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12883358 No.12883358 [Reply] [Original]

Is the imminent death of the Earth by irreversible climate conditions being seriously considered and talked about by anyone important at all? Aren't we all gonna die of heat in 30 years or something?
>captcha: Select all images with a fire hydrant

>> No.12883379

Seems like most of the damage will hit Africa first. I don’t think shit will really hit the fan until Florida and California start going under the water.

>> No.12883380

Is it really irreversible? It seems like a main critique of Trump and his gang is the environmental damage they'd do (are doing?), but if it's irreversible is there really any point?

>> No.12883381
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Some are making minuscule accommodations, but power elites are still distracted with all the shiny money.
*Important* people are discussing it, it's just that they're muffled by the media.
A minority holds us all hostage as this train heads for the cliff.

>> No.12883399

You can fight climate change by cutting aid to Africa, letting their population fall, and opposing mass migration from third world countries and increasing their carbon footprint. But the people who talk about climate change think that’s good.

>> No.12883401

If we miraculously fix it all this year, the quality of the world by 2099 will be pretty bad. We're passing all kinds of thresholds, points-of-no-return, and it's looking grim.
This has to be considered a big part of why some first world people aren't interested in breeding.

>> No.12883418
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You can help us fight global warming by necking yourself

China is building Africa up btw, Trog

>> No.12883446

The verification of the commercial feasibility of carbon dioxide removal has made me a lot more comfortable about the future. We will, inevitably, reduce carbon emissions by a great extent; that ball is already rolling. If we scale up CO2 removal technologies in correspondence with a decrease in emissions, we will eventually reach the point where we're taking more carbon out of the atmosphere than we're putting into it. Then it's just a matter of drawing atmospheric concentration down below 300 ppm.

tl;dr is that climate change isn't irreversible. We are probably going to get hit with some sea level rise, because as glaciers melt they won't be coming back. But we'll be able to stop or reverse things that are much worse than sea level rise, like ocean acidification or heat done in the tropics.

>> No.12883450

Feels like space should be more of a priority than eco-friendly policies then, yeah? I'm pretty uneducated on the topic but that seems like the more realistic fix.

>> No.12883453

*heat domes, rather

>> No.12883459

Please do not place some ecological ideal over the well being and human rights of poor people in the third world.

Please recognize that westerners and their consumptive lifestyles are the major cause of carbon emissions.

A lot of people are hysterical about climate change. It seems being alarmist is a great way to get an audience (see Paul Ehrlich and his book "the population bomb"). There is a kind of neo-apocalypticism in a lot of environmentalist circles.

>> No.12883463

If it's irreversible why does anyone have to give a fuck? God damn

>> No.12883491

foreign aid is not a human right

>> No.12883500
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A cure for nihilism? This is why the future has to be "feminine". An irrational lust for life must grip us or all is lost.

Encouraging. Do you have a video or article link (or book)?

I want us to go into space, but colonizing Mars isn't the answer.

>> No.12883501

And theyre likely the most likely solvers of the issue as well. Having an unnecessary population boom in these places isnt desireable in the slightest especially if they have to make way to the west anyway which arent exactly the largest places in the first place.

>> No.12883518

Why do people believe space is a more habitable environment than the Earth? Think for 2 seconds about the difficulties of living in space compared to some sort of "rather hot" Earth.

>> No.12883520

God stop being such a moron. Global pop increase rates already peaked. Nominal population is projected to reach its highest level ca. 2050 (9 to 11 billion) and then fall off thereafter.

We can easily sustain such a population if (American) people are willing to stop building hundreds of billions of dollars worth of nuclear weapons, air conditioning their homes to 58 degrees in July, and buying plastic bullshit on amazon.com.

>> No.12883530

I mean we can stop carbon production tomorrow, the earth will still eventually just get to hot naturally like it has in the past. Space colonisation is likely inevitable just not anytime soon

>> No.12883537

Look up Climeworks and Carbon Engineering; they're the two companies whose carbon removal technologies are the most advanced and have been proven to scale commercially.

Carbon Engineering just received a lot of money from some fossil fuel companies, who probably see their tech as a new lease on life for oil and coal. I'm not personally bothered by this. We're still going to shut the fossil fuel companies down in the long run; in the short term, I'm happy to see their money do some good for a change.

>> No.12883540

Well, I mean, regardless of how the Earth heats and cools, eventually the Sun will turn into a red giant and destroy the Earth, so yes, it's either leave the planet or die with it at some point.

>> No.12883542

you still have to worry about the oceans though. Overfishing, acidification, ocean heating, Coral Reef death, deep penetrative pollution (plastic fibers inside the bodies of animals living in the Mariana trench) etc etc. the massive catastrophe of the ocean systems failing is inevitable at this point, even if global warming were to halt today.

>> No.12883548

>their money
They're thieves.

>> No.12883549

Have you read Lure of the Void yet?

"Once gravity is perceived as the natural archetype of imprisonment, keeping you somewhere, whether
you want to be there or not, the terrestrial-economic motivations for off-planet expansion are revealed...

In the final
analysis, the value of anything whatsoever is degraded in direct proportion to the gravitational
influences brought to bear upon it, and descent from the heavens is a fall."


>> No.12883551

sky AND sea will swallow us

>> No.12883557

sounds very fanciful and high-minded, but philosophically I lean more towards the idea that people are animals who like to eat, fuck, and be generally comfortable
that said, I will give this a read

>> No.12883558


The Arctic will never be fully frozen again in our lifetimes, oceans are acidifying much more rapidly than projected, species are dying out... I've just been betting with the lads which horseman will win the apocalypsebowl for the last ten years or so. Strong arguments have been made for Famine, but I'm still rooting for Plague. It seems sensible to make peace with the next mass extinction event; I don't have the power or money to do anything to stop it.

>> No.12883563

We possibly can, but we should share the burden with much of the east. Hard to say if they'll play ball though IF it comes to that

>> No.12883580

Zero evidence of man made climate change exists. The measurements are falsified using knowingly scientifically inaccurate methods. Cow industry is the biggest producer of emissions

>> No.12883594

I honestly couldn't even care less if it's actually man made or not, Fossil fuels cause a retarded amount of pollution regardless. I'm not one of those green tech evangelicals though that thinks green is squeeky clean either.

>> No.12883613

I suggest every Eskimo buy beach front property – Alaska is going to be the next Florida! Christmas barbeques, colonizing the interior. What's the downside again???

>> No.12883640


>> No.12883747

The environmentalist propaganda machine is trying to halter progression, nothing else. The doomsday image they've created is beyond ridiculous

>> No.12883811

>New York will be underwater by 2000 if you don't use fluorescent bulbs!!!
>New York will be underwater by 2010 if you don't recycle!!!
>New York will be underwater by 2020 if you don't eat insect paste!!!
I'm not a "drill the national parks" boomer by any means but the alarmism with which climate change is presented has always left a bad taste in my mouth, especially since it's so based on speculation that rarely seems to add up. Then you're branded a "science denier" if you even want further information before joining the doomsday mob.

>> No.12884035

This focus on global-scale climate change always seemed a bit weird to me.
It all feeds into this kind of progressivist ideology, ie. the belief that we can cure our past problems simply by moving forward.
Where I live, elections are coming up, and suddenly everyone is super interested in climate, albeit only in the easiest "solutions", (meat-free mondays, carbon taxes, etc).

As this anon >>12883811 said, society has been worried about climate change for way longer than most people think. It goes back to the 70's at least.
The interesting part is how the subject seems to fall in and out of fashion, despite it's apparent apocalyptic size.
Likewise, which solution is fashionable, is also subject to change. As the hysteria has grown over the last couple of years, the focus has shifted from a personal responsibility, to a global, statist responsibility.
This of course fits nicely into the globalist, progressivist agenda, but is it useful? We have to realise that mankind have always been changing the environment around them, mostly for the worse. This does not make the modern-day climate catastrophe any less real, it just means, that it's the newest part of a long series of man-made climate catastrophes.
Europe, (and particularly my country, Denmark), might be the best example of a climate catastrophe. Very few old-growth forests remain, and the ones that do are still target for lumbering activities. In most countries, much of the larger fauna has become extinct. Denmark almost solely consists of fields and citys, the few forests all man-made.

Okay, so Europe is in a shit-state in terms of nature/climate.
But then why is our attention always diverted as far away as possible? When we think of climate change, we think of rainforests in far-away places, (at least if you're coming from an euro-centric perspective like me), and problems so big, that they're hard to grasp, let alone change.
The problem is in our ideology.
Our stance towards nature is conservative, and in the case of nature, conservatism will always be a losing position. A romanticisation of our past, has led us to believe that climate change is only a problem of the 20th and 21st century.
Our ideology must be revolutionary! If nature is lagging behind human development, we must bring nature up to speed!
What we need most of all, is to ask big philosophical questions about our relation to nature and the nature of nature itself. Our understanding of nature has been dumbed down, due to its usage as a ploy in petty political games.

>> No.12884046

It's a complete scam devised to rob consumers of even more agency and expand the markets by creating environmental industries/production/management.

>> No.12884224

yeah, I heard that by the early 2000s the shorelines will have disappeared
we really need to get on that

>> No.12884281


Reminder that "climate change" is a meme started by Numerological anxiety about the year 2000. The more predictions circled and converged around 2000, as it approached, the more popular and "scientific" it got, and the more 2000 wanes, the more it dissolves in fringe delirium.

>> No.12884732

Shut up liberal.
>When you get your science news from Waterworld

>> No.12884896

Don't reply to me man

>> No.12885094

>nuclear weapons
>hundreds of billions of dollars
>significant environmental impact
English majors shouldn't be allowed to talk about the real world.

>> No.12885223

Ill spend the apocalypse on my sailboat stacked with food, venturing through the oceans. Ill die 50+ years later of radioactive fish poisoning or ill get killed by somalian pirates

>> No.12885251

>Africa perish first
>massive improvement of the global economy
>things are somehow looking up despite having 10 years left to live on a deserted earth
>somehow earthlings manage to fix climate issues in the remaining time
>We are able to shift to the Best Timeline™ as Thule rises from the sea and the New Jerusalem descends upon Earth
>no more jannies

>> No.12885257

>the imminent death of the Earth by irreversible climate conditions
It's called Favela. It spreads with low IQ people, and IQ spreads with genes.

>> No.12885274
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>Ever-increasing, cancer-like growth in a world with limited resources is progression
Everyone in this thread seems to think we can keep living like this indefinitely

>> No.12885289

It will regulate itself when time comes nibba, it doesnt have to take a cataclysm either, it can be a progression through time.

>> No.12885298

>Is the imminent death of the Earth by irreversible climate conditions being seriously considered and talked about by anyone important at all?
No Because It's fake news

>> No.12885305

On what purpose? More taxes?

>> No.12885328
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>It will regulate itself when time comes
This point of view is as miraculous as the environmentalist view you criticize is apocalyptic. What makes you think it will "just werk"?
Every day there's more people, more economic growth and more resources consumed, while less resources are left in the earth. If by "regulate itself" you mean nature corrects and most of the human race and many other species will die during this century, then sure.
The planet itself will not be destroyed or any bullshit like that of course, at least as long as we don't use all our nuclear arsenal because lol fuck everything.

>> No.12885339

And that's only about the finite nature of resources, that's not to talk about all the problems of pollution like >>12883542 says.

>> No.12885341

>calls me a liberal
Highly ironic, considering the climate industrial complex is pretty much peak neolib.

>> No.12885343

They want to destroy hard-working oil executives and the honest banks that finance them.

>> No.12885361

Immigration should be taking the backseat in the west if we want to truly reduce our carbon output, currently the only way to function in the west requires carbon output which the immigrants will have to inevitably contribute to if they are to actually function there, especially if the projectiom is fucking billions of people coming here

>> No.12885363

>tfw you get to ride out the peak without any of the decline

>> No.12885368
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>We're still going to shut the fossil fuel companies down in the long run; in the short term, I'm happy to see their money do some good for a change.
>Actually believing " the markets will fix everything"

>> No.12885398
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Well the decline won't take long to come. It's not just the ecology, everything is getting more unstable.
Politically we're in the strangest timeline, socially there's tensions and insatisfaction all around, economically things are getting worse and advances in automation and AI will fuck everything up, etc.

At least we get memes tho

>> No.12885414

>Aren't we all gonna die of heat in 30 years or something?
No. The increase will be very slow, same as so far. We also have ~80 C of safety margin before whole Earth is too hot to be inhabitable.
Sucks for darkies (what else new), good for Ruskies because potentially then get a lot of usable land if it gets warm enough.

>> No.12885418

Most places only a very small amount of land can get submerged, and sea level change will go waaaay slower than climate change.

>> No.12885419

Yeah i meant that poverty has to have a limit based on resources available per individual to survive. And that limit is death, not enforced but as an invisible hand.
The thing is technological advancement pushing that limit further down rather than mantaining a healthy balance somewhere in the middle.
I agree completely with the pollution problem. In that case the correction can be severe and ocurr on the short term.

>> No.12885422

That's a very respectable bulge he's hiding under the skirt.

>> No.12885424

and where would we go and how the fuck would we do it

dumb cunt

>> No.12885435

Climate change is just the current meme apocalypse. Nothing will happen like the last 3000 years.

>> No.12885439

Can I read anything to get more comfortable with the fact that humanity is going to be dust soon?

>> No.12885440

Hell we probably could sustain it at current food production if distributed evenly and there's a lot of unused land and a lot of the used land is used ineffectively.

>> No.12885444
File: 20 KB, 500x467, 1552706472724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrdurr what is the industrial revolution

>> No.12885451

good triple

>> No.12885453

It won't thaw in our grandkid's lifetime either and if it did there'll still be plenty of land left.

>> No.12885459
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>> No.12885461

The masses are led, myself included. A cure comes from the top down. The powers that be aren’t so incompetent, if they do nothing it’s because they want nothing to be done. Sit, wait, and pray.

>> No.12885469

In cars yeah, in modern coal plants 99,99% of ashes and similar percentage of poisonous combustion byproducts gets filtered. They emit almost only CO2 and that is NOT dangerous to breathe (unless it's pure CO2, that's never gonna happen though).

>> No.12885479

Is this a joke post?

>> No.12885482

What’s the joke

>> No.12885489

>The powers that be aren’t so incompetent
>They will save me

>> No.12885513

If it's the Apocalypse fearmongers preach about it would be inconvenient for them too.

>> No.12885515

They aren’t and when did I say they would save me? Try rereading my post. It is kinda hilarious how STEM-lovers want to stop this by seemingly going door to door, just like you’d hope to fix your brain atom by atom.

>> No.12885523

I mean who the fuck else do I rely on? Im not a scientist or anything like that.

>> No.12885533

Inconsequential memes like food scarcity or temperature increase that will not destroy humanity, at most they will kill some niggers and other poor fucks, how is the rare metals, etc. situation looking?
Will we run out of anything essential for modern tech within next millennium?

>> No.12885557

You said that you rely on them to solve the problem. Even if western governments somehow used full force to stop pollution and enforce limits on consumption, that still wouldn't stop countries like China and India from fucking everything up.

You rely on yourself, not to fix the problem which has no solution, but to adapt to it so at least you and your family survive

Oil is the key thing here

>> No.12885565
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Fucking /pol/tards. First you deny the existence of it then you think it will impact only niggers. I start to agree with you that the undermensh should be exterminated but I can tell you unfortunately that the undermensh aren't the "juice".

>> No.12885612

We use plastics for a lot but are they essential? Couldn't we make do with other materials if we were forced to? Also even when oil gets too expensive to run IECs there should still be a lot of it, if it's essential in something you could still use it, just at a higher cost. Vast majority of oil nowadays is used by IECs, right? And that use can be easily substituted.
Not only is Africa already hot, a lot of people barely afford food. If prices increase enough there could be a famine. However, there're vast reaches of Asia that could be arable if it gets hot enough. We could see price hikes, but projected changes are slow enough agriculture will adapt, move to other places and at most we see price hikes, still even with 5 times more expensive food most people in developed countries will be able to afford enough to survive. This has nothing to do with my racism, just simple reality that people who already barely survive will find it harder to adjust to price hikes. Why do you have to use that shitty boogeyman non-argument pal? I thought you were better than this.

>> No.12885663

>Cotton Spandex Jersey Tank Thong
now that's a mouthfull

>> No.12885693

Because it isn't just "yo famine will kill da blakz and raise price n' shit". Ecology all over the world will be impacted with lots of species dying, large portions of places like Spain won't be liveable which will cause massive refugee crisis on which you won't be able to blame brownies, problems with lack of water which may create conflicts in many places around the world, etc. I don't know how can I take someone seriously if he has the brain capacity of a five year old. But yeah, just brownies will die and food prices will rise up. You really deserve the Nobel prize.

>> No.12885737

Plastic is a big part but oil is used for everything in our system

>> No.12885750

Ok but is there so little we won't be able to use it or will it just keep getting more expensive, we stop burning it, but there will be enough reserves for a long time, it just gets pricey to make electric insulation or plastic bags?

>> No.12885771

Temperature would have to increase by 10-20C to make Spain barely habitable with massive emigration. Rapefugees in EU or USA could be a problem though, you raise a good point. I keep forgetting some countries can't protect their borders.

>> No.12885807

I had some articles but I can't find them, sorry. If I remember correctly it takes 1 barrel of oil to get 2 out nowadays, and this number has been consistently declining. It's not that oil runs out but that it gets to a level where you lose money to get it out. Sure, you can develop new techniques that are more efficient and that has happened a lot, but there's also a limit to that.
The production has also been declining/stagnating for years now I believe. Now you've gotta keep in mind, like I said, that world population keeps growing, so demand does as well.

This is a good podcast on it if you're interested, hardly academic but it's informative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjwWyTYO87E

>> No.12885814

What allowed us to better the world.

>> No.12885841

This makes me more hopeful, if it's just energy hog we could use nuclear power. I just keep wondering if humanity will get destroyed by lack of resources in the foreseeable future. Wars and famines are one thing, civilization falling is scary as fuck.

>> No.12885859

The public needs to get over its fear of nuclear fast, shit is retarded efficent even with just fission

>> No.12885864

Good luck advocating to China with your will-o'-the-wisp whimsical ideas
The chance of reversal was long gone You're fighting for a lost cause

>> No.12885883

>civilization falling is scary as fuck.
It's more hopeful than wars and famines in a way, and the fall is long overdue at this point anyway. Society is ridiculously complex now.

>> No.12885894
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This Epistemological nightmare of shuffling random dates back and forth might help people see the Truth.

>> No.12885913

How so?

>> No.12885934

>he fell for the peak oil meme
Let's ignore the Markov bullshit engine of your y-metric-less graph for a moment. It's bad to assume that the resources we currently have access to are the sum of all resources we will ever have access to, or are even resources we will continue to use in the future.

>> No.12885945

>He fell for the going to space and mining asteroids meme

>> No.12885962

Or go deeper or go to different places we don't know yet or just keep shitposting on 4chins as if you knew anything. The choice is yours, friendo.

>> No.12885979

This thread was moved to >>>/b/796710263