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12893859 No.12893859 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that people, particularly modern trendy yuppie-like minorities and left-wing whites, get so triggered when they are learning about "dead white males"?

>> No.12893886

They resent having their delusions of equality shattered by being reminded of the fact that white male brains evolved to be more powerful and productive than brains like theirs.

>> No.12893902
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Bourgeoisie vampires hijacked leftism to make people think it's all about identity politics. Exit the castle

>> No.12893920
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Humans are tribal animals; how is it not actually all about identity politics?

>> No.12893924

have sex

>> No.12893929

Which identitarian struggles would Fisher actually oppose? You can't complain about identity politics while implicitly supporting race and gender struggles.

>> No.12893937

>You can't complain about identity politics while implicitly supporting race and gender struggles.
Yes, you can. Fisher rejected all identity politics and called for a return to strictly class based politics and solidarity.

>> No.12893946

>anything but arbitrary

>> No.12893949
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"Class solidarity" is a spook, bro. You're on some delusional sehnsucht type shit.

>> No.12893971

When the left was at its strongest, it was when it followed the line of strict class solidarity. Identity is a spook.

>> No.12893982

It's basically Stirner's union of voluntary egoists

>> No.12893994
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>Genetics are arbitrary.
When the left was at its strongest, the west was also still 90% white.

>> No.12894002

I have a girlfriend of nearly 3 years and we have sex at least once a day and I had two sexual encounters with different women before her. I'm 22.

>> No.12894008

she's definitely cheating on you m8

>> No.12894010
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Because it gives the illusion of being radical while posing little threat to the present systems of power.
The 'radicals' or those who would have been radical in a different scenario now call for woman CEO's or black politicians as opposed to say, restrictions on CEO's or governmental reform.
As one can imagine this is not very threatening to the systems themselves.

>> No.12894011

>3 years
>sex at least once a day
>posts on 4chan meaning at least one partner is in the electro-simulacra regularly

>> No.12894018

>muh sekrett klub

>> No.12894047

>When the left was at its strongest, the west was also still 90% white.
Even then regardless of demographics people were still divided. By focusing on class the left had something which all working people could unite around, something strong enough the government had to use programs like COINTELPRO to break it up.

>> No.12894054

what race are you?

>> No.12894059

stop obsessing over identity

>> No.12894065

Closeted cultural chauvinists who long for novelty but don't want to put forth the effort of learning new languages in order to actually experience a novel perspective or viewpoint. That's America for you.

>> No.12894071

>muh sekret club
Okay well you didn't have to announce yourself as a newfag but that's fine. I'm saying I find it difficult to believe you have fucked this girl 1100 times even though you're both glued to your phones and the novelty wears off each day. This is also not an attack on you or your relationship. I just don't believe you and think you are exagerating.

>> No.12894083

so it's safe to assume you're non white?

>> No.12894088

This, fuckers don't even try to pretend that they're looking for books written by foreign authors, fuck those sub-90 IQ hypocrites

>> No.12894090

The first generation immigrants are more traditional, thick skinned, and don't act that way, but they are still swindled by democrats by convincing them republicans hate them because they are immigrants. Their children, however, will, since they grow up disconnected from their culture and embrace the modern American lifestyle.

>> No.12894095

i wouldn't call them closeted, they're pretty blatant about their americentrism

>> No.12894096

this. jealousy

>> No.12894113

>talking shit on the greatest country in the world

>> No.12894142

I have to admit that I'm biased precisely because it's the greatest country in the world. A patriot will list list and despise his country's faults, a sycophant will ignore or accept them.

>> No.12894149

In all honesty, American culture is infecting places it really shouldn't be. A lot of burger posters and burgers in general in general apply the US in a copy-paste kind of way, where everything in US has to have this equivalent somewhere else and everything happening in America must be relevant everywhere in the world.
t. Burger

>> No.12894155

>swindled by democrats by convincing them republicans hate them because they are immigrants
I do hate them because they're immigrants, and in the next decade or two at most people like me are going to continue to and eventually REALLY do something about it, because we hate them because they're immigrants. Keep pushing though. It will all be fine.

>> No.12894189

White anglo
I've been on here for about 6 years. I'm not really glued to my phone. We have sex a lot because we both have high sex drives.

>> No.12894200

>6 years
>he thinks he's not a newfag
six years ago I was running pedowood threads on /pol/. I've been using this shithole since 2006. Send help pls

>> No.12894247

that's sad famalam.
>white anglo
yeah she's def cucking you

>> No.12894276

It's especially weird how they ignored all the raped white girls in Britain. You know, how Muslims had rape gangs in numerous cities and police did nothing?

Hahaha, but I guess all those little girls were white and working class. Those don't matter to enlightened Oxbridge chaps at Wadham.

>> No.12894297

I'm not insecure about women unlike you.

>> No.12894313

insecure or not a cuck is a cuck

>> No.12894320

That’s the fakest thing I’ve ever seen.

>> No.12894325

You can't leave. Unless gookmoot shuts this motherfucker down you'll round year 13 soon. If he does we'll all be on 7chan or cripple chan anyway. You'll see. You may stop coming here tomorrow for 2 years, you'll be back. The blue boards are littered with oldfags like me.

>> No.12894338

Because song related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CflZgqYgTo

>> No.12894347

It's low&high of society (left/liberals)* versus the middle class, it's just manifests as this kind of thinking and justification in our current age, is coded in a loose hypermoralistic language.

>in4 ML autists LARPers (who believe exactly the same things as those people) saying those people aren't leftists according to their own kosher definitions. fuck off

>> No.12894368

Genetics aren't arbitrary, but forming values around genetics is. The only value comes from God, son. I'll pray for you.

>> No.12894449

>having a girlfriend is fake

>> No.12894494 [SPOILER] 
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>in4 ML autists LARPers (who believe exactly the same things as those people) saying those people aren't leftists according to their own kosher definitions. fuck off
We don't believe the exact same things and they aren't leftist

>> No.12894505

so it's class struggle nonetheless?

>> No.12894534

BBC is a meme

>> No.12894851

fuck off, we have enough self-critical faggots already, we don't need another one thinking of himself as unique and aware.

>> No.12894954

Just indoctrination from birth. They always go out of there way to insert it, even when it doesn't make sense at all. It's like women-hating posters on 4chan.

>> No.12894975

It's the same thing with 'diversity in' film and the like, I'm not American and so I always laugh when they say that taking a generic American from the exact same socioeconomic class is diverse because they have a different skin colour. Legitimate diversity would make them uncomfortable and inclined to censor because they would have to empathise with and tolerate different views and cultures, which they're incapable of as they're not even capable of it in regards to different classes and political persuasions in their own society. They are some of the least tolerant and diverse people in the world. Extremely narrowminded and always forcing their dumb shit on everything and everyone.

>> No.12895005

It's not that we get "triggered". We recognise that the fact that white men make up the majority of the Western canon is a byproduct of the historical patriarchal and Eurocentric social structures. This is part of Foucaults idea of knowledge and power being inextricably linked.

>> No.12895010


>> No.12895020

How is it bait? Do you deny that women were denied education and treated as second class citizens in the past? Do you deny that black people were seen as subhuman? Do you deny that, despite the huge preponderance of Eastern philosophy, nobody in the west took it seriously because of racial biases?

>> No.12896709

whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.12896783

Except there's no such thing as "classes" as commonly understood Marx intended the term, so the only way to have "class struggle" is to impose some dumb poor people the "identity" of being Proletarians.
You're not very smart.

>> No.12896817

because they were told to
I think the public discourse has regressed to the point that the only thing that matters is the emotion (hiding under the guise of values) you are expressing, bad (white pypo) and good (diversity, rick and morty, dildos) or cringe and based. The game is to find something unto which you can project these emotions so you can acquire social credit, that's basically the twitter outrage squad and it is spreading into the real world as shown by the retards wearing political clothing (maga hats, black shirt with meme statement) or anything else showing to the world the opinion they don't have but only wear

>> No.12896824

>Do you deny that women were denied education and treated as second class citizens in the past?
>Do you deny that black people were seen as subhuman?
yes, they still are
>Do you deny that, despite the huge preponderance of Eastern philosophy, nobody in the west took it seriously because of racial biases?

>> No.12896825

Haha, classic part and parcel.

>> No.12896866

It reminds them of how completely insignificant they are as a race.

>> No.12897018

It's not class struggle in the Marxist sense because the groups in HLvM don't necessarily have any relation to the means of production. The elite and the margins they mobilize often don't labor or even own any means of production at all. Especially in Anglosphere societies, Marxist analysis amounts to an obfuscation of the actual power structure, in which democracy, rule of law, limited government etc. are a front for the oligarchy made up of no more than a few hundred, who are actually deciding things, and radical left-wing critics of liberal society serve only to reinforce it.

>> No.12897572

so there is no distinction between people who own means of production, and those who work for them?

>> No.12897586

shitty data
>"The majority of the data points were based upon convenience rather than representative samples. Some points were not even based on residents of the country. For instance, the “data point” for Suriname was based on tests given to Surinamese who had migrated to the Netherlands, and the “data point” for Ethiopia was based on the IQ scores of a highly selected group that had emigrated to Israel and, for cultural and historical reasons, was hardly representative of the Ethiopian population. The data point for Mexico was based upon a weighted averaging of the results of a study of “Native American and Mestizo children in southern Mexico” with result of a study of residents of Argentina. Upon reading the original reference, we found that the “data point” that Lynn and Vanhanen used for the lowest IQ estimate, Equatorial Guinea, was actually the mean IQ of a group of Spanish children in a home for the developmentally disabled in Spain. Corrections were applied to adjust for differences in IQ across cohorts (the “Flynn” effect), on the assumption that the same correction could be applied internationally, without regard to the cultural or economic development level of the country involved. While there appears to be rather little evidence on cohort effect upon IQ across the developing countries, one study in Kenya (Daley, Whaley, Sigman, Espinosa, & Neumann, 2003[5]) shows a substantially larger cohort effect than is reported for developed countries."