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File: 21 KB, 485x443, nietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12895130 No.12895130 [Reply] [Original]

In order to make a reasonable assertion on human behavior, we must presuppose that all human behavior has some reasoning to it. We may debate endlessly on what that reasoning was, but we must assume that there is some reason. This is the bedrock of philosophy.

The core tenant of nihilism is that there exists no inherent meaning in any human action. This, however, is a falsifiable thesis statement.

Let's analyze the term "meaning". What does "meaning" mean? It can mean one of to things:

1. A synonym for reason.

2. Anything other than the definition listed above.

As stated above, all human behavior must have some reasoning. Therefore, we can rule out the first definition of the term.

The only other option is the second term. The problem here is that this is now something so broad and vague that there is fundamentally definition for the term.

The nihilist may retaliate with, "Meaningless here means a lack of impact or significance."

This, as well, cannot be true. Clearly the subject had their reasons for doing it, so it have some significance to the subject.

Referring to the laws of physics, the actions taken by the individual would've had some impact on either the subject or the object, or both.

They might not have had MUCH significance or impact, but they would have had SOME.

So we can now say that the nihilistic definition of "meaning" is some amorphous, non-descriptive term that tells us nothing about human behavior. At it's core, philosophy is an attempt to investigate human behavior.

Therefore, nihilism =/= philosophy.

So then what is nihilism?

Let's start with what it isn't: It isn't a history, nor is it an art, or a math, or a science, if we are to use those terms in their traditional meaning.

From my observation, the only sensible answer is that nihilism is a psychology. More specifically, nihilism is a tool, or a coping mechanism. For some, it's a way of coping with the stresses of the world, removing themselves from any sort of duty or responsibility. For some, it's a way of justifying unjustifiable behavior. But for quite a few, a tool to separate themselves from the ugliness of the world. No matter how much they tell themselves that they have agonized over the subject, nihilists are secretly relieved. They are now separate from the people they despise so much.

The alternative is that they are depressed/anxious, and the notion of nothingness is no more than a manifestation for their feelings of emptiness.

So please, if you wish to discuss nihilism, please carry your discussion over to >>>/pol/ or >>>/r9k/. This is a board for real philosophical discussion.

>> No.12895152

nietzsche wasn't a nihilist you fucking moron

>> No.12895155

Maybe it's not true that nothing matters but it is definitely true that there is no matter in your skull

>> No.12895158

>t. assblasted nihilists

>> No.12895163

I never said he was.

>> No.12895169

>brainlet nietzsche


>> No.12895196

Many of people who have aped Nietzsche's philosophies are pretty much brainlets. This is who I was taking the piss out of with pic related.

>> No.12895205

All human behaviour has reasoning, meaning that it is understandable, but thats not to say that it has "A" reason, meaning a necessity or an ultimate purpose

>> No.12895216
File: 65 KB, 700x469, 1503062266847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche was just trying to justify that partying and sniffing coke out of a whore's ass is a sign of "strength" and "will to power". Nietzsche's way out of nihilism is affirming some kind of pseudo-hedonism that is more "objective" than anything else since it "affirms" nature's desires of will. Implying also a sort of militarism and "disciple" to ones "affirming" values which sounds a little dumb since his values are all about the things that dont require disciple to achive.
In other words, the cure for nihilism, according to him, should be to take on orgies and still pay attention to arts.
Today things arent that far from that and shit remains mostly the same anyway.
The guy simply wanted society to achive Plato's republic imo.

>> No.12895225

Nietzsche never suggested that reality is apart from such sort of objective meaning or purpose but that it both lacks meaning and has meaning = the primeval contradiction.

>> No.12895237

I know, but i didnt find a way to phrase things better since he sure tries to imply that his "new" values are something more "affirmative" than anything else before.

>> No.12895250

I don't like Grug being conflated with brainlet.
Grug isn't a brainlet.
Cave men had to be smart. Otherwise they got the club.

>> No.12895270

Indeed well he essentially says that "hey this is a better system than before and it would do you good to follow it". To breath new life into man I believe Nietzsche thought by reigniting his inner beast if you will.

>> No.12895276

Grug isn't a brainlet its just a way to express truth in a simple way resulting in a comedic effect.

>> No.12895316

Nihilism means that there's not inherent purpose nor absolute morality. Since there are many different ways of interpreting an action, there are also many different ways of judging it. Having many ways of judging the same action means that there isn't one that is "more correct" than the other. And since there isn't an absolute way of judging then there isn't an absolute way of acting. Not having an absolute way of acting is correlated with not having an absolute purpose in which to act.

Hedonism is giving oneself to vices, something he was against of. For the love of God, read Nietzsche before talking about what he said.

>> No.12895330

I have my doubts. You could say that every average person already does this to some extent ever since the 60s took place.
Aside from all the moral impertives that we still have today, the world right now is more according to him than ever before yet shit still remains the same and his teachings applied to nothing else but the lower class people that were severely brainwashed by religion from his age.
It has also become clear (atleast to me, from personal experience) that dumb shit like love triangles, partying and crazy stuff doesnt really fulfill anything more than a long term "healthy" relationship that he seems so eager to shit on since its linked to christianity in some way.

vices: immoral or wicked behaviour.
Doesnt really make much sense and seems pretty vague according to him what he would define as "vices". I would be more willing to believe that he refered to this as anything deemed christian or related to drug dependency.
I've read twillight of the idols and large chunks of the will to power. Maybe that was not enough.

>> No.12895338

Always remember: Atheism is the only rational position. Teleology, objective morality, inherent meaning, or any kind of Anthropocentrism, have nothing to do with the World.

>> No.12895364

this but unironically

>> No.12895383
File: 591 KB, 480x270, 7JJt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things habben therefore they have reason to habben how can thing habben without reason m8

>> No.12895387
File: 147 KB, 800x680, Hjalmar Parting from Orvar Odd after the Fight on Samsö - Marten Eskil Winge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have my doubts. You could say that every average person already does this to some extent ever since the 60s took place.
>Aside from all the moral impertives that we still have today, the world right now is more according to him than ever before yet shit still remains the same and his teachings applied to nothing else but the lower class people that were severely brainwashed by religion from his age.
>It has also become clear (atleast to me, from personal experience) that dumb shit like love triangles, partying and crazy stuff doesnt really fulfill anything more than a long term "healthy" relationship that he seems so eager to shit on since its linked to christianity in some way.

Of course hedonism doesn't fulfil or give meaning, it is the antithesis to meaning so is collective importance and selflessness the origin of meaning and existence? Nietzsche meant it in the way that we must not try to cope for the loss of God and myth for we ourselves would be living a lie but to to go throughout life as thou can and thou will. To use this eternal nihilistic contradiction as meaning to hold to the existential terror by will alone. Communism can be seen to be an attempt to cope for the loss of God and myth and we have seen how that worked. Men now tried to find meaning within the physical and Marxism was the traumatic effect of this, however Hitler and National Socialism can be seen as a positive effect of such a thing, they found a positive meaning within physical, the race. As well as kept the belief of God and myth but this racial aspect took over as primary as would be expected for the modern age for great men have always talked of a singularity, a point in which it seems all time has been led up to and I my friend believe we are living in one such said singularity if many occur that is, technology huh such an illustrious creature lead by a demonic visage called Juden. We can only hope this singularity will not end as all, in some way or another it already has. It is a beautiful tragedy the modern era the greatest tragedy the world has and shall likely ever see.

>> No.12895409

Not a nihilist but this is some horrible "philosophy"

>> No.12895410
File: 800 KB, 500x500, 1554317371070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking rambling about Nazis and anti semitism at the end
The classic /pol/fag eloquence. Thanks for the giggle, now fuck off

>> No.12895433

better than reading russell tho

>> No.12895656

your welcome you uneducated faggot.

>> No.12895693

Your post is trash because the english "word" meaning is devoid of any meaning
it's empty, it's a sterilized tautology "Meaning is meaning" alright, this is the power of the english language, so don't bother with their philosophy

>> No.12895992

You are right that Hitler was the positivist implementation of Nietzsche's philosophy while Stalin was the opposite implementation of it. However, I don't get the concern with the "technological singularity." Was Hitler not striving for a singularity? Don't we all strive for that, i.e. will to power?