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/lit/ - Literature

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12887559 No.12887559 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Times you acted like Holden Caulfield

>> No.12887563

Literally Whom

>> No.12887567

When I shot John Lennon

>> No.12887569

I raped my sister Phoebe once

>> No.12887572

when I raped my younger sister

>> No.12887581

wish I was Zooey desu

>> No.12887663

>flunked out of college first round because I hated my major, went from straight A's to C, D, D, F, and F

>> No.12888159

>take creative writing class in college
>I’m the only one that actually reads literary fiction and classics
>the one other guy reads sci-fi and probably has Aspergers
>all the others are girls who read YA or To Kill a Mockingbird/Great Gatsby/extremely basic classics
>write 3 pages of fiction for each class
>everyone writes shit that is corny as fuck
>people constantly asking for my opinion because I’m the best writer
>mumble some shit about active voice and varying sentence length.
>say as little as possible so they will leave me alone
>get depressed halfway through the semester
>delete all my work saved on my computer because it’s garbage
>burn my hard copies and throw them in the dumpster
>skip 3 weeks straight of class
>come back, people asking me if I’m okay
>turn in final project
>get an A on the story and the professor tells me it made her tear up
>people reading paragraphs out loud that they thought were really good
>get a C in the class because I skipped so much

>> No.12888219

post it

>> No.12888268

Post it

>> No.12888292

I lusted over my younger brother.

>> No.12888294

A Story (Or Is It?)

This is a story, or is it? He came here not for a visit, but to stay. Hey, that's him over there. Look at him waltz. He's sitting. What is he doing? Funny little man!

The End

>> No.12888307

I once thought Lennon was a phony

>> No.12888309

XD le whomst le xD!!!!
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind nigger!!!

>> No.12888318
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That time I came in my sister

>> No.12888320
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Prefer not to post the exact story but I’ll give you a summary

It’s about 4 boys that steal rifles from their dads to go shoot stuff out in the woods. They live in a semi-rural American small town. The oldest boy in the group is like 13 and talks the other ones into it who are younger, his parents are druggies and he is kind of the “bad influence,” them there are twin brothers and a younger more innocent boy. The twins can only get BB guns because they are afraid of getting caught, but the oldest and youngest bring real rifles. They mess around for a while and you get a feeling something bad is going to happen or someone might die accidentally, at least that’s the fear. The boys get in a fight over the guns since the two brothers are unsatisfied with their toy guns, they bully the younger into giving up his rifle, he gets angry and wanders off to pout/explore alone. When he is exploring the woods he finds a dead deer that got stuck between a rock face and a tree after slipping and falling. At first he thinks it is still alive. He can see its bloody hind legs have been scraping at the rock wall trying to get free, he thinks maybe it is just exhausted from struggling, he admires it’s beauty, it’s broad muscular shoulders and antlers, and laments the state it is in. When he comes around to see the front of the deer he discovers something has eaten a hole in its chest while it was stuck, like a bird of prey or some other animal, so it died a horrible death struggling and unable to defend itself. This freaks the kid out, he feels for the deer, he’s having his first realizations about dying, he’s angry about the arbitrariness of fate as he imagines the stumble that brought this animal to its end. His friends get bored and go to find him. They come across the scene, but they just think it’s cool and start poking the body with sticks and desecrating. The young boy starts to cry and yells at them to stop but they don’t listen, he tries to appeal on the deer’s behalf, but they laugh at him. He wonders why he is a boy and the deer is a deer, and if he can ever truly place himself in the position of another being that lived and breathed and is now dead. He imagines in detail the struggle in the last moments of the deer’s life. He begs them to let it alone but they don’t. They start swinging their rifle butts like baseball bats, you hear the crack of it’s bones being broken. It hangs lifelessly. The boy jumps in the way to try to defend it and gets popped in the face. He’s sitting with a bloody, maybe broken nose and his tears are mixing with the blood. He looks at the older boy and asks why he is a boy and not a deer, the older boy looks at him with understanding and says, “Because if you were, you wouldn’t be you.”

>> No.12888330

Really gay ending
You’re lucky you got a C

>> No.12888504

>First few days of college
>no classes just imitation
>mind is quickly unraveling
>constant loosing important shit like my key and card
>reoccurring obsessive thoughts
>your gonna fuck this up and not even graduate
>you could have gotten into a better one but you where to much of a lazy piece of shit
>your father fucking hates that your study something useless like English
>most prominent one
>your just gonna end up be an asocial asshole like you always are.
>middle of day
>just spent to hours hinding where I left my card to get to my building
>headed to cafeteria
>a group of 6 girl cut intfont of me
>start to yell and Imedately regret
>before I can finish my first sentence start prefusely apologizing
>their looks shift from offense to pity
>go back to dorm trying to burry my head in my hand
>eat lunch while having mental breakdown in privacy of my single
>spend rest of day laying on the side of the grassy hill literally doing nothing

>> No.12888537

So what's this boards opinion on Holden? Was he a Jesus like figure or did he want to fuck his sister?

>> No.12888540
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I want to fuck your mom

>> No.12888737

>high school gf dumps me before i leave for college
>get depressed
>depression leads to scorched-earth mode
>become fitness god through next year
>gained natty limit 18lbs muscle in that time
>run 5 miles per day
>find out ex gf is transferring to my college
>decide to own her epic style
>spend all of summer studying how to be sociable and manipulative like a faggot
>practice by going to bars and picking up women
>use one of our mutual friends to find out ex gfs schedule
>register to ensure we will have a class together
>night before the class we will have together
>dad calls me
>tells me how proud he is of his smart, strapping young son
>says world is my oyster
>dont go to class next day
>instead go to army recruiter office
>within a month ive signed an 18x Special Forces contract
>ship out in june

>> No.12888873
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>alienate myself from my only friends
>im pissed at them for never inviting me anywhere despite being "close friends" with them
>get /fit/ and in general start to leave those peasants behind
>still have to see them occasionally cause school
>snap on one guy and tell him how much of a little bitch he is
>apologize the next day cause i am a massive pussy
>become increasingly assholic to people
>former friends are beginning to catch on
>can never admit my reasoning because im a massive autist and coward
im transferring next year so I hope I can meet new people

>> No.12888913

I'd type the whole thing out but no one cares so the long short of it is I hit my economics professors in the face through his windshield with a brick and he knew it was me but didn't say anything.

>> No.12888940

God I wish that were me

>> No.12888945

you can't write shit like this and not explain you madman

>> No.12888977

ok well i have sever autism so i dont know exactly how far back to go and how many details to provide but i will give it the old college try

>in healthcare econ class
>its usually quite boring
>only thing is the dude next to me is a total burnout looking guy
>i have no friends and he always talks to me so we become buddies
>one day in class at a normal speaking volume he asks if i want a tab of lsd
>say ok
>toss the lil guy in there and swallow immediately
>he says he forgot how many "ug" it was (still dont know what a ug is)
>says it will kick in in like forty minutes
>class is 3 hours
>chillin, doodling, forgot i took it
>suddenly aware everyone is looking at me or sniggering
>ask lad next to me what is going on
>he says i say "retard" at a very high volume level out loud
>use context clues of the white board and powerpoint to realize i called the man retarded after he said his opinion on up-charging middle class individuals to pay for those who dont have health insurance was justifiable by basic morality
>'maybe you should just leave anon'
>leave without taking my notebook or backpack with laptop, keys, charger, and dip (general mint snus) in it
>at this point completely forgot i took lsd
>see a tree
>looks nice
>wonder over to it, sit down, fall asleep
>wake up and its dark
>check watch 7:15 pm
>look around
>realize i was asleep in the bed of another students 2018 toyota tacoma in the parking lot
>hop out of the truck, roll ankle on brick
>stand back up, filled with inexplicable rage (i never get angry)
>car across from me turns on headlights
>retard screech
>full strength hurl the brick at the car
>man gets out after a moment
>my econ professor, face bloodied and bruised
>he is like 2 ft from me, definitely knows it is me
>make like a librarian and book it out of there
>finish the semester without him making eye contact with me
>got a B- because my arguments claiming that urban sprawl will cause the mass kill-off of oxygen producing phyto-plankton in the next 50 years making all of our worries about healthcare not matter were moot in the context of the course
>just needed a D- or better to graduate anyway

>> No.12888985

>/lit/ is one person
My opinion is he's the stereotypical example of a child that went through trauma. Some kids learn the life lesson and move on to adulthood, some kids hold on to that jaded sentimentalism forever and Holden just doesn't. The "reason" it's taught in high school is supposed to be some lesson to "stop trying to control everything", but the teachers never give a shit and the teens would miss the point or never internalize it even if the teachers did care. It's only after about a decade and learning it on their own the lesson of Catcher should they ever read it again. Also is pretty much a fictitious autobiography of Salinger.

>> No.12888996
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I got angry at a Mistress during role play in a discord server

>> No.12889006

>pretend to be retarded arguing on 4channel
>people call me retarded
>get actually angry

>> No.12889148

I had a friend in college who fucking killed himself and the trauma induced a schizophrenic episode in a close friend. The emotional stress cause me to spiral into an oblivion of drinking and smoking. I still think about those guys every day.

>> No.12889237

Wow, seriously missed opportunity to have them shoot the dear to put it out of its pain. That would have been a pretty powerful scene.

>> No.12889259

fuck yeah. you got any more stories?

>> No.12889269

Every day.

>> No.12890248

Pretty much my whole life until I was like 17 maybe.

>> No.12890573

did you even read Catcher in the Rye faggot?

>> No.12890907

It happened a while ago and it just so happened that I was in new york too:
>Just got back to new york from deployment to go see my brothers wedding
>Get to the place and the man didn't show up
>Everyone freaks the fuck out and start to leave
>The bride's father tell everyone to use the cars to go to the reception anyways
>Somehow get stuck helping everyone into cars
>See a little person and get the urge to pick him up and put him in the window
>Eventualy get in the car
>Fat woman to my left
>Matron of honor and her husband behind me
>Short man to the right of them
>Matron of honor starts bitching about my brother
>Get scared and try to blend
>Get coughing fits during key points in the conversation and feel like my cover is blown
>She calls my brother a fag and I lose my spaghetti
>I yell back at her saying he is just a misunderstood poet
>During the debacle the little man is just sitting there doing nothing
>Get into a traffic jam
>There is a parade so we are stuck
>Everyone leaves the car and go to a soda shop
>I walk with the old short man because no one else will
>Eventualy get there a few minutes after the rest and get stared at for being slow
>The soda place is closed so I recommend going to my place (actually my sister's but she only lives there because my brother and I are out)
>Get there and clean up
>Everyone comes in while I try and fix the broken AC
>Everyone is bitching
>Lead the matron of honor to a phone so she can go talk to the people at the reception
>Find and read my brother's journal to see if I can piece together where he went
>Find nothing and take a shot of whiskey
>Start getting buzzed while I make my guests some drink
>The matron of honor comes in saying my brother is at the reception and everything is fine
>Everyone leaves, but they leave the old man
>Pass out
>wake up and find the old man gone

>> No.12890972

I never published it so perhaps I will rewrite! How could that work exactly?

>> No.12890984

this is a genuine literary work

>> No.12891040

Yeah, it's actually entertaining

>> No.12891055

Get ready to get fucked. Say hi to Chris for me, will ya?

>> No.12891139

this one time i was walking home and it was about a million degrees below zero out and i saw this cat on the sidewalk. it was yowling and shivering and its paw was bleeding and i just got so damn depressed and sad. this thing was some stray keeping away from people and i couldn't blame it for that since most people are usually mean and would probably kick it before getting it some food or a warm place to sleep. i saw this guy blowing snow off of the sidewalk in front of one of those big houses you see in nice neighborhoods. it made me sick to think there were people inside it drinking hot cocoa with marshmallows on top, sitting by a fire or watching tv without a care in the world while this cat was freezing to death ten feet outside their door. man, people are just too damn much sometimes. i ran over to the guy yelling and his snowblower was so damn loud he couldn't hear me till i was standing right next to him yelling at the top of my lungs. he looked up and saw me standing there and he turns off the snowblower and asked what was going on. i told him there was this cat across the road dying in the snow and if it wasn't too much damn trouble could he use his phone to call the animal control people. he came over to the cat with me and gave me his phone so i could call the police. i called them up and this girl answered. she sounded young and kind of nice and i knew it wasn't her damn fault that this cat was sitting there frozen to the ground while cars drove by and people shoveled their sidewalks and sipped hot cocoa and watched tv. she said she'd get somebody over right away and i said thank you and hung up. the guy took his phone back and went back across the road and went right back to blowing snow like nothing in the world was wrong. i bent down over the cat and tried to pick it up as gently as i could. it kept yowling and shifting around and i was afraid it had rabies or something and that i'd get bit and have to go to the damn hospital where they'd charge me an arm and a leg to take care of it when i was just trying to save some damn cats life. the cat finally calmed down and i held it closer to my coat. 'you've been running from people your whole damn life and now they're trying to save you,' i told it. i kinda felt like the cat and me had some things in common. a cop finally showed up in his great big car and came over to see what was going on. i showed him the cat and he said we better get it in the car. i started to move toward the door and i guess the cat knew what was coming because it suddenly bit my thumb right through the glove. i tried to lift my hand away and the cat was hanging there by its teeth like a fish on a line. the cop sort of lifted it off and managed to get it in the car. i took off my glove and saw blood on the tip of my thumb. i told the cop about it and he said they'd take the cat in and see if it had anything wrong with it. he asked for my phone number so they could call me.

>> No.12891221

That’s not even related to the point of the story though

>> No.12891233

mdc was a misunderstood hero

>> No.12891366

>put effort in to become best version of yourself
>could go and become a great businessman, leader or any other thing
>sign up to die to kill brown people for oil instead

>> No.12891371

ITT people who didn't understand the book and think it's about teenage angst

>> No.12891695


>> No.12891775

This is more like a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode.

>> No.12891781

My dad wanted to take my laptop away so I put it in my backpack and walked 3 hours to my brother's house

>> No.12891849
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I dont know if b8, but this is literally pic related.

>> No.12892025

Catcher in the Rye is dogshit.

>> No.12892253

That wasn't good at all

>> No.12892283

>He wonders why he is a boy and the deer is a deer,
make sure you change this. Its just so bad. Even a simple "why is he there and not me" would have been better.

>> No.12892295

One time I stubbed my toe and called the coffee table a phony

>> No.12892352

holy... I want more!

>> No.12892377

I finished CITR less than a month ago. What indicated that Holden was traumatized? He’s just a kid who thinks is trying to be a man

Sorry to hear that anon :(
I know everyone says this, but you should find a therapist you like and visit them on a regular basis. It will really help you

>> No.12892460
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>> No.12892488

I read it a year ago, so forgive me remembering inaccurately
>constant "I don't want help but I do" throughout the book
>constantly shit-talks the only people that talk to him at Pency
>"there's no way jane and stradlater did anything bc she's innocent exactly like when I last saw her years ago" cope
>"you don't even know she likes her kinged checkers in the back row like I do" autism
>gets socked and immediately goes into autism story in his own head
>"hurr I don't care that I got kicked out of school for the fourth time" he screams in the empty hallways as tears run down his face
>watched a guy get raped for not apologizing to this guy for calling him pompous then heard him jump out the window
>struggling to find answers about where Allie went the entirety of the book
>pays a prostitute to cry about his bullshit
>gets beat up for not paying more because he didn't even get laid
>jokes around with a fag in a gay bar
>the old teacher making passes at Holden wasn't weird at all to him
>existential desire to prevent other kids from growing up (so they may not suffer like he did)
>the entire book is a therapy session
Kinda hard to see why it isn't trauma from my eyes.

>> No.12892649

Lets be real, killing sand people is pretty /lit/

>> No.12892676

Pissed off in 12th grade. Had a fight with one of my friends during halftime at a football game and left. Took a couple of swigs of brandy that i had in my car and stared at the field from the hill i was parked on. drunk drove for a while and stopped in a graveyard to drink and smoke

Damn i was a piece of shit in HS

>> No.12892677

what is it

>> No.12892718

Huh, I really enjoyed that. You have a kind and gentle soul anon

>> No.12892727

You guys where the hell do turtles go in the winter? They can't fly or anything crazy like that like the birds can. Thinking about them freezing to death in the winter just depresses the hell out of me

>> No.12892859


>> No.12892900

>tfw no incestuous sister

>> No.12892927
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>> No.12892930

>tfw I actually fucked my older sister dozens of times when I was a kid and everbody thinks I'm larping when I bring it up in incest threads

>> No.12892935

Deets. Your age , her age, how you did it, and finally was she hot

>> No.12892947


>> No.12892985

I was 8, she was 10. We pretty exclusively did it missionary with her legs wrapped around me moving her hips and doing most of the work, though she tried to get me to eat her out once and I thought that was gross. I was able to get an erection and orgasm even though nothing came out. She already had a pretty full bush and perky budding tits (i'd guess a b cup at the time), overall I'd say she was hot though she's a fatty now.

>> No.12892989

Dont like the ending but the idea of the boy admiring the deer and coming to think about things is cool.

>> No.12892990

Wow that was disappointing.

Never again. Sage.

Also you’re going to hell

>> No.12893000

It may shock you, but children don't know much about having sex so obviously it wasn't going to sound that great. Still got to cum inside her multiple times while she just kept bucking her hips ignoring my moans.

Also don't care.

>> No.12893001

work in mental health
profession is the closest thing you can get
so many dreamers catching kids falling off the ledge from a wheat field

>> No.12893004

Where did you learn about that

>> No.12893029

Probably a mix of the hollyjew and instinct.

>> No.12893039

I agree desu but it was better than other people’s trash

>> No.12893048


>> No.12893055

could you share an example of one such encounter?

>> No.12893191

Here you go anon :)

>> No.12894531

>tinder date at the lake this week, we skip stones and shit
>tell her i can teach her but hardly get any jumps, sometimes three
>she sets a blanket down and we start making out, she guides my hand to her crotch
>when she gets wet I tell her I have to go to the casino with my friend
>lyft to the casino to meet a milf i met on the behavioral unit
>lyft driver says he new and he accidentally canceled the ride so i offer to paypal him
>he cuts the price in half cause he was stopped for 5 min figuring his shit out
>i'm always patient w ppl without expecting reward
>get to casino & meet milf
>get drunk on gin and cranberry and only play one hand of blackjack after taking out $200 from the atm (after having been blocked several times by my bank)
>milf was v patient w me, very encouraging
>I buy her asian food, tso's chicken, shrimp noodle, strawberry boba for both of us
>she puts her leg all over me saying she just needs a good fuck
>go to check into the hotel
>guy in front of us got the last room
>she drives me beer-drunk to the nearest motel
>we get in & I can't get stiff, just like her boyfriend (she's also getting a divorce)
>say I just wanna talk so we sit on the bed talking til we fall asleep
>gets a call from her girlfriend or boyfriend in the middle of the night (she's in a three-way relationship) saying they're worried about her behavior
>we fall back asleep
>she drives me home
>later that day tinder girl comes over and we plow while watching balabonov's brat 2

when I was freshman in high school I connected John Lennon's song-writing arc with the progression of the novel's story. it starts out jumpy, dancy then gets pensive/wistful. RIP king phony. long live little phony.

>> No.12894540

The wheat field doesn't represent mental health you retard, it represents the innocence of childhood. Holden wants children to stay innocent, but of course they can't. It's impossible to stop it, hence his dilemma. He himself is already corrupted from growing older, which is why he isn't playing in the field with the children, but standing on the outside -- why he's watching Phoebe on the carousel but not riding it himself. There is no "catching" anyone.

>> No.12894718

I liked it a bit but the very very ending i didn't like, too on the nose

>> No.12894720


>> No.12894722

I acted like a self-entitled piece of shit just this morning.

>> No.12894756

>“Because if you were, you wouldn’t be you.”

>> No.12894781

Ending was a let down, rest was interesting.

>> No.12894926

Agreed. Would've been better if it was a neo-deer from the future.

>> No.12895224

True I suppose, might enlist myself

>> No.12895425
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>Friend helps me to sneak into a bar at 19
>immediately thought myself holden and wanted to hit on dancing drones
>im freaking out ill get carded everytime i order a drink
>friend tells me to stop looking like a nervous faggot
>get a few more drinks in me and start to enjoy myself
>notice bartender is 10/10 qt that even the other girls at the bar are ogling at
>friend gives me something to say to her and i think its a good idea
>i try shouting to get her attention and people start looking at me
>face turns red and mind runs wild spaghetti falling endlessly out of pockets
>she notices other patrons staring at me and approaches my end of the bar
>'can i help you?'
>red sauce coats my trouser
>i choke a bit then say it
>'i-if you could be a sandwich, what kind would you be?'
>she shakes her head and makes drinks for someone else
>i search the floor for my wallet among the spewn pasta so i can pay and leave
>as i start to walk away she says hey, winks then says 'id be a blt'

>> No.12895530

>calls everyone else corny
>plotline is older boys are bad influence on younger boys then they go into a forest, see something dead then the older boys are mean and bad stuff happens

>> No.12895654

That time i downed 15 gallons of basedmilk

>> No.12895901

I was being hypocritical

>> No.12896117


>> No.12896944

The summer between jr & sr yrs in hs read Herodotus on a sliver of grass between two boxwood hedges that bound a traffic island on a very busy street near my parents' house. I had recently read Spenser (the entire FQ) and referred to this tiny patch of ground as my Bower of Bliss. Lonely times but a pretty decent memory. Don't know what I was on about.

>> No.12896953
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this time when i got raped by my english teacher