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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 156 KB, 1242x1394, gigachad(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12882703 No.12882703 [Reply] [Original]

>Harry Potter is my favorite book series, how did you know?

>> No.12882718

I noticed your tiny forehead

>> No.12882726
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Tiny forehead? You must be looking in the mirror champ.

>> No.12882728

>my fandom will salt and burn your fandom
Can we go ahead and gas all of these corporate tools who sell their souls to the marketing and branding of good literature?

>> No.12882739

Everyone picks on gigachad ;_;

>> No.12882747

that is an optical illusion. since you are so tiny in comparison with gigachad, the top of his head appears further away. if you were to see it in truescale, you'd see that gigachad is bigbrain beyond a scale of your understanding.

>> No.12882803

let's be honest, Dramione fans need to be gassed

>> No.12882807
File: 352 KB, 640x480, 1554296402753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks up dramione

holy who actually makes this shit

>> No.12882871

teenage girls who want their self insert to date the bad boy, mostly. there's also quite a bit of rape and arranged marriage involved with the ship
t. used to be obsessed with HPfic, now only casually interested and want out

>> No.12883092

I was down that rabbit hole in middle school my friend. I Once read my way through a Harry serverus fic, Almost committed Seppuku.

>> No.12883166

not the worst ship I've seen (that award goes for, god have mercy, Harry x Dumbledore), but still terrible. you have my condolences

>> No.12883194


pathetic, I was getting handjobs, smoking dope and reading plato in middle school

>> No.12883262

>while you were out partying, I studied the blade

>> No.12883301
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I was out partying, while you were reading harry potter

>> No.12883403

Any attempt at romance for Dumbledore charter is fucking awful and always comes off creepy, Every author writes him like a witty child i fucking swear.
LMAO I also went through IM SO WOKE reading philosophy in middle school phase as well congrats, And bitches were on me like mostquitos in panama then so your point is invalid.

>> No.12883417

>then I started reading real books like harry potter!


>> No.12883428

I now this is a bit of a long shot, but does anyone have any porn where its a chad guy paired with a "beta" or "inadequate" girl? Or a weeb girl

>> No.12883434

Porn books.

>> No.12883457

50 Shades of Gray, for starters

>> No.12883502

bruh I read harry potter when I was like 9 wtf

>> No.12883531

how about you fuck off to /r/

>> No.12884358

name some books

>> No.12886097

That's a yikes from me, dawg

>> No.12886275

fuck off femanon

>> No.12886670

No, the worst fic I've ever seen is a Hagrid x Dobby one my friend sent me. People actually write this shit

>> No.12886883
