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/lit/ - Literature

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12899822 No.12899822 [Reply] [Original]

Could we get one of these going? This here is my couch-side stack that I'm perusing tonight. I really love Tolkien's shorter, more playful poems about random cute things, nothing in particular. I love his poem "Cat."

>> No.12899916
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From the books and knives thread, because I'm too lazy to take another picture.

>> No.12899940

Stack posters are the worst.

>> No.12900100

What's the bottom Tolkien Newsweek thing about?

>> No.12900221
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>> No.12900230

What is the difference between your copies of Decline?

>> No.12900738

>The art of war
Yikes lad.
Props for anime Alice in Wonderland though

>> No.12900740

Comfy Englishman OP

>> No.12900744

One of them is just a catalogue of anime body pillows

>> No.12900754

Hell yeah, Dorohedoro

>> No.12900823

Volume I and II. Why do people always ask this about two volume sets?

>> No.12901222


>> No.12901332
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Can you give isbn for the declines pls

>> No.12901475
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Are these threads for recent purchases?

>> No.12901520

That's a great bird book. I keep track of when the first Oriole scout shows up every year on the front cover, they are within a day or two every year. Simply amazing!

>> No.12901579

I have never seen a synopsis on a spine before.

>> No.12902022

No pics but lately picked up over the past couple months:
Four Past Midnight-King
Different Seasons-King
Turn of the Screw and Other Stories-Henry James
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Darkness at Noon-Arthur Koestler
The Lost Europeans-Emanuel Litvinoff
Gillespie-J Macdougall Hay
Irvine Welsh Omnibus-Irvine Welsh
Butcher's Crossing-John Williams
The Rainbow Stories-William T Vollman
Lud in the Mist-Hope Mirrlees
The Bone Clocks-David Mitchell
A Brief History of Seven Killings-Marlon James
Rashomon and Seventeen Other Short Stories-Akutagawa
The Worm Ouroboros-Eric Rücker Eddison
Foucalt's Pendulum-Umberto Eco

Got all that for around £25 or so. No idea whether or not The Rainbow Stories is a decent place to start with Vollman. Don't know whether or not I should save it for later and get one of his more accessible books or not.

>> No.12902111


Nobody is going to pick up a book by Russell to check the back. Just looking at his name evokes an immense tiredness within me.

>> No.12902566
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>> No.12902575

Jesus Atlas is a thicc boi. Makes me glad I am not a libertarian.
Actually scratch that, my side of the political spectrum is far worse than that.

>> No.12902646
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Couple short ones cause I’m unironicly reading infinite jest right now as well. In London at the moment a the Brit weirdos call it “the outsider” for some reason.

>> No.12903229
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/r/ing a clear picture of a french commie lit stack to impress a girl i like

>> No.12903432
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>> No.12903469

>Atlas Shrugged
>Lewis Carrol manga
good luck, you may very well end up killing yourself
post pic
>How to Read a Book
>Elon Musk
>pic is sideways
literally what the fuck?
>upside down pic
stop doing this

>> No.12903476

you're going through an orthodox phase. before you've even finished two of those, you'll be over the phase and you won't bother reading the rest.

>> No.12903513
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>> No.12903534

>another sideways pic
what the actual fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.12903553

The current popular version of the Decline is the abridged one

>> No.12903556
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Some of the books read cover to cover within the last few months.

>> No.12903627
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After having studied and finished these in the past few years?

>> No.12903683

impressive, but also highly autistic

>> No.12903779
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>> No.12903791
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>anime Alice in Wonderland
>Art of War
>Atlas Shrugged
each to their own I suppose

>> No.12903810

I will reply to every single sideways and upside down picture until you motherfuckers stop

>> No.12903825
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Idk why it formats it that way

>> No.12903851

comfy bedside bookshelf anon

>> No.12903914
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Rorty is the newest arrival, the two library books on the bottom are stolen

>> No.12904045
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Was going to go shopping today, but the store was closed :/

>> No.12904161

>stealing library books
read S(hip of Theseus) by Abrams and Dorst

>> No.12904894
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>> No.12904901
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reposting bc i fucked up

>> No.12904906

delete this

>> No.12904909

>How to Be Black

>> No.12904927

Step one: don't read books

>> No.12905847

go suck Pope toes

>> No.12906742

What other religious texts have you read?

>> No.12906752


>> No.12906778
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>> No.12906783

But what are the CDs?

How is the Crowley book?

>> No.12906784


>> No.12906879

Why is there so much Crowley in this thread?

>> No.12907161

Based occultist

>> No.12908672
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>> No.12908802


>CS Lewis
>Book of Mormon
>RA Torrey
>A Confession by Tolstoy
>The Upanishads in toto
>some contemporary Buddhists
>some contemporary New Age gurus
>selections from the Koran

>> No.12908881

terrible taste

>> No.12908892

Stacking is a sign of autism. Just an interesting thing I learned.

>> No.12908934

What's wrong with it?

>> No.12908943

>Book of Mormon
Is it any good?

>> No.12909008

Everything else is great.

>> No.12909022
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The Everyman is Ficciones IFI

>> No.12909033

over half of it is:
A,) Greek
B.) translated into English
either one of these alone is bad enough to indicate a plebe; with both together it's actually kind of surprising how brainlet this anon is

>> No.12909118

I'm just trying to learn new things. Never said I wasn't a brainlet.

>> No.12909261

The few dover thrift books I have are printed on what amounts to toilet paper, is their non-'thrift' catalogue any good when it comes to quality of printing, translations and paper? Asking cause I see your copy of the spook book is a Dover version and I'm interested in their Schopenhauer books.

>> No.12909283

Why not just get the big Plato and Aristotle antologies at this point? Also: why tf would you want to read anything Tucker Carlson has commisioned to be written for him? I can kind of understand reading Memerson cause he's popular so you kinda owe it to yourself to know what's up but the only people watching Carlson will die off in the next decade or two.

>> No.12909336

I don't really want to read any more Plato or Aristotle. Also I thought Carlson brought up good topics to think about. I learned some new things from it if nothing else.

>> No.12909447

I can get that but honestly there's better thinkers to get that from than a less grabby version of Bill O'Reilly.

>> No.12910062

Well the thing is, to me, it doesn't matter where the ideas come from. As long as I can reflect upon certain ideas, I'm glad somebody brought then to my attention.

>> No.12910246

What I'm saying is that what you have is not only an inneficient way of getting new ideas, Carlson not even provides a good way of evaluating these new ideas since he's a talkshow host instead of an actual political thinker.
I'm not a right winger but at least writers like Popper read theory, even if, like with his readings of Hegel and Marx, it is piss poor

>> No.12910250

I'm serious, give me any idea he put forth and I can name you a writer who not only put it forth in a more nuanced and better way, but also who provides good argumentation for his specific viewing of said idea.

>> No.12910287

Right. I'm only saying that he brought the idea to my attention. Nothing would please me more than to get a better take on it. What grabbed my attention was the idea that a people involved in a political association need a common belief or some similar kind of common ground.

>> No.12910329

Wait, the fact that people in a political union are united through a set of common beliefs was a new idea to you? Yeah, Carlson might just be your level.

>> No.12910543
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Reading the Bowie book right now. It makes my eyes hurt

>> No.12910752

You realize a lot of people don't think that? Go outside and talk to normal people. You'd be surprised.

>> No.12910759

Still waiting on that suggestion you promised. Who said it better?

>> No.12911097
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>> No.12911224


>> No.12911332

90% good but you seem wildly reactionary

>> No.12911395


the Van Gogh book is real good

>> No.12911424
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>> No.12911713
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Plenty of penguin books in here so might aswell add to the list. What's missing is Ghosts in the fog and Elephant run.

>> No.12911718

I really want that Lovecraft book

>> No.12911796

is that a lou reed biography?

>> No.12912299

I'd understand why you'd want to read Bolaño in Spanish but why Eco and Bulgakov?

>> No.12912303

Actually I just noticed a bunch of other books in Spanish too but I'm still curious.

>> No.12912312

chill your autism and give the guy a break

>> No.12912625

I like it because its a hardcover and I could hurt someone with it. Very excited to read it too
I'm a native spanish speaker. I ordered those books before I knew what bookdepository was, but I think some authors are too hard for me to understand in english so I read them in spanish. Other authors wrote their books in languages that are more similar to my own, like Pessoa and Eco, therefore the translations will be more similar

>> No.12913001

>It makes my eyes hurt
Why is that? It seems interesting.

>> No.12913004

Russell is bad. I recommend instead:
A History of Philosophy (Copleston) but is long
the story of philosophy bryan magee
Very nice stack

>> No.12913039

I see, I was curious because I do the same thing so I was kinda expecting that answer. If I find basic stuff in Spanish, I don't mind it but usually I try to go for English nowadays thanks to Bookdepository too so we're kind of in the same situation.