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12896404 No.12896404 [Reply] [Original]

currently reading Stoner, halfway through. what the fuck is up with Edith? why is Stoner such a pushover? is he the ultimate cuck?
i feel like he'll either continue like this or snap and beat her up. no wonder men beat their wives back then, if they behaved like such cunts.

im currently by the Walker presentation part and i was fighting tears when Edith was making Grace become distant from Stoner, just like my cunt mother tried to make me hate my father after they divorced.

this book is a masterpiece so far, thanks for meme'ing it.

>> No.12896491

le bumperino

>> No.12896558

>"this book is a master piece"
>fails to understand the complexity of Edith's character
>"I feel like Stoner might snap"
>apparently you didn't understand the message conveyed by the first few paragraphs
I hate it when incel neckbeards from /r9k/ warp the presentation of this novel to make it easier to self-identify with their life.

>> No.12896877

Edith had a very rigid and repressive upbringing, she can't understand a healthy daughter-father relationship and has some kind of complex about it so she probably thinks Grace needs to be separated from Stoner. And yes, Stoner is a pushover for the most part, sometimes he takes a stands though.

>> No.12896890

Stoner literally lets one of the other teachers kiss his wife. He is a cuck

>> No.12896955

Friendly reminder Stoner raped his sister