like years) and that especially the idea of it being any kind of 'legit improvement on oneself' is so naive it is nauseating. Unfortunately because of the thread topic you get bitter puritans too I guess

>> No.12903251

t. reddit

>> No.12903254

I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who is a bitter puritan that has never once at least tried weed. Most people become bitter puritans because of their negative experiences, normal people wouldn't give a fuck what other people do to their own bodies.

>> No.12903268

Anti-weed is coming back in vogue because everyone realizes how fucked it is to be a lazy sack of shit.

>> No.12903284

>Revs up the brain and gets it thinking.
Correct. However, what you experience is the temporary alleviation of nicotine withdrawal symptoms, not heightened cognitive ability. But you knew that, didn't you?

>> No.12903297

Nicotine is a stimulant so I don't know what you are trying to imply. If you take too much of it you get heart palpitations, insomnia, diuretic effects, etc just like caffeine.

>> No.12903321

What are you, a child?

>> No.12903328

You're saying he should solve the body pain he experienced before he started smoking by not having that pain in the first place? You're retarded.

>> No.12903347

You think that managing pain via a drug dependency is really a solution good one bub. This type of thinking is why half the fucking country is addicted to opiates.

>> No.12903356

Alcohol doesn't expand your consciousness. It also affirms the strength of the ego, the barrier between the unconscious and the shadow, whereas conscious expanding drugs do the opposite; they allow the unconscious to break through the ego into the conscious psyche.

Most people are evil, and they know they're evil, unconsciously. If the average person were to take a psychedelic they'd have an existential crisis, or simply not understand what they were seeing and repress it deeper, if they were particularly dense.

To the degree that we condemn others for evil, we are ourselves unconscious of that same evil within ourselves.

>> No.12903363

>alcohol is bad, drugs I like are good
>babbles meaninglessly with drug-rotten mind about 'consciousness' and 'ego'.

Fuck off kid.

>> No.12903370

weed CAUSES schizophrenia

>> No.12903377

He's too far gone, anon.

>> No.12903409

dude weed lmao

>> No.12903424
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All this talk about weed making You much more stupid and psychotic and whatnot is a modern phenomenon. Did You even compare this new weed to the old weed that Your parents used to puff on in the 60s? This new shit is fucking modified to the max, aimed for You to lose Your fucking mind with each high. That's a really fucked up habit. On the other hand smoking good old hemp everyday shouldn't do much to You, on the contrary, it might even benefit You, because we do in fact have an ENC.

Today's THC:CBD ratios are fucking insane.

>> No.12903453

Its true that back in the day the THC levels were way lower, but still weed use has always been associated with schizophrenia, violence, dysfunction, in radically different cultures like India and Mexico. Read the first chapter of the book >>12902496 recommended.

>> No.12903461

>All this talk about weed making You much more stupid and psychotic and whatnot is a modern phenomenon.

Literally this has always been the argument that people have made for banning it. It has literally ALWAYS had this effect on peoples minds. See: Reefer Madness. Not saying that film is accurate, clearly they play up the effect for shock value, but they knew it had these sorts of effects.

If you are going to try and tell me that the shittiest reggie you have smoked didn't cause psychotropic effects on you, you are just too desensitized yourself.

>> No.12903581

Psychotropic effects vary in strength, obviously. However, I refuse to believe hemp could do this to You. Maybe You're 1 in a million, but hemp is as strong a psychotic as a fucking machiato as a stimulant. Hell, why isn't nicotine (a stimulant) giving me panic attacks and delusions?

On a more personal note, I haven't been de-sentized, I can't barely sniff weed without freaking out anymore.

>> No.12903590

Holy shit I'm illiterate.

>> No.12903624

Where did I say it was morally bad, retard.

>> No.12903732

Just go back to smoking and laughing at cartoons, and while you are at it consume more products, the more pacified and away from the public you are the better. Dude like weed lol.

>> No.12903745

Do people pay you to bump their threads? I feel like every 4chan thread has that one guy trolling and being insane and retarded to keep the thread going

>> No.12903807

>Did You even compare this new weed to the old weed that Your parents used to puff on in the 60s?
Judging by the majority of comments in this thread they ARE the parents that were smoking in the 60's.

>> No.12903821

That has consistently been the point of the site in case you weren't aware. There is maybe a modicum of actual insight to be found in the mountain of garbled shit people spew, but the main objective is usually to say inflammatory things, or wildly incorrect things with as much sincerity as possible to get attention. If you want an actual discussion you are probably much better off talking to people in your life or meeting people in various venues catered to your interests.

To answer your question: I genuinely dislike weed a lot, not trolling here, maybe that makes me insane?

>> No.12903827

this is the most important post in the thread

>> No.12903833

Recent statistics seem to indicate that Zoomers are smoking much less weed than GenX and Millennials. So take of that what you will.

>> No.12903836

nicotine can cause your blood to stop processing iron. ask hemingway how he turned out

>> No.12903878
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Maybe you're just insecure about your lack of capacity to contribute to a coherent conversation and have constructed, along with other losers and stupid posters, a sort of affective behavioral model for the justification of your continued participation on this website and in these dialogues.

The reality being quite clear to me, and obviously imperceptible to yourself; you've nothing to say, and want to keep saying it.

You're a spastic clown running naked through a lecture hall believing yourself apart of the student body.

You're nothing. You're nobody.

>> No.12903887

I smoked everyday from 16 to 21. I stopped because I developed a severe anxiety around the same time I started becoming more hardworking and committed to things in life. It's sad. I wish I could have both, but I can't. Anytime I smoke I get a terrible anxiety attack and can't breathe.

>> No.12904376

I smoked occasionally to moderately between 17 and 21. I'm with you with the anxiety stuff, although I never got it all the time when I smoked, and quit for unrelated reasons. You do anything for the anxiety?

>> No.12904427

even back in your day they had hash you fucking boomer

>> No.12904472

Everyone here is degenerate

>> No.12904953

Okay, Hitler

>> No.12905001

The guy told you what he thinks about weed, and you tell him has has nothing to say? It sounds like he only has nothing to say that you want to hear. This would explain why you think he's nothing and nobody. It would hurt you too much to entertain his thoughts as having origin and meaning. Much easier to remain huddled inside yourself.

Are all these personal experiences trolling or propaganda?

>> No.12905071

Is that a rhetorical question?

My personal experience is another I can add to the pile. To my wife weed has a very weird effect that I haven't seen in any of my other friends who smoke regularly. It causes her to enter into a kind of manic-psychosis state for lack of a better term. She often starts exhibiting symptoms of some sort of paranoid schizoaffective disorder, and these seem to last longer than the drug itself and have severe psychological effects. Needless to say I don't advocate anyone smoke weed, and try to avoid it as much as possible. I've seen this happen to more than one person, where strong weed is clearly it is bringing out some sort of latent psychosis.

I would warn anyone in this thread who smokes weed regularly to take a step back, as you may not realise fully what kind of damage you are causing to your body and mental health.

>> No.12905113

>>I would warn anyone in this thread who smokes weed regularly to take a step back, as you may not realise fully what kind of damage you are causing to your body and mental health.
>>I would warn anyone in this thread who smokes weed regularly to take a step back, as you may not realise fully what kind of damage you are causing to your body and mental health.

>> No.12905664

ITT: niggers with no discipline that smoked 10 grams daily and now tell everyone how bad it is.

Smoke 1 marijuana a week and youll be fine. One every two weeks is better, because the effects are stronger.

>> No.12905671

Try lifting some weights and quiting porn

>> No.12905680
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The cowards leaf and the creative faculties are mutually exclusive

>> No.12905696

t. underage who has used neither

>> No.12905778

This is exactly what happened to me. Acid makes me smarter, more awake. Weed makes me dumber, more asleep. I had some great moments with weed before I did acid, but I can't go back to being asleep without getting horrible negative feelings.

>> No.12905804

you admonish someone for idolizing pleasure while simultaneously making an idol of IQ. can you actually justify one over the other?

spoiler: you can't

>> No.12905810
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i'm sorry you think this way i was just telling my personnal experience with it.
all i can say is don't go down the path I did

>> No.12905812

Imagine having this bad of an understanding of 3D objects. Feel bad for you, kid.

>> No.12905829

Weed has now superseded alcohol and Christianity as the greatest global narcotic. It may kill less than these other 2, but it has created a pandemic of self satisfied zombie stoners. Of course there are some artists who can still create in spite of weed, but fuck weed culture, with its dumbass stoner comedies.

>> No.12905841

who would have guessed, this psychedelic drug has a different effect on everyone. smoked every day from 12-22 and ultimately I think it medicated my ADHD and OCD really well. got me out of a painfully rigid STEM-oriented mindset and into poetry and literature. def gave me an anxiety disorder and panic attacks for 2 years which temporarily ruined my life but ultimately it's one of the most forgiving drugs to be addicted to. my heart breaks for alcoholics

>> No.12905859

yes i used ultimately twice and yes i'm high. but i wanted to say to any depressed stoner anons who smoke too much that the symptoms of weed overuse and depression are identical, so keep an eye out for that one

>> No.12905870

if you want to become a better writer isolate yourself, thats why you can't have a good book in the 21st century and never will, because the world is too connected socially through the internet that anyone who was born and died before the internet era produced better books intoxicated by whatever thoughts or feelings they had by themselves

>> No.12905876


>> No.12905987

>it's still better than anything you will ever produce
It really isn't.

>> No.12906017

Weed makes me panic and feel like I'm dying and like I'm not a person

>> No.12906063


>> No.12906735

Went there, done that, and this post is telling the truth.