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/lit/ - Literature

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1289994 No.1289994 [Reply] [Original]

Ok whether trolling or not, there's alot of anti-ebook people around on /lit/. This makes me wonder whether the only proper advantage i can give for physical books even holds strong in practise.

So /lit/, has anyone ever struck up a conversation with you based on what book you were reading(from seeing the spine/cover) at the time? If so, what book? What did the conversation consist of? What did it lead to? Hopefully we can gather some sort of insights into what books social people know about & things like that.

Also I bet all the people that see me reading Henry James (pic related) think it's 'Twilight for middle-aged men' or something from the cover lol.

>> No.1289997

Also where were you reading it at the time? That's an obvious one.

>> No.1290000

I got asked to leave public park while reading a copy of D.H. Lawrence's "Sons and Lovers" with a naked woman's back on the cover.

>> No.1289998 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1290002


What did you say?

>> No.1290006


Nothing. I just pulled up my pants and left.

>> No.1290009
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>> No.1290010
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I lol'd.

I've always wondered whether this cover of anna karenina is her bosoms or legs. I dont see any nips but maybe the title & penguin logo is covering them lol & there's a similar picture from another publisher where its defo not legs. prob legs here tho.

>> No.1290012

I was reading The Lake by Yasunari Kawabata in the computer lab at university once. A guy approached me to ask what I was reading. He hadn't heard of it, but we talked a bit about the shitty literature courses at my school, how rare it is for people to read these days, and mentioned he was reading The Count of Monte Cristo at the moment. I had read that, so we discussed it a bit.

Didn't really have any conversations after that, though I still see him around. I suppose I'll ask him how he's doing on The Count of Monte Cristo some time soon, since he says he reads slow (~30 pages a day).

>> No.1290013

If I'm reading I want to read, not talk. You wouldn't throw a book at someone's head if they were in the middle of a conversation.

>> No.1290024
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OK..... So far we've got:

- Oedipus bro oppressed by general public
- Bookish university bro attracted by weaboo author name

Anymore takers? I might just have to get a Kindle since my taste in literature is as alienating as my music taste.....

>> No.1290031

No, but I'll start doing that from now on.

>> No.1290033
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> classic literature
> tits on the cover

>> No.1290036

one edition is fucking tits, i saw it in Waterstones! Think that one is legs.

>> No.1290035

Pretty sure the guy wasn't attracted by the author name, seeing as there's no way he could have read it (I read with the cover/back cover laid down on the desk). It was probably just the fact I was reading.

>> No.1290041

>It was probably just the fact I was reading
The plot thickens....

I guess this argument might even go to the ebook side now since they have that 'sexie technology' thing that macbooks get.

>> No.1290042

one time a woman started a conversation with me while I was reading the Anatomy of Criticism,

but she had bad teeth

>> No.1290043

didnt you 'fucking learn' some bitch who tried to talk to you about philosophy once? was tha before or after you went tankmode?

>> No.1290046

I LOATHE reading literature in ebook format, but I have a shitload of ebooks on my topic on various academic subjects.

>> No.1290049

>I guess this argument might even go to the ebook side now since they have that 'sexie technology' thing that macbooks get
At least I don't have to charge my Book.

>> No.1290054

I got into a conversation a couple of times because people recognized what I was reading.

But more often the book was just a conversation starter for them and they actually hardy cared what I was reading.

But I gotta say, if you think books make people approach you, you are one sad dellusional pile of excrement.

>> No.1290055
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I don't think so.

>> No.1290064

>I got into a conversation a couple of times because people recognized what I was reading
Oh really, pray tell!

>But more often the book was just a conversation starter for them and they actually hardy cared what I was reading
Ah, I see.

>But I gotta say, if you think books make people approach you, you are one sad dellusional pile of excrement
Probably. But you're not one of those assholes that just make-up fictional examples to seem wise are you? Not suggesting anything, just curious.....

>> No.1290088

now now nobody likes a hipster

>> No.1290384


>> No.1290412

how about some /thread

basically, the very very first annoyance when it comes to ebooks is the inability to 1/ read them 2/ carry them around.

Kindle? iPad ?

Heavy, gets my arms tired, gets my eyes tired, can't keep it in my library once I've read it. As much as there isn't much point, in our age, to have a collection of CDs or DVDs, books on paper will never die. You can't beat a line of hardcovers you read, shit that touched you deeply and so on. It simply can't happen.

Having said that, magazines & paperback comics in pdf / cbzr are very welcome.

>> No.1290420

I have a guilty pleasure that someone might strike up a conversation with me on public transport while I read.

I think my tastes put them off though :(

>> No.1290433

what might they be ?

in exchange, if I happen to share them, share msnz (=> develop friendship => expand to e-love => cyberz => e-love failrage => hate => bye => add again & repeat)

>> No.1290455

I read almost everywhere and I live in a big city. I read in the subway, on the bus, on the platform, at the park, while having lunch and dinner. So naturally during those thousands of hours I speant reading in public I had encounters with strangers. Probably would have been the same if I did not have a book in front of me (maybe it would have been even more people, because normal people dont disturb people who are reading). Only 5 people ever actually talked to me about the book I was reading in all earnesty. Most of the people who just started like "ya reading i see, any good?" or something along those lines were simply bored, felt alone or were mentally ill.

I sure did not have sex with any of these people.

"conspicuously consuming" (did you see what I did there?) a certain type of book in order to make people feel interested or even attracted to your brains wont work on random strangers.

>> No.1290463


I'm really into classical literature, especially Russian, German and French lit, religious work (fiction and nonfiction) and ancient literature.

When I see people reading in public it's just stuff like James Patterson or Maeve Binchy or Larsson or whatever.

>> No.1290477

>read almost everywhere and I live in a big city. I read in the subway, on the bus, on the platform, at the park, while having lunch and dinner. So naturally during those thousands of hours I speant reading in public I had encounters with strangers
same. not one person has commented yet tho ;(

>"conspicuously consuming" (did you see what I did there?) a certain type of book in order to make people feel interested or even attracted to your brains wont work on random strangers
should i feel insulted?, i dunno. i do read what i like but hoped maybe ppl might want to talk about some of it.

>> No.1290494


If I knew what you looked like I'd speak to you ...

>> No.1290500


what do u look like?

>> No.1290509

maybe its a cultural difference. I live in Berlin.

you can feel insulted if you want to, but I was playing at the concept of conspicuous consumption by Thorstein Veblen. It basically means you consume to represent your social status. bad inside joke, don't dwell on it.

I understand that you want to exchange thoughts about what you read with real people who are not anonymous, mean and probably one giant schizo samefag, but it wont happen by simply waiting for them on a park bench with a book in your hand.
Unless you are really good looking.

>> No.1290520
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Ty, seriously, reading books in public just to strike up conversation or attempting to appear interesting is never going to work and you're stupid for thinking it.

Why do you even care how your reading is perceived by others? The vast majority of people won't give a shit and anyone who does talk to you would, more often than not, attempted to converse anyway.

One final thing, this time related to your ebook vs. real book problem. That this is even an issue for you suggests that you are, as yet, quite some way off having an imposing, personal library which, by the by, you can most definitely use to impress people (I've a feeling that's all you're interested in).
Absolutely NO-ONE gives a shit how many e-books you've got or pretend to have read, but when someone comes to your house and beholds your mighty collection they will be more likely to be impressed. Just a little advice for you, feel free to disregard it.

>> No.1290549

I'm fairly sure I saw Ty once reading on a psp.

I was walking through Glasgow and passed the Gallery of Modern art and saw him on the steps, I went into the art store across the street and bought what I was there for and when I came back out he was talking to that Scottish guy who does meet ups sometimes.

Next day I see on /lit/ that they had met.

I still feel bad for not at least punching him.

One day though.

>> No.1290559

i knew what you were getting at but i dont consciously do choose stuff for other people. sub-consciously perhaps but i'm actually more likely to choose a book because of its reputation or if ive already read something by the author than to impress.

>seriously, reading books in public just to strike up conversation or attempting to appear interesting is never going to work and you're stupid for thinking it
i never said that. nor do i read in public for that reason. i was just wondering if i would lose possible being-talked-to opportunities by purchasing a Kindle, think I even said that in the OP. jeez guys, dont stereotype me just so you can avoid being annoyed by my presence.

>personal library
for showing off to ppl you already know, you vain, fucking faggot. i just wanted to use it as a way to possibly get sum friends whereas as this thing is for if you have an ego.

lololololo i read books now. you'll never catch me.

;____; y do u hate me tho

>> No.1290579

also are you the politics guy or _?

apparently i wasnt even the most nervous person to ever meet-up. what does that say about things?

>> No.1290589


Eh I think that guy was me, if it was on the steps of the GoMA, and if it was the first meet up ...

>> No.1290595


Scruffy auburn hair, gauntish, glasses, stooped and wear dress shirts and trousers much of the time.

Not a great description, but about as far as I'm willing to go without camwhoring.

>> No.1290594

no! you fool!

how funny would it have been if he punched you xD

>> No.1290599


Unless this wasn't the first time, and in which case I might just be the politics guy :/

>> No.1290606

i think you're the politics guy. but in which case this guy isnt >>1290599
so im confused

>I still feel bad for not at least punching him
whyyyyy do youuu treat meee likee thissss????
are you the sammeeee with anyeeoneee?

>> No.1290605

you guys should try living in NYC. it's actually torture riding on the subway and forcing yourself to NOT start talking to the gorgeous girl who you see reading the last pages of Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson. Or Catcher in the Rye. (seen it)

i only ever have the nerve to talk to dudes though. one guy I saw reading Been down so long it looks like up to me by Richard farina. that's such a rare book to see that I just had to tell him he was awesome, which made him happy. and once, when I was coming out at my stop in Brooklyn carrying the idiot by dostoesvky, I saw another guy with the exact same (P&V) edition. Had to be like, hey, look!

Also, I stopped a guy reading "The amber spyglass" b/c I thought he was reading infinite jest, which I had and showed to him.

all interactions were about one minute long and perhaps 5 sentences.

Jesus, never once with a girl. i really must be gay.

>> No.1290611

Dear god, how insulted have you made me feel. As if a grown up man passed by and urinated on my modest bookshelf.

A library collection considerably remains an ego-based venture, for its primary purpose is to bring to reality the entangled emotions we wrapped in our memories of discovering, escaping and evolving through our readings. Who's with me ?

>> No.1290614

I hope you get stabbed by some crazy dude...

seriously, bothering people who want to read is just rude.

>> No.1290626

>Who's with me ?
me. even if you went to used book stores it'd still be a complete waste of money.

ok i appreciate my situation.

dont know if im just entirely repulsive or ugly. i dont even notice why some days feel different. still have to wait until next week until counsellor fucking sucks.

>> No.1290628


Oh well.

Another time, perhaps.

>> No.1290629

wow, you're a retard. if i saw you, I would stab you. i never bother anybody, i only talk to friendly people.

>> No.1290631

I happen to jump on every occasion and never has it been frowned upon, nor criticized; of course common courtesy would imply it is a "secretly hated fashion", it still doesn't explain how I managed to turn these "aggressions" into enjoyable acquaintances, lunches, dinners and twice, intimate relationships.

As readers and writers, aren't we the most soul seeking type of individual ? At least that's what one would expect based on the ideals of exchange and spontaneity.

>> No.1290643

> your ass was full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them all out of you

>> No.1290641

>Another time, perhaps
what you're still going to punch me?

i will grab your fist, force your arm against your back then slice you with my blood-stained swiss army knife to give you H.I.V MOTHER FUCKER

if not kk, sorry for being annoying :/

>> No.1290646

>As readers and writers, aren't we the most soul seeking type of individual ?
oh god not this /lit/ pretension again....

i cannot bear it dont make me go back to /mu/, there's too many indie-pop types there now....

>> No.1290648
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>in a day and age of intrusive government, overbearing advertising and popular culture and weirdos walking the streets in pink assless chaps, talking to someone reading is a no-no

>> No.1290650


I never said I was going to punch you. That was another guy.
I may or may not just be the "politics guy".
Seriously, I don't know if I am or not.

>> No.1290669

intimate relationships? with someone you saw reading? god, that's my fantasy. although i'm always hiding behind my book cover and hoping someone who sees it will start the convo with me...

>> No.1290675

>intimate relationships? with someone you saw reading? god, that's my fantasy
god, that's pretty gay.

>although i'm always hiding behind my book cover and hoping someone who sees it will start the convo with me...
tho i guess i do this. a guy randomly sat across from me in a coffee shop once but i was kind of nervous & couldnt really see what he was reading himself. I'm pretty sure it was some kind of contemporary BS though ;)

>> No.1290678

>on train, reading
>girl sitting across aisle from me
>happen to catch her glancing across to me now and then
>she's also reading (Hamlet, I think)
>she wants to fuck

>> No.1290686
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if you see a chick reading this, she's is definitely D.T.F

>> No.1290695

ty shut the fuck up about the girl on the train

>> No.1290704
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Or the man

>> No.1290709

the irony....

i wish i had my phone camera working right now so that i could freak out >>1290678

>> No.1290708

>on a park bench, reading A Storm Of Swords while my sister plays with our dog
>guy sits next to me
>"I fucking love this book"
>we talk about books
>pretty cool guy
>I mention Oscar Wilde fome some reason
>he's gay
>we end up fucking 2 days later
>thank you, GRRM and Mr. Wilde

>> No.1290716

>I like GRRM
>My gosh, me too, let's fuck!

This never happens to me.

>> No.1290718

Supposed to quote >>1290708

>> No.1290720


I'm not Ty, buddy



>> No.1290722

explain your pic now weaboo

you were lucky this time, i dont want to post it anyway since it would ruin the ambiguity.

>> No.1290728


Post a picture of some girl you snapped on a train?

>> No.1290731

>Post a picture of some girl you snapped on a train?
& if she was reading hamlet? i shall say no more.

>> No.1290735


Ok now I have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.1290740


>> No.1290753


>> No.1290771

Sorry I was away from my computer.

No this is not politics guy (no idea who that is)

And I want to punch you because you are one of those sad people who shits up places and does not think they are doing so. That or you are intentionally doing it in which case I'll punch you twice.

>> No.1290777

>And I want to punch you because you are one of those sad people who shits up places and does not think they are doing so
im sorry for being subhuman but you are some idiot if you think its a bad thing i do it here rather than to ppl irl.

>> No.1290791

If you act like this online it's very likely you do much the same to anyone you talk to without knowing.

I feel sorry for people who have to work with you in uni or at your job if you have one.

>> No.1290809
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no i dont, i dont speak irl, try not to inflict myself.

i just need to find a masochist to be my bff....

>> No.1290817

You don't speak but you're still THERE, people don't have to talk to be annoying.

From what I've heard meet up guy found you nice enough and you just kinda blew him off.

You're one of those people who self-sabotages because they are fucked in the head.

>> No.1290825

>From what I've heard meet up guy found you nice enough and you just kinda blew him off
no how did i 'blow him off'? i was just really boring, i havent travelled & dont have an interesting personality, i wasnt intentionally trying to be like that, in fact i tryed to bring up topics at times even.

>You're one of those people who self-sabotages because they are fucked in the head
well literally yes but i dont know what sense you mean.

>> No.1290858

>You're one of those people who self-sabotages because they are fucked in the head.

If this is true, how much can TyBrax personally be held responsible for the results of that condition?

I don't think he can be blamed for the results unless he actually chose to be fucked in the head.

>> No.1290863

does this mean i win?