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12886529 No.12886529 [Reply] [Original]

Why would you do this to a book?

>> No.12886542
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Be thankfull. I just bought a 90€ used book where every other page is full of colourfull textmarkers. Seller said "good condistion, can have minor notes". Fucking pajeet.

>> No.12886543
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Good god why

>> No.12886546


I make lots of underlining and dog-ears in passages of great poetic beauty or that contain details of human actions and thoughts, or maybe excerpts that I might use as food for my own writing. The dog-ears and underlines help me find what I want faster when I return to the book.

I don’t treat books as sacred objects. I want to extract as much pleasure and writing-lessons and source-material from them as I possibly can. I read a lot of online books because they are free on websites like LibGen, but if I could afford I would always buy the physical books.

>> No.12886549

Why not? It's just cheap recycled paper with words laser printed on them.

>> No.12886552

high iq

>> No.12886558


margins are for writing
it's an alpha thing, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.12886569
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>Shitting up someone else's work with your own insipid, banal, ugly little additions and comments.
This is one of the reasons why we can't have nice things.

>> No.12886570

To post it on reddit and get likes.

>> No.12886621

heehee i dunno anon! *sucks your toes*

>> No.12886628

>not writing marginalia
what is wrong with you

>> No.12886660

Annotations are useless anyway. Just take notes in a notebook and copy important passages (yes, even the super long ones) by hand if you want to go back to them easily. You're more likely to memorize the passage that way and memorizing is one of the most based and redpilled ways to engage with a text.
The worst part is underlining and highlighting. Sure, comments in the margins are unsightly, but at least it's a form of notetaking. highlighting and underlining do NOTHING.

>> No.12886702

It's a tool to be used however the user wants. The only awful part is that people then try to sell it off after they use it up.

>> No.12886714

Its called active reading, you absolute psueds. If you aren't engaging mind, soul, *and body* (by physically marking a page) you're probably half assing it.

Philistines, all of you.

>> No.12886745

When done correctly annotation is a very helpful tool for when return to a book, even for a moment. It also engages the mind in a way--and I might be forgetting if I've always been able to do this--where I can remember where exactly on the page a particular paragraph or line was.

>> No.12886816

jesus christ
people should at least use a pencil
and there's probably much less that deserves to be underlined than how much the person is underlining
but I think it's kind of a learning process, when I started underlining things I also ended up underlining a lot of unnecessary stuff
I still get carried away from time to time... but I use a pencil

>> No.12886824

annotating helps. its just a book.
i usually sticky note the pages and write on those though, the side margins arent big enough to write much of value. ill continue it in my notebook with page reference if its a particularly potent passage

>> No.12886879

If it’s my own book then obviously it’s for personal reference. I would never do this to someone else’s book.

>> No.12886894
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>he underlined the date

>> No.12887069

>getting mad at what other people do with their property

>> No.12887081

Daily reminder that anyone who underlines a book with a pen and writes on it is a pseud and a self-liar.

>> No.12887086

>Getting mad at people experiencing feelings

>> No.12887322
File: 33 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marking in a Book
>pic related

The only time I ever did that was when I doodled as a dumb child. If I have to write notes I'll just stick some separate notes in or write it in a word doc.

>> No.12887336

>making notes and annotations to help yourself understand your own private property is bad
Fuck off you oversensitive faggot

>> No.12887509

Irreparably using up a book, marking it forever with your love and depleting its virgin freshness such that no man may ever enjoy it wholly again, carries just as much pleasure as doing so to a woman.

>> No.12887620

that's why you don't buy anything worse than 'very good' condition. 'good' condition is so subjective that you really can get absolute horse shit

>> No.12887768

Roland Barthes would never write in the text itself, he would use index cards to make notes for himself and tuck it into the back of the book

>> No.12887884

We actually went back to a printing press (sic!). Laser sticks bits of liquid material to a big plate (little points that make "pixels", check out how it looks under a microscope, ink isn't actually continuous, the pixels are close enough to fool the eye), then it goes same as engravings. This is why small runs are expensive, the laser made form costs a lot.

>> No.12888185

If you have to resort to raping books with your disgusting little monkey scribbles just to fully comprehend, your mental midget ass obviously shouldn't be wasting time trying to read in the first place tbqdesu.

>> No.12888991

Nah, I once go a "like new" book, where the hardcover spine has been broken. Subhumans will consider everything still readable as very good condition, while proper humans will write "acceptable" when there is a scratch in the bookjacket. The only problems I ever had were from sellers outside europe or those already unable to decribe their advertised book correctly.

>> No.12889014
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>> No.12889084


nice handwriting at least.

>> No.12889085

Every fucking book I want at one of the local shops in underlined and writter in
>collection of calvino stories
>gargantua and pantagruel
>one day in the life of ivan denisovich
>complete collection of hemingway
>homage to catalonia

>> No.12889205
File: 102 KB, 526x784, nabokov_on_kafka723818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.12889212

I enjoy reading a used book with sparse underlinings throughout. It's interesting to see what other people find interesting enough to highlight.

>> No.12889222

Autist. Also reading kafka in english. -_-

>> No.12889254

need more loomis

>> No.12889283

The superior way to ruin your books with notes is references and footnotes on the publisher page and/or the blank page(s) before and after it. That way the autism is up front and the next owner (or you in a few years) can tear it out or ignore it outright.

>> No.12889448
File: 129 KB, 317x517, nabokov-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were Nabokov notes for his course in Cornell University, he couldn't just ask his students to read the original version of the books he was dealing with.
You can see he changed some words of the translation so he probably has read it in German.
He did the same with Madame Bovary and La Recherche

>> No.12889740

>go to local library for a copy of aristotle's on the soul
>only this old, worn penguin edition
>chapter titles not underlined but stricken through
>chapter summaries underlined from start to end
>punctuation such as hyphens all crossed out for some retarded reason
>the actual text left untouched
top kek

>> No.12889761
File: 515 KB, 1776x1080, milton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every page is like this
pretty sure it was someone's text for a lit course

>> No.12889766

it's called reading with a pen
you half wit

>> No.12889862

You only care about your books when you're not used to read. After a while, you get the baker's confidence and handle them like he would dough