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/lit/ - Literature

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12896291 No.12896291 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Hannah Arendt?

>> No.12896306

she was a libtard

>> No.12896471

anyone read eichmann? been on a holocaust bender lately

>> No.12896476


The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.12896525

is he wrong?

>> No.12896587

Evil is not banal, unfortunately, otherwise she seemed fairly competent if not exactly stand out as an intellectual.

>> No.12896619

surely evil can be banal sometimes

>> No.12896648
File: 100 KB, 600x653, 29927578793_a0725497bc_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the whole "right wing doesn't read" meme true? shes not only a conservative, she forgave Heidegger for being a Nazi even though he never apologized and is often accused of being an anti-semite. but sure, Arendt is a libtard and Friedrich "deport all the anti-semites from Europe" Nietzsche was woke on the JQ

>> No.12896667

>Evil is not banal
t. didn't read her

>> No.12896670

t. seething discord tranny

>> No.12896831

What the fuck where they thinking when they took that photo?
Why is the other guys peepee so small

>> No.12897039

CIA sexworker

>> No.12897273

What sexual things do you think /ourguy/ Martin did to her?

>> No.12897276

Where’s butterfly ;_;

>> No.12897293

I'm right here dude. I decided to stop tripping and stop pretending I was a woman because I saw the negative effect it was having on your bitch ass.

>> No.12897339


>> No.12897365

based and kindpilled

>> No.12897372

She has an uncanny resemblance to Harold Bloom

>> No.12897374

I think actually reading her books might teach wannabe /lit/ intellectuals something.

>> No.12897381

It’s not her

>> No.12897394

She forgave him because she enjoyed the Great Schwabian Cock

>> No.12897543


>> No.12898220

She is Heidegger lite.

>> No.12898255
File: 76 KB, 644x800, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horseshoe theory

>> No.12898265 [DELETED] 

Heidegger is banal Arendt

>> No.12898276
File: 157 KB, 680x1072, 5A87AFF0-F4F0-44AC-AC26-EDFD78AC0D62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heidegger is banal Arendt

Well, you’re right about his bitch ass

>> No.12898298


she a was a good thinker
the banality of evil

>> No.12898436

She's a genius. Her explanations of the rise and fall of regimes and her ability to explain violence and regime are fantastic. Read her. She's a very clear eye and good head.

>> No.12898522

literal retard. read before posting faggot.

>> No.12898534

This. She was trained by fucking Heiddeger, personally experienced one of the greatest horrors in history, and managed to keep a calm critical eye toward it. Literally changed poli. sci.

>> No.12898543

So that’s a no on the sex two weekends ago right? I mean, basically you can’t keep your story straight about anything :3

>> No.12898557

>Heidegger is banal Arendt
this would be true is butterfly didn't say it

>> No.12898823


literally photoshop you ape.

>> No.12898868
File: 269 KB, 815x975, thewhippic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's fake
he was in a polyamourous relationship and he really liked taking "artistic" photos, it's obviously him.

>> No.12898894

The Origins of Totalitarianism was incredibly based, a nice critique of modernity and its consequences

>> No.12898985

I read like 150 pages of The Human Condition before the due date came up. Incredibly dense and learned. I don't know if I agree with her emphasis on work as the essential factor but she's a really interesting and intelligent writer.

>> No.12899241

There are millions of photos like this taken by everyone, from bohemian art hoes to redneck swing club members, and you are seriously asking that?

I guess 4chan.nel is now in default set of bookmarks in AOL internet software disks.

>> No.12899249

Wow, Libgen is now an official library that lends digital files!

>> No.12899342

I think we underestimate the extent to which all philosophy in the past, as many occult and not so occult philosophers, including the hoary Leo Strauss, reveal, was, and perhaps still is, hidden behind a veil of secrecy. The truth is not for the uninitiated. It is too hard to stomach, therefore bread and circuses. The to ti en eina of Plato was preceded by the question of being, natural being, not the divine being, or the logos, and Heraclitus' logos was not reason. We philosophers have always been thoroughgoing materialists. Plato's Republic was meant as fodder for the citizens, not for the intellectuals who always knew better than to follow the vita activa when the vita contemplativa beckoned. The allegory of the cave is where the tares and wheat are sifted, those immersed in the spectacle and those who escape its dappled light for the truth where a single fire of the mind burns brightly. Continental philosophy is a sorry substitute for this pure skeptical reason. Ontology is a dirty word. Deleuze is the biggest charlatan of all.