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12900862 No.12900862[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Once race, the human race

>> No.12900872

Back to /pol/

>> No.12900917


I'm a poltard but you need to make an effort. Like make a post about human Accomplishment or the Bell Curve or something, this is just low effort.

>> No.12900926

hes not wrong tho

>> No.12900937
File: 32 KB, 760x731, 1510303171271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know OP isn't wrong, but as >>12900917
argues, this shitposting is weak asf nonexistent effort drivel. At least make an honest fucking attempt at being relevant and on-topic, /lit/ deserves better.

>> No.12900954

that's her grandma fyi

>> No.12900965

Have a black model and an obese, middle aged white lady pose together now.

>> No.12900972

using a photo of an attractive younger woman and and unattractive older woman will only dazzle the retarded

>> No.12900980

Your mum and dad?

>> No.12900981

People who say races don't exist are gaslighters

>> No.12900997
