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1288407 No.1288407 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that sound awesome but are written like complete shit.

Brave New World, imo. Yeah that's right, come at me bros.

>> No.1288410

Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.1288415

Slaughterhouse five

>> No.1288424

johnny tremain was fucking horrible

>> No.1288427

Anything by Palahniuk.

>> No.1288431
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Postsingular--Rudy Rucker

>> No.1288433

I'm with you on that one OP

>> No.1288437
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The Razor's Edge

It's like listening to a very forgetful and distracted person tell a short story as slowly as possible.

>> No.1288448
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Yeah I was disappointed by a Brave New World.
it had such potential, but then suddenly, dystopia and nativity, dystopia and nativity everywhere

>> No.1288465

I'm reading Brave New World at the moment and I'm really having trouble getting into it. I have no clue what's going on - probably due to my lack of interest and the fact I'm basically skim reading it now - and am thinking of just leaving it.

>> No.1288480


Also The Road.

>> No.1288481
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That's actually one of my favorite books

>> No.1288495


OP here, I can't believe there are people who actually agree with me on this. I dunno, to me, there was just WAY too much time wasted describing and explaining shit.

I mean yeah, I don't want something where you're never quite certain wtf is going on and is borderline DIY, but jesus buttfucking christ, the guy is treating us like we're literally retarded.

>> No.1288501



Spoken like a man who did not read GR, sir.

>> No.1288502

Gravity's Rainbow is like a Captain Beefheart album. Nothing works, but eventually you start tapping your toes to the rhythms that aren't even there.

>> No.1288511

Brave New World is what it is for the correct assumptions Huxley made about our society... he thought all of this stuff, over population, birth control and SRI's (anti-depressents) would take hundreds and hundreds hundreds of years to formulate under said type of government, but it only took like one hundred.

He was a fucking prophet.

>> No.1288514


Hey, if you think that's amazing, wait until you read Verne's '20,000 Leagues' and realize that he foresaw nuclear submarines.

>> No.1288516
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On a tangentially related note, I'm working through Infinite Jest right now because all the furious DFW fapping that goes on here made me curious. When does it start being more good than navel-gazey instead of the other way around?

>> No.1288522

People fap over DFW here? I have never seen anything but hate for him.

>> No.1288548


Every time I've seen him mentioned, it's in a Favorite Author or variant thread. Then the vitriol pours in, equally zealous. Either way, it's boners all around ITT. The man is apparently extremely polarizing.

Back on topic, Olympos, Dan Simmons. What an irritating trainwreck of a sequel. Ilium struck the perfect balance between pulpy fun with classic lit and exploration of the human condition. The sequel shit all over that and made some truly bizarre choices in the name of polemics.

>> No.1288570

>over population
>implying we're have over-population problems

>> No.1288602
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Oh hey bro

>> No.1288618

What does this prove? Quality of life is better than it has ever been.

>> No.1288635


For some. Give it time and overpopulation will get worse and worse until we finally decide to seriously colonise mars.

>> No.1288662

Lol. Slaughterhouse Five doesn't even "sound" awesome, especially since there would be no way to succinctly describe the "plot" to someone. Is it an antiwar novel about Dresden? No, Slaughterhouse Five is what it is because of Vonnegut's craft.