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12895706 No.12895706 [Reply] [Original]

is smoking weed /lit/?

can you guys recommend any books for a guy like me who is living the stoner lifestyle?

>> No.12895712


>> No.12895747
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These threads are always guaranteed to be a shitstrom.

>> No.12895764
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obligatory post:
weed is one of the safest drugs out there. it causes less deaths than alcohol, prescription drugs, and tabacco

>> No.12895767

I don't smoke because I care about my brain. Needing weed to relax or be happy is a weakness, and if you don't need it to be happy then what's the point of smoking it?

>> No.12895771

>Needing weed to relax or be happy is a weakness

>> No.12895774

It no different than like drinking coffee. I usually smoke cannabis before reading

>> No.12895777

Who gives a shit pussy? Give me a fat rail of coke, a gram of K, couple 10ths of sass, 10lbs of nitrous and some booze to come down with.

>> No.12895778



>> No.12895786

Just because you're not dying from an overdose doesn't mean it's not a dangerous drug. Your picture even says it's leaving out indirect deaths but even if we ignore death altogether you still have to account for the social damage that smoking marijuana can inflict. If a drug causes you to get kicked out of your house for stealing from your parents, I would consider it dangerous.

>> No.12895811

so you're saying that the danger is not in the substance but in the consequences of owning, because of its illegality? right.

>> No.12895814
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Jesus christ guys, just answer his question. As soon someone mentions Marijuana everyone loses their mind. It's not that big of a deal

>> No.12895818

With the absurd laws in America the police can steal your parents house if you do drugs there.

>> No.12895821

>Implying thats a bad thing

>> No.12895823

You need to put the joint down because I didn't say that at all. You're not perceiving reality as you should, and that's probably a consequence of smoking.

>> No.12895824
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Unironically read Stoner

>> No.12895829

Its a taboo and the at the frontier of a much political and scientific talk. You are the one being dumb to make a thread about it a not expect this to happen.

>> No.12895831

these "recommend me books for this feel" threads are either
a) cesspool of retards
b) a place where baiters can chain-bait themselves, thinking they are accomplishing something

>> No.12895837

It's fine in moderation, like all drugs. You don't need it though. However, I wouldn't have found myself in many memorable social situations if not for weed, and isn't life all about creating fond memories?

>> No.12895838

Pretty much only in America

>> No.12895841

>teenager does drugs
>parents lose their house.

That is bad. As is

>random innocent guy driving with cash
>police steal half of it because its 'probably' for crime

the whole concept of 'civil forfeiture' is morally absurd, heads should literally be rolling over it.

>> No.12895849

.>isn't life all about creating fond memories?

What an immature notion, life is about improving yourself and acting virtously

>> No.12895853

Smoking dope isn't /lit/. Alcohol is the only /lit/ drug.

>> No.12895857

>muh morality
I just dont normally sympathise with stroners and so i dont see anything wrong with police forces trashing their houses. Im fine with it.

>> No.12895867
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What is the best book written under the influence of cannabis? Gravity's Rainbow is one of the obvious contenders

>> No.12895874

>the liquid jew
KYS degenerate

>> No.12895876

Still the best

>> No.12895878
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yes, very much so

>> No.12895891

Alcohol was invented by the Middle East though

>> No.12895935

I'm a stoner who recently quit, a few books I've read during my stoner days are:
1. A pale blue dot by Carl Sagan
2. Demon haunted world By Carl Sagan
3. The story of the human body By David Lieberman
and currently reading
4. How to change your mind by Michal Pollan.
OP in my opinion just read about something you'll find interesting, no one else can predict what you'll enjoy reading, as you can see I greatly enjoy nonfiction when Im high. I hope you find your stoner readings!

>> No.12895937

But its not 'their' house, its a normal couple becoming homeless because their teenage son is a moron.

>> No.12895939

t. isn't cool enough to be offered drugs

>> No.12895942

Only in a retarded ass country like America would you get kicked out of your house for using a drug that have been used for millennia. Check any country that's not third world like america is, Canada for example.

>> No.12895946

Holy fucking cringe @ being one of these faggots. People like you are the reason I never defend weed online or give a shit what people think. The boomer haters are usually unironically correct

>> No.12895951

What do those books have to do with space? Clearly you're illiterate

>> No.12895952

I didn't realize realize European parents were so tolerant of their children stealing from them. No wonder they're all a bunch of pushovers.

>> No.12895955

>used for millennia

Not a justification for anything.

>> No.12895957

Who cares. They are also responsible for the acts he did. If anything the teen is the one thats going to get screwed for life and making his parents hate him forever.

>> No.12895958

>1. A pale blue dot by Carl Sagan
>2. Demon haunted world By Carl Sagan
Yeah dude space is like, fucking big man! Lol. Isn't that like, scary or something idk lmao

>> No.12895959

Yet it literally is, smoking weed is more justifiable than drinking alcohol. Same with most illegal drugs, in fact the only reason most drugs are illegal is because the government realized that these drugs are change the mind in such profound ways that it harms the government's control of the masses. Hence these drugs being "counterculture".
Try reading a book, maybe you'll stop being the government's bitch boy

>> No.12895962

>tried weed because stoners meme all this shit about it opening your mind, seeing rainbows and new dimensions and all this shit
>did literally nothing except make my eyes itchy and throat dry
Alcohol is the /lit/ drug of choice. stoners are a bunch of fucktards. Alcohol sipped slowly is patrician.

>> No.12895965

Can you tell me how you read that post and assumed somebody got kicked out of their house for smoking weed? I keep getting told that weed doesn't make people stupid but I'll be damned if that's true.

>> No.12895971

uHH check America, people get their house repossessed if they have a gram of weed

>> No.12895979

>dude i smoke weed

Why does every stoner have to tell everyone every 5 minutes that they smoke. Just shows how slow their mentality is

>> No.12895983

>Alcohol sipped slowly
you sound like a bitch

>> No.12895984

>only reason most drugs are illegal is because the government realized that these drugs are change the mind in such profound ways that it harms the government's control of the masses
No it's because after the disaster of prohibition the government had the booze detectives suckling dem gud gubmint jerbs and the size of the government can never shrink, so they abused the interstate commerce clause and set to a relatively rapid expansion of power and monetary extraction. The CIA is literally responsible for the proliferation of LSD. You're a fuckin amatuer kid.

>> No.12895987

um, what you described is LSD.

>> No.12895988
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>This whole post

>> No.12895997

That's not true but it's beside the point. I talked about somebody getting kicked out of the house for stealing but somehow you read that and thought it was about somebody getting kicked out for smoking.

>> No.12896000

>They are also responsible for the acts he did.

Not true. Or are you suggesting we raise a generation of psychological wrecks by putting children under constant surveillance with random room searches like they are in prison

>who cares
People who care about morality and aren't aren't boot licking psychopaths.It is NEVER okay to punish the innocent for the actions of the guilty

This has Nothing to do with the government you child. Just point out 'muh thousands of years' is a stupid argument.

>> No.12896002

I get high in front of my computer and just read 4chan all day

>> No.12896025

I can't walk down the street and buy lsd.
t. partyfaggot who thinks getting shitfaced is great fun.

>> No.12896034

>Not true. Or are you suggesting we raise a generation of psychological wrecks by putting children under constant surveillance with random room searches like they are in prison
Kids are already raised under the eyes of their parents telling them what to do and what not to do. It doesnt fall into me to judge if its right or wrong.

>People who care about morality and aren't aren't boot licking psychopaths.It is NEVER okay to punish the innocent for the actions of the guilty
Who are you to make such imperatives? If i dont feel empathy for those particular individuals then i dont care about it. I have people i do care about and that alone tells me im not a psycho. Dont be so spooked.

>> No.12896037

>you probably party with other people that's so lame you're not just sipping alcohol alone like me
You sure showed me

>> No.12896038

>I can't walk down the street and buy lsd
You actually can but the second half of your post leads me to believe you're too much of an uptight faggot to pull it off even if I told you what to do

>> No.12896039

>I can't walk down the street and buy lsd.
Are you not cool enough or something?

>> No.12896057

>I don't care
>I just fully support any actions of a corrupt police force
>cause I just like DON'T CARE man
I really cannot tell if pothead or edgy boomer bootlicking faggots are worse. Can you all just kill each other?

>> No.12896093

>t. faggot that doesn't know how to smoke

>> No.12896095
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>Someone who fully supports the goverment actions that are in favour of his own self interests and stigmas is objectively bad.
Literally who gives a shit if its in favour of some boogey man police? If they are doing something that i like then im in favour of it. Shove those morals up your own ass.

>> No.12896114

>Its a taboo
where are you from?

>> No.12896133

I thought you like totally didn't even care man?

>> No.12896146

>yea I'm inhaling

>> No.12896169

these posts are so fucking weak

>> No.12896257

There are definitely people that smoke weed and read.

>> No.12896275

Weed wouldn’t cause you to steal from your parents unless you were going to do it regardless. There’s no real addiction factor and it is abundant and cheap (I haven’t really paid for weed in years).
As far as the social aspect, weed is largely a communal thing. It did get me grounded in highschool and I might have lost my virginity sooner had I not been constantly grounded, but it’s now legal where I live. Even my mom smokes now.

>> No.12896281

How is the CIA responsible for the proliferation of LSD? They used it to experiment on a few people, but that’s about it.

>> No.12896288

Nah, i dont like stoney hippies and their likes so its fully logical to support any bullshit law that fucks them over.

>> No.12896299

Ken Kesey was a CIA lab rat and Laurel Canyon/Vito Paulekas/Charlie Manson are extremely suspicious. After Jerry Garcia died Phish's first three festivals took place on active air force bases. Thomas Pynchon was also likely involved in MKULTRA given his pedigree and employment, at the least he knew what was going on and communicated it in TCoL49, GR, and IV.

>> No.12896313

See >>12896057. You are the other side of the dude weed lmao coin, the vapid chuckling fat boomer who doesn't give a shit what the government does if you can laugh about totally owning the libs. You're both NPCs and your posts could be replaced by bots.

>> No.12896325

>looking to /lit/ for validation
Glad to know the average stoner's self-esteem is that low.

>> No.12896344
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>he doesn't know

>> No.12896379
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>ay ay ay if you dont act like me then you and either X or Y and basically i take you for a shallow person that i dont like and you should feel bad for it.
Tell me about it dude. Im not taking any sides in libs vs alt-right. I just dont like stoney hippies and so i support the movement that fucks them over for my own self-interest. And i dont give two shits about the morality of it.
Go cry elsewhere with your ethics and morals.

>> No.12896386

The only one talking about ethics and morals is you trying to sound like a supreme edgelord. It has nothing to do with your "self interest" and you clearly "care". Learn to speak english you tryhard milquetoast old faggot.

>> No.12896431

>The only one talking about ethics and morals is you trying to sound like a supreme edgelord.
Lol, you were the one crying about what was right and wrong tho.
>It has nothing to do with your "self interest" and you clearly "care"
Yes it has to do with my self interest and i only claimed to not care about the moral behind such actions.
Go shout your shitty buzzwords elsewhere.

>> No.12896438

lmao I pity you having to be this fucking stupid and frustrated all of your life. What a display.

>> No.12896450
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>> No.12896465
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The only one displaying frustration here is you. You have nothing else to attack and tackle at than throwing ad hominems at this point.

>> No.12896477
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>stop acting a tryhard milquetoast old faggot

>> No.12896508
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>what people around do, consume and behave doesnt affect you and its out of your self interest
>You cant object something that doesnt affect you directly
This is some stoic and descartes type of mental cope.

>> No.12896521
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Boy it sure sounds like someone cares, maybe even about morals and ethics! UH OH learn to speak english you edgy old faggot also pot is basically legal and all you can do is try REALLY hard on 4chan ;_; poor you. Maybe you can go to /pol/and cry some about it. Poor babby

>> No.12896532
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no, it makes you lazy
it causes you to be okay with boredom
it will make you neglect important things in life
it can cause a warped sense of reality that is not beneficial
>ever since i got of the shit my reading and writing has grown exponentially
>t. used to smoke everyday for 5 years

>> No.12896534
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I would debate that this novel was definitely around cannabis/hash at the time of writing

>> No.12896564
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>Let me throw some more buzzwords and blunt assumptions so i can feel better about myself.
>also pot is basically legal and all you can do is try REALLY hard on 4chan ;_; poor you.
Do you just assume everyone is from canada now?
Stop sperging out and throwing insults. Maybe its time to take another hit of that blunt so your blood levels can return to normal.

>> No.12896585

I don't smoke weed and like I said at the beginning of this you are equally annoying as vocal potheads. You're dumb, you can't communicate effectively because you -actually- are just throwing around buzzwords like the vacuous bored chucklefuck you are
>muh morals and ethic crying DUN EVEN CARE LOL crying sporting crying muh don't care about muh crying ethical sperg morals
imagine being more retarded than someone on drugs hahahaha you're fucking pathetic dude

>> No.12896622

Maybe you just assume that english is everyone's first language here.
>you -actually- are just throwing around buzzwords like the vacuous bored chucklefuck you are
Where are the buzzwords? All i can see is you writting typical meme insults from /pol/tard to boomer to edgelord.
>"muh morals and ethic crying DUN EVEN CARE LOL crying sporting crying muh don't care about muh crying ethical sperg morals"
I just explained you where i was coming from and ever since that you still havent let it go. I might type like shit but i can tell from your away of arguing that you are clearly close to underage.

>> No.12896655

nice buzzwords pal. Try to stop crying so much all of the time it's not good for your respiratory system.

>> No.12896764


>> No.12897080

Naked Lunch

>> No.12897091

If you haven't read One Hundred Years of Solitude high you're missing out. Alsoa great book sober, of course.

>> No.12897330

Weed is a drug that makes you apathetic, dumb and can induce schizophrenia. thats why it is being pushed so much everywhere, and artificially being associated with revolutionary leftism and other transgressive ideologies - they want idealistic young people to be neutralized politically.
For the schizo stuff read: Alex Berenson - Tell Your Children The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence - free on libgen.
THC stays in the brain's fat storages for ~2 months, so even if you smoke once a month you are suffering from the negative consequences uninterruptedly. It binds to cannabinoid receptors, which are ubiquitous in the brain, resulting in structural changes.
Cannabis use is correlated with reduced grey matter volume of the orbitofrontal cortex (decision making, emotional control, learning), probably because of accelerated synaptic pruning, and the brain compensates for these changes by increasing connectivity (with chronic use the brain stops compensating). I'm not sure if these effects still exist if you are over 25 though.
The lower IQ causation is hard to establish but there definitely is correlation, in multiple studies, and i wouldn't risk lowering my IQ for hedonistic pleasure.

>> No.12897402

all good writers drank

>> No.12897411

Ofcourse it is, but part of that is achieved through experiencing new things

>> No.12897419

Weed can be habbit forming but if you can be an adult about it and only do it occasionally it's not that big of a deal. If you let it become all you want to do and make it a priority that's another story.

>> No.12897556


>> No.12897578

Literal junkie cope.
>my one drug use pattern is absolutely no different than my other drug use. Look how well I function by committing myself to a basic task when intoxicated
May as well drink and drive at this point.

>> No.12897602

Why should anon listen to an axe murderer and rapist like you?

>> No.12897612

I never committed these acts nor implied that I did.

>> No.12897650

>centering your attitude, beliefs, lifestyle, personal identity and value around an object you purchase

>> No.12897670

I have never raped anyone.

>> No.12897681

oh, youre an schizo. i guess >>12897330 was right!

>> No.12897686

Cause all of those things show more strength, commitment and will to power than smoking pot.

>> No.12897712

lol have sex

>> No.12897724

Gotta hand it to Gravity's Rainbow. I know it's a meme novel around here, but man, it changed my life. I'd grown up thinking reading was homework. A novel was drudgery for me. This attitude lasted way into my high school years, a time when if I wasn't asleep in class I was skipping and hanging out in a buddy's basement doing bong hits. We'd play this game where we would get high and make up a crazy scenario like, OK, what if everything was very serious, right, like it was a serious place and time and everywhere you looked everything was highly serious, but what if at exactly the point when everything was at its most serious and you expected the next moment to continue the trend of utmost seriousness, what if, at that very moment, a gorilla wearing a fez on a giant unicycle rode by. My friends and I would collapse into convulsions of laughter, punching each other and slapping our knees. "No! Stop it! Fucking stop it!" a teary red face would choke out. We called it The Game, and normally we only played it while we were blazed in a basement, but once in a while we would play it in school. One fateful afternoon a few of us numbskulls had detention together. We sauntered in (high, of course) and sat down to serve our time. At some point we started to play The Game, right there in detention. Our supervisor, an English teacher who was known for being kind of a hardass, was for some reason being super chill that afternoon. We occasionally got pretty loud with our laughter, but not even once did he tell us to keep it down. He just sat there at the desk reading a newspaper. We even got a few chuckles out of him. Then, with fifteen minutes left of our sentence, he folded up the newspaper, came over to us, and sat down on a desk. He was holding a thick book. "Here," he said, "I think you guys might get a kick out of this." We read the cover: Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon. OK, we said. We were skeptical, but we took the book. I was the first one to read it. My mind was blown. This guy Pynchon had been playing The Game since the early 70s. You think that since the book's about World War II that it's going to be all serious. But then you're like, wait, whaaaat? Did that guy just go down the toilet? Why is there a pie fight during the serious war? Why is there weird sex happening? Weed? This guy Pynchon blew all our random scenarios out of the water. I gave it to the other guys to read, and we agreed to stop playing The Game entirely. We decided to leave it to the master. Thomas Pynchon, whoever you are, we salute you.

>> No.12897725

You're a faggot and the guy you are talking to is a moron. Fuck weed. Cocaine is healthy and unironically /lit/

>> No.12897755

damn i recently smoked weed after abstaining passively for about 2 years (used to smoke a lot in high school, who doesnt)
felt completely manic and kept thinking about why i should kill myself and how useless i am (i dont think about this too much usually)
it was interesting i guess, had a lot of novel thoughts

>> No.12897760

is this normal is what i meant to be asking

>> No.12897762

Dude.. some of you anons sound like you could use a joint

>> No.12897765

same but with a dash of vidya

>> No.12897771

based lightweight zoomer

>> No.12897793

>t. 19 year old incel

>> No.12897796
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>h-have sex

>> No.12897798

look at these retards lmao

>> No.12897804

I didn't read any of your post because of your retarded I KNOW THIS POPULAR BOOK HERE IS LE MAYMAY XDDDDDD qualifier. Too bad.

>> No.12898076

>cocaine is healthy

Anon I ....

>> No.12898123

>safest drug
Pussy attitude
If you can't stand the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen

>> No.12898251

i was a huge stoner in high school and first year of college.

i stopped because i realised i was getting more and more depressed every time i smoked. it was strange really. while i was high i would get panic attacks and cry but then when the high was gone i craved it again and the same result would follow. rinse and repeat. it took quite a lot of work to lose my psychological dependence on cannabis.

now i just drink kratom and coffee. much happier for it. and they’re both great for reading.

>> No.12898325

trips confirmed.

>> No.12898555

Don't destroy my fantasy. Just let me slowly kill myself.

>> No.12898564

>If a drug causes you to get kicked out of your house for stealing from your parents, I would consider it dangerous.
Things like this wouldn't happen if it were legal.

>> No.12898573

>What an immature notion, life is about improving yourself and acting virtously
you are so close yet so far

>> No.12898603

>I can't walk down the street and buy lsd.
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.12899012

same but without the weed

>> No.12899012,1 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself, Faggot